If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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Once again, Ted's MOM was a U.S. citizen so -- as a direct consequence -- so was Ted AT birth: Natural born citizen. PaintYourBrain, the lead based paint is wrecking you.
That has never been ruled on. He's a citizen but is he a natural born citizen? Since the SC has never ruled, no one knows.

Poor pathetic hideously ignorant stupid you.

I don't require some group of nine men (and women) in dresses to tell me.

I already know that when ASKED to pass judgment (in the numerous "birther" cases brought against President Obumbler), the Courts were quite consistent and uniform in tossing out those cases on various grounds including lack of standing.

There isn't going to be any court decision THIS time, either. And none is needed.

Cruz was born of an American mother. Game. Set. Match. You lose. And you remain a fucking ignorant and dopey twat, to boot.
In a country that wasn't even sure on John McCain, Rafael Canada Cruz is still a roll of the dice...

The country was sure of McCain. Only dopes like you express doubts.
It was a question even then, and it was far easier to solve. That was American soil, Canada is not.

Its a little muddy.

The Panama Canal Zone was an unorganized territory of the US at the time of McCain's birth. As Longborough v. Blake makes clear, the US is made up of its States and territories. So McCain would be born on US soil by that interpretation. But its not a dead lock, as US law never formally recognized the Panama Canal Zone as a US territory.

Its gets muddier in that Congress didn't recognize birth in the Panama Canal Zone alone as being sufficient to confer US citizenship. You had to be born there AND have parents who were also US citizens in order to be a citizen at birth.

There's no question that McCain was a US citizen at birth. But whether or not he was born inside the US is thoroughly debatable.
That has never been ruled on. He's a citizen but is he a natural born citizen? Since the SC has never ruled, no one knows.

Poor pathetic hideously ignorant stupid you.

I don't require some group of nine men (and women) in dresses to tell me.

I already know that when ASKED to pass judgment (in the numerous "birther" cases brought against President Obumbler), the Courts were quite consistent and uniform in tossing out those cases on various grounds including lack of standing.

There isn't going to be any court decision THIS time, either. And none is needed.

Cruz was born of an American mother. Game. Set. Match. You lose. And you remain a fucking ignorant and dopey twat, to boot.
In a country that wasn't even sure on John McCain, Rafael Canada Cruz is still a roll of the dice...

The country was sure of McCain. Only dopes like you express doubts.
It was a question even then, and it was far easier to solve. That was American soil, Canada is not.

Its a little muddy.

The Panama Canal Zone was an unorganized territory of the US at the time of McCain's birth. As Longborough v. Blake makes clear, the US is made up of its States and territories. So McCain would be born on US soil by that interpretation. But its not a dead lock, as US law never formally recognized the Panama Canal Zone as a US territory.

Its gets muddier in that Congress didn't recognize birth in the Panama Canal Zone alone as being sufficient to confer US citizenship. You had to be born there AND have parents who were also US citizens in order to be a citizen at birth.

There's no question that McCain was a US citizen at birth. But whether or not he was born inside the US is thoroughly debatable.
Fine, hence the problem, Teddy was born on Canadian soil.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

Where did I say that?

Why would the Supreme Court waste its time on something that is as plain as the nose allegedly on your face?
I'm guessing over the last 50 years and more tens of thousands of babies have been born to US citizens abroad.
So none of these babies are US citizens???????????????????
You Cruz haters need to come up with a better bullshit claim. You all make yourselves look like the uninformed assholes you are.
This might be Silhouette longest thread that didn't have anything to do with homos. :lol:
This might be Silhouette longest thread that didn't have anything to do with homos. :lol:
The thread isn't over yet.

I've seen the mental gymnastics before and I would to see the attempted dismount. lol

Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president?

No. But a foreign born, natural born citizen, like Cruz, can.
I'm guessing over the last 50 years and more tens of thousands of babies have been born to US citizens abroad.
So none of these babies are US citizens???????????????????
You Cruz haters need to come up with a better bullshit claim. You all make yourselves look like the uninformed assholes you are.

No, they became naturalized citizens of course. The problem is, naturalized citizens cannot be president...only natural BORN citizens dropped on US soil/territories or outposts. Canada is not "US soil". It is not one of our territories and it is not one of our outposts. Ted Cruz was born with a Canadian birth certificate. He can be governor. He can be senator. He just can't be president. BTW, I wanted to vote for Cruz. Read the OP. Not a Cruz hater here...just a realist..

The law on this has to be strict and fast. The reason is because once you grant leeway to one foreign born lad, they all get the leeway. Next thing you know you have a US serviceman knocking up an Iranian woman on shore leave and little Abdullah Akbar can become president too. It isn't limited to little boys (or girls) born to US moms in Canada. The founding fathers considered the position of president and the power of that Seat so vital and important, that any possible hint of non-allegiance to this nation from the earliest of formative years is too risky for potential subversion.

It's the checks and balances thing. With Congress, a foreign born member later naturalized would have hundreds of eyes and votes upon him, checking any non-allegiance. In the Supreme Court, there are 8 other Justices doing the same. But there's only one POTUS with one Pen. And that's why he has to be uber-patriotic from the very first stamp of his life.
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I'm guessing over the last 50 years and more tens of thousands of babies have been born to US citizens abroad.
So none of these babies are US citizens???????????????????
You Cruz haters need to come up with a better bullshit claim. You all make yourselves look like the uninformed assholes you are.

No, they became naturalized citizens of course. The problem is, naturalized citizens cannot be president...only natural BORN citizens dropped on US soil/territories or outposts. Canada is not "US soil". It is not one of our territories and it is not one of our outposts. Ted Cruz was born with a Canadian birth certificate. He can be governor. He can be senator. He just can't be president. BTW, I wanted to vote for Cruz. Read the OP. Not a Cruz hater here...just a realist..

The first seven Presidents were not born on US soil/territories or outposts. You don't know what you're talking about but that has never stopped you from making a fool yourself. In fact, it is modus operandi around here.
I'm guessing over the last 50 years and more tens of thousands of babies have been born to US citizens abroad.
So none of these babies are US citizens???????????????????
You Cruz haters need to come up with a better bullshit claim. You all make yourselves look like the uninformed assholes you are.

No, they became naturalized citizens of course. The problem is, naturalized citizens cannot be president...only natural BORN citizens dropped on US soil/territories or outposts. Canada is not "US soil". It is not one of our territories and it is not one of our outposts. Ted Cruz was born with a Canadian birth certificate. He can be governor. He can be senator. He just can't be president. BTW, I wanted to vote for Cruz. Read the OP. Not a Cruz hater here...just a realist..
Cruz was born to a US citizen. He is a US citizen. Period.
He never needed to become a 'naturalized citizen'.
This is getting fucking boring.
Think what you want in spite of what the constitution says.
A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be the genetic or the gestational parent and the legal parent of the child under local law at the time and place of the child’s birth to transmit U.S. citizenship.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

I can see you failed your civics class in high school. Please, please, please read the Constitution! All of that is covered!

A foreign born naturalized citizen can be US president? Pretty sure the Constitution doesn't specifically say that. And that's why Cruz' own Harvard law professor and many others like him agree with me. Best way to handle this is for the Supreme Court to rule on it and get it over with once and for all.

Where did I say that?

Why would the Supreme Court waste its time on something that is as plain as the nose allegedly on your face?

They should, it's the Supreme Court's job. Clarify who can and can't be president according to the Constitution. If Cruz can, then so be it.
I'm guessing over the last 50 years and more tens of thousands of babies have been born to US citizens abroad.
So none of these babies are US citizens???????????????????
You Cruz haters need to come up with a better bullshit claim. You all make yourselves look like the uninformed assholes you are.

No, they became naturalized citizens of course. The problem is, naturalized citizens cannot be president...only natural BORN citizens dropped on US soil/territories or outposts. Canada is not "US soil". It is not one of our territories and it is not one of our outposts. Ted Cruz was born with a Canadian birth certificate. He can be governor. He can be senator. He just can't be president. BTW, I wanted to vote for Cruz. Read the OP. Not a Cruz hater here...just a realist..

The first seven Presidents were not born on US soil/territories or outposts. You don't know what you're talking about but that has never stopped you from making a fool yourself. In fact, it is modus operandi around here.

They made the law long enough after the Union was formed. It goes without saying, idiot, that the first few presidents could not have possibly been born on US soil or territories. Otherwise you'd have to pick from children age 0-10 for president in the early years.
I'm guessing over the last 50 years and more tens of thousands of babies have been born to US citizens abroad.
So none of these babies are US citizens???????????????????
You Cruz haters need to come up with a better bullshit claim. You all make yourselves look like the uninformed assholes you are.

No, they became naturalized citizens of course. The problem is, naturalized citizens cannot be president...only natural BORN citizens dropped on US soil/territories or outposts. Canada is not "US soil". It is not one of our territories and it is not one of our outposts. Ted Cruz was born with a Canadian birth certificate. He can be governor. He can be senator. He just can't be president. BTW, I wanted to vote for Cruz. Read the OP. Not a Cruz hater here...just a realist..

The first seven Presidents were not born on US soil/territories or outposts. You don't know what you're talking about but that has never stopped you from making a fool yourself. In fact, it is modus operandi around here.

They made the law long enough after the Union was formed. It goes without saying, idiot, that the first few presidents could not have possibly been born on US soil or territories. Otherwise you'd have to pick from children age 0-10 for president in the early years.

It has been explained to you on numerous occasions why Cruz is eligible to be President but you've ignored those facts, just like everything else that doesn't fit your narrative.

Oh, for the record, being called an idiot by one of the biggest dunces on this forum doesn't exactly have the sting you hoped it would. :thup:
I believe the Hawaii birth certificate to be a forgery, and I've looked at it carefully at it. Hawaii is an all Democrat state, so it would only take a phone call to get the county to produce a forged birth certificate.r

Why would the Republican Governor of Hawaii and the Republican Director of Health produce a 'forged birth certificate'?

How the hell can you even pretend to claim you have 'looked at it carefully' when you don't realize that when Barack Obama was running for President in 2008, Hawaii had a Republican governor and a Republican in charge of the birth records?

Why on earth do you believe that the Republican Chair for the "McCain for President" campaign would go along with a 'forged birth certificate for the junior Senator from Illinois?

Yes- you are a Birther.
I believe the Hawaii birth certificate to be a forgery, and I've looked at it carefully at it. Hawaii is an all Democrat state, so it would only take a phone call to get the county to produce a forged birth certificate.

Obama’s Lawyers Officially Admit Birth Certificate is Fake | GOVERNMENT SLAVES

I believe that the reason Obama has sealed his academic records is that he got a scholarship based on his status as a foreigner from Indonesia.

Obama College Records Released-Financial Aid As A Foreigner. | Obama

Of course you do.

That is what Birthers do- recycle idiotic Birther claims that you accept without any evidence.
Skyler, you need to calm the fuck down.

Laughing...I'm fine. Its you who needs to come up with a better reason to be a birther.

As you citing an April Fools joke as factually elegantly demonstrates my point.
Calling me a birther isn't going to change my mind about Obama. He has no love for the United States, and that is because he spent his childhood learning the Koran in Indonesia.

President Obama spent 4 years in Indonesia- the other 14 years of his childhood in the United States.

Apparently you believe that the influence of the United States on a child is worth less than a third that of the influence of Indonesia.

During his time in Indonesia he went to two schools- a Catholic school- and an Indonesian public school that also taught Islam

Apparently you believe that Catholicism is far less influential than Islam.

Oh, and here's the State Department popping the 'US military base is US soil' soap bubble:

Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities abroad are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not born in the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth.


Which pretty much ends that portion of the discussion. It turns out I was wrong on US embassies being US soil in relation to this conversation.

They aren't either.

Interesting- I knew military bases weren't- but I thought embassies would be.
I believe the Hawaii birth certificate to be a forgery, and I've looked at it carefully at it. Hawaii is an all Democrat state, so it would only take a phone call to get the county to produce a forged birth certificate.

Obama’s Lawyers Officially Admit Birth Certificate is Fake | GOVERNMENT SLAVES

I believe that the reason Obama has sealed his academic records is that he got a scholarship based on his status as a foreigner from Indonesia.

Obama College Records Released-Financial Aid As A Foreigner. | Obama

Of course you do.

That is what Birthers do- recycle idiotic Birther claims that you accept without any evidence.

I'm still giggling about Blackrook presenting an anonymous April Fools email as a factual account.

You can't teach that.

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