If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?


If the poster is suggesting ...MORE people participating in the police brutality /racial inequity unrest of 2020 should have died...well, how many more? And at whose hands? Protesters killed, anti-protesters killed, and police killed.......did we really need more dead? And who should be the ones killed?

I am quite skeptical of the temptation...and practice....of those who attempt to minimize January 6th's importance by claiming it was no more portentous than a Nike store looted in Portland, or a police precinct house burned in Minneapolis. It was more. Witness the resonance that event possesses one year later in our national discourse. Portland's unrest doesn't. Minneapolis's doesn't.

CHOP was a local issue whose splash was/is small beyond Portland. Regrettable to be sure, and disruptive for that city.....and tragic for those who experienced loss.....but CHOP did not threaten America's national democracy, or government, our long tradition of the vital 'peaceful-transfer-of-power'.

The minority of "Floyd" protests that turned violent were of a kind but different, fundamentally different......than the attempted insurrection at our country's seat of governance. That much is clear.
Minority…keep telling yourself Leftist. You are the epitome of what is wrong with America.
The argument is that those who defended the shooting of someone like Breonna Taylor really have no standing to be complaining.
Big major difference is shit didn't get burned to the ground agtwards
This is a lie.

Babbitt was not ‘murdered’ – she was a criminal who was lawfully killed while committing an act of domestic terrorism.
Why didn't they use a taser or try to talk her down ? Sound familiar ?
Ummm, that has kinda been a mantra on all of these Ashli Babbit threads.
She's dead.
And the ones following her at the doorway.......took note.
Ergo.....a good shoot.

That would only be a good shot if the goal is to kill innocent unarmed women for no reason.
If this had really been an "insurrection", then the first shot would not have been the last, but just the beginning.
They Byrn would have been shot, and the whole thing would have descended into violence.
The fact it did not, shows that the rioters were not armed or willing to commit violence.
Only the police were, so then the only problem was the police.
Ah, that's a sad mis-read.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of whole series of poor choices SHE made.
She chose to join a violent mob that invaded the Capitol of the United States.
She chose to participate with a subset of that mob...but violent too......who battered open a barricade specifically erected to bar them from harming legislators of our Congress.
And she chose....despite warnings and orders not to.......but she chose to leap towards those threatened officers.
And for that cascading series of poor choices....she met her end.
May her family find peace in the tragedy of her choices, and her untimely end.


Well poster Thunderbird that statement is part of the unfortunate mis-information that circulates too often on the internet.....and to a wider audience from fringe-right talking heads on the telly and podcasts.

"Tourist disorder".....it was not. Ask the police who lost fingers, or an eye, or long and lingering pain to this day. "Disorderly tourist" don't seriously injure the help. They drink and throw-up on the carpet. Those insurrectionist beat the crap out the pollice, they stole laptops, correspondence, furniture from our Capitol. They vandalized the same. And some of them, notoriously smeared their poo on the walls. "Disorderly tourists" they were not.

Bryd never said a thing. You can see his face in the video and he never gave a warning at all.
And Ashli leapt toward no one.
Bryd was in a room off to the side of the Speaker's Lobby that Ashli jumped into.
The officiers who could have felt threatened, where the police NEXT to Ashli who Bryd almost shot.
If he had missed Ashli, he would have for sure his one of the police who were directly behind Ashli in the line of fire.
That was the dumbest and most dangerous shot I ever saw any one take, and they should go to jail for it.
Minority…keep telling yourself Leftist. You are the epitome of what is wrong with America.

Well now, that is an interesting observation, good postr Defiler.
Without any intention to embarrass you or put you on the spot.....I would ask: Why do you assert that there is so much that is wrong with your version of America?

Irrespective of my role in its 'wrongness', I am curious about how your America slipped so sideways that you are so disappointed, so angry.

What is wrong with America for you? Or for your family?
What changed for you?
Or was your America always a bad place for you and your family?
Lose a job?
Lose money somehow someway?
Fail in a business?
Feel you've been treated badly because of age, race, religion, or sexual preference?
Or disability?
And how can this forum know that what went wrong in your version of America was really America's fault......or was it operator-error on your part?

Clearlly, poster Defiler, your corner of America is a big disappointment to you......why?
Was it systemic?
What were you expecting? Was your family expecting the same as you were?
Are they disappointed and angry too? At America? Or at you?
Seriously, really, could it have been you ......that you were unable to craft an American life for your family that is satisfying and fulfilling, and doesn't have all this "wrongness" that seemingly is making you so unhappy and angry?

I ask all of that....and could ask more......to determine what is the scope and scale of your assertion about America's "wrongness".

Be the chatroom's Yoda here, poster Defiler, our sherpa.......and lead us to an understanding on why America has been such a disappointment for you.

Well now, that is an interesting observation, good postr Defiler.
Without any intention to embarrass you or put you on the spot.....I would ask: Why do you assert that there is so much that is wrong with your version of America?

Irrespective of my role in its 'wrongness', I am curious about how your America slipped so sideways that you are so disappointed, so angry.

What is wrong with America for you? Or for your family?
What changed for you?

Or was your America always a bad place for you and your family?
Lose a job?
Lose money somehow someway?
Fail in a business?
Feel you've been treated badly because of age, race, religion, or sexual preference?
Or disability?
And how can this forum know that what went wrong in your version of America was really America's fault......or was it operator-error on your part?

Clearlly, poster Defiler, your corner of America is a big disappointment to you......why?
Was it systemic?
What were you expecting? Was your family expecting the same as you were?
Are they disappointed and angry too? At America? Or at you?
Seriously, really, could it have been you ......that you were unable to craft an American life for your family that is satisfying and fulfilling, and doesn't have all this "wrongness" that seemingly is making you so unhappy and angry?

I ask all of that....and could ask more......to determine what is the scope and scale of your assertion about America's "wrongness".

Be the chatroom's Yoda here, poster Defiler, our sherpa.......and lead us to an understanding on why America has been such a disappointment for you.
Allowing trans girls to share locker rooms and compete in sports against my daughters for one.
120 defendants for who politicians set up GoFundMe pages. Parole was rebuked. Few if any served or serve any time. An entire police station was burned down in Minny. Can you ever have a civil discussion without ad Hominems? Last warning.
Most of them served time, ShortBus.

Still, you idiotically claimed there were no repercussions because... well because you're an idiot.

"Last warning."

Bryd never said a thing. You can see his face in the video and he never gave a warning at all.
And Ashli leapt toward no one.
Bryd was in a room off to the side of the Speaker's Lobby that Ashli jumped into.
The officiers who could have felt threatened, where the police NEXT to Ashli who Bryd almost shot.
If he had missed Ashli, he would have for sure his one of the police who were directly behind Ashli in the line of fire.
That was the dumbest and most dangerous shot I ever saw any one take, and they should go to jail for it.
You lie again. Byrd claims he warned the crowd to get back and a witness corroborated that.

And you're lying about police being in the line of fire. I myself showed you a video that those coos had already left before the shot rang out.
You lie again. Byrd claims he warned the crowd to get back and a witness corroborated that.

And you're lying about police being in the line of fire. I myself showed you a video that those coos had already left before the shot rang out.
Lying is about all that Kremlin troll does
This is a lie.

Babbitt was not ‘murdered’ – she was a criminal who was lawfully killed while committing an act of domestic terrorism.
So you would have been fine with cops mowing down the "mostly peaceful" rioters and arsonists at the big nationwide party for St. George of Minneapolis?
The 4 men guarding the entrance left. It's on Video.
They were NOT in riot gear.

When she actually did the trespassing (final time), there were no Capitol Police, or any other LAW enforcement Officers near the window that she illegally breached.

So why do you "CLAIM" that "
Oh well maybe one of those cops would have had to walk ten or twenty steps to arrest her.

Don’t be so ridiculous.

Only one cop panicked and killed one of the protesters: the coward who shot Ashli Babbitt.
This is a lie.

Babbitt was not ‘murdered’ – she was a criminal who was lawfully killed while committing an act of domestic terrorism.
Breaking a window isn't terrorism doofus. And listening to your ilk whine every time a policeman shoots someone, with or without a weapon, it certainly is murder. Back to your basement.
Oh well maybe one of those cops would have had to walk ten or twenty steps to arrest her.

Don’t be so ridiculous.

Only one cop panicked and killed one of the protesters: the coward who shot Ashli Babbitt.
You're talking to someone who supports killing an unarmed woman. There is no reaching them.

This is why we need the National Divorce, so we can keep them out of our country.
How did he know she was unarmed?
Any indication she was armed? Should the police assume everyone is armed and open fire whenever they feel scared?

Should people on the left cheer on excessive, unnecessary state violence?
"This is why we need the National Divorce, so we can keep them out of our country."

Why would they be the ones to leave?
After all, judging by the popular vote in the last two Presidential elections........the MAGAHatter-types are .....the minority.

So, you don't have a passport?
You don't have car keys?

I'm pretty much neutral on this particular hissyfit of yours, but.....but after all, the non-MAGAHats are the majority.

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