If the president is not safe, no one is safe.

For those claiming Trump got this because he did not wear a mask.

I thought the mask was for others, not you.

I cant understand your stupid fucking pretzel logic.
Trump wears none and is around people that don’t wear them. He’s a moron and may have killed himself along with 200,000 other Americans.

Trump is tested daily and nobody gets near him who are not tested. This is not to say that it's impossible for him to catch it as test results are never immediate, but he has a much less chance of it than you or I do.
For those claiming Trump got this because he did not wear a mask.

I thought the mask was for others, not you.

I cant understand your stupid fucking pretzel logic.
Trump wears none and is around people that don’t wear them. He’s a moron and may have killed himself along with 200,000 other Americans.

Trump is tested daily and nobody gets near him who are not tested. This is not to say that it's impossible for him to catch it as test results are never immediate, but he has a much less chance of it than you or I do.

Its not complex. His aid, Hicks got it and passed it to him.

Hicks meets with a ton a people.

Shit happens when you have a nation to run, like you and I have been saying.

Trump is an Alpha and he has a nation to run,

He is not a cuck beta faggot like Biden who hid in his basement for 6 months.
I figured I would wait a while before posting this to give you time to dig a deep hole.

State executive orders[edit]
Main article: State executive order
Executive orders issued by state governors are not the same as statutes passed by state legislatures and are not law.

Then why did you leave this part out about how they are enacted under a STATUTE, which is what you were asking for.

State executive orders are usually based on existing constitutional or statutory powers of the governor and do not require any action by the state legislature to take effect

They are not "law" which is defined as legislative actions, but have the power of "law"

Executive orders may be enforced by all levels of state government. For example, state attorneys general offices can act through their own authority, seek assistance from state law enforcement, utilize the courts and judicial system, and work with state agencies that have particular policy concerns or interests.
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of crafted bioweapon research for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

It's a matter of time now until they start trying to remove him because he's unfit for office.

I'd suggest that you read the 25th amendment before making idiotic statements, but I doubt you are capable of comprehending it.
id suggest you fly off a building
For those claiming Trump got this because he did not wear a mask.

I thought the mask was for others, not you.

I cant understand your stupid fucking pretzel logic.
Trump wears none and is around people that don’t wear them. He’s a moron and may have killed himself along with 200,000 other Americans.

Trump is tested daily and nobody gets near him who are not tested. This is not to say that it's impossible for him to catch it as test results are never immediate, but he has a much less chance of it than you or I do.

Its not complex. His aid, Hicks got it and passed it to him.

Hicks meets with a ton a people.

Shit happens when you have a nation to run, like you and I have been saying.

Trump is an Alpha and he has a nation to run,

He is not a cuck beta faggot like Biden who hid in his basement for 6 months.
Alpha male reportedly already has a fever and a cough. Not so Alpha.
For those claiming Trump got this because he did not wear a mask.

I thought the mask was for others, not you.

I cant understand your stupid fucking pretzel logic.
Trump wears none and is around people that don’t wear them. He’s a moron and may have killed himself along with 200,000 other Americans.

Trump is tested daily and nobody gets near him who are not tested. This is not to say that it's impossible for him to catch it as test results are never immediate, but he has a much less chance of it than you or I do.
You don’t watch the rallies I guess.
I figured I would wait a while before posting this to give you time to dig a deep hole.

State executive orders[edit]
Main article: State executive order
Executive orders issued by state governors are not the same as statutes passed by state legislatures and are not law.

Then why did you leave this part out about how they are enacted under a STATUTE, which is what you were asking for.

State executive orders are usually based on existing constitutional or statutory powers of the governor and do not require any action by the state legislature to take effect

They are not "law" which is defined as legislative actions, but have the power of "law"

Executive orders may be enforced by all levels of state government. For example, state attorneys general offices can act through their own authority, seek assistance from state law enforcement, utilize the courts and judicial system, and work with state agencies that have particular policy concerns or interests.
Wow! You really are dumber than a box of retarded hammers.

Yes, there is a statute giving the Gov the authority to enact EOs. But EOs are not statutes.

Once again you demonstrate your remedial reading comprehension skills.

Moron. :iyfyus.jpg:
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of crafted bioweapon research for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

Its a virus just like a cold for pity sake. If you think anyone is immune because of their office
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of crafted bioweapon research for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

Its a virus like a cold for pity sake. Anyone thinking someone can be immune because of their office is as silly an idea as thinking these silly assed masks can to do any good. He'll have some symptoms 5hen he'll get over it as if he'd had a cold then well go on. At least now there'll be no hiding or covering up. People will all see that this whole thing has been nothing but a tempest in a teapot.
Actually state law gives "law enforcement" and "emergency vehicle" exceptions, such as they can exceed speed limits or run red lights "while using their lights and sirens".

Federal law the same. A lot of people don't know it, but state troopers are not restricted to highways and state routes. They can give you as ticket on a residential side street in any city or town within that state because they have jurisdiction in the entire state to do that. Park Rangers are the same way; state police.

Presidential motorcades are always accompanied by state troopers. Trust me, I worked by the airport here in Cleveland for 25 years and have seen dozens of them. DumBama for some reason had to go back and forth at rush hour when he came in.

If the FBI are chasing down a suspect and go through red lights to do so, they have federal jurisdiction, therefore are not breaking any laws even though they are federal authorities.
Why did masks become so political?

How did Hydroxychloroquine become political? Everything in our country is political.
Because Trump hyped it up and his supporters refuse to believe that the data shows it doesn’t work. Therefore, they invented an anti-Trump conspiracy in the CDC and NIH that falsified data to embarrass him.

That sounds crazy but that’s what happens when your base gets into a mindset that Trump cannot ever be wrong.
Your link no worky.

Interesting how you were able to cite my non working link?

How do you explain that lie?
Because I originally clicked on this non-working link, Fuckwit.

see “Gubernatorial Executive Orders: Authorization, Provisions, Procedures” (Table 4.5, The Book of the States 2019, source: The Council of State Governments).

The link was to the authority, or statute which empowered the executive order Trump violated. Not to other references within the article.

So you lied that the "link no worky", and not that a link within the article didn't work.
Yes, there is a statute giving the Gov the authority to enact EOs. But EOs are not statutes.

You asked for the statute the EO was enacted under.

That isn't a statute. Give us the statute number and the date it was voted on by the legislature.
No, you blithering nincompoop............you claimed there was a LAW REQUIRING MASK WEARING.

I asked for the statute. You came back with an EO, which isn't a statute.

Good Lord Moron, give it up. You look like a braindead boob.
Your link no worky.

Interesting how you were able to cite my non working link?

How do you explain that lie?
Because I originally clicked on this non-working link, Fuckwit.

see “Gubernatorial Executive Orders: Authorization, Provisions, Procedures” (Table 4.5, The Book of the States 2019, source: The Council of State Governments).

The link was to the authority, or statute which empowered the executive order Trump violated. Not to other references within the article.

So you lied that the "link no worky", and not that a link within the article didn't work.
Nope. You put a non-working link in your post.

Deal with it.
Presidential motorcades are always accompanied by state troopers. Trust me, I worked by the airport here in Cleveland for 25 years and have seen dozens of them.

If the FBI are chasing down a suspect and go through red lights to do so, they have federal jurisdiction, therefore are not breaking any laws even though they are federal authorities.

This is the nuance error that is being made. They are still breaking the law. Their federal jurisdiction just gives them immunity from being prosecuted.

They're still breaking the law.

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