If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

When are you going to admit you lied when you claimed babbitt was the only one able to fit through that window?View attachment 581084

When will I admit I "lied"?
When someone demonstrates others were following Babbitt through that broken out window.
Be careful when you accuse others of lying since you cannot know I intentionally misstated the
truth (not that you care about being honest yourself, evidently).

That article doesn't in any way show that members of the progressive caucus are communists or support communism in any way.

It does show that American representatives have had dialogues with members of these parties - in other words, they are doing their jobs as congressional representative by listening to and representing ALL the American people.

Welcome to America! People are free to hold whatever political views they'd like, as long as they do not commit an illegal act. (Like attacking the Capitol and trying to stop Congress from executing its duties - that's treason!)
Welcome to America! People are free to hold whatever political views they'd like, as long as they do not commit an illegal act. (Like attacking the Capitol and trying to stop Congress from executing its duties - that's treason!)
Cept she was several drug dealers ho----and wasn't exactly innocent
Her criminal boyfriend shot at the cops....
And oh, you aren't allowed to shoot cops trying to serve a warrant innocent or not.

There actually is no legal basis for criminalizing drugs at all, so the fact her last boyfriend over 6 months ago, had some suspected drug sales activity, has absolutely NO bearing at all on any authority to illegally bust down Brionna's door at night.

And shooting the cops was not illegal in any way.
You have the right to shoot anyone busting into your house.
The police do NOT have any legal authority to conduct a no-knock-warrant to gather suspected drug evidence.
No-knock-warrants are ONLY legal is there is a hostage situation.
You can NEVER violate rights just because you want to look for evidence.
That article doesn't in any way show that members of the progressive caucus are communists or support communism in any way.

It does show that American representatives have had dialogues with members of these parties - in other words, they are doing their jobs as congressional representative by listening to and representing ALL the American people.

Welcome to America! People are free to hold whatever political views they'd like, as long as they do not commit an illegal act. (Like attacking the Capitol and trying to stop Congress from executing its duties - that's treason!)

I do not agree with the right at all about Trump or the election, but it is not treason to invade the capital if you really believe Congress or anyone is deliberately defrauding an election.
The fact they were wrong does not alter their right to have their wrong beliefs heard.
When will I admit I "lied"?
When someone demonstrates others were following Babbitt through that broken out window.
Be careful when you accuse others of lying since you cannot know I intentionally misstated the
(not that you care about being honest yourself, evidently).
That ^^^^^^^ is what we call, "Lying"

Others didn't follow, because she got shot.
Had she made it through the window, she simply OPENS the door for the others and they walk through, (Just like the Capitol Police opened the door for all protesters.) and continue their march to the lawmakers.
That ^^^^^^^ is what we call, "Lying"

Others didn't follow, because she got shot.
Had she made it through the window, she simply OPENS the door for the others and they walk through, (Just like the Capitol Police opened the door for all protesters.) and continue their march to the lawmakers.
So that doesn't answer the question of the size of that hole in the window.
Could it only accommodate a smaller person or could anyone fit through?

That was the original question on the matter. Why you fixated on it is unknown to me.
Trying to score little Brownie points in your own mind, it looks like.
That article doesn't in any way show that members of the progressive caucus are communists or support communism in any way.

It does show that American representatives have had dialogues with members of these parties - in other words, they are doing their jobs as congressional representative by listening to and representing ALL the American people.

Welcome to America! People are free to hold whatever political views they'd like, as long as they do not commit an illegal act. (Like attacking the Capitol and trying to stop Congress from executing its duties - that's treason!)

Your mistake is assuming Congress is honest and should then never be attacked.
The reality is everyone knows Congress is about the worst lying criminals in the world, and they deserver being attacked monthly for the illegal stuff they do constantly.
Like lying about Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh, lying about drugs, illegally mandating sentences, illegal asset forfeiture, lying about Saddam, lying about Iran, etc.

We have a constitution that clearly defines and limits what the federal government can or is allowed to do, and over 90% of what the federal government does is totally illegal.
We should have no troops overseas, and the US military should be in jail for the 3 million Vietnamese murdered, the half million Iraqis murdered, those illegally held and tortured at Guantanamo, etc.

Congress is the single most criminal gang in the whole world.
That ^^^^^^^ is what we call, "Lying"

Others didn't follow, because she got shot.
Had she made it through the window, she simply OPENS the door for the others and they walk through, (Just like the Capitol Police opened the door for all protesters.) and continue their march to the lawmakers.

The doors were not locked but barricaded, so Ashli could not have done anything once in the Speaker's Lobby.
All of Congress had already evacuated, so there was no point in anyone continuing anything.
There was no point at all in shooting Ashli.
It was just deliberate murder for no reason.
Are you really stupid enough to believe that, or are you just a lying bag of shit?

Richard-H said:
Welcome to America! People are free to hold whatever political views they'd like, as long as they do not commit an illegal act. (Like attacking the Capitol and trying to stop Congress from executing its duties - that's treason!)

It is possible.
I have often seen federal agents deliberately commit crimes in order to either instigate or blame others.
I have been in Vietnam and civil rights protests since the 60's, and federal agents are very common and very violent.
For example, the provided the explosives and truck for the 1993 WTC bombing.
They talked all the others into it.
It was an entirely fake crime, and if it would have brought down the WTC, could have killed thousands.
If you believe that liberalism, socialism and communism are all the same, then you are a fascist.

Liberals are anti-communist dumbass!
Are they? Perhaps you might ask Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

There are a growing number of people in this nation who disagree with your opinion. Democrats used to be anti-communist but now not so much.

Perhaps it is you that is the dumbass. Stop acting like an ostrich and pull your head out of the sand and watch what is happening around you.

It’s hard for “progressive” Democrats to avoid being likened to communists when a leading Democratic U.S. senator openly consorts with, yes, communists.

And this wasn’t just an encounter of happenstance. This was a preplanned, open, full embrace of a Communist Party event, accompanied by fulsome praise for the Communist Party hosts. What it means is that even if U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut isn’t himself a communist, he is indisputably a fellow traveler.

This is such a terrible problem, a maybe unsolvable problem, and I know more about it than I should, because of all the recent history reading of revolutions in Europe. Early on the "police," whatever was functioning in that capacity, WOULD shoot at the rock-throwing protestors, always cobblestones from that day to this in Europe, and we have never achieved their technology here until someone thought of frozen water bottles. And every time, unless the whole city was killed out (Lyon, 1793), the mob immediately attacked worse and more. The next day, the next week. Then there really WAS a revolution!! THAT is the problem: shooting them makes the rest mad, and there are so many of them, they cannot be stopped. In our case, antifa would stream in from other cities and light up Seattle.

There is one other problem, worse and more immediate: no one on earth can stop thousands of people running together. Maybe sometimes massed machine-gun fire can mow them down as they come, if you are lucky and well-placed and have enough machine guns (World War I in the trenches and WWII in the Pacific) but it often doesn't work anyway. And our police do NOT have machine guns. The police in their black riot gear and riot shields look SO SCARY, we think, why can't they turn the crowd? Maybe they could, the first time, with surprise --- after that, we're talking a war zone and maybe the now-armed rioters will just keep going and overrun all of them and kill every one of them. Our riot police know all this. This is why they don't shoot rioters. I am now reading the book 1848 when there were violent leftwing riots all over Europe and it was just one city after another overwhelming the riot police; they couldn't do anything with them.

Basically, when this happens, what you really have is a war, and Portland and Seattle won't face up to that. I mean, yeah, you can fight a war with these types but it IS a war and "police" just aren't in it. So I shouldn't have said they should shoot rioters; that was way too simplified and doesn't work.
Plus if you shoot rioters in our nation they will just come back with firearms and shoot you.
The doors were not locked but barricaded, so Ashli could not have done anything once in the Speaker's Lobby.
All of Congress had already evacuated, so there was no point in anyone continuing anything.
There was no point at all in shooting Ashli.
It was just deliberate murder for no reason.
As always, you speak out of abject ignorance. The doors open outwards, schmuck. Had they not been locked, Trump's violent mob could have just pulled them open.

And unbelievably, you're still lying about all of the lawmakers being evacuated from the chamber even after you were shown video of some still inside when Ashes Targetpractice got capped.
So that doesn't answer the question of the size of that hole in the window.
Could it only accommodate a smaller person or could anyone fit through?

That was the original question on the matter. Why you fixated on it is unknown to me.
Trying to score little Brownie points in your own mind, it looks like.
There is a clear picture of the window
It’s at least 2x4 feet.
You agree

All of Congress had already evacuated, so there was no point in anyone continuing anything.
You can see them in the background when the shot is fired.
And unbelievably, you're still lying
LIE, ^^^^^^^^, is what they do.
They LIE, then LIE about the LIE.
When they get proven wrong, they shift to the next LIE.
There is a clear picture of the window
It’s at least 2x4 feet.
You agree

You can see them in the background when the shot is fired.

LIE, ^^^^^^^^, is what they do.
They LIE, then LIE about the LIE.
When they get proven wrong, they shift to the next LIE.
That lying putz has seen video of members of Congress and staff still holed up in the House chamber when Benedict Babbitt was shot and he continues to lie and claim the House chamber was completely empty. He just makes up shit because reality doesn't support his narrative.

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