If the election were today; who would you vote for?

If the 2016 Presidential Election Were Held Today; Who Among the Candidates Would You Vote For?

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Simple Poll.

Wonder who isn't ashamed enough to take a stand....

Carly Fiorina.


Oh yeah, I forgot. She's for letting people with terrorist ties (those on the no-fly list) be able to purchase as many guns as they (or the mullah that is sponsoring them rather) can afford. As a gun nut---you're obviously for that as well; letting terrorist buddies buy as many guns as their sponsors can afford?

Do you have links for that? Thanks.
His lack of for policy experience scares me, but I think Ben Carson could win this thing for the gop.
Simple Poll.

Wonder who isn't ashamed enough to take a stand....

Carly Fiorina.


Oh yeah, I forgot. She's for letting people with terrorist ties (those on the no-fly list) be able to purchase as many guns as they (or the mullah that is sponsoring them rather) can afford. As a gun nut---you're obviously for that as well; letting terrorist buddies buy as many guns as their sponsors can afford?

Do you have links for that? Thanks.

Sure. Google "on the issues" (all one word). And you can find platforms for all candidates
Simple Poll.

Wonder who isn't ashamed enough to take a stand....

Carly Fiorina.


Oh yeah, I forgot. She's for letting people with terrorist ties (those on the no-fly list) be able to purchase as many guns as they (or the mullah that is sponsoring them rather) can afford. As a gun nut---you're obviously for that as well; letting terrorist buddies buy as many guns as their sponsors can afford?

You mean like your guy in office now is letting the country that is the biggest sponsor of global terrorism have 150 billion dollars to fund that terrorism and is allowing them to have their ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons………pales in comparison doesn't it?

No. Some theoretical nonsense on your part pales in comparison to a known terrorist on our no fly list being able to buy as many weapons as his or her sponsor can afford down the street from an elementary school.

Common sense gun control. Carly is against it as all gun nuts are.
Simple Poll.

Wonder who isn't ashamed enough to take a stand....
John Kasich/Marco Rubio ticket. That's for whom I would vote.

Kasich is the only candidate who has actually balanced the federal budget. He also not only balanced Ohio's budget, he took that state out of debt and created a budget surplus. He also lowered taxes and increased employment.

If that isn't the guy we need as President, I don't know who is.

Marco Rubio, while needing a little more seasoning, understands the toxicity of tax expenditures and has a plan to do something about the utter corruption of our tax system. He has the guts to say it out loud. The other candidates who have "one page tax return" plans are complete cowards.
I got five that you support several of the same things that he does.

Several? Dunno. He won't tell us the "how". Need to hear the whole plan. But yea, I'm supportive of building a wall on our Southern (and Northern) borders. I'm in favor of a nationwide picture ID for voting purposes--I think he is behind that. Not in favor of having to carry a card 24/7/365.

His hatred of women is a deal killer.

Hey guess what? You agree with him on taxes. You agree with him on social security. You agree with him on Kim Davis. More?

He doesn't hate women.

Feel free to list his positions. As for women, there is little evidence to the contrary given his comments on Ms. O'Donnel, Ms. Kelly, and Carly.

Are you sure you want to try to justify those comments?

If you don't know what his positions are then why would you say 0.0%?
I was opining that in 6 months when he is no longer in the race....those who swear he's going to be the next President will not be saying as such. Go back and read the question.
Again, that is my opinion. I'm not supporting Trump so what is your issue with what I'm saying? Do we agree on some things? Sure. I'm sure I agree with my niece on some things too; doesn't mean I want her to be President.

Okay...Warren agrees with Trump. He doesn't think Kim Davis is in the right job.

Again, your point?

I mean because we would have you on record as not supporting any of those issues.

Again, feel free to lay out his tax plan and I'll decide if I like it or not. I may or may not. Doesn't mean I'd vote for the guy. Because he hates women.

Kelly is a hack. Not one liberal said...........that right there is a woman with integrity. Ever. She is despised in the same manner that Nancy Grace is.
Now you're just being stupid. Okay, lets assume she is a "hack" and is "despised". Does that mean you should question whether or not she is menstruating in public?

He has an ongoing feud with O'Donnell and nobody has ever given a dang about it.
Ongoing feud. Again, does that mean you call her names?

I don't give a dang what he said about Carly. It's faux rage.

Well, I do. He would not have my support under any circumstances. Presidents do not act like that.

Thanks for playing...check please.

It's a-ok that you will not support him but don't be ignorant. But, you do agree with him on many issues. Democrats aren't supposed to act like they are standing in line at a supermarket reading tabloids like the National Enquirer.
You were being stupid.
That's as much as anyone knows about his tax plan so far.
Donald Trump hits hedge funds, CEOs in tax plan preview

Here is a little bit from his site:

Put American Workers First

Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.”

The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty, including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American dream.

Additionally, we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us. The President of the immigration caseworkers union declared in a statement on ISIS: “We've become the visa clearinghouse for the world.”

Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:

Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need to companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.

Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.

Refugee program for American children. Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses. Use the monies saved on expensive refugee programs to help place American children without parents in safer homes and communities, and to improve community safety in high crime neighborhoods in the United States.

Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.
Immigration Reform

Here is the timeline of the feud:
The Donald Trump-Rosie O'Donnell feud: A timeline - CNNPolitics.com

It was a-ok for Rosie to call him names on her program on television but when he came back with the same it became a problem. A problem that Megyn Kelly decided to interject herself with inappropriate questioning during the debates so that she could be somebody. That came back around and kicked her in the teeth.

But, it's sweet that you think she is special:
Megyn Kelly did tell one huge, deliberate lie during the last Republican debate

The he hates women mantra just happens to be convenient. Again, it isn't a question of you supporting him for president.

Thanks for playing.
Last edited:
Simple Poll.

Wonder who isn't ashamed enough to take a stand....

Carly Fiorina.


Oh yeah, I forgot. She's for letting people with terrorist ties (those on the no-fly list) be able to purchase as many guns as they (or the mullah that is sponsoring them rather) can afford. As a gun nut---you're obviously for that as well; letting terrorist buddies buy as many guns as their sponsors can afford?

You mean like your guy in office now is letting the country that is the biggest sponsor of global terrorism have 150 billion dollars to fund that terrorism and is allowing them to have their ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons………pales in comparison doesn't it?

No. Some theoretical nonsense on your part pales in comparison to a known terrorist on our no fly list being able to buy as many weapons as his or her sponsor can afford down the street from an elementary school.

Common sense gun control. Carly is against it as all gun nuts are.

You didn't think ted kennedy should be able to buy a gun…a U.S. Senator….he was on the no fly list….of course he was likely criminally responsible for the death of that woman, and a sexual assaulter himself……..
I would vote for Donald Trump if he would make two promises;

1.) Close the border - for real, no bullshit
2.) Appoint Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court - Cruz is a brilliant jurist (and a lousy politician.)
Simple Poll.

Wonder who isn't ashamed enough to take a stand....

Carly Fiorina.


Oh yeah, I forgot. She's for letting people with terrorist ties (those on the no-fly list) be able to purchase as many guns as they (or the mullah that is sponsoring them rather) can afford. As a gun nut---you're obviously for that as well; letting terrorist buddies buy as many guns as their sponsors can afford?

You mean like your guy in office now is letting the country that is the biggest sponsor of global terrorism have 150 billion dollars to fund that terrorism and is allowing them to have their ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons………pales in comparison doesn't it?

No. Some theoretical nonsense on your part pales in comparison to a known terrorist on our no fly list being able to buy as many weapons as his or her sponsor can afford down the street from an elementary school.

Common sense gun control. Carly is against it as all gun nuts are.

You didn't think ted kennedy should be able to buy a gun…a U.S. Senator….he was on the no fly list….of course he was likely criminally responsible for the death of that woman, and a sexual assaulter himself……..

Gee, a list had some glitches; he's been dead for almost 10 years now. That is the best you can come up with? Really? How very pathetic....

Anyway, I would rather have Ted Kennedy and terrorist sympathizers on the list than allow Teddy and the terrorist buy as many guns as they can buy. Erring on the side of caution never hurt the society.

Why do you think terrorists should be allowed to buy assault weapons? We all know you're fucking insane and a confirmed liar but Jesus Fucking Christ....what in the hell is wrong with you?
Several? Dunno. He won't tell us the "how". Need to hear the whole plan. But yea, I'm supportive of building a wall on our Southern (and Northern) borders. I'm in favor of a nationwide picture ID for voting purposes--I think he is behind that. Not in favor of having to carry a card 24/7/365.

His hatred of women is a deal killer.

Hey guess what? You agree with him on taxes. You agree with him on social security. You agree with him on Kim Davis. More?

He doesn't hate women.

Feel free to list his positions. As for women, there is little evidence to the contrary given his comments on Ms. O'Donnel, Ms. Kelly, and Carly.

Are you sure you want to try to justify those comments?

If you don't know what his positions are then why would you say 0.0%?
I was opining that in 6 months when he is no longer in the race....those who swear he's going to be the next President will not be saying as such. Go back and read the question.
Again, that is my opinion. I'm not supporting Trump so what is your issue with what I'm saying? Do we agree on some things? Sure. I'm sure I agree with my niece on some things too; doesn't mean I want her to be President.

Okay...Warren agrees with Trump. He doesn't think Kim Davis is in the right job.

Again, your point?

I mean because we would have you on record as not supporting any of those issues.

Again, feel free to lay out his tax plan and I'll decide if I like it or not. I may or may not. Doesn't mean I'd vote for the guy. Because he hates women.

Kelly is a hack. Not one liberal said...........that right there is a woman with integrity. Ever. She is despised in the same manner that Nancy Grace is.
Now you're just being stupid. Okay, lets assume she is a "hack" and is "despised". Does that mean you should question whether or not she is menstruating in public?

He has an ongoing feud with O'Donnell and nobody has ever given a dang about it.
Ongoing feud. Again, does that mean you call her names?

I don't give a dang what he said about Carly. It's faux rage.

Well, I do. He would not have my support under any circumstances. Presidents do not act like that.

Thanks for playing...check please.

It's a-ok that you will not support him but don't be ignorant. But, you do agree with him on many issues. Democrats aren't supposed to act like they are standing in line at a supermarket reading tabloids like the National Enquirer.
You were being stupid.
That's as much as anyone knows about his tax plan so far.
Donald Trump hits hedge funds, CEOs in tax plan preview

Here is a little bit from his site:

Put American Workers First

Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.”

The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty, including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American dream.

Additionally, we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us. The President of the immigration caseworkers union declared in a statement on ISIS: “We've become the visa clearinghouse for the world.”

Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:

Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need to companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.

Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.

Refugee program for American children. Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses. Use the monies saved on expensive refugee programs to help place American children without parents in safer homes and communities, and to improve community safety in high crime neighborhoods in the United States.

Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.
Immigration Reform

Here is the timeline of the feud:
The Donald Trump-Rosie O'Donnell feud: A timeline - CNNPolitics.com

It was a-ok for Rosie to call him names on her program on television but when he came back with the same it became a problem. A problem that Megyn Kelly decided to interject herself with inappropriate questioning during the debates so that she could be somebody. That came back around and kicked her in the teeth.

But, it's sweet that you think she is special:
Megyn Kelly did tell one huge, deliberate lie during the last Republican debate

The he hates women mantra just happens to be convenient. Again, it isn't a question of you supporting him for president.

Thanks for playing.
I had a more detailed response but I couldn't get the format to work.

Anyway; to state it yet again....read it slowly and let it sink in.

I agree with trump on some things. I agree with Rick Perry on some things. I agree with Clinton on some things. I agree with, likely, Edi Amin on some things. I disagree with all four of them on some things.

On things that matter to me, I agree with Clinton more than any of the other 3. On the things that matter most; appointing center-left jurists to the high court; I agree with Clinton and have confidence she will.


As for Trump hating women. It not only has the benefit of being convenient for the Democrats (I'm not a democrat by the way) politically but it also has the added benefit of being 100% correct.

Answer this question:
Do you think it is appropriate for someone running for President to pontificate that a woman is on period? Is this the person you want leading the nation?
If it was held today I would vote for Trump just to piss you off for electing Obama who was worse then Bush Jr.

Things are better under Obama. Nobody flying planes into skyscrapers, Bin Laden's been captured, the economy's humming right along,considering how bush and the republicans left it. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself, and republicans get their daily fear fixes listening to right wing media.
If it was held today I would vote for Trump just to piss you off for electing Obama who was worse then Bush Jr.

Things are better under Obama. Nobody flying planes into skyscrapers, Bin Laden's been captured, the economy's humming right along,considering how bush and the republicans left it. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself, and republicans get their daily fear fixes listening to right wing media.

If I were Hillary, I'd get my Hollywood buddies to run a special right before the election detailing the financial collapse and Bush's being asleep at the wheel during it. Put it on several times before the election. Can't hurt.
If it was held today I would vote for Trump just to piss you off for electing Obama who was worse then Bush Jr.

Things are better under Obama. Nobody flying planes into skyscrapers, Bin Laden's been captured, the economy's humming right along,considering how bush and the republicans left it. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself, and republicans get their daily fear fixes listening to right wing media.

Read a left wing newspaper once and a while dumb ass and not the comics....
Hey guess what? You agree with him on taxes. You agree with him on social security. You agree with him on Kim Davis. More?

He doesn't hate women.

Feel free to list his positions. As for women, there is little evidence to the contrary given his comments on Ms. O'Donnel, Ms. Kelly, and Carly.

Are you sure you want to try to justify those comments?

If you don't know what his positions are then why would you say 0.0%?
I was opining that in 6 months when he is no longer in the race....those who swear he's going to be the next President will not be saying as such. Go back and read the question.
Again, that is my opinion. I'm not supporting Trump so what is your issue with what I'm saying? Do we agree on some things? Sure. I'm sure I agree with my niece on some things too; doesn't mean I want her to be President.

Okay...Warren agrees with Trump. He doesn't think Kim Davis is in the right job.

Again, your point?

I mean because we would have you on record as not supporting any of those issues.

Again, feel free to lay out his tax plan and I'll decide if I like it or not. I may or may not. Doesn't mean I'd vote for the guy. Because he hates women.

Kelly is a hack. Not one liberal said...........that right there is a woman with integrity. Ever. She is despised in the same manner that Nancy Grace is.
Now you're just being stupid. Okay, lets assume she is a "hack" and is "despised". Does that mean you should question whether or not she is menstruating in public?

He has an ongoing feud with O'Donnell and nobody has ever given a dang about it.
Ongoing feud. Again, does that mean you call her names?

I don't give a dang what he said about Carly. It's faux rage.

Well, I do. He would not have my support under any circumstances. Presidents do not act like that.

Thanks for playing...check please.

It's a-ok that you will not support him but don't be ignorant. But, you do agree with him on many issues. Democrats aren't supposed to act like they are standing in line at a supermarket reading tabloids like the National Enquirer.
You were being stupid.
That's as much as anyone knows about his tax plan so far.
Donald Trump hits hedge funds, CEOs in tax plan preview

Here is a little bit from his site:

Put American Workers First

Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.”

The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty, including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American dream.

Additionally, we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us. The President of the immigration caseworkers union declared in a statement on ISIS: “We've become the visa clearinghouse for the world.”

Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:

Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need to companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.

Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.

Refugee program for American children. Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses. Use the monies saved on expensive refugee programs to help place American children without parents in safer homes and communities, and to improve community safety in high crime neighborhoods in the United States.

Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.
Immigration Reform

Here is the timeline of the feud:
The Donald Trump-Rosie O'Donnell feud: A timeline - CNNPolitics.com

It was a-ok for Rosie to call him names on her program on television but when he came back with the same it became a problem. A problem that Megyn Kelly decided to interject herself with inappropriate questioning during the debates so that she could be somebody. That came back around and kicked her in the teeth.

But, it's sweet that you think she is special:
Megyn Kelly did tell one huge, deliberate lie during the last Republican debate

The he hates women mantra just happens to be convenient. Again, it isn't a question of you supporting him for president.

Thanks for playing.
I had a more detailed response but I couldn't get the format to work.

Anyway; to state it yet again....read it slowly and let it sink in.

I agree with trump on some things. I agree with Rick Perry on some things. I agree with Clinton on some things. I agree with, likely, Edi Amin on some things. I disagree with all four of them on some things.

On things that matter to me, I agree with Clinton more than any of the other 3. On the things that matter most; appointing center-left jurists to the high court; I agree with Clinton and have confidence she will.


As for Trump hating women. It not only has the benefit of being convenient for the Democrats (I'm not a democrat by the way) politically but it also has the added benefit of being 100% correct.

Answer this question:
Do you think it is appropriate for someone running for President to pontificate that a woman is on period? Is this the person you want leading the nation?

There is nothing to let sink in. You agree with him more than you realized at the time. You may have even encountered programs that you did not even realize were in place. My point was made. I am not interested in whom you choose to vote for. There are those that need to understand why Trump has support. If the policies are ok when this group over here supports them then they are ok when that group over there supports the exact same policies. That group over there probably aren't the idiots that people like to claim they are.

No. Trump doesn't hate women.

In answer to your question: It is absolutely appropriate if your first name is Megyn and your last name is Kelly and your career is based on selling your sexuality to spread misinformation and you thought you had a gotcha moment that would make you a hero.
Feel free to list his positions. As for women, there is little evidence to the contrary given his comments on Ms. O'Donnel, Ms. Kelly, and Carly.

Are you sure you want to try to justify those comments?

If you don't know what his positions are then why would you say 0.0%?
I was opining that in 6 months when he is no longer in the race....those who swear he's going to be the next President will not be saying as such. Go back and read the question.
Again, that is my opinion. I'm not supporting Trump so what is your issue with what I'm saying? Do we agree on some things? Sure. I'm sure I agree with my niece on some things too; doesn't mean I want her to be President.

Okay...Warren agrees with Trump. He doesn't think Kim Davis is in the right job.

Again, your point?

I mean because we would have you on record as not supporting any of those issues.

Again, feel free to lay out his tax plan and I'll decide if I like it or not. I may or may not. Doesn't mean I'd vote for the guy. Because he hates women.

Kelly is a hack. Not one liberal said...........that right there is a woman with integrity. Ever. She is despised in the same manner that Nancy Grace is.
Now you're just being stupid. Okay, lets assume she is a "hack" and is "despised". Does that mean you should question whether or not she is menstruating in public?

He has an ongoing feud with O'Donnell and nobody has ever given a dang about it.
Ongoing feud. Again, does that mean you call her names?

I don't give a dang what he said about Carly. It's faux rage.

Well, I do. He would not have my support under any circumstances. Presidents do not act like that.

Thanks for playing...check please.

It's a-ok that you will not support him but don't be ignorant. But, you do agree with him on many issues. Democrats aren't supposed to act like they are standing in line at a supermarket reading tabloids like the National Enquirer.
You were being stupid.
That's as much as anyone knows about his tax plan so far.
Donald Trump hits hedge funds, CEOs in tax plan preview

Here is a little bit from his site:

Put American Workers First

Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000. Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.”

The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including immigrants themselves and their children – to earn a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty, including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants. Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the American dream.

Additionally, we need to stop giving legal immigrant visas to people bent on causing us harm. From the 9/11 hijackers, to the Boston Bombers, and many others, our immigration system is being used to attack us. The President of the immigration caseworkers union declared in a statement on ISIS: “We've become the visa clearinghouse for the world.”

Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:

Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need to companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.

Jobs program for inner city youth. The J-1 visa jobs program for foreign youth will be terminated and replaced with a resume bank for inner city youth provided to all corporate subscribers to the J-1 visa program.

Refugee program for American children. Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses. Use the monies saved on expensive refugee programs to help place American children without parents in safer homes and communities, and to improve community safety in high crime neighborhoods in the United States.

Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.
Immigration Reform

Here is the timeline of the feud:
The Donald Trump-Rosie O'Donnell feud: A timeline - CNNPolitics.com

It was a-ok for Rosie to call him names on her program on television but when he came back with the same it became a problem. A problem that Megyn Kelly decided to interject herself with inappropriate questioning during the debates so that she could be somebody. That came back around and kicked her in the teeth.

But, it's sweet that you think she is special:
Megyn Kelly did tell one huge, deliberate lie during the last Republican debate

The he hates women mantra just happens to be convenient. Again, it isn't a question of you supporting him for president.

Thanks for playing.
I had a more detailed response but I couldn't get the format to work.

Anyway; to state it yet again....read it slowly and let it sink in.

I agree with trump on some things. I agree with Rick Perry on some things. I agree with Clinton on some things. I agree with, likely, Edi Amin on some things. I disagree with all four of them on some things.

On things that matter to me, I agree with Clinton more than any of the other 3. On the things that matter most; appointing center-left jurists to the high court; I agree with Clinton and have confidence she will.


As for Trump hating women. It not only has the benefit of being convenient for the Democrats (I'm not a democrat by the way) politically but it also has the added benefit of being 100% correct.

Answer this question:
Do you think it is appropriate for someone running for President to pontificate that a woman is on period? Is this the person you want leading the nation?

There is nothing to let sink in. You agree with him more than you realized at the time. You may have even encountered programs that you did not even realize were in place. My point was made. I am not interested in whom you choose to vote for. There are those that need to understand why Trump has support. If the policies are ok when this group over here supports them then they are ok when that group over there supports the exact same policies. That group over there probably aren't the idiots that people like to claim they are.

No. Trump doesn't hate women.

In answer to your question: It is absolutely appropriate if your first name is Megyn and your last name is Kelly and your career is based on selling your sexuality to spread misinformation and you thought you had a gotcha moment that would make you a hero.

You're a moron.
Democrats are polling 37% now. Not good for them. Trump is polling 31%. Lets here it for idiocracy!

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