if the electric grid goes down does the natural gas grid go down?

Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
It wouldn 't even require all that. Cancelling cell phone signals would result in mass suicide
Imagine if you owned the lowest house on the block & the sewage pumping stations went down & your house started filling up with poop :)
You better Thunk again! ;)
So how close to the coast are you mike? I have my facility on the ohio river where I also have a sail boat that is ocean worthy. Learn to sail and fish. I am thinking of purchasing land on the gulf for a facility. I am worried that if some thing happened to my facility and I needed to bug out I would be exposed on the rivers till I hit the gulf. Live on the coast and you can disappear into millions upon millions of acres of water. I keep prepping but the reality is it likely for not. I spend most of my time on a ship in which the motors will like stop if there is an electromaganetic pulse. I am pretty well fucked unless it happens in late november to january when I am on land. I suppose I could get lucky and be beside a sail boat when it happens. Feel sorry for that sale boat trying to deal with my crew.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
Imagine if you owned the lowest house on the block & the sewage pumping stations went down & your house started filling up with poop :)
You better Thunk again! ;)
So how close to the coast are you mike? I have my facility on the ohio river where I also have a sail boat that is ocean worthy. Learn to sail and fish. I am thinking of purchasing land on the gulf for a facility. I am worried that if some thing happened to my facility and I needed to bug out I would be exposed on the rivers till I hit the gulf. Live on the coast and you can disappear into millions upon millions of acres of water. I keep prepping but the reality is it likely for not. I spend most of my time on a ship in which the motors will like stop if there is an electromaganetic pulse. I am pretty well fucked unless it happens in late november to january when I am on land. I suppose I could get lucky and be beside a sail boat when it happens. Feel sorry for that sale boat trying to deal with my crew.
Not close.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
What would there be to take over?
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
Thier nuclear subs will be fine. Also I am sure they have sail boats. We do. Under this scenario where this was planed for purposes of invasion an emp would have to be caused over our nation and not thiers. If it were natural cuases they would be as fucked as we are. Enough people would die they would not need our land they would have plenty there for who ever was left over.
Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
Thier nuclear subs will be fine. Also I am sure they have sail boats. We do. Under this scenario where this was planed for purposes of invasion an emp would have to be caused over our nation and not thiers. If it were natural cuases they would be as fucked as we are. Enough people would die they would not need our land they would have plenty there for who ever was left over.

The EMP would not take out our military...........and we have a lot more subs and ships than they do at this time...............They would not make it across...........that is a fairy tale.............
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
Thier nuclear subs will be fine. Also I am sure they have sail boats. We do. Under this scenario where this was planed for purposes of invasion an emp would have to be caused over our nation and not thiers. If it were natural cuases they would be as fucked as we are. Enough people would die they would not need our land they would have plenty there for who ever was left over.

The EMP would not take out our military...........and we have a lot more subs and ships than they do at this time...............They would not make it across...........that is a fairy tale.............
Our planes tanks and other advanced weaponry would not work thiers would. That all being said not a likely scenario. Our nuclear subs would also be fine and we would certainly start nuking them. we still run computer simulations and war games to prepare for these types of eventualites. We prepare for evfery eventuality no matter how unlikely. They do also. That all being said better take a look at what china is doing with thier navy lately.
How is China modernizing its navy? | ChinaPower Project
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
Thier nuclear subs will be fine. Also I am sure they have sail boats. We do. Under this scenario where this was planed for purposes of invasion an emp would have to be caused over our nation and not thiers. If it were natural cuases they would be as fucked as we are. Enough people would die they would not need our land they would have plenty there for who ever was left over.

The EMP would not take out our military...........and we have a lot more subs and ships than they do at this time...............They would not make it across...........that is a fairy tale.............
it would if all the military device weren't protected from the pulse. many people can't grasp how powerful it can be. Read about the Carrington event. It fried what little stuff we had.
No, just wondering how screwed we are if the grid fails. Several things can cause it to fail that we have no control over. #1 being a coronal mass ejection of which we have had several that have hit us, the worst being in 1859. Not much of a grid back then. They say it melted all the telegraph lines and fried the equipment.

Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
You realy wanna argue with me about life on the water? I spend 10 months of the year on it. Top dog on my boat. Wanna guess what my title is?
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.

I have a generator but due to the fact I'm out in the country it runs on propane not natural gas. I suppose to you could put in a tank and run propane even if you're in the city.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.

I have a generator but due to the fact I'm out in the country it runs on propane not natural gas. I suppose to you could put in a tank and run propane even if you're in the city.
You would have to make some adjustments to the generator. Propane has significantly more btu's.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
Thier nuclear subs will be fine. Also I am sure they have sail boats. We do. Under this scenario where this was planed for purposes of invasion an emp would have to be caused over our nation and not thiers. If it were natural cuases they would be as fucked as we are. Enough people would die they would not need our land they would have plenty there for who ever was left over.

The EMP would not take out our military...........and we have a lot more subs and ships than they do at this time...............They would not make it across...........that is a fairy tale.............
Ever play civ there eagle? Try it some time interesting game. Chess on steroids. Naval battle is my forte! God help you if your capital is on the oceans when I get frigates. Most games the entire board gangs up on me, it just dont matter though.
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
I highly recommend it.

I love mine.

If my area was prone to power outages I'd definitely get one.
In the twelve years we've lived here the longest power outage was 2 hours during a hurricane.
Yep....this is something to worry about...it would lead to a mass extinction event here in the U.S.....especially if it happened in the middle of winter.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
You realy wanna argue with me about life on the water? I spend 10 months of the year on it. Top dog on my boat. Wanna guess what my title is?
Captain Jack? ;)
Anyone actually know anything about this? Factually. Thanks.
You thinking about getting a Nat gas generator? Never have had gas problems when the power was out. Now if we are talking muti-state outages....may be different story.
I highly recommend it.

I love mine.

If my area was prone to power outages I'd definitely get one.
In the twelve years we've lived here the longest power outage was 2 hours during a hurricane.
Kansas man. Thunderstorms guarantee several power outages a year.
Indeed it would. Most people are woefully unprepared for disasters. They say a CME would kill most unshielded electronics and that means most cars made past 1980, computers, cellphones, etc. The first day folks would be wondering what was going on, and if that did happen, if the cell phones quit at the same time the cars quit, don't wait! Go to the store! Cards won't work but money will until people realize they are permanently back in the late 1800's.

Some older cars will still run and shielded electronics, but even if your cellphone was shielded, the towers will be fried. Just like the Gilligan's island, No phone, no lights, no motor car, Not a single luxury. Within a week people will kill you for a bottle of water and if you're an attractive woman, you better be armed and have your head on a swivel.

After the first year, 70 percent+ death rate. They may be the lucky ones.

I wonder if the Russians and Chinese haven't thought about this........knock out the grid in January, and invade in March.......
of course they have!
There is a big body of water in their way............called the Pacific Ocean........Can they swim it...........LOL
You realy wanna argue with me about life on the water? I spend 10 months of the year on it. Top dog on my boat. Wanna guess what my title is?
Captain Jack? ;)
If captain jack got stuck on the roof of the boat and he needed to steer the ship away from a sand bar, would you help captain jack off? LOL A little boat humor for you

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