If the shooter is a Muslim....

Robert Bowers is not a Muslim sounding name, so I guess your wet dream will not come to pass

Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites. Bowers went by the moniker One Dingo, @onedingo, on the site. In his bio section, Bowers wrote, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.” Shortly after the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, Bowers’ Gab account was deleted.

Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Just another white supremacist nutcase with guns and a Christian to boot.

Seems we have more an issue with white male supremacist and mainly they are Christians.

And all the Trump sheep are going to try and say he is a lefty! :21::21::21:

Would not surprise me, the left are incredibly intolerant and hate Israel.

So do many on the right. You might be surprised to find out how many Christians feel about Jews, the killer of Jesus in their eyes.
There's a lot of fundies that "support" Israel and Jews so they can see the end of the world.
Robert Bowers is not a Muslim sounding name, so I guess your wet dream will not come to pass

Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites. Bowers went by the moniker One Dingo, @onedingo, on the site. In his bio section, Bowers wrote, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.” Shortly after the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, Bowers’ Gab account was deleted.

Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Just another white supremacist nutcase with guns and a Christian to boot.

Seems we have more an issue with white male supremacist and mainly they are Christians.

And all the Trump sheep are going to try and say he is a lefty! :21::21::21:

Would not surprise me, the left are incredibly intolerant and hate Israel.

So do many on the right. You might be surprised to find out how many Christians feel about Jews, the killer of Jesus in their eyes.

Yes yes you hate Christians I got that from your past several posts. Anything new?

I do not hate Christians, my whole family are Christians. I am a Christian based upon the Biblical definition. I have just moved past what passes for the church in this country.
Robert Bowers is not a Muslim sounding name, so I guess your wet dream will not come to pass

Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites. Bowers went by the moniker One Dingo, @onedingo, on the site. In his bio section, Bowers wrote, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.” Shortly after the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, Bowers’ Gab account was deleted.

Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Just another white supremacist nutcase with guns and a Christian to boot.

Seems we have more an issue with white male supremacist and mainly they are Christians.

And all the Trump sheep are going to try and say he is a lefty! :21::21::21:

Would not surprise me, the left are incredibly intolerant and hate Israel.

So do many on the right. You might be surprised to find out how many Christians feel about Jews, the killer of Jesus in their eyes.
There's a lot of fundies that "support" Israel and Jews so they can see the end of the world.

He's an anti Semitic asshole....like all anti Semites are

Anti-semites are found in all parties, left, right, race, ethnicities etc.

The same holds true for racists, bigots, homophobes and on and on and on

He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.

So true. The right has been claiming a monopoly on Christianity for purely political purposes for decades.
Robert Bowers is not a Muslim sounding name, so I guess your wet dream will not come to pass

Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites. Bowers went by the moniker One Dingo, @onedingo, on the site. In his bio section, Bowers wrote, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.” Shortly after the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, Bowers’ Gab account was deleted.

Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Just another white supremacist nutcase with guns and a Christian to boot.

Seems we have more an issue with white male supremacist and mainly they are Christians.

And all the Trump sheep are going to try and say he is a lefty! :21::21::21:

Would not surprise me, the left are incredibly intolerant and hate Israel.

So do many on the right. You might be surprised to find out how many Christians feel about Jews, the killer of Jesus in their eyes.
Well, anyone that truly knows, know the Jews did not kill The Christ. My sin CRUCIFIES Christ. Not past tense, present tense. It is an eternal sense.

You, are without understanding. The never believer will never have the eyes to see, nor the ears to hear.
One thing is sure. He was considered a good guy with a gun until this morning.
Robert Bowers is not a Muslim sounding name, so I guess your wet dream will not come to pass

Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites. Bowers went by the moniker One Dingo, @onedingo, on the site. In his bio section, Bowers wrote, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.” Shortly after the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, Bowers’ Gab account was deleted.

Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Just another white supremacist nutcase with guns and a Christian to boot.

Seems we have more an issue with white male supremacist and mainly they are Christians.

And all the Trump sheep are going to try and say he is a lefty! :21::21::21:

Would not surprise me, the left are incredibly intolerant and hate Israel.

So do many on the right. You might be surprised to find out how many Christians feel about Jews, the killer of Jesus in their eyes.
Well, anyone that truly knows, know the Jews did not kill The Christ. My sin CRUCIFIES Christ. Not past tense, present tense. It is an eternal sense.

You, are without understanding. The never believer will never have the eyes to see, nor the ears to hear.

Christ's crucifixion was foretold and unavoidable...it had to happen to complete God's plan.
Btw, has cnn stopped talking about the fake bombs that did not explode, were never meant to explode, and did not kill anyone?


Are they talking about an actual crime of mass murder in Pittsburgh?
Robert Bowers is not a Muslim sounding name, so I guess your wet dream will not come to pass

Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites. Bowers went by the moniker One Dingo, @onedingo, on the site. In his bio section, Bowers wrote, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.” Shortly after the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, Bowers’ Gab account was deleted.

Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Just another white supremacist nutcase with guns and a Christian to boot.

Seems we have more an issue with white male supremacist and mainly they are Christians.

And all the Trump sheep are going to try and say he is a lefty! :21::21::21:

Would not surprise me, the left are incredibly intolerant and hate Israel.

So do many on the right. You might be surprised to find out how many Christians feel about Jews, the killer of Jesus in their eyes.
Well, anyone that truly knows, know the Jews did not kill The Christ. My sin CRUCIFIES Christ. Not past tense, present tense. It is an eternal sense.

You, are without understanding. The never believer will never have the eyes to see, nor the ears to hear.

I did not say I agreed with them, but that view is not all that rare in the Church.

Give this site a try WorthyChristianForums.com you will be amazed what is posted there. I was an active member for a couple years.
He's an anti Semitic asshole....like all anti Semites are

Anti-semites are found in all parties, left, right, race, ethnicities etc.

The same holds true for racists, bigots, homophobes and on and on and on

He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.

So true. The right has been claiming a monopoly on Christianity for purely political purposes for decades.

Its not our fault so many on the left are godless heathens.
Bowers was an active poster on an alternative version of Twitter, Gab, which is popular with white supremacists, white nationalists, members of alt-right groups and others who have been kicked off of mainstream social media sites. Bowers went by the moniker One Dingo, @onedingo, on the site. In his bio section, Bowers wrote, “jews are the children of satan. (john 8:44) — —- the lord jesus christ is come in the flesh.” Shortly after the shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation, Bowers’ Gab account was deleted.

Robert Bowers: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Just another white supremacist nutcase with guns and a Christian to boot.

Seems we have more an issue with white male supremacist and mainly they are Christians.

And all the Trump sheep are going to try and say he is a lefty! :21::21::21:

Would not surprise me, the left are incredibly intolerant and hate Israel.

So do many on the right. You might be surprised to find out how many Christians feel about Jews, the killer of Jesus in their eyes.
Well, anyone that truly knows, know the Jews did not kill The Christ. My sin CRUCIFIES Christ. Not past tense, present tense. It is an eternal sense.

You, are without understanding. The never believer will never have the eyes to see, nor the ears to hear.

Christ's crucifixion was foretold and unavoidable...it had to happen to complete God's plan.
True enough. My sin still crucifies Him..
Anti-semites are found in all parties, left, right, race, ethnicities etc.

The same holds true for racists, bigots, homophobes and on and on and on

He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.

So true. The right has been claiming a monopoly on Christianity for purely political purposes for decades.

Its not our fault so many on the left are godless heathens.

Godless heathens? You mean like that lying cheating orange pussy grabber?
It will be interesting if the media will make mention to recent hate filled anti-Semitic rhetoric coming from Obama's buddy Farrakhan calling Jews termites.
He's an anti Semitic asshole....like all anti Semites are

Anti-semites are found in all parties, left, right, race, ethnicities etc.

The same holds true for racists, bigots, homophobes and on and on and on

He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.
I see what you mean...with all those trumpanzees claiming to be christian.
The same holds true for racists, bigots, homophobes and on and on and on

He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.

So true. The right has been claiming a monopoly on Christianity for purely political purposes for decades.

Its not our fault so many on the left are godless heathens.

Godless heathens? You mean like that lying cheating orange pussy grabber?

Judge not less you be judged.
He's an anti Semitic asshole....like all anti Semites are

Anti-semites are found in all parties, left, right, race, ethnicities etc.

The same holds true for racists, bigots, homophobes and on and on and on

He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.
I see what you mean...with all those trumpanzees claiming to be christian.

How would YOU of all people know? You've been waxed so many times on religious topics you sport a high sheen.

I'll never forget your eating shell fish is an abomination fiasco, comedy gold as you were schooled LOL
He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.

So true. The right has been claiming a monopoly on Christianity for purely political purposes for decades.

Its not our fault so many on the left are godless heathens.

Godless heathens? You mean like that lying cheating orange pussy grabber?

Judge not less you be judged.

Everyone always leaves out the next verse, which is vital.

“Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

For a few years on various Christian forums I have had some great debates on the idea that man adding chapters and verse numbers to the bible was the worst thing that ever happened to it. Cherry picking a verse here and there has totally changed what Christianity should be.
If the shooter is a right wing nutjob there will be crickets from the right.
I'm waiting for the Alex Jones version. How do you figure he will work this one out?

Meantime, this tragedy boggles the mind even after a week of mind boggling events of bomb threats. We will probably never be able to figure out the thinking of these psychopaths. The only thing we can do is wait for facts, which is hard to do.

I'm getting out my Bible and looking for the part that describes (by Peter I think) of the 'last days' and it says there will be 'no natural affection'. I don't believe these are last days, but I know it is our nature to want to protect the innocent, yet a child's naming on Sabbat is the scene of a heinous crime and a far off caravan of children is being claimed to be a crusade bringing death to our country..and believed, so we must used any means to stop it. Our natural affection is getting a callouses.
He is an alt right fascist. Same as an white nationalist. And he is a Christian.

Just because someone claims they're a christian doesn't mean they are.

So true. The right has been claiming a monopoly on Christianity for purely political purposes for decades.

Its not our fault so many on the left are godless heathens.

Godless heathens? You mean like that lying cheating orange pussy grabber?

Judge not less you be judged.

Does that mean that crazy right wingers will finally quit whining about Clinton's consensual BJ?

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