If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Listening to the liberals here you would think one small unarmed woman could have walked through all the armed police and all by herself taken over the whole damn government of the United States.

She was simply a SUPERWOMAN. She was so terrifying she simply had to be shot!

View attachment 580869
Yeah. She was a threat to the politicians inside the Capitol Building (even though they had all been
evacuated before she ever got into the building

She HAD to be murdered, and then the killing itself had to be
hushed up behind closed doors in a total whitewash that all the news agencies
declined to report on.

That's how big a threat Ashli Babbitt was! Just ask some of the brainless trolls who
get erections just thinking about her cold blooded murder.
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"It wasn't my question. It was a question posed by the OP. It's the subject of the thread."

OK, got it. Cool.
So, let's you and I allow it to serve both you and the OP.
My response works both ways.
Think of it as ambidextrous. But not bi.
I understand the point, but it is a distinction without a difference.
Babbitt was warned away from the Speaker's Lobby. Firmly. Clearly.
She then chose to breach the barrier and enter the 'space' that that officer and the ones behind him were sworn to protect.

Babbit did NOT....stop at the warnings.
Did not hesitate.
Did not hold up her hands in surrender.
Did not retreat.
Instead, she advanced forward.
Towards the police who had warned her.

And for that, she died.
May her family eventually find peace.
Bullshit! Babbitt, along with many other people were behind a heavy security door (the door with the
one broken window).
She "advanced" on no one because she could not advance.

You obviously "remember" only what you want to remember. That's what makes some people liars.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
Anyone who did not follow police instructions to not advance further, the police had every right to shoot. She was crawling through a broken window refusing to obey the order to stop.
If more had been shot less police would be hurt. The police were to nice.
If the first groups rushing the capitol were mowed down the insurrection would have been stopped in it's track.
Next time, that is what the police should do.
If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
The big black man hiding behind the door holding a gun waiting to ambush the unarmed prorestors was deathly afraid of a petite, unarmed, female...

Such pussies should not be police or security personnel and should not be allowed to own / handle guns with live ammo.

AOC, who was not even in the Capitol building, had a greater chance of being raped - as she claimed - than this man had of being harmed by Ashli Babbitt.
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Anyone who did not follow police instructions to not advance further, the police had every right to shoot. She was crawling through a broken window refusing to obey the order to stop.
If more had been shot less police would be hurt. The police were to nice.
If the first groups rushing the capitol were mowed down the insurrection would have been stopped in it's track.
Next time, that is what the police should do.
Michael Byrd and Nancy Pelosi's other cops had no access to taser guns or tear gas?
WTF! The Capitol Police had no means of modern crowd control that is ubiquitous
during these sorts of uprisings. What is going on?

The only option was a single hand gun shot from close range to the neck that killed Babbitt?

That's what bothers me. That the Capitol Police did such a shitty third rate job of crowd control.

And looking back now it's apparent that left wing forces of evil that controlled the deliberately undermanned Capitol building, despite intelligence that warned Pelosi and gang that security needed to be heavily beefed up, declined to bring in more police and declined to arm them with tear gas and other means of effective crowd control.

They wanted the riot that they got!
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Anyone who did not follow police instructions to not advance further, the police had every right to shoot.
Video shows Capitol Police holding doors open for protedtors to enter the Capitol....and shows Capitol Police leading them through the Capitol....

They weren't 'advancing' - they were following their 'tour guide' ...

If Ashli Babbit would have been a black female member of BLM & the guy who killed her would have been a white cop liberal-run cities all over the US would have been set ablaze in protest for a white cop shooting and killing a petite, defenseless, unarmed, black female vet....
The big black man hiding hehind the door holding a gun waiting to ambush the unarmed prorestors was deathly afraid of a petite, unarmed, female...

Such pussies should not he policebor security personnel and should not be allowed to own / handle guns with live ammo.

AOC, who was not even in the Capitol building, had a greate chance of being raped - as she claimed - than this man had of being harmed by Ashli Babbitt.
Fuck her. She was leading a mob in an attack on our government.

If you support that stupid bitch...fuck you
Bullshit! Babbitt, along with many other people were behind a heavy security door (the door with the one broken window).

Ah, mi amigo, you insist on diggin' up that long dead women's corpse and parading it around your little man-cave.
Don't do that.
She' dead.
Have some respect.

She made bad choices.
And, sometimes, such doesn't work out well.
It didn't work out well for her.

  • She chose to illegally enter the Capitol of the United States of America.
  • She chose to attach herself to a mob that violently breached a barrier erected by police to specifically bar their entry.
  • She chose to shout epithets at the officers at the barrier.
  • Once the breach was effected she chose to leap forward....into the breach, towards the officers who had warned her away, who had brandished a gun at her group.
  • She chose not to step back out of the opening
  • She chose not to raise her hands in surrender.
  • She chose not to shout that she was surrendering.

And, as we've agreed, bad choices sometimes don't work out well.

Give it up, partner.
You are beating a dead horse. So to speak.
Ah, mi amigo, you insist on diggin' up that long dead women's corpse and parading it around your little man-cave.
Don't do that.
She' dead.
Have some respect.

She made bad choices.
And, sometimes, such doesn't work out well.
It didn't work out well for her.

  • She chose to illegally enter the Capitol of the United States of America.
  • She chose to attach herself to a mob that violently breached a barrier erected by police to specifically bar their entry.
  • She chose to shout epithets at the officers at the barrier.
  • Once the breach was effected she chose to leap forward....into the breach, towards the officers who had warned her away, who had brandished a gun at her group.
  • She chose not to step back out of the opening
  • She chose not to raise her hands in surrender.
  • She chose not to shout that she was surrendering.

And, as we've agreed, bad choices sometimes don't work out well.

Give it up, partner.
You are beating a dead horse. So to speak.
Michael Byrd made a bad choice too...murdering an unarmed woman in cold blood!
And that's why he no longer is allowed to wear the uniform of the Capitol Police or
work at the Capitol itself.

Your lies are amateurish at best.
Fuck her. She was leading a mob in an attack on our government.

If you support that stupid bitch...fuck you
Fuck you if you approve of the cold blooded murder of an unarmed woman when the Capitol Police
had the means to use pepper spray or some other humane means of crowd control.

I'll bet you get an erection just thinking of the Chinese tanks that rolled over protestors at
Tienanmen Square. Or when Hugo Chavez rolled over starving Venezuelan citizens with
armored trucks.

You've gone from a dishonest liar to a cheer leader for extra judicial killings.
Look up the term, douche bag. You authoritarian a-holes make me sick!
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Yeah. She was a threat to the politicians inside the Capitol Building (even though they had all been
evacuated before she ever got into the building
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.


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