If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Bullshit! Babbitt, along with many other people were behind a heavy security door (the door with the
one broken window).
She "advanced" on no one because she could not advance.

You obviously "remember" only what you want to remember. That's what makes some people liars.

She didn't advance only because she was put down like the rabid dog she was.
Michael Byrd and Nancy Pelosi's other cops had no access to taser guns or tear gas?
WTF! The Capitol Police had no means of modern crowd control that is ubiquitous
during these sorts of uprisings. What is going on?

The only option was a single hand gun shot from close range to the neck that killed Babbitt?

That's what bothers me. That the Capitol Police did such a shitty third rate job of crowd control.

And looking back now it's apparent that left wing forces of evil that controlled the deliberately undermanned Capitol building, despite intelligence that warned Pelosi and gang that security needed to be heavily beefed up, declined to bring in more police and declined to arm them with tear gas and other means of effective crowd control.

Finally, good poster Arthur, you've backed away from the corpse of that unfortunate woman. Good on you.

So now your beef is with the mismanagment of a raging mob of thousands.
OK. Good to know.

But, while you are critiquing police tactics and, importantly, their lack of preparation for what you say they knew was coming....well, mon ami, let us mosey back down to Pennsylvania Ave. Back to the Ellipse.

Back to the Ellipse that Don Trump urged his 70 million Twitter followers to assemble at becaue "it will be wild".
Which, he had the right to do. And they had the right to assemble there.
After all, they had gotten approval for such an assemblage at the Ellipse.
Official permits for assembling. At the Ellipse.
So, everbody knew that the speeches were there at the Ellipse, and the crowd would be there.
Don Trump knew it. His enablers knew it. Hell, the police knew it....the DC police, the Capitol police, the National Guard. They all knew the crowd was gonna be big and it was gonna be at the Ellipse.

But then............

But then, Don Trump who knew the crowd was big, who knew that he and his enablers on the stage had riled up that assemblage.... had incited and agitated that 'em, well then....without a permit or authorization from the city or the feds or without giving any responsible party a heads-up.....he directed the crowd to join him and they would march down Pennsylavania Avenue to the Capitol.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

Nobody applied for a permit for a march.
Nobody knew that the President of America would claim he would lead the crowd to the Capitol.
The DC police didn't know he would do that.
The Capitol police didn't know he would do that.
The National Guard didn't know it.
Hell, per testimony, his own event planners didn't know he would direct the mob to join him on a march to the Capitol....and they were the ones responsible for applying for the legal permits for a march.
None of the police departments had staffed up ---in people or vehicles or barricades ----for an actual march.
They were set for a big crowd at the Ellipse.
Per the permit application.
Per the permit that was actually issued.

But then here they come. Charging hard. To the Capitol. Right directly at the undermanned police. A lot of people. A huge number of people. (though missing one prominent and well known one....the guy who charged them to go, Don Trump).

And we all saw in real time what happened......when an angry, agitated, incited crowd ("trial by combat") is directed to go to the Capitol and express.....well, express whatever it is they were feeling after the speeches at the Ellipse.

So now, here we are.
And who's to blame?
The buck has gotta stop at somone's desk. No?
How 'bout the top dog in charge?
How 'bout the top dog in charge who actually violated the issued permit and urged an angry agitated crowd to march to face an unprepared undermanned force of unarmed Capitol guards. Unarmed guards who had no idea that the President of the United States of America would irresponsibly unleash an angry crowd right directly at them.

Yeah, let's make that friggin' buck stop at Don Trump's desk.

Where it belongs.
Video shows Capitol Police holding doors open for protedtors to enter the Capitol....and shows Capitol Police leading them through the Capitol....

They weren't 'advancing' - they were following their 'tour guide' ...

If Ashli Babbit would have been a black female member of BLM & the guy who killed her would have been a white cop liberal-run cities all over the US would have been set ablaze in protest for a white cop shooting and killing a petite, defenseless, unarmed, black female vet....
A few cowardly police opened the doors. 140 police officers were hurt. People like easy65 only see the cowards. Cowards like he is. He ignore the brave because they scare the crap out him.
A few cowardly police opened the doors. 140 police officers were hurt. People like easy65 only see the cowards. Cowards like he is. He ignore the brave because they scare the crap out him.
Cowards? No - 'Criminals'.

Any Policeman who were shown on video moving barricades and signs before Trump's speech was over informing people that area was off limits was setting up people moving towards the Capitol to break the law before they knew they were doing it.
- Funny, Comey said Hillary should not be prosecuted for breaking numerous laws because she was too stupid to know what she was doing....but protestors set up to break the law without knowing they were doing it were sent to DC Gitmo.

The policemen hiding the Capitol doors open, 'inviting' protestors to come in, were setting people up.

Recently a police woman was found huilty of Manslaughter because she accidently shot and killed a man when she thought she had a tazer in her hand instead of a gun. The man who shot and murdered Babbitt had a gun and waited to ambush unarmed protestors before killing a petite, unarmed female vet who was never a real tgreat.
Cowards? No - 'Criminals'.

Any Policeman who were shown on video moving barricades and signs before Trump's speech was over informing people that area was off limits was setting up people moving towards the Capitol to break the law before they knew they were doing it.
- Funny, Comey said Hillary should not be prosecuted for breaking numerous laws because she was too stupid to know what she was doing....but protestors set up to break the law without knowing they were doing it were sent to DC Gitmo.

The policemen hiding the Capitol doors open, 'inviting' protestors to come in, were setting people up.

Recently a police woman was found huilty of Manslaughter because she accidently shot and killed a man when she thought she had a tazer in her hand instead of a gun. The man who shot and murdered Babbitt had a gun and waited to ambush unarmed protestors before killing a petite, unarmed female vet who was never a real tgreat.
Yeah, these people were practically escorted in by police...

Yeah, these people were practically escorted in by police...

Yupper. Escorted in. Hundreds of 'em.
(I saw a brief report in either the Times, the WSJ or WaPo that the police believe abou 1,200'sh people entered the Capitol illegally.) So far a little less than 800 have been arrested. Caveat: that number includes those who didn't enter but were satisfied to beat or try to beat the crap out of the police. The 'criminal assault' perps, who, by the way, comprise the bulk of those still sitting behind bars awaiting a trial or sentencing. Smacking a uniformed federal officer is seldom a prudent move, some say.

My hope is that of those uncaught folks who illegally entered are now fretting every strange car that drives by, every phone call, every stranger in the grocery who looks at them.......with the dread of:
"Oh, sh*t!! Sh*t! Sh*t!......they've finally caught up with me! This ain't gonna be pretty! Those g*dammed internet sleuths have found pictures of me. Oh, sh*t!! Oh, sh*t!!

By the way, for the good readers here who want to turn in a neighbor, or brother-in-law who went to the attack on January 6th, well, here's a portal for you to do just that.

Fuck her. She was leading a mob in an attack on our government.

If you support that stupid bitch...fuck you
LefTard Logic:
”Life long criminal degenerate George Floyd = Amazing human being worth fighting for”
”14 year Veteran Ashli Babbitt = Stupid bitch”

Ladies and gentlemen….this is the filthy Left
By the way, for the good readers here who want to turn in a neighbor, or brother-in-law who went to the attack on January 6th, well, here's a portal for you to do just that.

WTF…you nutless pussies have gone from “insurrection” to “sedition” to “attack”.
Make up your totally fucked up mind….which was it?
LefTard Logic:
”Life long criminal degenerate George Floyd = Amazing human being worth fighting for”
”14 year Veteran Ashli Babbitt = Stupid bitch”

Ladies and gentlemen….this is the filthy Left
Floyd has nothing whatsoever to do with this stupid insurrectionist Bitch
A few cowardly police opened the doors. 140 police officers were hurt. People like easy65 only see the cowards. Cowards like he is. He ignore the brave because they scare the crap out him.
Those that abetted the rioters were not only cowards. Some were Magarats
When a government commits murder, those who do not riot are guilty of being complicit and deserve to be murdered as well.
Rioting can be required when you are paying for the weapons that are murdering innocents.
And yes, I have rioted dozens of times if not hundreds, when necessary.
There were the riots in 67 over civil rights, the Vietnam riots in the 70s, the draft riots, etc.
There should be riots against the War on Drugs, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, the invasion of Iraq, the murders in Syria, etc.
There should even be riots over no public health care, mandated insurance, etc.
Check out Riot Earp over here... :lmao:

Much of what you have posted is pure propaganda from the liberal media that works for the Democratic Party. It is basically hogwash.

You state:

6. He is fanatically anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-liberal.

as if those are bad views to have.

I also am anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-liberal. That doesn’t make either Trump or me fascist. I have absolutely no desire to ever live in a Marist socialist workers’ paradise as many liberals wish for.

If you believe that liberalism, socialism and communism are all the same, then you are a fascist.

Liberals are anti-communist dumbass!
I’m just showing you why your opinion of Babbitt is worthless shit not to be taken seriously…that’s all.
Life long criminal and supposedly in the arms of angels
in Fentanyl heaven, if one believes Nancy Pelosi.
Hopefully Floyd does not pull a gun on the angels and attempt to hijack their wings.

Vs. a veteran of the Air Force and a good citizen who was murdered by DC cop MIchael Byrd
despite being unarmed and a threat to no one.
But keep pretending you support the police!
They 'support the police' when it fits their agenda.
BUT, if the police are in THEIR way, then it's "Fuck the Police" like the chants you heard at the Capitol.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
This was orchestrated by the FBI and Democrats. I wouldn't be surprised if she is alive.
Life long criminal and supposedly in the arms of angels
in Fentanyl heaven, if one believes Nancy Pelosi.
Hopefully Floyd does not pull a gun on the angels and attempt to hijack their wings.

Vs. a veteran of the Air Force and a good citizen who was murdered by DC cop MIchael Byrd
despite being unarmed and a threat to no one.
When are you going to admit you lied when you claimed babbitt was the only one able to fit through that window?

Beats me. Was she? I know due to her size she was the only one capable of entering through that broken window.
So much for the tales of the lone unarmed woman killing members of Congress and Pelosi's Capitol cops.

It's all patently bullshit!
It is obvious why, "the argument is that those who defended the shooting of someone like Breonna Taylor really have no standing to be complaining."

Brionna Taylor was legally in her own sovereign home, not harming anyone.
So then the police with the no-knock-warrant were illegally harming and threatening her inherent right to be safe and private in her home.

The claim the police were just enforcing the War on Drugs is no defense, because the War on Drugs is inherently illegal, and all cops should know that.
The only legal basis for laws is the defense of individual rights of others, and the War on Drugs defends the rights of no one.
Any cop arresting anyone over any drug charges, is a criminal.
Cept she was several drug dealers ho----and wasn't exactly innocent
Her criminal boyfriend shot at the cops....
And oh, you aren't allowed to shoot cops trying to serve a warrant innocent or not.

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