If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.
I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

Sorry Jillian, that is not correct. McCain wasn't a citizen because a foreign military base was American Territory under jus soli ("right of soil"), he was a citizen under jus sanguinis ("right of blood") since his parents were US Citizens. He could have been born anywhere outside the US and still would have been a citizen at birth.

I was in the military for 20-years and was stationed overseas. Lets say my wife and I are stationed at Naval Station Yokosuka Japan. We have a child there - on base. The child is a citizen at birth because we were citizens. A Japanese national works on the base, she gives birth on the base - that child is not a US Citizen. If as you claim foreign military bases were US Soil (for Constitutional purposes) then under the 14th Amendment the child of the Japanese national would be an American Citizen under jus soli - but it's not.

"Despite widespread popular belief, U.S. military installations abroad and U.S. diplomatic or consular facilities abroad are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a facility is not born in the United States and does not acquire U.S. citizenship by reason of birth."

it is well established law that kids born outside of the USA

of American citizens they in fact are American citizens as well
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

George Romney was born in Mexico and he was still eligible to run for President.
it is well established law that kids born outside of the USA

of American citizens they in fact are American citizens as well

That's exactly right. Its been established by law. Not by the Constitution. As the State department itself notes when discussing citizenship by blood:

Jus sanguinis (the law of the bloodline) - a concept of Roman or civil law under which a person’s citizenship is determined by the citizenship of one or both parents. This rule, frequently called “citizenship by descent” or “derivative citizenship”, is not embodied in the U.S. Constitution, but such citizenship is granted through statute. As U.S. laws have changed, the requirements for conferring and retaining derivative citizenship have also changed.


So the question is.....is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'? As by definition, such citizenship was NOT part of the original constitution. And thus couldn't be part of the originally recognized definition of 'natural born citizen' written in the constitution.

Well, without a delorean or a blue police box.

If you're using an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, then you have to use the terms of the Constitution as they were understood by the founders.

IF you're using a 'living document' interpretation of the constitution, then you can use ideas that came after. Which includes citizenship for those born outside the US.

Cruz is an originalist.
Last edited:
1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

George Romney was born in Mexico and he was still eligible to run for President.

Actually, that was thoroughly debated at the time. Just as Cruz's eligibility is today.
it is well established law that kids born outside of the USA

of American citizens they in fact are American citizens as well

That's exactly right. Its been established by law. Not by the Constitution. As the State department itself notes when discussing citizenship by blood:

Jus sanguinis (the law of the bloodline) - a concept of Roman or civil law under which a person’s citizenship is determined by the citizenship of one or both parents. This rule, frequently called “citizenship by descent” or “derivative citizenship”, is not embodied in the U.S. Constitution, but such citizenship is granted through statute. As U.S. laws have changed, the requirements for conferring and retaining derivative citizenship have also changed.


So the question is.....is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'? As by definition, such citizenship was NOT part of the original constitution. And thus couldn't be part of the originally recognized definition of 'natural born citizen' written in the constitution.

Well, without a delorean or a blue police box.

If you're using an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, then you have to use the terms of the Constitution as they were understood by the founders.

IF you're using a 'living document' interpretation of the constitution, then you can use ideas that came after. Which includes citizenship for those born outside the US.

Cruz is an originalist.
You dont even know what the constitution is and you try to preach it to us?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

George Romney was born in Mexico and he was still eligible to run for President.

Actually, that was thoroughly debated at the time. Just as Cruz's eligibility is today.

After thoroughly debating it they determined he was indeed eligible. Just as Cruz is today.

Seems the left can't defend the their candidates so they must try and destroy the opposition.
After thoroughly debating it they determined he was indeed eligible. Just as Cruz is today.

Seems the left can't defend the their candidates so they must try and destroy the opposition.

I'm in the middle. Cruz has a Canadian birth certificate. The Constitution is clear. He can't be president.
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

What are the top 5 things you would like about a Cruz Presidency?
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"

They didn't want one who was naturalized.
it is well established law that kids born outside of the USA

of American citizens they in fact are American citizens as well

That's exactly right. Its been established by law. Not by the Constitution. As the State department itself notes when discussing citizenship by blood:

Jus sanguinis (the law of the bloodline) - a concept of Roman or civil law under which a person’s citizenship is determined by the citizenship of one or both parents. This rule, frequently called “citizenship by descent” or “derivative citizenship”, is not embodied in the U.S. Constitution, but such citizenship is granted through statute. As U.S. laws have changed, the requirements for conferring and retaining derivative citizenship have also changed.


So the question is.....is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'? As by definition, such citizenship was NOT part of the original constitution. And thus couldn't be part of the originally recognized definition of 'natural born citizen' written in the constitution.

Well, without a delorean or a blue police box.

If you're using an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, then you have to use the terms of the Constitution as they were understood by the founders.

IF you're using a 'living document' interpretation of the constitution, then you can use ideas that came after. Which includes citizenship for those born outside the US.

Cruz is an originalist.
You dont even know what the constitution is and you try to preach it to us?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Why don't you start with where we disagree. Because so far......you have yet to point out any argument you're replying to that's wrong.

Which is telling.
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?
The GOP vetted Cruz with a fine toothed comb trying to find anything to disqualify him from running for President. They couldn't find anything AND the WANTED TO!
Go climb on another fucking dead horse asshole!
Still wearing your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T- shirt in public? Thought not. Fucking stupid Bonobo loser!
After thoroughly debating it they determined he was indeed eligible. Just as Cruz is today.

Seems the left can't defend the their candidates so they must try and destroy the opposition.

I'm in the middle. Cruz has a Canadian birth certificate. The Constitution is clear. He can't be president.

The constitution doesn't define natural born citizenship. So you clearly can't use the constitution to define it.

And so far you've merely quoted yourself. And your assurances of how the Supreme Court is 'gunna' rule on the matter. Alas, your assurances are worthless coin, as your record on predicting legal outcomes is one of a perfection of failure.

But this time its different, huh?
The GOP vetted Cruz with a fine toothed comb trying to find anything to disqualify him from running for President. They couldn't find anything AND the WANTED TO!
Go climb on another fucking dead horse asshole!
Still wearing your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T- shirt in public? Thought not. Fucking stupid Bonobo loser!

Cruz announced his own candidacy. The GOP didn't do it for him. They may vet their nominee. But not every stooge that wants to be president.

If the GOP vetted *every* of the legion of candidates for the GOP nomination, they could do little else.
1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"

They didn't want one who was naturalized.


again this has never really been before the court.
Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

George Romney was born in Mexico and he was still eligible to run for President.

Actually, that was thoroughly debated at the time. Just as Cruz's eligibility is today.

After thoroughly debating it they determined he was indeed eligible. Just as Cruz is today.

Seems the left can't defend the their candidates so they must try and destroy the opposition.

"debate" is irrelevant.

what the court says is.
1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

Is a person born within the borders of the U.S. an natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. because one or both of the parents are in the military (i.e. Germany, Japan, Korea) a natural born citizen?
Is a person born outside the borders of the U.S. but one or both parents are U.S. citizens and working overseas a natural born citizen?

You didn't answer the question, what is a "natural born citizen"?

1, there is no "if". he was born in Canada and held dual citizenship until he gave up his Canadian citizenship to run for president.

2. it is likely he is not a "natural born citizen" but the court has never really ruled on the issue.

So what exactly is a natural born citizen in your opinion?

Whatever the court says it is. But I'm pretty sure you can gauge what I think from my post.

Why do you think the phrase "natural born citizen" was intentionally used instead of citizen"?

I fully answered the question.

You failed to answer mine.-- which is why use the term "natural citizen" if they only cared about the president bring a citizen"? I know what I believe. But the court will address the issue.

As for being born out of the country on a military base- a military base is American territory. That is why John McCain was eligible for the presidency despite being born in Panama.

That issue is an old one.

George Romney was born in Mexico and he was still eligible to run for President.

I don't believe that was ever litigated.
The GOP vetted Cruz with a fine toothed comb trying to find anything to disqualify him from running for President. They couldn't find anything AND the WANTED TO!
Go climb on another fucking dead horse asshole!
Still wearing your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T- shirt in public? Thought not. Fucking stupid Bonobo loser!
And his Canadian birth certificate? Someone found THAT. Game changer. Big time.

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