If the Ashli Babbitt murder/shooting was so justified why was she the only one shot? Didn’t hundreds break in?

You're talking to someone who supports killing an unarmed woman. There is no reaching them.

This is why we need the National Divorce, so we can keep them out of our country.
Of course Q NUT, the GQP would be singing a different tune, if the unarmed woman was breaking into their house.
Ah, that's a sad mis-read.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of whole series of poor choices SHE made.
She chose to join a violent mob that invaded the Capitol of the United States.
She chose to participate with a subset of that mob...but violent too......who battered open a barricade specifically erected to bar them from harming legislators of our Congress.
And she chose....despite warnings and orders not to.......but she chose to leap towards those threatened officers.
And for that cascading series of poor choices....she met her end.
May her family find peace in the tragedy of her choices, and her untimely end.


Well poster Thunderbird that statement is part of the unfortunate mis-information that circulates too often on the internet.....and to a wider audience from fringe-right talking heads on the telly and podcasts.

"Tourist disorder".....it was not. Ask the police who lost fingers, or an eye, or long and lingering pain to this day. "Disorderly tourist" don't seriously injure the help. They drink and throw-up on the carpet. Those insurrectionist beat the crap out the pollice, they stole laptops, correspondence, furniture from our Capitol. They vandalized the same. And some of them, notoriously smeared their poo on the walls. "Disorderly tourists" they were not.
The police union rep made some claims regarding injuries which may or may not be true.

You should recognize when a real rebellion occurs the problem is not missing furniture but rather mortar and machine gun fire.

Some people on the left are determined foes of the police state. Others prefer excessive police force and gulags. Which side are you on?
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Be honest if the police had shot an unarmed Democrat you’d be shrieking like a monkey, T or F?
You be honest, if a mob was breaking doors and windows outside your business, one person comes through an opening, what would you do?
Drop your gun and run?
Like most republitards do.
Most of them served time, ShortBus.

Still, you idiotically claimed there were no repercussions because... well because you're an idiot.

"Last warning."

You fat fuck. Link that “most” served time. There were 1000s of protesters who burned, murdered and looted. So please link that most served time you fat fucking waste of life.
You be honest, if a mob was breaking doors and windows outside your business, one person comes through an opening, what would you do?
Drop your gun and run?
Like most republitards do.
I’d hope one of the cops standing around would arrest the disorderly but unarmed woman instead of killing her.

How about you?

I don’t like to see people shot for trespassing.
Oh well maybe one of those cops would have had to walk ten or twenty steps to arrest her.

Don’t be so ridiculous.

Only one cop panicked and killed one of the protesters: the coward who shot Ashli Babbitt.
Those cops were already walking down stairs when she was shot. How could they have arrested her as she climber through that broken out window?

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