If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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Skyler, you need to calm the fuck down.

Laughing...I'm fine. Its you who needs to come up with a better reason to be a birther.

As you citing an April Fools joke as factually elegantly demonstrates my point.
Calling me a birther isn't going to change my mind about Obama. He has no love for the United States, and that is because he spent his childhood learning the Koran in Indonesia.

You being wildly irrational on the topic negates any relevance with your opinion and a factual perspective. As you have nothing to base your claims on.

Laughing........citing an April Fools joke as your primary source. Thank you for demonstrating the difference between a birther and a legal discussion about the term 'natural born citizen'.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

On a military base which is the equivalent of US soil. But thanks for providing that source because it outlines the dilemma and concern:

Natural Born Citizen Clause

Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.

The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase "natural born Citizen", and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional scholars, together with relevant case law, is that natural-born citizens include, subject to exceptions, those born in the United States. For those born elsewhere, there is an emerging consensus that they are also natural born citizens provided they meet the legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at the moment of birth", but the matter remains unsettled.
The very premise of this thread is false.

The thread is thus quite worthless.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

Who says that Cruz was naturalized? Per our law, he was a citizen at birth. With the exception of Puerto Ricans, there is no 'naturalized at birth'. There's only citizen at birth and naturalized (citizen after birth).

U.S. citizenship may be acquired either at birth or through naturalization subsequent to birth. U.S. laws governing the acquisition of citizenship at birth embody two legal principles:

(1) Jus soli (the law of the soil) - a rule of common law under which the place of a person’s birth determines citizenship. In addition to common law, this principle is embodied in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the various U.S. citizenship and nationality statutes.

(2) Jus sanguinis (the law of the bloodline) - a concept of Roman or civil law under which a person’s citizenship is determined by the citizenship of one or both parents. This rule, frequently called “citizenship by descent” or “derivative citizenship”, is not embodied in the U.S. Constitution, but such citizenship is granted through statute. As U.S. laws have changed, the requirements for conferring and retaining derivative citizenship have also changed.


Its interesting to note that per the State Department, citizenship by blood is NOT embodied in the Constitution, but instead granted through Statute.

Kinda taking the wind out of the originalists argument on natural born citizenship. As you'd have to acknowledge that citizenship by blood was added AFTER the constitution was ratified

Cruz was indeed foreign born. But he's not a naturalized citizen. He was a citizen at birth.
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On a military base which is the equivalent of US soil. But thanks for providing that source because it outlines the dilemma and concern:

Natural Born Citizen Clause

Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.

The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase "natural born Citizen", and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional scholars, together with relevant case law, is that natural-born citizens include, subject to exceptions, those born in the United States. For those born elsewhere, there is an emerging consensus that they are also natural born citizens provided they meet the legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at the moment of birth", but the matter remains unsettled.

A military base is not the equivalent of US soil. An embassy is. A military base is foreign soil. If a child is born to say, Norweigan parents on a US military base....the kid isn't American. She's Norwegian. The only way to acquire US citizenship on a US military base is to have US citizen parents capable of passing that citizenship onto you.

I was born on a military base overseas to two active duty US citizen parents. I've been over the law on this many times. My citizenship is by blood. Not by soil.
That Canadian guy who's father was friends with Fidel Castro?

^ dim wit dopey motherfucker ALMOST formulated a sentence in that post.
Says the dupe that would vote for Cruz.

^ Another ALMOST sentence. WheelieStupid, you are a fucking mess.

And yes. I certainly WOULD vote for Cruz. YOU, by contrast, are such a brainless dildo, YOU would vote for Shrillary Rotten Clinton OR that senile Socialist schmuck.

Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

Who says that Cruz was naturalized? Per our law, he was a citizen at birth. With the exception of Puerto Ricans, there is no 'naturalized at birth'. There's only citizen at birth and naturalized (citizen after birth).

Cruz was indeed foreign born. But he's not a naturalized citizen.

correct. Mr. Cruz was a U.S. citizen AT birth. NOT naturalized. A Natural BORN U.S. citizen.

There is no genuine question about it.

On a military base which is the equivalent of US soil. But thanks for providing that source because it outlines the dilemma and concern:

Natural Born Citizen Clause

Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.

The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase "natural born Citizen", and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional scholars, together with relevant case law, is that natural-born citizens include, subject to exceptions, those born in the United States. For those born elsewhere, there is an emerging consensus that they are also natural born citizens provided they meet the legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at the moment of birth", but the matter remains unsettled.

A military base is not the equivalent of US soil. An embassy is. A military base is foreign soil. If a child is born to say, Norweigan parents on a US military base....the kid isn't American. She's Norwegian. The only way to acquire US citizenship on a US military base is to have US citizen parents capable of passing that citizenship onto you.

I was born on a military base overseas to two active duty US citizen parents. I've been over the law on this many times. My citizenship is by blood. Not by soil.

Conversely, a person born in the United States where neither of his parents are US citizens is likewise a natural born citizen, and eligible to be president.

On a military base which is the equivalent of US soil. But thanks for providing that source because it outlines the dilemma and concern:

Natural Born Citizen Clause

Status as a natural-born citizen of the United States is one of the eligibility requirements established in the United States Constitution for election to the office of President or Vice President. This requirement was intended to protect the nation from foreign influence.

The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase "natural born Citizen", and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional scholars, together with relevant case law, is that natural-born citizens include, subject to exceptions, those born in the United States. For those born elsewhere, there is an emerging consensus that they are also natural born citizens provided they meet the legal requirements for U.S. citizenship "at the moment of birth", but the matter remains unsettled.

A military base is not the equivalent of US soil. An embassy is. A military base is foreign soil. If a child is born to say, Norweigan parents on a US military base....the kid isn't American. She's Norwegian. The only way to acquire US citizenship on a US military base is to have US citizen parents capable of passing that citizenship onto you.

I was born on a military base overseas to two active duty US citizen parents. I've been over the law on this many times. My citizenship is by blood. Not by soil.

Conversely, a person born in the United States where neither of his parents are US citizens is likewise a natural born citizen, and eligible to be president.

Here's something *really* interesting that I just found on the State department website:

U.S. citizenship may be acquired either at birth or through naturalization subsequent to birth. U.S. laws governing the acquisition of citizenship at birth embody two legal principles:

(1) Jus soli (the law of the soil) - a rule of common law under which the place of a person’s birth determines citizenship. In addition to common law, this principle is embodied in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the various U.S. citizenship and nationality statutes.

(2) Jus sanguinis (the law of the bloodline) - a concept of Roman or civil law under which a person’s citizenship is determined by the citizenship of one or both parents. This rule, frequently called “citizenship by descent” or “derivative citizenship”, is not embodied in the U.S. Constitution, but such citizenship is granted through statute. As U.S. laws have changed, the requirements for conferring and retaining derivative citizenship have also changed.


Its interesting to note that per the State Department, citizenship by blood is NOT embodied in the Constitution, but instead granted through Statute.

Kinda taking the wind out of the originalists argument on natural born citizenship. As you'd have to acknowledge that citizenship by blood was added AFTER the constitution was ratified
Oh, and here's the State Department popping the 'US military base is US soil' soap bubble:

Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities abroad are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not born in the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth.


Which pretty much ends that portion of the discussion. It turns out I was wrong on US embassies being US soil in relation to this conversation.

They aren't either.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

Who says that Cruz was naturalized? Per our law, he was a citizen at birth. With the exception of Puerto Ricans, there is no 'naturalized at birth'. There's only citizen at birth and naturalized (citizen after birth).

Cruz was indeed foreign born. But he's not a naturalized citizen.

correct. Mr. Cruz was a U.S. citizen AT birth. NOT naturalized. A Natural BORN U.S. citizen.

There is no genuine question about it.
Actually there is, because he was born to an American but outside of American jurisdiction. Is that Natural Born, yes or no? The SC has yet to rule.

An American President natural born, in Canada? Houston, we have a problem...
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

Who says that Cruz was naturalized? Per our law, he was a citizen at birth. With the exception of Puerto Ricans, there is no 'naturalized at birth'. There's only citizen at birth and naturalized (citizen after birth).

Cruz was indeed foreign born. But he's not a naturalized citizen.

correct. Mr. Cruz was a U.S. citizen AT birth. NOT naturalized. A Natural BORN U.S. citizen.

There is no genuine question about it.
Actually there is, because he was born to an American but outside of American jurisdiction. Is that Natural Born, yes or no? The SC has yet to rule.

An American President natural born, in Canada? Houston, we have a problem...

The State Department definitely picked a side, insisting that citizens by blood were citizens by congressional statute, not by the terms embodied in the Constitution.

Madison as well made it ludicrously clear that allegiance (the beating heart of natural born status by both Wong Kim Ark and John Jay), followed place of birth.

And the Naturalization Act of 1790 made it equally clear that citizenship for those born outside the US to US parents......is something that congress had to extend through statute.

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