If the Tea Party truly is Racist then why did they do this?

I think the mental slavery that libs have on so many blacks today is worse then the physical slavery of the past.

If the OP wonders why people think the Tea Party is racist, Tank's post quoted above is a wonderful example.
I guess this means that since the democrats nominated a black candidate they can never be accused of racism either. :thup:

Great logic! :lol:
All I know, is that Allen West and Herman Cain is a ticket I could vote for!

How does it feel to know that you've now been permanently absolved of ever being suspected of racism? I have to imagine it's quite a load off.
Herman who? See...no name recognition. Cain might be a nice guy and a conservative but he can't create a base big enough to run for president in two years. Liberals are the most insidious racists in politics. They judge (and condemn) people based only on the color of their skin.
All I know, is that Allen West and Herman Cain is a ticket I could vote for!

How does it feel to know that you've now been permanently absolved of ever being suspected of racism? I have to imagine it's quite a load off.

I wouldn't know, Mani. I imagine anyone who wants to, can still CALL me a racist, any time they like. Didn't make it true before, doesn't make it true now. I can't say I feel any need to "prove" that to anyone (as if one could "prove" a negative in the first place); didn't before, don't now. Those who really know me, know who and what I am and am not; those who don't know me, will assume whatever they like anyway.

As for West and Cain, their views make more sense to me, than those of most of the politicians I've heard.
I guess this means that since the democrats nominated a black candidate they can never be accused of racism either. :thup:

Great logic! :lol:

You can accuse individual democrats of racism for being racist but you can't paint the entire democrat party as racist. Even if they support institutional racism such as affirmative action you still can't broadbrush it.

Your interpretation of my logic is a total fail.
Every prominent black Republican or conservative will face the gauntlet of Uncle Tom, house ******, etc. from a gaggle of black Dimocrats. Likewise, white Republicans or conservatives who express support for them are will be accused of doing so because they're simply tokens.

It never changes.
I know how you can stop this horrible injustice to your party.

Have solutions to this countries problems that are smart enough to attract black people to vote for your party.

Then no one will call them tokens anymore .
I repeat...

If the standard for not being 'racist' is publicly supporting a black candidate for president, then shit, nobody can accuse the democrats of racism ever again.

True story :thup:
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Why is it, that every time you guys appoint or like someone who is black, you have to point it out?
It is kind of like saying, " I am not a racist, I have black friends".

Its a reaction to the constant false claims of racism in regards to the tea party movement and its members.

When people tell lies those who are lied about like to point out facts that show the lies are indeed lies.

make sense?

Do I think the majority of tea party people are racist? No
But the only people I know in my personal life that follow the tea party, are racist. Probably has more to do with the area. I will also admit because of where I live, to me most republicans are racist.

Then you don't know the history of the democratic party.
tell us why the black Americans dont vote for your party then.

WHY do blacks see the tea party as racist?
tell us why the black Americans dont vote for your party then.

WHY do blacks see the tea party as racist?

Because the democrats keep them on the plantation with promises of entitlements. And most blacks don't know the history of the democratic party.

It was the Republican Party that passed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the U. S. Constitution granting blacks freedom, citizenship, and the right to vote.

The Republican Party passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1875 granting blacks protection from the Black Codes and prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations, and was the Party of most blacks prior to the 1960’s, including Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Booker T. Washington, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..

The Republican Party was the party of the founders of the NAACP.

The Party of President George W. Bush appointed more blacks to high-level positions than any president in history and who spent record money education, job training and health care to help black Americans prosper.

I guess the short answer to your question is ignorance.
heres a clue, maybe it was all those racist signs and the support of things like IDs for people to vote when there is no fraud these bills are stopping yet they do result in Legal American voters being kept from voting.

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