If the National Anthem was so important......

View attachment 170957
Important things like shaming POWs?

Neither Pres. Trump nor the vast majority of veterans have attempted to shame POWs. Statements to the contrary are lies.

Well maybe that's because they wanted to distract from the fact that their negligence was directly responsible for those deaths.
Yet 13 Benghazi Investigations proved otherwise. If you’re not lyin’ you’re not talkin’

Nothing to say about Trump not honoring the dead on HIS watch but instead played golf?
Of course not.

Bullshit. Clinton admitted responsibility and lost her S.of S job because of her incompetence. She refused the Ambassador's requests for security and those men died a direct result. Obama shared responsibility because he appointed an incompetent who disregarded the the safety of those in her charge.
Fucking liar.HRC resigned at the end of Obama’s 1st term. She didn’t “ lose her job.” It was HER choice.
Both Obama and Hillary were exonerated from any wrong doing after the 13 Benghazi Kangeroo Courts.
its hard to tell if people like the phony 9th Doc is a liar or too stupid to know better..
Any United States veteran who voted for Donald J Trump is a fucking hypocrite

You personally, have besmirched EVERY man who died in Vietnam
You have besmirched EVERY POW

Really? How? By pointing out they were NOT insulted or dishonored? Your level of immaturity is astounding. Children should not discuss adult maters they are unable to understand.

You continually hold up your status as a Vietnam veteran as one of your proudest moments in your life

Donald J Trump mocked those stupid enough to fight in the war and paid a doctor to claim he had heel spurs to avoid service. Fighting in Vietnam was for suckers....Not Donald J Trump

Even worse, he mocked those who were captured while serving their country. They were not heroes, they dishonored their country by being captured. They were lesser veterans.....dishonored by their captivity

As a veteran, you should be ashamed for voting for a man like Donald J Trump

I have no respect for you

You obviously live in your own fantasy reality and become petulant at any hint of actual reality. I have invited you to provide any evidence of any reality to your insults and slander and all you do is add insults and slander.
I mention my status as a Vietnam veteran because the subject was veterans in general a Vietnam veterans in particular.
Who knows more about that than who has been there and done that? Certainly not some lame-ass child whose only related experience comes from movies and tv.
Yes, I am proud of my service because I proved I was willing to risk death or maiming to do the right thing. If you haven't walked the walk you haven't earned the right to sneer at those who have. But I was most certainly no volunteer and would avoided the whole thing had there been an honorable way to do so. A medical deferment was an honorable way to do so. I was willing to risk everything to avoid dishonor. If you want to discuss honor with me let's see some evidence you have ever had any or even understand the concept.
I think Pres. Trump's statement was related to a certain individual's being labeled "hero" who committed dishonorable, perhaps treasonous, acts while a POW. His actions might be understandable and forgivable where torture was involved but they were certainly NOT "heroic".
Don't presume to think you understand veterans (especially not dead ones)or honor. It's unlikely you ever will.

Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump insults every one of them
A man who openly mocked Vietnam service. A "favored son" who bought his way out of serving......there was money to be made

Trump did not just mock John McCain ......a great American hero

He mocked every man who was ever captured in the service of his country

I honor your service in Vietnam.....but am insulted you would sell out and vote for Donald J Trump

Sez you. All opinion slander and insults.
Any United States veteran who voted for Donald J Trump is a fucking hypocrite

You personally, have besmirched EVERY man who died in Vietnam
You have besmirched EVERY POW

Really? How? By pointing out they were NOT insulted or dishonored? Your level of immaturity is astounding. Children should not discuss adult maters they are unable to understand.

You continually hold up your status as a Vietnam veteran as one of your proudest moments in your life

Donald J Trump mocked those stupid enough to fight in the war and paid a doctor to claim he had heel spurs to avoid service. Fighting in Vietnam was for suckers....Not Donald J Trump

Even worse, he mocked those who were captured while serving their country. They were not heroes, they dishonored their country by being captured. They were lesser veterans.....dishonored by their captivity

As a veteran, you should be ashamed for voting for a man like Donald J Trump

I have no respect for you

You obviously live in your own fantasy reality and become petulant at any hint of actual reality. I have invited you to provide any evidence of any reality to your insults and slander and all you do is add insults and slander.
I mention my status as a Vietnam veteran because the subject was veterans in general a Vietnam veterans in particular.
Who knows more about that than who has been there and done that? Certainly not some lame-ass child whose only related experience comes from movies and tv.
Yes, I am proud of my service because I proved I was willing to risk death or maiming to do the right thing. If you haven't walked the walk you haven't earned the right to sneer at those who have. But I was most certainly no volunteer and would avoided the whole thing had there been an honorable way to do so. A medical deferment was an honorable way to do so. I was willing to risk everything to avoid dishonor. If you want to discuss honor with me let's see some evidence you have ever had any or even understand the concept.
I think Pres. Trump's statement was related to a certain individual's being labeled "hero" who committed dishonorable, perhaps treasonous, acts while a POW. His actions might be understandable and forgivable where torture was involved but they were certainly NOT "heroic".
Don't presume to think you understand veterans (especially not dead ones)or honor. It's unlikely you ever will.

Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump insults every one of them
A man who openly mocked Vietnam service. A "favored son" who bought his way out of serving......there was money to be made

Trump did not just mock John McCain ......a great American hero

He mocked every man who was ever captured in the service of his country

I honor your service in Vietnam.....but am insulted you would sell out and vote for Donald J Trump

Sez you. All opinion slander and insults.
Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump mocks every one of them

You have shamed them....you sold out
Really? How? By pointing out they were NOT insulted or dishonored? Your level of immaturity is astounding. Children should not discuss adult maters they are unable to understand.

You continually hold up your status as a Vietnam veteran as one of your proudest moments in your life

Donald J Trump mocked those stupid enough to fight in the war and paid a doctor to claim he had heel spurs to avoid service. Fighting in Vietnam was for suckers....Not Donald J Trump

Even worse, he mocked those who were captured while serving their country. They were not heroes, they dishonored their country by being captured. They were lesser veterans.....dishonored by their captivity

As a veteran, you should be ashamed for voting for a man like Donald J Trump

I have no respect for you

You obviously live in your own fantasy reality and become petulant at any hint of actual reality. I have invited you to provide any evidence of any reality to your insults and slander and all you do is add insults and slander.
I mention my status as a Vietnam veteran because the subject was veterans in general a Vietnam veterans in particular.
Who knows more about that than who has been there and done that? Certainly not some lame-ass child whose only related experience comes from movies and tv.
Yes, I am proud of my service because I proved I was willing to risk death or maiming to do the right thing. If you haven't walked the walk you haven't earned the right to sneer at those who have. But I was most certainly no volunteer and would avoided the whole thing had there been an honorable way to do so. A medical deferment was an honorable way to do so. I was willing to risk everything to avoid dishonor. If you want to discuss honor with me let's see some evidence you have ever had any or even understand the concept.
I think Pres. Trump's statement was related to a certain individual's being labeled "hero" who committed dishonorable, perhaps treasonous, acts while a POW. His actions might be understandable and forgivable where torture was involved but they were certainly NOT "heroic".
Don't presume to think you understand veterans (especially not dead ones)or honor. It's unlikely you ever will.

Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump insults every one of them
A man who openly mocked Vietnam service. A "favored son" who bought his way out of serving......there was money to be made

Trump did not just mock John McCain ......a great American hero

He mocked every man who was ever captured in the service of his country

I honor your service in Vietnam.....but am insulted you would sell out and vote for Donald J Trump

Sez you. All opinion slander and insults.
Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump mocks every one of them

You have shamed them....you sold out

Get a clue, child. Some of those names are of dead friends that I lived worked and suffered with every day. Some died while I was with them and in spite of my best efforts to keep them alive. Only a total sleeze would suggest I would ever disrespect or dishonor their memory. I am proud that I am only one of the majority of veterans who voted for Pres. Trump and I cordially invite you to continue your insults and disrespect in person. If you're ever feeling suicidal.
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

My all time favorite bone headed political gaff has got to be this one by Michelle Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne Gacy with The Duke
View attachment 170957
Neither Pres. Trump nor the vast majority of veterans have attempted to shame POWs. Statements to the contrary are lies.

Well maybe that's because they wanted to distract from the fact that their negligence was directly responsible for those deaths.
Yet 13 Benghazi Investigations proved otherwise. If you’re not lyin’ you’re not talkin’

Nothing to say about Trump not honoring the dead on HIS watch but instead played golf?
Of course not.

Bullshit. Clinton admitted responsibility and lost her S.of S job because of her incompetence. She refused the Ambassador's requests for security and those men died a direct result. Obama shared responsibility because he appointed an incompetent who disregarded the the safety of those in her charge.
Fucking liar.HRC resigned at the end of Obama’s 1st term. She didn’t “ lose her job.” It was HER choice.
Both Obama and Hillary were exonerated from any wrong doing after the 13 Benghazi Kangeroo Courts.

yeah right after ben ghazi.......how convienent
Unless Trump was there to sing the National Anthem his knowing the words is irrelevant.

How does Trump’s orange ass taste? Like a creamsicle?
Amusing comment coming from someone who still has Obamas dick stuck in there mouth.
You mean that Former President that is now a private citizen that trumpanzees can't seem to stop thinking and talking about?

have you removed your mouth yet?
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

Of course he doesnt know the words, he was a liberal democrat for most of his life, it takes a while for that to wear off, but he'll get it eventually
Really? How? By pointing out they were NOT insulted or dishonored? Your level of immaturity is astounding. Children should not discuss adult maters they are unable to understand.

You continually hold up your status as a Vietnam veteran as one of your proudest moments in your life

Donald J Trump mocked those stupid enough to fight in the war and paid a doctor to claim he had heel spurs to avoid service. Fighting in Vietnam was for suckers....Not Donald J Trump

Even worse, he mocked those who were captured while serving their country. They were not heroes, they dishonored their country by being captured. They were lesser veterans.....dishonored by their captivity

As a veteran, you should be ashamed for voting for a man like Donald J Trump

I have no respect for you

You obviously live in your own fantasy reality and become petulant at any hint of actual reality. I have invited you to provide any evidence of any reality to your insults and slander and all you do is add insults and slander.
I mention my status as a Vietnam veteran because the subject was veterans in general a Vietnam veterans in particular.
Who knows more about that than who has been there and done that? Certainly not some lame-ass child whose only related experience comes from movies and tv.
Yes, I am proud of my service because I proved I was willing to risk death or maiming to do the right thing. If you haven't walked the walk you haven't earned the right to sneer at those who have. But I was most certainly no volunteer and would avoided the whole thing had there been an honorable way to do so. A medical deferment was an honorable way to do so. I was willing to risk everything to avoid dishonor. If you want to discuss honor with me let's see some evidence you have ever had any or even understand the concept.
I think Pres. Trump's statement was related to a certain individual's being labeled "hero" who committed dishonorable, perhaps treasonous, acts while a POW. His actions might be understandable and forgivable where torture was involved but they were certainly NOT "heroic".
Don't presume to think you understand veterans (especially not dead ones)or honor. It's unlikely you ever will.

Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump insults every one of them
A man who openly mocked Vietnam service. A "favored son" who bought his way out of serving......there was money to be made

Trump did not just mock John McCain ......a great American hero

He mocked every man who was ever captured in the service of his country

I honor your service in Vietnam.....but am insulted you would sell out and vote for Donald J Trump

Sez you. All opinion slander and insults.
Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump mocks every one of them

You have shamed them....you sold out
Trump didnt protest the us and you voted for clinton, so shut the fuck up
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

My all time favorite bone headed political gaff has got to be this one by Michelle Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne Gacy with The Duke
My favorite picture of her is this one.
Deep throat it baby.
You continually hold up your status as a Vietnam veteran as one of your proudest moments in your life

Donald J Trump mocked those stupid enough to fight in the war and paid a doctor to claim he had heel spurs to avoid service. Fighting in Vietnam was for suckers....Not Donald J Trump

Even worse, he mocked those who were captured while serving their country. They were not heroes, they dishonored their country by being captured. They were lesser veterans.....dishonored by their captivity

As a veteran, you should be ashamed for voting for a man like Donald J Trump

I have no respect for you

You obviously live in your own fantasy reality and become petulant at any hint of actual reality. I have invited you to provide any evidence of any reality to your insults and slander and all you do is add insults and slander.
I mention my status as a Vietnam veteran because the subject was veterans in general a Vietnam veterans in particular.
Who knows more about that than who has been there and done that? Certainly not some lame-ass child whose only related experience comes from movies and tv.
Yes, I am proud of my service because I proved I was willing to risk death or maiming to do the right thing. If you haven't walked the walk you haven't earned the right to sneer at those who have. But I was most certainly no volunteer and would avoided the whole thing had there been an honorable way to do so. A medical deferment was an honorable way to do so. I was willing to risk everything to avoid dishonor. If you want to discuss honor with me let's see some evidence you have ever had any or even understand the concept.
I think Pres. Trump's statement was related to a certain individual's being labeled "hero" who committed dishonorable, perhaps treasonous, acts while a POW. His actions might be understandable and forgivable where torture was involved but they were certainly NOT "heroic".
Don't presume to think you understand veterans (especially not dead ones)or honor. It's unlikely you ever will.

Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump insults every one of them
A man who openly mocked Vietnam service. A "favored son" who bought his way out of serving......there was money to be made

Trump did not just mock John McCain ......a great American hero

He mocked every man who was ever captured in the service of his country

I honor your service in Vietnam.....but am insulted you would sell out and vote for Donald J Trump

Sez you. All opinion slander and insults.
Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump mocks every one of them

You have shamed them....you sold out
Trump didnt protest the us and you voted for clinton, so shut the fuck up
Are you jc's sock? He hasn't been around in awhile and you two have similar characteristics. You're painfully stupid!
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

My all time favorite bone headed political gaff has got to be this one by Michelle Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne Gacy with The Duke

nothing will ever top this

View attachment 171043
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

My all time favorite bone headed political gaff has got to be this one by Michelle Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne Gacy with The Duke
My favorite picture of her is this one.
Deep throat it baby.

wow shes still better looking thn 99% of democrats
You obviously live in your own fantasy reality and become petulant at any hint of actual reality. I have invited you to provide any evidence of any reality to your insults and slander and all you do is add insults and slander.
I mention my status as a Vietnam veteran because the subject was veterans in general a Vietnam veterans in particular.
Who knows more about that than who has been there and done that? Certainly not some lame-ass child whose only related experience comes from movies and tv.
Yes, I am proud of my service because I proved I was willing to risk death or maiming to do the right thing. If you haven't walked the walk you haven't earned the right to sneer at those who have. But I was most certainly no volunteer and would avoided the whole thing had there been an honorable way to do so. A medical deferment was an honorable way to do so. I was willing to risk everything to avoid dishonor. If you want to discuss honor with me let's see some evidence you have ever had any or even understand the concept.
I think Pres. Trump's statement was related to a certain individual's being labeled "hero" who committed dishonorable, perhaps treasonous, acts while a POW. His actions might be understandable and forgivable where torture was involved but they were certainly NOT "heroic".
Don't presume to think you understand veterans (especially not dead ones)or honor. It's unlikely you ever will.

Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump insults every one of them
A man who openly mocked Vietnam service. A "favored son" who bought his way out of serving......there was money to be made

Trump did not just mock John McCain ......a great American hero

He mocked every man who was ever captured in the service of his country

I honor your service in Vietnam.....but am insulted you would sell out and vote for Donald J Trump

Sez you. All opinion slander and insults.
Read those names

Your vote for Donald J Trump mocks every one of them

You have shamed them....you sold out
Trump didnt protest the us and you voted for clinton, so shut the fuck up
Are you jc's sock? He hasn't been around in awhile and you two have similar characteristics. You're painfully stupid!

add something to the conversation or ill call you lakhota
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

My all time favorite bone headed political gaff has got to be this one by Michelle Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne Gacy with The Duke

nothing will ever top this

Doesn't matter what party you are from or not from, where you were born, what your background is. That is some funny shit. And the general says he doesn't anticipate that happening. Maybe they park all the heavy equipment equally over the island to keep it level. It is so stupid it is Trump stupid.
View attachment 171043
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

My all time favorite bone headed political gaff has got to be this one by Michelle Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne Gacy with The Duke
My favorite picture of her is this one.
Deep throat it baby.

And it's clear as day, she's swallowed her share of wienies.
If the National Anthem was so important that Trump had a fit that players knelt during it's playing, that Trump would know the words?

He is was, going to the championship game & standing with soldiers (bone spurs & all) yet did not bother to learn the words? He didn't think anyone would be watching? Did he disrepect the Anthem by not taking a few minutes to learn the words?

He's like one of these lame bands that does a show and doesn't know what city they're in. "It's great to be in Cleveland!" "Boooo". "I mean it's great to be in Peoria!" They don't know and don't give shit, like Lying Donald. Trump uses the National Anthem as a sales prop, like one of those inflatable arm-flailing balloons.

Funny you vote for those guys.....
John Kerry praised Ohio State in Michigan.......yep those are democrats.......completely retarded

My all time favorite bone headed political gaff has got to be this one by Michelle Bachmann:

Michele Bachmann confuses John Wayne Gacy with The Duke

nothing will ever top this

Doesn't matter what party you are from or not from, where you were born, what your background is. That is some funny shit. And the general says he doesn't anticipate that happening. Maybe they park all the heavy equipment equally over the island to keep it level. It is so stupid it is Trump stupid.

I'd post one of Hillary, but who wants to see that.......

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