If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

It matters, because others follow. If she was no harm or threat, WHY did she try to enter? What was her intent?
You know, that's a very good question and it doesn't get asked enough, or ever. What did she think she was going to do once she broke the door down enough to get in? There were some bad actors in that happy crowd --- I don't like Zip Tie Guy at all, for instance. I've been assuming that Babbit just sort of went crazy, but you are making me think.

Because one thing I know about riots is that no one can stop a crowd of people moving purposefully forward. Not without a machine gun emplacement, and often not then. They had this one pinch-point where they could stop them, and the entire Capitol police force had cowarded out ---- but not that praetorian guard that we see with all the guns drawn. This was the point they could stop this incursion, and they did. Just as well, IMO.

At the very least Babbitt's intention was surely to lead the crowd inside. After they got in, what then? Did she want them to kill the congresspersons, or lay waste to the room, or what?
Are they? Perhaps you might ask Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

There are a growing number of people in this nation who disagree with your opinion. Democrats used to be anti-communist but now not so much.

Perhaps it is you that is the dumbass. Stop acting like an ostrich and pull your head out of the sand and watch what is happening around you.

It’s hard for “progressive” Democrats to avoid being likened to communists when a leading Democratic U.S. senator openly consorts with, yes, communists.

And this wasn’t just an encounter of happenstance. This was a preplanned, open, full embrace of a Communist Party event, accompanied by fulsome praise for the Communist Party hosts. What it means is that even if U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut isn’t himself a communist, he is indisputably a fellow traveler.


Blumenthal has made it clear that he did not know about any affiliation with the Communist party, and would not have attended the event if he had known:

"My understanding was that this ceremony was strictly a labor event," Blumenthal told the outlet Friday. "If I had known the details, I wouldn’t have gone. ... Let me just say very emphatically, I’m a Democrat and a strong believer in American capitalism. I have been consistently a Democrat and a strong supporter and believer in American capitalism."



It is possible.
I have often seen federal agents deliberately commit crimes in order to either instigate or blame others.
I have been in Vietnam and civil rights protests since the 60's, and federal agents are very common and very violent.
For example, the provided the explosives and truck for the 1993 WTC bombing.
They talked all the others into it.
It was an entirely fake crime, and if it would have brought down the WTC, could have killed thousands.

Yes, everyone knows that Nixon used the FBI and the CIA for political purposes.

It was one of the reasons he was forced to resign.
There are two types pf people that promote the idea that the election was stolen.

The first type are those that actually believe it. They are morons (IMHO).

The second - and by far the majority, know very well that the election was not stolen, but keep insisting it was for nefarious reasons. They are lying and they know it. They are lying bags of shit (IMHO)
Okay. Thanks for your opinion driven input. It's invaluable.

Ooops! I meant not valuable.
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I posted the picture. Post #619
You denied it.
You want me to post it again? Fuck You.
Just look back YLF.

It matters, because others follow. If she was no harm or threat, WHY did she try to enter? What was her intent?
I don't care what you do with this picture. Post it. Shove it up your bum hole, etc.!

Too bad we can't get Babbitt on a witness stand and ask all of your little presumptive questions.

But she was murdered. In cold blood! So I guess there goes that possibility.

I would settle for getting Michael Byrd on a witness stand and asking him why he shot an unarmed woman
who had no chance to defend herself.

How about that, dim, fucker?

Blumenthal has made it clear that he did not know about any affiliation with the Communist party, and would not have attended the event if he had known:

"My understanding was that this ceremony was strictly a labor event," Blumenthal told the outlet Friday. "If I had known the details, I wouldn’t have gone. ... Let me just say very emphatically, I’m a Democrat and a strong believer in American capitalism. I have been consistently a Democrat and a strong supporter and believer in American capitalism."

What would expect Blumenthal to say? Keep in mind his past history.

You can watch Blumenthal yourself at the meeting at this link.

Do you even read the articles you post?

First, Blumenthal made it clear that he did not agree with the goals of the organization. He wasn't even addressing the 'Communist Party', he was addressing the 'Connecticut People's World committee', and honoring them for the work they do supporting working Americans.

Second, American people are free to believe whatever they want. It's still the obligation of our elected representatives to communicate with them.

Third, regardless of whatever theoretical political system these people believe in, until they commit a crime they are free to believe whatever they like - welcome to Democracy!

Fourth, it is a crime and an act of treason to attack the Capitol building and try to stop Congress from performing its duties.

Finally, if anything, there is a growing number of Americans that believe that European Socialism would be best for this country. Anti-socialism is dying out.
Watch the video.
You know, that's a very good question and it doesn't get asked enough, or ever. What did she think she was going to do once she broke the door down enough to get in? There were some bad actors in that happy crowd --- I don't like Zip Tie Guy at all, for instance. I've been assuming that Babbit just sort of went crazy, but you are making me think.

Because one thing I know about riots is that no one can stop a crowd of people moving purposefully forward. Not without a machine gun emplacement, and often not then. They had this one pinch-point where they could stop them, and the entire Capitol police force had cowarded out ---- but not that praetorian guard that we see with all the guns drawn. This was the point they could stop this incursion, and they did. Just as well, IMO.

At the very least Babbitt's intention was surely to lead the crowd inside. After they got in, what then? Did she want them to kill the congresspersons, or lay waste to the room, or what?
Why don't we just ask Babbitt what her thinking was on the matter?

Oh, wait. She got murdered by a criminal cop and can tell us nothing. Never mind then.
I don't care what you do with this picture. Post it. Shove it up your bum hole, etc.!

Too bad we can't get Babbitt on a witness stand and ask all of your little presumptive questions.

But she was murdered. In cold blood! So I guess there goes that possibility.

I would settle for getting Michael Byrd on a witness stand and asking him why he shot an unarmed woman
who had no chance to defend herself.

How about that, dim, fucker?
^^^ unhinged
The big, black, scary man hiding behind the door holding a weapon was afraid of a white, petite, unarmed female vet who was surrounded by police officers....
Life long criminal and supposedly in the arms of angels
in Fentanyl heaven, if one believes Nancy Pelosi.
Hopefully Floyd does not pull a gun on the angels and attempt to hijack their wings.

Vs. a veteran of the Air Force and a good citizen who was murdered by DC cop MIchael Byrd
despite being unarmed and a threat to no one.
Hey fukwit, neither were armed

Somehow the cuffed guy on the ground begging for his life was a bigger threat than the crazed QAnon bitch leading a mob in an attack on our government?

I think not
The doors were not locked but barricaded, so Ashli could not have done anything once in the Speaker's Lobby.
All of Congress had already evacuated, so there was no point in anyone continuing anything.
There was no point at all in shooting Ashli.
It was just deliberate murder for no reason.
Just stop. Every time the suckass rioters broke through a door or window of the Capitol (and they broke through many) a horde poured through and flanked the cops
A Jan 6th riot attendee: “If Pence would have come out of that building, I guarantee he would have died...And if it wasn’t by gunfire, he would have been pummeled. They were going to kill him in the street.”
I don't care what you do with this picture. Post it. Shove it up your bum hole, etc.!
I already posted the picture of Babbit in the window.
It is obviously a big enough window for almost all humans to crawl through.
It's at least 2 feet by 4 feet.

I'm just asking why you LIE when you say this........
I know due to her size she was the only one capable of entering through that broken window.
You LIED. Why?
Why don't we just ask Babbitt what her thinking was on the matter?
Oh, wait. She got murdered by a criminal cop and can tell us nothing. Never mind then.

"Why don't we just ask"... Ashli?
Well, now that opens up some possibilities.

And, because the poster of the rhetorical question knew before he asked that Benedict Babbitt was shot dead in the act.....well, because he knew that he is, in a sense, giving us free rein to explore all kinds of fictionalized could-a-beens.

Lemme go first:

The Scene: So, here we are in the Federal Courthouse with Ms Ashli on the stand being queried by the DOJ attorney prosecuting the goveernment's case against her---- and he says:

'OK, Ms. Babbitt, here you were, a medium framed woman, an Air Force vet who had taken an oath to protect America, and yet, there you are with a violent mob battering down the doors, windows, furniture, and barricades of the Capitol of the United States of America....and doing so without orders, or authorization from any legal entity or commanding officer, so---------so why were you doing that?

Ms. Babbit responds:
'Well, sir, I was duped and snookered by Don Trump, and Rudy TuckPants Giuliani, Krakenpot Powell, and assorted RightWing media personalities. They convinced me I had to go by myself, as a lone, petite, single woman, without weapons.....they convinced me to go to Washington DC and stop the steal.

And from that point of accepting their persuasion I made a series of poor decisions that I alone am responsible for. I acknowledge and accept that, like in all things in life, one must accept responsibility ---and consequences --- for one's poor decisions.

And yes, it was a poor decision to enter the Capitol without authorization. A poor decision to join a violent mob. A poor decision to not leave that mob when they began destroying barricades erected by the uniformed police to bar our entry. A poor decision to stand in that doorway and hurl loud epithets at those officers. And when the mob violently breached the barricade I made the poor decision to lead my mob through so we could violently attack the police on the other side and then get to Mike Pence and convince him not to certify.
And if he wouldn't listen to us.....well, I made a poor decision that we should then hang him.

So, to the Court, the Jury, and to the Prosecutors at the table over there, and the American people........I am sorry.

I made a whole series of cascading bad decisions. And I am guilty of all transgressions against the laws of the American people. I accept responsibility. I accept whatever fate becomes me.

A loud BANG!!!
A gunshot.
And the screen fades to black.


Anyway, that might make a decent courtroom drama TV show. In the hands of someone better with English than me.

How many times need this be answered until you yahoos get it??

She was the only one killed because she was the only one stupid enough to breach the police barricade. The moment that cop pulled out his gun, everyone else back off. They stopped pounding on the doors and windows and some yelled, he's got a gun! Here's the part you simpletons can't seem to grasp. The cop shot her to keep that violent mob out while some lawmakers and staff were still holed up inside the House chamber. And it worked. No one else tried to enter and no one else needed to be shot to be kept out. That cop is a hero who saved lives because he would have had to shoot many of those nuts had they followed Benedict Babbitt.
It’s funny to watch liberals justify the killing of an unarmed woman but decry the killing of a habitual violent criminal.
Watch the video.

I clicked on your link to watch the video and found that there was no video. Just a picture of Blumenthal and an opinion piece that proves nothing.

Next time you post a link to a video, make sure that it links to a video, not an opinion piece.

If the justification to murder her was to “save the lives” of congress people and prevent the breach then why weren’t all agents opening fire on all trespassers?
Cause it was a white woman shot by black man.

Oh, and what was she armed with?

There are so many reasons to despise the left. No reason more than their virtue signaling hypocrisy and blatant double standards about everything.
Watch the video.

I apologize...I found the video way at the bottom of the page beneath a bunch of advertisements.

I watched it, and what became apparent is that the 'Communist Party USA', is 'Communist' in name only. It's an organization that supports workers rights and fair wealth distribution.

Real Communists believe in the VIOLENT overthrow of any non-communist government and refuse any other party except the communist party.

The 'Communist Party USA' is not involved in any illegal activities, nor is it involved in violence against the government. They work with other parties and groups.

Just as Shakespeare said: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet", this 'Communist party' just doesn't smell or act like a communist party.

However, the mob that stormed the Capitol building and attempted to overthrow the election, surely were acting like COMMUNISTS!!!!

"A Violent seditious mob by any other name is still a bunch of traitors"!!!!!
I apologize...I found the video way at the bottom of the page beneath a bunch of advertisements.

I watched it, and what became apparent is that the 'Communist Party USA', is 'Communist' in name only. It's an organization that supports workers rights and fair wealth distribution.

Real Communists believe in the VIOLENT overthrow of any non-communist government and refuse any other party except the communist party.

The 'Communist Party USA' is not involved in any illegal activities, nor is it involved in violence against the government. They work with other parties and groups.

Just as Shakespeare said: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet", this 'Communist party' just doesn't smell or act like a communist party.

However, the mob that stormed the Capitol building and attempted to overthrow the election, surely were acting like COMMUNISTS!!!!

"A Violent seditious mob by any other name is still a bunch of traitors"!!!!!
Real Communists love to sound reasonable until they gain control. Things go downhill after that.

I have no problem with the existence of the Communist Party in this nation. They are not illegal in our free nation. However that does not mean I want either it to take over our nation.

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