If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

False. She was not there alone. She was part of a violent mob trying to break into an area where members of Congress and staff were holed up. She just happen to be the first of that mob to breach the doors into the Speaker's Lobby. To keep that violent mob out, of which she was an active participant, lethal force was needed.

She was trying to come through a window, not the doors.
Where do you get the idea that Babbitt lunged at the coward that shot an unarmed woman in cold blood?
Videos don't provide any proof of what you claim.
I know you are entranced with my posts, and who can blame you?
But I must put you on ignore and take your fun away unless
you have a satisfactory answer, which I truly doubt you have.
Based on your inferences that Babbitt deserved to be shot to death due to being mixed in with a mob
that battled their way into the Capitol itself I have to assume you are also in favor of shooting to death any
looters, rioters and people generally acting up in Kenosha, Portland, Minneapolis, San Francisco etc.
I don't want to be unfair to a gem of a poster like you. But I do want to eradicate anyone claiming we should
parrot the CCP in dealing with dissidents and simply killing them all.

"Lunged"....... you know, that is a fun word. I can't think of the last time I used it. But going forward I will look for a fitting application.
For interested parties, "lunged" means "a sudden forward thrust"; or "a sudden forward movement". If the good poster Blair chooses to use "lunged" as his word for Babbit's sudden forward movement into the barricade breach....well, that's his choice, his preference for word selection.
Me? Well, I'm quite content to say Babbit suddently advanced towards the uniformed officers who had ordered her to stop, to back off.
But truthfully, if good poster Blair, prefers "lunged"......I ain't gonna object too strenously.

"I have to assume you are also in favor of shooting......any looters,..and people generally acting up in Kenosha"... etc.

Well, it depends, poster Blair.
Shooting someone (under the color of authorized enforcement) is always, always, circumstance-dependent. So, if a duly authorized law enforcement professional believes he is in danger, or an individual is a serious threat, and he then shoots that person, I am generally content to consider what the reviewing authorities have to say about the necessity of the shooting. After all, I wasn't there. So gotta go with what responsible folks say after they have examined the circumstances. I'll judge what they say when they say it.

So, all of that is to say again: "It depends."

"Anyone claiming we should parrot the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party?).......by simply killing off dissidents"
Really, poster Blair, you know Americans who claim we should do that?
Honest? You know folks who claim that?

I don't.
So it puzzles me which circles of contacts, or social venues, that one engages with that subscribes to an ethic of "simply killing " off dissidents. Non-threatening dissidents?

If you don't mind me asking good poster Blair.....which social circles of yours advocate such?
"Lunged"....... you know, that is a fun word. I can't think of the last time I used it. But going forward I will look for a fitting application.
For interested parties, "lunged" means "a sudden forward thrust"; or "a sudden forward movement". If the good poster Blair chooses to use "lunged" as his word for Babbit's sudden forward movement into the barricade breach....well, that's his choice, his preference for word selection.
Me? Well, I'm quite content to say Babbit suddently advanced towards the uniformed officers who had ordered her to stop, to back off.
But truthfully, if good poster Blair, prefers "lunged"......I ain't gonna object too strenously.
If you are wearing a Rolex diamond encrusted watch and I try to snatch it off your arm then I would
have to "lunge" at you to get at your watch.
I would NOT choose to claim Babbitt "lunged" at the barricade breech because it's dishonest.
That's the sort of colorful hyperbole lawyers, journalists and other liars use.

I couldn't possibly think of something Babbitt did at the Capitol that deserved a bullet
that severed arteries in her neck and killed her.
But then I'm not the lying piece of shit you are, based on your own posts.
Well, it depends, poster Blair.
Shooting someone (under the color of authorized enforcement) is always, always, circumstance-dependent. So, if a duly authorized law enforcement professional believes he is in danger, or an individual is a serious threat, and he then shoots that person, I am generally content to consider what the reviewing authorities have to say about the necessity of the shooting. After all, I wasn't there. So gotta go with what responsible folks say after they have examined the circumstances. I'll judge what they say when they say it.
So, all of that is to say again: "It depends."
We will never know what the "responsible" folks (responsible for covering up a murder) said about the assassination of Ashli Babbitt because if there was any impartial fair examination of the crime,
which clearly the closed door inquest and reporting black out indicates there wasn't, we'll
never know about it.
Because the whole matter has been stonewalled and the public has been shut out,
....always a sign of a fair, open and impartial treatment of the crime of murder.
Is that sarcastic enough for you?



"Anyone claiming we should parrot the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party?).......by simply killing off dissidents"
Really, poster Blair, you know Americans who claim we should do that?
Honest? You know folks who claim that?
Yes, and I've read their comments saying just such things in this very thread! Feel free to
look them up.

I don't.
So it puzzles me which circles of contacts, or social venues, that one engages with that subscribes to an ethic of "simply killing " off dissidents. Non-threatening dissidents?

If you don't mind me asking good poster Blair.....which social circles of yours advocate such?
Your faux civil and polite style really clashes with what you advocate and the claims you make.
And it's tiresome trite bullshit!
Read the comments from the "good, the bitch got what she had coming
to her" and the "shoot her, the dig her up and shoot her again" crowd you pretend you are
unaware of.

This woman's unprovoked murder (are the Capitol Police the only cops in America that seen not to know
about the existence of taser guns and chemical repellents?) is exceeded in barbarity by only the
twisted hateful comments coming from the depraved scum in these boards.

Don't expect me to entertain you any more. You make me feel dirty and unclean doing so.
Please read all of post #703 for context.

" I would NOT choose to claim Babbitt "lunged" at the barricade breech because it's dishonest.

I couldn't possibly think of something Babbitt did at the Capitol that deserved a bullet
that severed arteries in her neck and killed her.

But then I'm not the lying piece of shit you are, based on your own posts."

Not choose to use the word "lunged"?
Ummm, but that is exactly what you did, poster Blair.
No one else.

And then what's up with the "the lying piece of sh*t you are"?

You may be taking these gossipboard gigs a bit too seriously, good poster Blair.
May be a bit too emotioally invested?

Are you really OK?
Please read all of post #703 for context.


Not choose to use the word "lunged"?
Ummm, but that is exactly what you did, poster Blair.
No one else.

And then what's up with the "the lying piece of sh*t you are"?

You may be taking these gossipboard gigs a bit too seriously, good poster Blair.
May be a bit too emotioally invested?

Are you really OK?
I did claim that I would NOT choose to use the adjective "lunged" and went to the trouble to
illustrate why, in post #703.

But this dishonesty, or stupidity, makes it so easy for me to put you on ignore because your post reminded
me once more what a dishonest baboon you are.

As if I didn't have so many other reasons why I shouldn't drop you like a sack of radioactive wastes.

Try to get by without me.
"I did claim that I would NOT choose to use the adjective "lunged" and went to the trouble to
illustrate why, in post #703"
You say you didn't use the word 'lunge' vis-a-vis Babbitt's thrusting herself into the window towards the police?
OK, I'll take your word for it.

I don't think anyone else used "lunge" either.

So just exactly what are you hissyfitting over?

Really, I mean it, poster Blair -----Are you OK?
Ashli Babbitt was shot in the upper left shoulder as she tried to climb through a smashed oval window in a door leading to the Speaker’s Lobby. As her head and shoulders emerged part way through the window, she was shot by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. The Washington D.C. medical examiner ruled her death a homicide. One week later, the U.S. Department of Justice decided not to bring charges against Byrd.
A pity she tried to climb around a police barricade to gain entrance to the House chamber where members of Congress and staff were still hiding from her violent mob.
"A pity she tried to climb over a police barricade to gain entrance to the House chamber where members of Congress and staff were still hiding from her violent mob."
As relentless as Ms Babbitt seemed to be....well, was she really then........ ANTIFA?
After all, I've read multiple times on this venue that the attack itself was a false-flag operation conducted by ANTIFA kitted out in MAGADrag. Oh, and some gay Oathkeepers thrown into the mix also.

Could she have been one of those covert operators?
Or even an FBI plant?
Maybe she's not really dead?
Just gone underground in sort of a witness protection-type scheme?

We really really need that Select Committee investigation..........just to find out how many, and who, those ANTIFA SealTeam6'rs were involved.
And if Babbitt is really dead?
A pity she tried to climb around a police barricade to gain entrance to the House chamber where members of Congress and staff were still hiding from her violent mob.
Prove it with time stamps. Congress had been evacuated.
Better than timestamps, there's video, ya freak of nature...

No it is not. I want the time. Congress was not there when Babbitt was murdered. You need to prove they were. Babbitt was murdered for no reason but intimidation.
No it is not. I want the time. Congress was not there when Babbitt was murdered. You need to prove they were. Babbitt was murdered for no reason but intimidation.

This is yet another shining example of how retarded you are. I literally post a video of people still holed up in the House chamber when the gunshot is heard, and here you are, like all of reality, you deny it.

You're completely fucked in the head, FruitLoops...


This is yet another shining example of how retarded you are. I literally post a video of people still holed up in the House chamber when the gunshot is heard, and here you are, like all of reality, you deny it.

You're completely fucked in the head, FruitLoops...

At what time?
About 1:45 p.m., Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) tweeted that she was being evacuated after reports of a pipe bomb outside. “Supporters of the President are trying to force their way into the Capitol and I can hear what sounds like multiple gunshots,” she wrote.

Around 2:15 p.m., all hell broke loose. The protesters — now rioters — scaled the walls of the Capitol complex and flooded past police officers. Lawmakers, who had been warned about the goings-on outside, were evacuated from the House chamber just as the rioters were smashing windows, making their way into Statuary Hall, home to dozens of valuable sculptures and paintings.

Babbitt was murdered at 2:44 PM. The Congress was not there.

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At the time she was shot, ya flamin' moron.


In the video I posted, you can hear the gunshot and you can see there are still people in the House chamber.
Remember...you are dealing with a cult here.
Remember...you are dealing with a cult here.
It's beyond retarded for even a cult member to deny the veracity of the video showing people still inside the House chamber, hearing the gunshot and hearing those very people talking about how they just heard a gunshot -- but to demand the exact time down to the second which you and I both know if I bothered to find and post, that cult member would then simply reject my source is Liberal fake news.

They're in so deep, they can't recognize reality even when it's shoved in their face.

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