If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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Look at you craving attention and shit.

Kid. Do you mind get the fuck out of my way?

For a self proclaimed genius you sure cry a lot.
You're just mad because I've exposed you as the fraud you are.

What fraud kid?

That’s the reason of live debate. No bullshit.
What part of that don’t you understand? Kid.

Did they asked you to divert my attention to you? That is not going to happen.

If you are not a kid I could have kicked your ass too.

LOL, I'm over 60 twit. You're a twit who NEEDS to believe she/you/he/it are relevant.
You aren't. You can't even answer basic economic questions.

So you are a liar. Why would you lie your age?
If people lie about their age, it is to be YOUNGER.
Kid. Do you mind get the fuck out of my way?

For a self proclaimed genius you sure cry a lot.
You're just mad because I've exposed you as the fraud you are.

What fraud kid?

That’s the reason of live debate. No bullshit.
What part of that don’t you understand? Kid.

Did they asked you to divert my attention to you? That is not going to happen.

If you are not a kid I could have kicked your ass too.

LOL, I'm over 60 twit. You're a twit who NEEDS to believe she/you/he/it are relevant.
You aren't. You can't even answer basic economic questions.

So you are a liar. Why would you lie your age?
If people lie about their age, it is to be YOUNGER.

not on the web. lots of kids lie about their age to give them more credibility.
For a self proclaimed genius you sure cry a lot.
You're just mad because I've exposed you as the fraud you are.

What fraud kid?

That’s the reason of live debate. No bullshit.
What part of that don’t you understand? Kid.

Did they asked you to divert my attention to you? That is not going to happen.

If you are not a kid I could have kicked your ass too.

LOL, I'm over 60 twit. You're a twit who NEEDS to believe she/you/he/it are relevant.
You aren't. You can't even answer basic economic questions.

So you are a liar. Why would you lie your age?

(smile) I never lie. I will however beat your ass (rhetorically) every chance I get. You aren't in my league.

You are a liar dude. Very clear. BTW you’ve been here for a year and you only posted 92.
Are they charging you by characters?

A year? Lord you are a dense one.
It's amazing how you leftists read words, and it goes through your brain to mean something totally different than what you read.

The post clearly says those businesses closed down or laid off people because of the new minimum wage, not because of Walmart which has been around many years before the new MW started.

I read your post very clearly Ray. I did not stuttered.

1. Like I already said before I don’t trust you Ray. Not for a bit. So I don’t believe your story.

2. But let me entertain you...... Let me go a a bit further. The MW wage incremental. You do know that.

3. Are you telling me Bobs or any hardware stores cannot increases his prices to match the MW incremental prices?

4. Are you telling me bob or any stores never increase prices before?

5. Are you telling me that bob or any stores only sell one screw, one bulb, one wood?

If Bob or any stores do not practice those kinds or adopt to any kind of changes. Then they do not deserve to exist. Companies or any businesses increase prices just about every year to make up any expenses.

My friend that own PCB assembly productions ( feed thru & surface mount) in Santa Ana, Ca just bought AI ( auto insertion) machine. It’s a machine install components to a circuit board. Cost $280k. How and where do you think he will recover that expenses?

What do you mean you don't trust me? I didn't write the article, it's from Forbes, and by reading your response, I bet you never even clicked on the link yet alone read the article.

A $15.00 minimum wage only does one thing, and that is cause inflation and cost of living increases. It's why in your state, a 200K home is just about ghetto and over here, a 200K home is middle-class or upper middle-class.

With the competition of overseas products, the last thing we need to do is further inflate ourselves out of the world market. It would cause more companies to move overseas because of labor costs. It would also influence more companies to invest in automation.

Any link you or any provided are coming from anti MW. Meaning it’s totally BULLSHIT or fabricated. Repeat BULLSHIT.
I read your link just to entertain you. Did you read them or you just stared at it?

1. Kelley Ulmer owner of almost perfect. Look at the wording. In 2016 ever increasing MW. How many times did MW increase in 2016? Any specifics?
Most likely they got run over by Amazon.

2. Houman Salem..moving his operations from California to Las Vegas because of $15 MW. Another BULLSHIT. The $15 MW will not take effect till 2022.

3. Nat Cutler. Closed his stores in 2015 due to rising MW. Another BULLSHIT. The MW increase has not even started yet. Most likely it’s the rental space.

I don’t want to waste my time with the rest. Try again.

With the competition overseas. How many times did you or your buddies here complained? Americans will do the dirty jobs as long the pay is good. And you are belly aching for $15 MW?
We cannot compete overseas no matter how low you want.

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Let me show you how fucking dumb you are.

Read that chart and look at Kelley Ulmer owner of Almost Perfect.

In 2016 the increased was only $.050. They’ve been in business for 25 years.
1. Are you telling me they are already loosing business before 2016 that they cannot afford $0.50?

2. Most of the employees has been there since they open for business. Are you telling me after 25 years employees makes less than $11/hour?

3. Are you telling me they only sell one book that they cannot make the difference of the peanut MW increase?

4. What happened then if they increase the rent from $8,000 a month to $12,000? Where and how do you think they will recover that expenses?

That’s 4 questions for you. I want you to answer that.

You know nothing about business. A business owner knowing tragedy is coming down the pike doesn't stay open until his or her last penny is gone. They get out before the going gets too rough and can salvage what they can, perhaps to open up another business where calmer waters can give them a new start.

As I stated repeatedly, a huge minimum wage hike sparks a domino effect. People in nearly all blue collar income levels would want wage increases themselves because their cost of everything else will increase as well. If our state was invaded by liberals that did the same thing here, I would definitely want a big increase in my pay too. Why should I assume the responsibilities I currently have if I'm only making a couple of bucks over minimum wage? Driving is one of the ten deadliest jobs in the US; deadlier than being a police officer or fireman. I would sooner make a couple of bucks less and not have to deal with the government, physicals, and random drug tests which I hate. I'll just get a job for minimum wage and inspect parts all day long. I won't have to deal with snow, getting stuck, and working late when things don't go right.

If a small business is being forced to pay all 25 employees a dollar more an hour, that amounts to 25 dollars an hour, or 200 dollars a day, or $1,000 a week, $4,000 a month, however you want to look at it.

However it actually costs more. If you get a raise for one dollar an hour, several other costs are associated with that dollar that your employer has to cover. So the employer is probably looking at 5 or 6 grand a month in additional costs.
For a self proclaimed genius you sure cry a lot.
You're just mad because I've exposed you as the fraud you are.

What fraud kid?

That’s the reason of live debate. No bullshit.
What part of that don’t you understand? Kid.

Did they asked you to divert my attention to you? That is not going to happen.

If you are not a kid I could have kicked your ass too.

LOL, I'm over 60 twit. You're a twit who NEEDS to believe she/you/he/it are relevant.
You aren't. You can't even answer basic economic questions.

So you are a liar. Why would you lie your age?
If people lie about their age, it is to be YOUNGER.

not on the web. lots of kids lie about their age to give them more credibility.
My God. Its a different world. Please tell me only sailors have tatoos and a ring in their ear.
Why do most people live paycheck to paycheck in this day and age? Short and simple answer is that people have put themselves in debt with car payments, credit cards and all the other stuff they buy on credit.

When I retired from the Navy, I kept working for a few years, because I felt that I had to. I also had credit cards and some things that I was still paying off. A few years after that, I got everything paid off, cut up and paid off the credit cards and decided to see if I could live on my pension. And, fortunately, I was able to pull it off.

Then, the economy crashed under Jr., and I was wondering if my pension was safe, so I started to see if I could save enough money to constitute 3 months of my retirement. I got it built up, but then car and house problems came along, so I'm halfway below the 3 month cushion I had built, but am in the process of rebuilding it again. Interestingly enough, when I got rid of my credit cards, I seemed to have a lot more money to save.

Get rid of your credit cards and maybe you can build some savings.

A lot of younger people think 40 hours a week is gospel. Before I became a landlord, I always had a job that worked a lot of OT, six days a week, or I had two jobs. At one point in my life I had three jobs.

I've done a variety of things in my life. I was a car wash attendant, a bricklayer apprentice, laborer, guitar teacher, medical equipment repairman, medical equipment delivery driver, factory cleaner, straight truck driver, and finally a tractor-trailer driver the last near 30 years, and as mentioned, a landlord.

I think us older folks had more of a drive, and we were much more frugal. And as another poster mentioned, we didn't have many conveniences or technology to spend money on. We had a color television set with rabbit ears, one landline phone, a stereo with an 8-track player, and perhaps an Atari video game where the cartridges were about five dollars each. We went to McDonald's a couple of times a year, not a weekly staple like many folks today.

So it's really a combination of things.
Why do most people live paycheck to paycheck in this day and age? Short and simple answer is that people have put themselves in debt with car payments, credit cards and all the other stuff they buy on credit.

When I retired from the Navy, I kept working for a few years, because I felt that I had to. I also had credit cards and some things that I was still paying off. A few years after that, I got everything paid off, cut up and paid off the credit cards and decided to see if I could live on my pension. And, fortunately, I was able to pull it off.

Then, the economy crashed under Jr., and I was wondering if my pension was safe, so I started to see if I could save enough money to constitute 3 months of my retirement. I got it built up, but then car and house problems came along, so I'm halfway below the 3 month cushion I had built, but am in the process of rebuilding it again. Interestingly enough, when I got rid of my credit cards, I seemed to have a lot more money to save.

Get rid of your credit cards and maybe you can build some savings.

A lot of younger people think 40 hours a week is gospel. Before I became a landlord, I always had a job that worked a lot of OT, six days a week, or I had two jobs. At one point in my life I had three jobs.

I've done a variety of things in my life. I was a car wash attendant, a bricklayer apprentice, laborer, guitar teacher, medical equipment repairman, medical equipment delivery driver, factory cleaner, straight truck driver, and finally a tractor-trailer driver the last near 30 years, and as mentioned, a landlord.

I think us older folks had more of a drive, and we were much more frugal. And as another poster mentioned, we didn't have many conveniences or technology to spend money on. We had a color television set with rabbit ears, one landline phone, a stereo with an 8-track player, and perhaps an Atari video game where the cartridges were about five dollars each. We went to McDonald's a couple of times a year, not a weekly staple like many folks today.

So it's really a combination of things.
I salute your initiative.
It's a combination of things including stagnated wages. Things haven't caught up since the 80s. The middle class really took one on the chin then.
Really? I only recall a few.

In any case, at least they are more believable since they are for lower taxes on businesses, against wasteful social programs, against increased minimum wage, and promote personal responsibility.

wow, what a good point. I forgot there are no liberal millionaire or billionaires in the real world. Every single one of them is a Trump loving Repub


Oh yes, there are. But they are inflicted with guilt and usually and become liberal. They either feel guilty that they acquired a good amount of money while others have not, some feel guilty because of the color of their skin believing that a different color would have given them a completely different outcome.

But those are few and far between. Knowing business owners and having people in my own family that are pretty well off, most of them are conservative because they understand how hard they had to work to get where they are at, and what great risks they took to get there.
True but that’s the nature of big business. That has nothing to do with with MW.
The same when I killed my competitors.

Do you realize that you'd have a better shot at pretending to be a business genius on the Internet if your posts weren't borderline illiterate? Seriously, I have a 10-year-old with better English skills.

You know as well as I do every single liberal on USMB is either a business owner, independently wealthy, or comfortably retried. Some claim to work from home.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here! :auiqs.jpg:

True. The cognitive dissonance from "I'm a wealthy retired successful business owner who uses grammar a 5th-grader would be embarrassed by" often makes my eyes cross.

I work for a living. I'm okay with that. I have no patience with modern notions that honest work is something to be ashamed of.

Same here. Nothing to be embarrassed about saying you work for a living. But I guess when the left bashes the rich and we call them out for it, they think it looks better if they claim they are the rich themselves.

The internet is so wonderful. I've met rock stars, rocket scientists, astronauts, many, many wealthy liberals. What's not to believe? :21:

That’s the reason I put out a live debate person to person. No fucking bullshit.

I said anybody. Any one of you mother fuckers.
Do you want to take the challenge Ray?
I’m so fucking sick of your ignorance.

Wait a minute, a live debate? WTF is that? You want to rent a hall or something to debate people on a blog???? What do you mean by live debate? Where is this live debate supposed to take place?
It's a combination of things including stagnated wages. Things haven't caught up since the 80s. The middle class really took one on the chin then.
I moved from lower class in the 70's to lower middle in the eighties, to middle middle in the nineties, to upper middle in the 2000's-it most certainly can be done, but not overnight.
I think people today are working as hard as any other time. With all the things stacked against them how are they ever supposed to get ahead?
Look at you craving attention and shit.

Kid. Do you mind get the fuck out of my way?

For a self proclaimed genius you sure cry a lot.
You're just mad because I've exposed you as the fraud you are.

What fraud kid?

That’s the reason of live debate. No bullshit.
What part of that don’t you understand? Kid.

Did they asked you to divert my attention to you? That is not going to happen.

If you are not a kid I could have kicked your ass too.

LOL, I'm over 60 twit. You're a twit who NEEDS to believe she/you/he/it are relevant.
You aren't. You can't even answer basic economic questions.

So you are a liar. Why would you lie your age?

You a tough guy?
Do you realize that you'd have a better shot at pretending to be a business genius on the Internet if your posts weren't borderline illiterate? Seriously, I have a 10-year-old with better English skills.

You know as well as I do every single liberal on USMB is either a business owner, independently wealthy, or comfortably retried. Some claim to work from home.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here! :auiqs.jpg:

True. The cognitive dissonance from "I'm a wealthy retired successful business owner who uses grammar a 5th-grader would be embarrassed by" often makes my eyes cross.

I work for a living. I'm okay with that. I have no patience with modern notions that honest work is something to be ashamed of.

Same here. Nothing to be embarrassed about saying you work for a living. But I guess when the left bashes the rich and we call them out for it, they think it looks better if they claim they are the rich themselves.

The internet is so wonderful. I've met rock stars, rocket scientists, astronauts, many, many wealthy liberals. What's not to believe? :21:

That’s the reason I put out a live debate person to person. No fucking bullshit.

I said anybody. Any one of you mother fuckers.
Do you want to take the challenge Ray?
I’m so fucking sick of your ignorance.

Wait a minute, a live debate? WTF is that? You want to rent a hall or something to debate people on a blog???? What do you mean by live debate? Where is this live debate supposed to take place?
I have worked as a white collar and blue collar. Believe me, people look at you differently depending which collar you have on.
I think people today are working as hard as any other time. With all the things stacked against them how are they ever supposed to get ahead?
Maybe, but you would not believe some of the work stories I could tell you and I have already been called a liar three times today. Just two things-first, I worked some years before OSHA so it was ANYTHING GOES-no AC in the summer, no heat in the winter, I didn't mind so much, but the broken windows let the snow blow in and I had to shovel it out. Second, I looked at my bicep today and saw a scar a hot tray burned into my skin and thought, "they have technology today that removes the need to handle a hot traythe way I had to". Funny enough, this topic comes up. First job was for $2 an hour, the second for $3.75-nobody ever had it easy.
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