If the Presidential outcome was fraudulent, then so were all the rest.

Go back and see what I wrote…you’re so stupid it hurts. So you won’t do it. Got it. Coward. LOL
Poor retard. Threw down a challenge and when I challenged him back, started whimpering!!! :auiqs.jpg:

When are you going to figure out that a retard like you will never win against me? LOL. Now, go crying to the mods, like you always do. Fucking retard.
I said “If he makes it”

You said “Biden will make it”

You’re a fucking idiot. Never did I say he would not. You said he would. So do you stand by your words or not? Dumbass
LOL. You think I have a crystal ball and know when someone is going to die or live? Why do you keep proving you are a retard?
The mechanism of overwhelming fraud in 2020 was unregulated mail-in voting. Particularly the use of unrequested and unverified ballots, but also ballot harvesting

And all of those ballots had more than just the president on them, so every race that was on those ballots should be also be invalid, you cannot say the presidential part was but not the rest
If the election was not valid due to cheating by the Dems, then it cannot just be the presidential race that is contested, it has to be every single race that was on the same ballot.

All of those in congress that won in 2020 that are claiming the election was not valid should step down, to do otherwise is to show you really do not think the election was fraudulent.

That is under the unevidenced ignorant opinion it was fraudulent but it wasn't. It's just you moaning about the defeat of Lord trump.
I'm a Brit, this is my view of last two American elections. When Hillary lost when she was so far ahead in the polls, I was a little surprised, but, I don't have previous knowledge of past polls and elections. When Trump lost, again I was surprised because of the likes of Biden, plus, all the potential discrepancies raised.

I believe election integrity to be important, my impression is that the American Left are very laid back with voting security. Given Hillary's defeat, I thought they would have the opposite view.

I do believe the US Constitution allows one side or the other to query election outcome, which has happened in the past. I witnessed Trump exercise this Right and asked for a peaceful protest march to cheer on certain Senators and not others, voicing concern over voting practices/discrepancies.

And finally, I constantly witness Democrats on forums not know what the word, "Insurrection" means.

Democrats, you cannot use feelings as evidence, it doesn't work like that.
Sure. With new election laws that you have to prove you are a citizen, live there, and haven't voted somewhere else.

If found voting with a FAKE SSN..........you will be given the choice of deportation or jail.


Georgia voter registration is very strict that way.

You can't deport a US citzen.
I'm a Brit, this is my view of last two American elections. When Hillary lost when she was so far ahead in the polls, I was a little surprised, but, I don't have previous knowledge of past polls and elections. When Trump lost, again I was surprised because of the likes of Biden, plus, all the potential discrepancies raised.

I believe election integrity to be important, my impression is that the American Left are very laid back with voting security. Given Hillary's defeat, I thought they would have the opposite view.

I do believe the US Constitution allows one side or the other to query election outcome, which has happened in the past. I witnessed Trump exercise this Right and asked for a peaceful protest march to cheer on certain Senators and not others, voicing concern over voting practices/discrepancies.

And finally, I constantly witness Democrats on forums not know what the word, "Insurrection" means.

Democrats, you cannot use feelings as evidence, it doesn't work like that.

Most states have very strict voter registration .. You might try reading them state by state instead of assuming you know anything.
If the election was not valid due to cheating by the Dems, then it cannot just be the presidential race that is contested, it has to be every single race that was on the same ballot.

All of those in congress that won in 2020 that are claiming the election was not valid should step down, to do otherwise is to show you really do not think the election was fraudulent.

The 2020 election exposes tens of million of "democrat voters" as blatant racists who did not vote for Born in Kenya Barack, but voted for the rich, old white creepy guy around children
The 2020 election exposes tens of million of "democrat voters" as blatant racists who did not vote for Born in Kenya Barack, but voted for the rich, old white creepy guy around children

OMG, you really are a moron. Its impossible for Obama to have been born in Kenya.
Poor retard. Trying to claim victory. Keep trying, retard. What else you got? :auiqs.jpg:
I enjoy triggering you.

you’re a coward. You can’t even stand by your statement LOL. So you resort to childish emojis and you sound like a mentally ill parrot.

Retard kwak retard kwak retard kwak.

Keep dodging. Are you going to stand by your statement or not? Simple question. Coward.
Unlikely by why impossible? Please explain.

Because his mother never left the US until she married her second husband.

If the baby had been born in British East Africa years before they had an international airport and travel for pregnant women was banned , the birth would have been registered at the US consulate or she couldn't have gotten the baby into the US.

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