If the president is not safe, no one is safe.

There is a bright spot in this. Deaths are mostly confined to people with existing health issues unlike the 1918 pandemic that took out the healthiest people. A lot of information is confused and unreliable so death figures are suspect. Statistics should not be taken as fact in a lot of cases because there is a lot CYA going on.

What is disconcerting about this virus is an array of symptoms that affect areas not usually associated with standard viral infections. Heart damage in some people is a rising concern and bears watching.

dude, that's that way for any virus. too fking funny. even the common cold.
Didn’t you post the numbers? Doesn’t make us look good. Especially since we have the most deaths.
What I posted doesn't back up your bullshit lies. Back up your lies, liar.


....next dodge in 3......2..........

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

We're fiirst in deaths by a long shot.
Thanks for once again your remedial reading comprehension skills prohibit you from following a conversation.
Healthcare helps you when you have contracted the virus.

Common sense helps you from contracting it in the first place.

And so who has a better healthcare system than the US? When it comes to this virus, the President promised facilities who treat Covid patients payments for their work. In fact it's why our numbers are as phony as hell. I talked to other people with experience in this, and a recent death in my family convinced me a lot of this is BS.
Tell Herman Cain.

Well there you go. Don't you think he had the best healthcare money could buy?

Sure. But that‘a a poor substitute for avoiding the infection in the first place.
so do you know one can avoid it? tell us how that works?
Healthcare helps you when you have contracted the virus.

Common sense helps you from contracting it in the first place.

And so who has a better healthcare system than the US? When it comes to this virus, the President promised facilities who treat Covid patients payments for their work. In fact it's why our numbers are as phony as hell. I talked to other people with experience in this, and a recent death in my family convinced me a lot of this is BS.
Tell Herman Cain.

Well there you go. Don't you think he had the best healthcare money could buy?

Sure. But that‘a a poor substitute for avoiding the infection in the first place.

You have no idea what precautions he took and neither do I. Even Fauci and the CDC say that masks will not protect you from getting this virus.
he acts like he knows how to avoid it. So why doesn't he share that?
Result of crappy response and no leadership. Other countries have controlled it much better. The wealthiest country in the world with the most expensive healthcare and we have the most deaths.
No country has as much freedom as we do to make our own choices.

It's strange how quickly the anti-fascists suddenly become authoritarians.
No other country had a president claiming it was a hoax and duping 40% of the population into believing.
More lies by Brainless.

Factcheckers have debunked your lie long ago, Stupid.
Healthcare helps you when you have contracted the virus.

Common sense helps you from contracting it in the first place.

And so who has a better healthcare system than the US? When it comes to this virus, the President promised facilities who treat Covid patients payments for their work. In fact it's why our numbers are as phony as hell. I talked to other people with experience in this, and a recent death in my family convinced me a lot of this is BS.
Tell Herman Cain.

Well there you go. Don't you think he had the best healthcare money could buy?

Sure. But that‘a a poor substitute for avoiding the infection in the first place.
so do you know one can avoid it? tell us how that works?
if you can't see it, one can't avoid it. that's merely the most stupid post you've ever made. The virus will run its course whether you like it or not. and it doesn't care what you think. That's what continues to make you stupid.
Well the Dems sure thought it was a hoax. They called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US.
That's because Trump told everybody to "play it down" The cases were soon going down to almost zero, and it was going to go away by itself.
I agree. you aren't going to stop it. it's hilarious that you think we can. too fking funny.
Healthcare helps you when you have contracted the virus.

Common sense helps you from contracting it in the first place.

And so who has a better healthcare system than the US? When it comes to this virus, the President promised facilities who treat Covid patients payments for their work. In fact it's why our numbers are as phony as hell. I talked to other people with experience in this, and a recent death in my family convinced me a lot of this is BS.
Tell Herman Cain.

Well there you go. Don't you think he had the best healthcare money could buy?

Sure. But that‘a a poor substitute for avoiding the infection in the first place.
so do you know one can avoid it? tell us how that works?
if you can't see it, one can't avoid it. that's merely the most stupid post you've ever made. The virus will run its course whether you like it or not. and it doesn't care what you think. That's what continues to make you stupid.
I guess I’m going to side with the medical professionals at the CDC over you.

Don’t take it personally.
Didn’t you post the numbers? Doesn’t make us look good. Especially since we have the most deaths.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

We're first in deaths by a long shot.
Thanks for once again your remedial reading comprehension skills prohibit you from following a conversation.

I came in watching you complain about the numbers, so I posted the numbers. You can use the link to make your point.

Thank me later.
Actually there are state and city laws about wearing masks at Trump rally locations. But Trump either overrides the laws with federal jurisdiction, or by narrow exclusions.
Over rides their laws? Can you provide evidence to your phony claim?
Yes I can. Every time a presidential motorcade goes through red lights, or exceeds the speed limit, or fails to yield the right of way.

What does that have to do with this virus? The President cannot tell a state or city he's not going to listen to their laws, nor his followers.
If the president is not safe, no one is safe.
It's a contagious virus. Is no one safe during flu season?
This too shall pass.
The only thing interesting about the situation is we will all see just how much this has been overblown as the Trumps recover with barely an inconvenience. And if Trump turns out to be one of the less-than-1% that dies from it, we still have the SCOTUS for generations.
No other country had a president claiming it was a hoax and duping 40% of the population into believing.
Trump told his supporters it was just a hoax and they needed to get back to work, even by breaking the law if necessary.
the hoax was the close down the country and it would stop the virus. it didn't. it's a virus, it doesn't care what you or other demofks think. promoting false figures is panic baiting. the numbers are all fking fake. still today. hahahahahha. the fact you believe them makes you one of the stupidest poster in here.
Well the Dems sure thought it was a hoax. They called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US.
That's because Trump told everybody to "play it down" The cases were soon going down to almost zero, and it was going to go away by itself.
I agree. you aren't going to stop it. it's hilarious that you think we can. too fking funny.

"The idea that no solution exists never occurs to them (trumpsters), and this is their strength"

Quote on the cover of a match book, picked up in the late 60's at Cafe Triest:

A coffee house where I spent some of my youth playing chess.

Chris Wallace: All right. In any case, why you holding the big rallies? Why you not? You go first, sir.

President Donald J. Trump: Because people want to hear what I have to say. I mean-

Chris Wallace: But are not worried about us spreading disease?

President Donald J. Trump: … I’m doing my job as a president, and I’ll have 25, 35,000 people show up at airports. We use airports and hangers and we have a lot of people-

Chris Wallace: Are you not worried about the disease issues, sir?

President Donald J. Trump: Well, so far we have had no problem whatsoever.


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