If the service is good at a sit down restaurant, do you tip the waitress?

If the service is good at a sit down restaurant, do you tip the waitress?

  • Yes I tip the customary 10 to 15%

  • No

  • Yes if the service is good, Iā€™ll Tip very well

  • Hell no!! Why should I care about a waitress.! Why should I spend extra money on a tip?

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Well, in some cases, when it comes to waitresses or waiters at very high end restaurants, they can make a pretty darn good wage based on their tips alone. So thatā€™s an argument against raising the minimum wage for service workers.

I ainā€™t a brokeee so I tip pretty good as do the other Trump supporters in this thread.

I would love to see a tip breakdown of race in America among white people and Black people. To see how well they represent their ancestors. Hereā€™s one it says Black people tip less than white people on average.

I think that is it is an insult to the great Africans of history and Europeans of history when a black or white American doesnā€™t tip at a restaurant.

But maybe thereā€™s other polls out there with different data. But you know what thatā€™s a part of this conversation. And Iā€™ve talk to restaurant workers who say man I donā€™t like it when black folks sit down to eat at my restaurant. OK I challenged him though because Iā€™ve been in the service industry. Iā€™ve done 5000 Uber rides. Iā€™ve got great tips from Black people and then no tips from rich white people. So itā€™s a very interesting conversation. And no one should ever feel uncomfortable in this conversation.

Within the U.S. restaurant industry, black customers are generally considered comparatively poor tippers. One recent survey of roughly 1,000 restaurant servers from across the nation found that 34 percent thought black diners were ā€œvery badā€ tippers. An additional 36 percent thought black patrons were ā€œbelow averageā€ tippers. In contrast, 98 percent of those surveyed believed white customers were ā€œaverageā€ or ā€œabove averageā€ tippers.
Our research indicates that black people tip less because they believe servers expect lower tips, and they underestimate the tip amounts that others leave. Whereas roughly 70 percent of whites identify the customary or expected restaurant tip to fall within 15-20 percent of the bill, only about 35 percent of blacks do. In addition, black respondents, on average, believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 13.4 percent of the bill, while whites believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 14.5 percent. Together, these differences in perceptions of ā€œwhat is expected and typicalā€ explain about half of the black-white difference in tipping.
These findings are important: They suggest that black-white differences in tipping could be sizably reduced by publicly promoting social expectations regarding how much consumers should and typically do tip their servers in restaurants (typically 15-20 percent of the bill).

IM2 Superbadbrutha
Do you tip restaurant waitresses if they do a good job?
Racist douche.
Especially well if they did a good job. And I'll tidy up the table before I leave.

Waiting is a tough job. I try to make it a little easier.
Make it very, very easy. Cook your own food and eat at home.
Well, in some cases, when it comes to waitresses or waiters at very high end restaurants, they can make a pretty darn good wage based on their tips alone. So thatā€™s an argument against raising the minimum wage for service workers.

I ainā€™t a brokeee so I tip pretty good as do the other Trump supporters in this thread.

I would love to see a tip breakdown of race in America among white people and Black people. To see how well they represent their ancestors. Hereā€™s one it says Black people tip less than white people on average.

I think that is it is an insult to the great Africans of history and Europeans of history when a black or white American doesnā€™t tip at a restaurant.

But maybe thereā€™s other polls out there with different data. But you know what thatā€™s a part of this conversation. And Iā€™ve talk to restaurant workers who say man I donā€™t like it when black folks sit down to eat at my restaurant. OK I challenged him though because Iā€™ve been in the service industry. Iā€™ve done 5000 Uber rides. Iā€™ve got great tips from Black people and then no tips from rich white people. So itā€™s a very interesting conversation. And no one should ever feel uncomfortable in this conversation.

Within the U.S. restaurant industry, black customers are generally considered comparatively poor tippers. One recent survey of roughly 1,000 restaurant servers from across the nation found that 34 percent thought black diners were ā€œvery badā€ tippers. An additional 36 percent thought black patrons were ā€œbelow averageā€ tippers. In contrast, 98 percent of those surveyed believed white customers were ā€œaverageā€ or ā€œabove averageā€ tippers.
Our research indicates that black people tip less because they believe servers expect lower tips, and they underestimate the tip amounts that others leave. Whereas roughly 70 percent of whites identify the customary or expected restaurant tip to fall within 15-20 percent of the bill, only about 35 percent of blacks do. In addition, black respondents, on average, believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 13.4 percent of the bill, while whites believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 14.5 percent. Together, these differences in perceptions of ā€œwhat is expected and typicalā€ explain about half of the black-white difference in tipping.
These findings are important: They suggest that black-white differences in tipping could be sizably reduced by publicly promoting social expectations regarding how much consumers should and typically do tip their servers in restaurants (typically 15-20 percent of the bill).

IM2 Superbadbrutha
Do you tip restaurant waitresses if they do a good job?
Iā€™ll make an additional comment, Walter Williams an economistā€¦.points out that from 1890 to 1922 the black divorce rate was lower than the white divorce rate in America. I would venture to bet in those days Black folks mightā€™ve tip better than white folks on average. It all starts at the home. Having good parents to raise you right. And in the black majority communities today , thereā€™s a lot of one parent households more so than in white families.

So thereā€™s work to be done all around here in America. Very interesting conversation.

Skylar what do you think about these points?
Iā€™ll make an additional comment, Walter Williams an economistā€¦.points out that from 1890 to 1922 the black divorce rate was lower than the white divorce rate in America. I would venture to bet in those days Black folks mightā€™ve tip better than white folks on average. It all starts at the home. Having good parents to raise you right. And in the black majority communities today , thereā€™s a lot of one parent households more so than in white families.

So thereā€™s work to be done all around here in America. Very interesting conversation.

Skylar what do you think about these points?
Democrats have successfully given the 'poor' (translated Blacks in the hood and projects) government money for fatherless families. A woman can have babies with multiple men and get government money for each one as long as the sperm donor isn't around. They have created slave voters in lieu of keeping them on the plantation.
Democrats have successfully given the 'poor' (translated Blacks in the hood and projects) government money for fatherless families. A woman can have babies with multiple men and get government money for each one as long as the sperm donor isn't around. They have created slave voters in lieu of keeping them on the plantation.
I agree in part that those were the democrats of the 1980s and further onā€¦ especially the Democrats of the modern era of the last five years or so, who take a knee for BLM causes, but what are they actually doing for the poor black man on the streets?

But before that the Democrats were looking out for the working black man and working white man. The numbers show us something very interesting. The divorce rate among blacks and whites were much lower in the earlier to middle part of the 20th century.

Robert F Kennedy junior talked about the ā€œgreat prosperityā€, which had occurred from about 1945 till maybe 1975 and lingered on for a few more years. A time when Americans of numerous background, black and white experienced the most prosperous middle class. It was because of men like Franklin Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, who brought us the strong middle class. Also, Dwight Eisenhower, the Republican who brought us the interstate highway system.
You might as well tip....

Otherwise they might kill you LOL:omg:
The IRS has always went after those tips, and none of the additional IRS agents hired will be going after those servers. In fact, they don't need any agents, it is all computer program that analyzes individual server sales, credit card tips, and claimed tips. In fact, I don't think it the IRS that "allocates" tips based on that 8% model, employers are required to do it, there is even a line on the W2 titled allocated tips.

So, you are a slick ass server and think you can outsmart the IRS. You do $5,000 in sales in a week and most of them were in cash. Rare, I know, but roll with it. You have $300 in credit card tips and that is all you claim. When you pick up your paystub you will notice that you got taxed on $400 in tips, $100 allocated.
There's something not right about that.
Well, in some cases, when it comes to waitresses or waiters at very high end restaurants, they can make a pretty darn good wage based on their tips alone. So thatā€™s an argument against raising the minimum wage for service workers.

I ainā€™t a brokeee so I tip pretty good as do the other Trump supporters in this thread.

I would love to see a tip breakdown of race in America among white people and Black people. To see how well they represent their ancestors. Hereā€™s one it says Black people tip less than white people on average.

I think that is it is an insult to the great Africans of history and Europeans of history when a black or white American doesnā€™t tip at a restaurant.

But maybe thereā€™s other polls out there with different data. But you know what thatā€™s a part of this conversation. And Iā€™ve talk to restaurant workers who say man I donā€™t like it when black folks sit down to eat at my restaurant. OK I challenged him though because Iā€™ve been in the service industry. Iā€™ve done 5000 Uber rides. Iā€™ve got great tips from Black people and then no tips from rich white people. So itā€™s a very interesting conversation. And no one should ever feel uncomfortable in this conversation.

Within the U.S. restaurant industry, black customers are generally considered comparatively poor tippers. One recent survey of roughly 1,000 restaurant servers from across the nation found that 34 percent thought black diners were ā€œvery badā€ tippers. An additional 36 percent thought black patrons were ā€œbelow averageā€ tippers. In contrast, 98 percent of those surveyed believed white customers were ā€œaverageā€ or ā€œabove averageā€ tippers.
Our research indicates that black people tip less because they believe servers expect lower tips, and they underestimate the tip amounts that others leave. Whereas roughly 70 percent of whites identify the customary or expected restaurant tip to fall within 15-20 percent of the bill, only about 35 percent of blacks do. In addition, black respondents, on average, believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 13.4 percent of the bill, while whites believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 14.5 percent. Together, these differences in perceptions of ā€œwhat is expected and typicalā€ explain about half of the black-white difference in tipping.
These findings are important: They suggest that black-white differences in tipping could be sizably reduced by publicly promoting social expectations regarding how much consumers should and typically do tip their servers in restaurants (typically 15-20 percent of the bill).

IM2 Superbadbrutha
Do you tip restaurant waitresses if they do a good job?

Trump is a poor tipper.
Iā€™ll make an additional comment, Walter Williams an economistā€¦.points out that from 1890 to 1922 the black divorce rate was lower than the white divorce rate in America. I would venture to bet in those days Black folks mightā€™ve tip better than white folks on average. It all starts at the home. Having good parents to raise you right. And in the black majority communities today , thereā€™s a lot of one parent households more so than in white families.

So thereā€™s work to be done all around here in America. Very interesting conversation.

Skylar what do you think about these points?

You're an imbecile.

Bullshit. It is a tired old act that demeans waitstaff instead of just paying people what their labor is worth.

Tipping has been customary in America since after the Civil War.

Most Americans follow the culture in this country of tipping the waitress at the restaurant. But some donā€™t and Iā€™ve actually seen some waitresses run out of the restaurant chasing after people who donā€™t tip. saying ā€œ I have kids to feed. What are you doing to me?ā€
Absolutely in the 20-25% range. Sometimes more if the spirit moves me.
Bullshit. It is a tired old act that demeans waitstaff instead of just paying people what their labor is worth.
What is bullshit is the belief that a server works for the restaurant, at least not a real server. And most certainly not a "power server". I did it for around seven years, undergraduate and graduate school, and damn near every paycheck I got was for zero dollars and zero cents. Hell, that $2.13 per hour didn't even pay my taxes. Didn't bother me for shit, matter of fact, I took it as a matter of pride.

I worked for the guest, and I had no bones about telling every manager I ever worked for that. And while some may have initially taken offense, they all eventually accepted it as a good thing, a competitive advantage, a key to building loyal customers. Sure, those return guests were coming back for good food and good atmosphere, but where I live, there are dozens of places with good food and a good atmosphere. They were coming back to see ME. In fact, those many managers that I had worked for went to many different restaurants. For years after I left the business I rarely paid for a meal at a fine restaurant. They would spot my wife and I, come over and chat about old times, and comp the meal.

From the perspective of the guest. Would you not want the server to work for you and not the restaurant? That stiff drink you got from the bar, the one with the extra shot in it, your server did that, by building a relationship with that bartender. The salad with the wilted lettuce, you never even saw it, the server refused to take it out, had another made, "on the fly", and stood there waiting for it. The overcooked steak, you didn't see that either, same thing as the salad. The baked potato with no sour cream, yep, the server made sure that it didn't have sour cream and bought along extra butter without you asking. That puny ass slice of cheesecake, nope, not good enough, the server demanded a larger slice.

I mean the restaurant has a kitchen manager, a general manager, a bar manager, and it is their job to worry about food cost and liquor cost. Who is there to defend you? You want the server to be worried about that as well because that is their employer? Because if the tipping culture is eliminated that is precisely what is going to happen. Food quality, serving portions, they are going to decline. Watered down drinks from the bar, and watered down alcohol in the bottles, you can count on it. Restaurants will pay wait staff what they are worth, TO THEM, not to you. And when that happens I will stay at the house.
How about stop paying women for having fatherless families?

not to be rude but Chemical Castration for those playing the system. Cut it off early...(no pun intended) if they want payment for existing....play ball....have no more. We will make sure of it.

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