If The ACA Is So Great.....Why Did Congress Exempt Themselves From It?

ACA wasnt great. Pretty sure thats obvious.
How many people their insurance? How many COULDNT keep their doctor?

If the doctor changed networks, and the patient didn't. Also doctors move, retire, and die.
And why do you think doctors retire early, move to places where obamadontcare isn't so widely used, or change to networks with more choices than obamadontcare? Doctors get tired of putting up with government carp just like their patients do.

Doctors usually work in the same area, the same area has networks and some just don't like the ACA,
those I run from. Any Dr who doesn't like the ACA is a detriment to society in my opinion.

Same with Dr. who wont take assignment in Medicare.
many doctors dont like the amount of paperwork that has to be filled out......and many doctors think medicare is a pain in the ass to work with...
ACA wasnt great. Pretty sure thats obvious.
How many people their insurance? How many COULDNT keep their doctor?

If the doctor changed networks, and the patient didn't. Also doctors move, retire, and die.
For some crazy reason alot of that has been going on.
Doctors have been dropping patients to stay out of the exchange.
Something to do with repressive government regulations.
ACA wasnt great. Pretty sure thats obvious.
How many people their insurance? How many COULDNT keep their doctor?

If the doctor changed networks, and the patient didn't. Also doctors move, retire, and die.
And why do you think doctors retire early, move to places where obamadontcare isn't so widely used, or change to networks with more choices than obamadontcare? Doctors get tired of putting up with government carp just like their patients do.

Doctors usually work in the same area, the same area has networks and some just don't like the ACA,
those I run from. Any Dr who doesn't like the ACA is a detriment to society in my opinion.

Same with Dr. who wont take assignment in Medicare.
Many doctors have principles and wish to have as little interference from outside as possible. They do not like the government or HMO's or insurance companies dictating what they can and cannot do for their patients or what they have to do. They want the freedom to exercise their best judgement on what to do for their patients. You putting politics ahead of your relationship with your doctor tells me a lot. And why should a doctor take Medicare if he doesn't get reimbursed enough to keep a small enough patient load so he can spend the kind of time he really needs on each one? Is it really in everyone's best interest to force a doctor to see 40 patients a day just to keep enough of a revenue stream to maintain his office and pay all his employees? I have some direct observational knowledge on this, so be forewarned.

You're not thinking this through and are thinking of doctors as faceless cogs in the bureaucratic nightmare that would be the medical system if your wish was reality. They're are not, they are people who care tremendously for their patients and want to do what's best for them. Want to make a doctor happy? Make a deal with him that you will pay him $200/family member/year in cash to get one office visit each and diagnostic tests. Then raise your insurance deductable and pay lower premiums. He'll be happy because he doesn't have to mess with insurance companies (or the government through Medicare or Medicaid or obamadontcare) and you'll be happy because you don't have to pay as much for insurance. You won't lose your doctor because seeing him won't depend on what insurance company you're with. Ever think of doing that, or are you so completely bound up in political concerns that you'll cut off your nose to spite your face?
ACA wasnt great. Pretty sure thats obvious.
How many people their insurance? How many COULDNT keep their doctor?

If the doctor changed networks, and the patient didn't. Also doctors move, retire, and die.
And why do you think doctors retire early, move to places where obamadontcare isn't so widely used, or change to networks with more choices than obamadontcare? Doctors get tired of putting up with government carp just like their patients do.

Doctors usually work in the same area, the same area has networks and some just don't like the ACA,
those I run from. Any Dr who doesn't like the ACA is a detriment to society in my opinion.

Same with Dr. who wont take assignment in Medicare.
many doctors dont like the amount of paperwork that has to be filled out......and many doctors think medicare is a pain in the ass to work with...
Pay him in cash and you'll probably get a lower price than normal and can lower your insurance costs. Doctors also don't like outsiders dictating what they can and cannot do for their patients.
Clearly the ACA is a shitty program or our Congress wouldn't have exempted themselves from it.

Their excuse was that it was too much of a hardship on their staff.

The ACA is sooooo great, Republicans hated it and were left out of the process, and now democrats want to change it again and the ink on the legislation is not even dry.

Lying to us about keeping our doctor, insurance plan, and rates going down were just icing on the cake.

All Trump has to do is say, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and shame on me. Do you really want to give these same exact people the opportunity to change it again?"

But more than likely he will just spend his time yelling at Biden during the debates instead.

They lied or insurance companies fucked you?

Easy they make too much money.

Also even if they delete the ACA they would still get preexisting condition coverage.
Well that is a completely stupid answer.
There are no income limits to ACA. You can make $10,000,000 and sign up right now.
ACA wasnt great. Pretty sure thats obvious.
How many people their insurance? How many COULDNT keep their doctor?

If the doctor changed networks, and the patient didn't. Also doctors move, retire, and die.
And why do you think doctors retire early, move to places where obamadontcare isn't so widely used, or change to networks with more choices than obamadontcare? Doctors get tired of putting up with government carp just like their patients do.

Doctors usually work in the same area, the same area has networks and some just don't like the ACA,
those I run from. Any Dr who doesn't like the ACA is a detriment to society in my opinion.

Same with Dr. who wont take assignment in Medicare.
many doctors dont like the amount of paperwork that has to be filled out......and many doctors think medicare is a pain in the ass to work with...
Pay him in cash and you'll probably get a lower price than normal and can lower your insurance costs. Doctors also don't like outsiders dictating what they can and cannot do for their patients.
i dont have any problems....i dont even have co-pays....
Do Members of Congress Get Free Health Care?

Fiction: No. Obamacare requires members to purchase health insurance through the newly established health exchanges. The amendment to require member participation in the exchanges was offered by a Republican, Senator Charles Grassley. Members of Congress pay part of the premium each month, which varies based on which plan is chosen.

Do Members of Congress Get Free Health Care? | Congresswoman Virginia Foxx

facts, lenny ... learn them. love them.
Clearly the ACA is a shitty program or our Congress wouldn't have exempted themselves from it.

Their excuse was that it was too much of a hardship on their staff.

The ACA is sooooo great, Republicans hated it and were left out of the process, and now democrats want to change it again and the ink on the legislation is not even dry.

Lying to us about keeping our doctor, insurance plan, and rates going down were just icing on the cake.

All Trump has to do is say, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and shame on me. Do you really want to give these same exact people the opportunity to change it again?"

But more than likely he will just spend his time yelling at Biden during the debates instead.

They lied or insurance companies fucked you?

If Obama and company were a CEO selling you this policy they would all be in jail.

But voters can't get enough it seems.

Are Americans just that stupid?

There is no obama policy and doctor's get kicked out networks or do not renew their contracts contracts everyday with insurance companies. It was crafter that if insurance companies wanted to keep the currents plans at that time they could, therefore called Grandfathered plans. To this day there is at least one company that still has grandfathered plans they renew annual and for the most part same provider's as 10 years ago. This was an option that was included in the law so you can only blame the provider's and insurance companies.

" Grandfathered plans "

When a plan is "Grandfathered" what happens to it?

Well since you asked the rates go up but the rates went up before ACA and you know that and some of those grandfathered actually lifted their lifetime max from 1, 2, 5 million cap to unlimited. But they will eventually fade out as people change plans or die. But to get to the poster votto, insurance companies did not have to drop them.

They became closed plans which by nesessicity would be requird to raise their rates every year because the plans would fade away on their own. Rates rose because of what occurs (claim wise) in that plan. You could not add members. You cannot deend the ACA using grandfathered plans if you're being honest. EVERYONE knew those plans would sunset as the c;oseing of the plan was a built in poison pill. You're being a bit dishonest here in an attempt to defend the ACA and by extension Obambi.

Well guess what and this doesn't apply to every company or state, but the ones who stayed on a certain company that makes over 400% of FPL and does not qualify for tax credit are still paying much cheaper rates than if they switch to obamacare. I'm not defending ACA I'm making points of posters that know nothing of what they say. Oh and the rate increases on those plans, again for one company have not out paced obamacare off exchange policies.

Not defending I'd much rather go back to underwriting days but even if trump came up with something he has said he'd cover pre x and most poster's on here think that is great but the fact of the matter is rates will not go down if pre x are mandated.

I take it you're a lot younger than myself and do you know what would happen to part D and MAPD's when and if it might be thrown out? The general public that bitches about drugs prices would be in for a surprise.

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