If the service is good at a sit down restaurant, do you tip the waitress?

If the service is good at a sit down restaurant, do you tip the waitress?

  • Yes I tip the customary 10 to 15%

  • No

  • Yes if the service is good, I’ll Tip very well

  • Hell no!! Why should I care about a waitress.! Why should I spend extra money on a tip?

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I tip good. Mostly when we eat out, we eat at the same local Mexican restaurant. I know everyone that works there and most everyone that eats there.
When I order online takeout, sometimes I see XXX special handling charge added? ($5-$10? depending).

But even with that I tip the youngsters up at the front when I pick it up if paying cash. Or I add at least 10% on the credit card tab.

You’re doing this country a great service left winger. You’re certainly doing good deeds for this country unlike the Biden BLM people who don’t help the middle class.
The ones who leave me alone and let me eat in peace tend to get the best tips.

I hate being asked every two minutes if everything is okay or if I need anything.

I get it why they do it, though, I'm just not one of those folks who need to feel like I'm some kind of royalty or something who requires constant placating. Most times I just politely say no, thanks. I'm okay. If I need anything I'll catch you on the way by. They usually leave me alone the rest of the time.
Weird poll since it is missing the normal 20% tip level. I always tip. It's bad karma not to.. even on bad service. However, I think it is stupid. Places ought to just charge what they need to pay waiters. Its a dumb American custom that has me confused as shit when I travel abroad as to whether to tip or not.

I usually decline to tip counter service even though they make it hard by asking you if you want to tip. Even subway for God sakes.
Wife and I went out to dinner at a local restaurant. The service was stellar. Wife asked for food that didn't come with the dinner, wanted some substitutes, etc. The food came, everything was perfect and the service was quick and efficient along with a waitress of good humor and smiling. The bill was only $60 (I didn't order much) we tipped $30 and my wife got up, found the waitress and personally gave her the tip. The next time we went there the waitstaff were tripping over themselves to wait on us.
The standard tip for acceptable service is now 20% - up from 1/7 or 15%.

But it only applies to TIPPED employees; it does not apply to "baristas," fast food clerks and so on. Tipped employees have a low base rate because they are presumed to make up the difference in tips.
"Waitress"? Why does it have to be a waitress? All sit down restaurants offer a credit card tip option. Just press the freaking button and stop whining.
The standard tip for acceptable service is now 20% - up from 1/7 or 15%.

But it only applies to TIPPED employees; it does not apply to "baristas," fast food clerks and so on. Tipped employees have a low base rate because they are presumed to make up the difference in tips.
Get rid of the "tipping" nonsense and pay the waitstaff what the market says they deserve. Enough of the fucking idiotic performance art.
Tipping has been customary in America since after the Civil War.

Most Americans follow the culture in this country of tipping the waitress at the restaurant. But some don’t and I’ve actually seen some waitresses run out of the restaurant chasing after people who don’t tip. saying “ I have kids to feed. What are you doing to me?”
How many times are you going to post the exact same thread, numbskull? Back in the closet with you.
Weird poll since it is missing the normal 20% tip level. I always tip. It's bad karma not to.. even on bad service. However, I think it is stupid. Places ought to just charge what they need to pay waiters. Its a dumb American custom that has me confused as shit when I travel abroad as to whether to tip or not.

I usually decline to tip counter service even though they make it hard by asking you if you want to tip. Even subway for God sakes.
Well, in some cases, when it comes to waitresses or waiters at very high end restaurants, they can make a pretty darn good wage based on their tips alone. So that’s an argument against raising the minimum wage for service workers.

I ain’t a brokeee so I tip pretty good as do the other Trump supporters in this thread.

I would love to see a tip breakdown of race in America among white people and Black people. To see how well they represent their ancestors. Here’s one it says Black people tip less than white people on average.

I think that is it is an insult to the great Africans of history and Europeans of history when a black or white American doesn’t tip at a restaurant.

But maybe there’s other polls out there with different data. But you know what that’s a part of this conversation. And I’ve talk to restaurant workers who say man I don’t like it when black folks sit down to eat at my restaurant. OK I challenged him though because I’ve been in the service industry. I’ve done 5000 Uber rides. I’ve got great tips from Black people and then no tips from rich white people. So it’s a very interesting conversation. And no one should ever feel uncomfortable in this conversation.

Within the U.S. restaurant industry, black customers are generally considered comparatively poor tippers. One recent survey of roughly 1,000 restaurant servers from across the nation found that 34 percent thought black diners were “very bad” tippers. An additional 36 percent thought black patrons were “below average” tippers. In contrast, 98 percent of those surveyed believed white customers were “average” or “above average” tippers.
Our research indicates that black people tip less because they believe servers expect lower tips, and they underestimate the tip amounts that others leave. Whereas roughly 70 percent of whites identify the customary or expected restaurant tip to fall within 15-20 percent of the bill, only about 35 percent of blacks do. In addition, black respondents, on average, believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 13.4 percent of the bill, while whites believe that the typical restaurant customer tips about 14.5 percent. Together, these differences in perceptions of “what is expected and typical” explain about half of the black-white difference in tipping.
These findings are important: They suggest that black-white differences in tipping could be sizably reduced by publicly promoting social expectations regarding how much consumers should and typically do tip their servers in restaurants (typically 15-20 percent of the bill).

IM2 Superbadbrutha
Do you tip restaurant waitresses if they do a good job?
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Any black BLM leader or supporter who gets on television talks a big game about race in America, and then doesn’t tip The waitress at a restaurant is a disgrace to the history of Africa. There’s some real talk for you.

U feel that IM2
Especially well if they did a good job. And I'll tidy up the table before I leave.

Waiting is a tough job. I try to make it a little easier.
Excellent work Skyler. The waitresses greatly appreciate you

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