If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

Really? You have to ask that again, after 500+ posts on this rollicking-good-fun thread?

OK, maybe you didn't read all 520+ posts.
I get that. It ain't THAT much rollicking-good-fun.

But lemme try to answer your question by resurrecting comments made along the long road of these 500+ posts by any number of posters:

1. Ashli Toe-Tag was unlucky. She picked the wrong cop during the wrong circumstances to defy, scream insults at, and then charge at.
2. So that's the first reason.
3. The next reason is she was unlucky to pick the wrong cohort of mobsters to attach herself to. Those guys beat down a barricade that was intentionally erected by oath-bound police to prevent them from advancing. It woulda been 'lucky' if she woulda chose a group who just wanted to take selfies in Statuary Hall.
4. That the second reason.
5. She was unlucky ( I say that out of deference to the dead....rather than say she was fatally foolish)....anyway, she was unlucky to decide to leap into the breach towards a group of police who had been loudly warning her and her cohort of mobsters to 'back away', 'stop', 'leave', 'don't come this way' etc. Perhaps she was unlucky to simply not hear all of those warnings?
6. Anyway that's reason #3.
7. She was unlucky that she ignored, or didn't hear, all the warnings that there was gun aimed her way.
8. That's enough. How much bad luck can a girl take?

So let's just leave it at that: She was fatally unlucky.
Or, conversely, all those other attackers who went unshot were......well, they were lucky.

if you don't count time in jail, lawyers fees, a criminal record, loss of job - even career, shame, embarrassment, community ridicule, and ostracism. I suppose.
I’m guessing that you didn’t see the answer I provided to that question.
I recall the mass mantra of the Democrat base saying “Bush stole the Election”.
LOL you equating with what happened then to what is going on now. There is a psycho (trump) who started all this fake election BS in the primaries in Iowa. He's attacking the United States election system simply because he lost and he is the biggest sore loser the world has ever seen. And he's convinced tens of millions of delusional people that there is election fraud if he loses, but not if he wins. If you dont see the difference, I dont know what to tell you.
Nothing in there indicates it wasn't a justifiable shoot.
If Ashli Babbitt had been a BLM or Antifa rioter in a democrat city there would have been plenty wrong with shooting her.
LOL you equating with what happened then to what is going on now. There is a psycho (trump) who started all this fake election BS in the primaries in Iowa. He's attacking the United States election system simply because he lost and he is the biggest sore loser the world has ever seen. And he's convinced tens of millions of delusional people that there is election fraud if he loses, but not if he wins. If you dont see the difference, I dont know what to tell you.
I see the difference on a number of fronts.
If Ashli Babbitt had been a BLM or Antifa rioter in a democrat city there would have been plenty wrong with shooting her.

Your rightard perspective is noted and laughed at. Regardless, none of that was the case but what actually did happen was Ashes Targetpractice tried to lead a violent mob passed a police barricade towards the House chamber where lawmakers & staff were still holed up inside. And she was put down like the traitorous dog she was for her efforts.
Your 'experts' are morons. They, like most people, associate fascism with Hitler and the Nazis. That's not really accurate. Hitler & the Nazis were beyond fascism.

Mussolini coined the term 'fascism', and was the first fascist. Trump is very much like Mussolini:

1. He uses faux nationalism to excite his base and convinces his followers that anyone who is against him is against the country
2. He promotes mob violence to intimidate his opposition - and to overthrow democracy
3. He sets himself as the supreme person - the only one that can solve problems.
4. He is a populist demagogue
5. He creates 'strawman' images of his political opponents, then directs his followers to fear and hate these false images.
6. He is fanatically anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-liberal. He convolutes the 3and tells his minions that they are all the same.
7. Using #6, he destroys socio-economic mobility, trying to create a society where everyone status is determined by inheritance.
8. He demonizes people who of different races than his own, and convinces his minions to hate and fear them.
9. He holds personal vendettas against anyone who disagrees with him - even those who have been his ardent supporters.
10. He is a sociopathic narcissist.

The list could go on and on, but it's clear that Trump is very much like Mussolini...all he's missing is the uniform.
Much of what you have posted is pure propaganda from the liberal media that works for the Democratic Party. It is basically hogwash.

You state:

6. He is fanatically anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-liberal.

as if those are bad views to have.

I also am anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-liberal. That doesn’t make either Trump or me fascist. I have absolutely no desire to ever live in a Marist socialist workers’ paradise as many liberals wish for.


Your rightard perspective is noted and laughed at. Regardless, none of that was the case but what actually did happen was Ashes Targetpractice tried to lead a violent mob passed a police barricade towards the House chamber where lawmakers & staff were still holed up inside. And she was put down like the traitorous dog she was for her efforts.
If she had been a BLM protestor you would most likely have been out in the streets rioting, looting and burning. Liberals are usually big time hypocrites.
If she had been a BLM protestor you would most likely have been out in the streets rioting, looting and burning. Liberals are usually big time hypocrites.
You must think history books will just gloss over the invasion of the Capitol by right wing domestic terrorists. For you, it's no big deal. But for sane America, we will never forget nor forgive.
The only reason she was shot was because the police officer panicked. She posed no threat
None of this is true. You know, there is VIDEO on this, live film of the event. It's quite clear. Obsessed, scary lady.

Much of what you have posted is pure propaganda from the liberal media that works for the Democratic Party. It is basically hogwash.

You state:

6. He is fanatically anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-liberal.

as if those are bad views to have.

I also am anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-liberal. That doesn’t make either Trump or me fascist. I have absolutely no desire to ever live in a Marist socialist workers’ paradise as many liberals wish for.

Are you also anti-fascist?
Beats me. Was she? I know due to her size she was the only one capable of entering through that broken window.
So much for the tales of the lone unarmed woman killing members of Congress and Pelosi's Capitol cops.

It's all patently bullshit!
Listening to the liberals here you would think one small unarmed woman could have walked through all the armed police and all by herself taken over the whole damn government of the United States.

She was simply a SUPERWOMAN. She was so terrifying she simply had to be shot!


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