If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

If the Founding Fathers wanted only a person raised on our soil to be President- they would have said so.

Think of the legal requirements- minimum age- 35 years old- residency requirements 14 years in the United States- the Constitution provides that a person who was raised for 2/3 of his or her life(or even more) is eligible to be President.

Cruz was born an American- and raised almost entirely in the United States- more than satisfying any Constitutional eligibility requirement.

The voters of course- can decide that a person born in Canada won't get their vote- that is of course the ultimate limitation- even if you are qualified- that doesn't mean you are likely to get elected.
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

A child born to US Citizens abroad does not have to become a US Citizen, they are already a US Citizen.


Quick quiz:

Which son of one of the 'Founding Fathers' spent much of his youth in foreign countries- and went on to become President?
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen,

But he didn't, "migrate to the US and become a US citizen", he was a citizen at birth.
I agree. Citizen at birth doesn't mean qualified to be president, just like a naturalized citizen can't be president. Like I said Ted Cruz is not that person, but where do you draw the line? If an exception is made in his case then we are exposing the presidency.
A child born to US Citizens abroad does not have to become a US Citizen, they are already a US Citizen.

But not if they have a Canadian birth certificate. Like Ted Cruz had..

Still has.

Still as irrelevant as before.

Cruz's mother is a citizen- he was born a citizen- he is eligible.

I always thought it was born on the land or "US soil" aka military base or embassy.

I get that- but I don't know that either technically qualify as 'in the United States"

But all children born to American parents outside the United States are born U.S. citizens- just not because of the 14th Amendment.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen,

But he didn't, "migrate to the US and become a US citizen", he was a citizen at birth.
I agree. Citizen at birth doesn't mean qualified to be president, just like a naturalized citizen can't be president. Like I said Ted Cruz is not that person, but where do you draw the line? If an exception is made in his case then we are exposing the presidency.

Being a citizen at birth doesn't make anyone qualified- just eligible to be elected.

Where do you draw the line?

Simple- follow the Constitution.
  • Be a natural born citizen
  • Be 35 years of age or older
  • Be a resident of the United States for 14 years or more.
Whether little Teddie was born in Detroit and then spent the next four years of his life in Canada, before coming back to the United States for the rest of his childhood, or he was born in Windsor Canada, and then came to the United States when he was 4 years old- his cultural experiences would be the same.

It would be up to the voters to decide whether he should be elected.
I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

I believe the problem is that he has a Canadian birth certificate. He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both. He does not possess even a conflicting document that says "born on US soil also". The only legal document Cruz has is a Canadian birth certificate. Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born. And the distinction was made with regards to POTUS. About that there is no doubt.

Nope. He was a citizen the moment he was born. With the Exception of Puerto Ricans (and don't ask me why....COngress wants it that way), there is no such thing as 'Naturalized at Birth'.

There's merely citizen at birth. And citizen after birth.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen,

But he didn't, "migrate to the US and become a US citizen", he was a citizen at birth.
I agree. Citizen at birth doesn't mean qualified to be president, just like a naturalized citizen can't be president. Like I said Ted Cruz is not that person, but where do you draw the line? If an exception is made in his case then we are exposing the presidency.

Citizen at birth doesn't mean qualified to be president

Hillary was a citizen at birth, she isn't qualified. Biden, Sanders....ditto.

If an exception is made in his case then we are exposing the presidency.

As he was a citizen since birth, there would be no exception needed if he became President.
All the Founding Fathers were born in the British Empire, so I guess they weren't qualified to be natural citizens either.

Grandfather clause.

Try again.

Or maybe you could drop this stupid argument because people are going to vote for Cruz if they want, and he is a better candidate than Trump.

Says the guy that didn't even know about the Grandfather clause in the Constitution. And ignores Hawaii on its own birth certificates.

Try again, birther.
So I'm a birther if I question Obama's birth but you are not a birther when you question Ted Cruz' birth. Makes sense to you, I guess, but not to me.

You're a birther because you ignored legal birth certificates and the State of Hawaii on its own documents. That's batshit crazy. And spectacularly stupid.

Cruz's eligibility is a legal issue. No one is making up any conspiracy regarding his documents, like your idiot ilk did. They're contesting the meaning of 'natural born'.
A child born to US Citizens abroad does not have to become a US Citizen, they are already a US Citizen.

But not if they have a Canadian birth certificate. Like Ted Cruz had..

Still has.

Still as irrelevant as before.

Cruz's mother is a citizen- he was born a citizen- he is eligible.

I always thought it was born on the land or "US soil" aka military base or embassy.

Or born anywhere, if one or both parents are citizens. Plus a couple of other things, depending on date of birth.
Cruz's eligibility is a legal issue. No one is making up any conspiracy regarding his documents, like your idiot ilk did.

I don't know...

......... I've been asking to see his long form DNA test...

................Why hasn't he released one!!!!

I believe the Hawaii birth certificate to be a forgery, and I've looked at it carefully at it. Hawaii is an all Democrat state, so it would only take a phone call to get the county to produce a forged birth certificate.

Obama’s Lawyers Officially Admit Birth Certificate is Fake | GOVERNMENT SLAVES

I believe that the reason Obama has sealed his academic records is that he got a scholarship based on his status as a foreigner from Indonesia.

Obama College Records Released-Financial Aid As A Foreigner. | Obama

Obama's social security number is not his own, because it has a number issued in Connecticut, and Obama never lived in Connecticut.

Articles: A Possible Explanation for Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number


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I believe the Hawaii birth certificate to be a forgery, and I've looked at it carefully at it. Hawaii is an all Democrat state, so it would only take a phone call to get the county to produce a forged birth certificate.

And your conspiracy is an elaborate piece of baseless batshit. Pure, molten stupidity. As it epicly fails both our standards of law, any semblance of reason, and is cut to ribbons by Occam's Razor.

But then, you're a birther. So of course you'd back stupidity. Its what birthers do.

Save that Obama's Lawyers didn't say any of that. You're using batshit to support batshit. And its turtles all the way down.

Back in reality, the Registrar of Hawaii affirmed that the record you're calling 'fraudulent' matches the original records. So a 100% accurate 'forgery'?

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, you're a birther. So its what I'd expect.

I believe that the reason Obama has sealed his academic records is that he got a scholarship based on his status as a foreigner from Indonesia.

And there's nothing supporting that claim. Nothing at all. Watch, I'll demonstrate to you how fucking stupid you have to be to buy the hapless nonsense you just swallowed:

AP – WASHINGTON D.C. In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has Released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College … Released today, the transcript school indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate.

Obama College Records Released-Financial Aid As A Foreigner. | Obama

Sounds incriminating, huh? Except for one small thing. You're citing an April Fools joke.

AP- WASHINGTON D.C. - In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obamas qualifications for the presidency, the group Americans for Freedom of Information has released copies of President Obamas college transcripts from Occidental College. Released today, the transcript indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school.

April 1st, 2009

The Occidental Tourist

There's no such AP article. There is no Americans for Freedom of Information. There was no release of Obama's college transcripts. You quoted an anonymous email sent as an April Fools Joke as factual.

Despite the fact that absolutely nothing backs it.

Why? Because birthers are brain dead morons who don't fact check any of their batshit claims. And deserve every last ounce of ridicule they've rightfully earned.

Whereas Trump is merely positing a legal argument. There's no conspiracy. There's no citation of anonymous emails. There's no 'fraudulent birth certificates', fake quotes from lawyers, non existent AP articles.....or any of the other hapless batshit a birther like yourself would base his argument on.
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Skyler, you need to calm the fuck down.

Laughing...I'm fine. Its you who needs to come up with a better reason to be a birther.

As you citing an April Fools joke as factually elegantly demonstrates my point.
Skyler, you need to calm the fuck down.

Laughing...I'm fine. Its you who needs to come up with a better reason to be a birther.

As you citing an April Fools joke as factually elegantly demonstrates my point.
Calling me a birther isn't going to change my mind about Obama. He has no love for the United States, and that is because he spent his childhood learning the Koran in Indonesia.

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