If the Presidential outcome was fraudulent, then so were all the rest.

I never made a statement. I asked a question. See, how that goes, little coward. Find my statement. And I'll stand by it. Dumbass Leftist.
Poor trumptard. Threw out a challenge and when I challenged it back, started whimpering!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Keep coming back, retard. I am having a lot of fun with you!!! :itsok:
Poor trumptard. Threw out a challenge and when I challenged it back, started whimpering!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Keep coming back, retard. I am having a lot of fun with you!!! :itsok:
Find my statement and then find my challenge. I'll patiently wait, coward. The real retard it seems as you. You said my question was a statement LOL. Dumbass.
Find my statement and then find my challenge. I'll patiently wait, coward. The real retard it seems as you. You said my question was a statement LOL. Dumbass.
Looke here... it's our resident retard come back for more abuse!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

The poor guy threw down a challenge and when I challenged it back, it got all whiny and shit!!! Poor thing, not only a retard but a cowardly retard!!! :itsok:
First name not middle name. Oh no. The coward cannot read. Dumbass. Let me guess you're a BHO sycophant? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Who the fuck cares which name, you retard. A name is a name. Man, what a retard. Do I keep having to show you up?
Looke here... it's our resident retard come back for more abuse!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

The poor guy threw down a challenge and when I challenged it back, it got all whiny and shit!!! Poor thing, not only a retard but a cowardly retard!!! :itsok:
Waiting…where is my statement? Can’t find it? That’s what she said. Coward.
Who the fuck cares which name, you retard. A name is a name. Man, what a retard. Do I keep having to show you up?
I care. You are on stupid coward. Still waiting for you to find my “statement”. You can’t. I accept your surrender. Pussy.
Poor trumptard. Threw out a challenge and when I challenged it back, started whimpering!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, no one wants to get in a cum swallowing contest with you. We agree that in this one area, you reign supreme.
Keep coming back, retard. I am having a lot of fun with you!!! :itsok:

As much fun as you have with truck drivers in the truck stop johns?

Quarter a pop, is it?
Barack Hussein Obama. You're welcome, retard.

You know fucktard, that is some drooling retard level circular reasoning. :thup:

Now, I never believed Barry da Fairy was actually a Muslim. The egoistical pile of shit truly thinks HE is god.

Now if you got in a blow job contest with Barry - then you might just lose - but it would be close....
I care. You are on stupid coward. Still waiting for you to find my “statement”. You can’t. I accept your surrender. Pussy.
Hey, retard. Still no response on our bet. What's the matter, coward? So sad. A cowardly retard!
Hey, retard. Still no response on our bet. What's the matter, coward? So sad. A cowardly retard!
What bet? Find my statement so we may bet. Little coward. I asked you a question. You made the statement and now won’t stand by it. Dumbass leftist.
Ha ha ha ha you know you lost so now you deflect. Coward.
More farts from the retard. LOL

Keep trying to evade the issue, retard. Sorry, but till you accept the challenge you will be branded as a cowardly retard. But you know that, don't you? :itsok:

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