If The US spends over $600 billion on their military...

... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?

Part of the problem is, our military's rules for engagement are stricter than our own police forces rules of engagement. I'm not advocating for total war, but there definitely needs to be a better balance than what we have. And military isn't an area we should judge based on spending. It should be judged based on wether or not the weapon systems deliver on their promises.

It's funny to see the left always go after military spending...but remain silent in every other area of spending. This past year, the Fed govt spent 1 TRILLION erroneously. That doesn't mean spent it on useless stupid stuff, that means they made payments somewhere they weren't supposed to. 1 TRILLION...that's 1/3 of what the USG takes in annually for taxes! That's 5% of the nations entire GDP! And you want to complain about how much military spending we have? 71% percent of US spending is on entitlements alone, and that number has been increasing sharply in the past few years, before it has been increasing steadily. I think there are more pressing matters we need to address in spending other than military.
... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?
/---- What countries are we fighting? I don't mean Jihadist that have no country I mean countries (Like Germany, Japan, Italy)
View attachment 131064
The US has troops in Germany and Japan still, a total waste of resources. But the US couldn't beat Viet Nam where they were fighting in flip-flops!!! Nor Iraq or Afghanistan, and even got its ass kicked by Somalia. SOMALIA!!!!!!
That's a lie. Liberal politicians micro-managed Vietnam and did the troops an extreme disservice by putting them in harm's way and tying their hands. Trump is letting the military micro-manage his orders. Libs don't like military spending, we get it, starving babies, granny over the cliff and all that...
So we spend over $600 billion/year and can't get the job done in Afghanistan, who don't have any planes, tanks, or heavy artillery... How do you explain that?
A lack of wartime tax rates.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?
/---- What countries are we fighting? I don't mean Jihadist that have no country I mean countries (Like Germany, Japan, Italy)
View attachment 131064
The US has troops in Germany and Japan still, a total waste of resources. But the US couldn't beat Viet Nam where they were fighting in flip-flops!!! Nor Iraq or Afghanistan, and even got its ass kicked by Somalia. SOMALIA!!!!!!
That's a lie. Liberal politicians micro-managed Vietnam and did the troops an extreme disservice by putting them in harm's way and tying their hands. Trump is letting the military micro-manage his orders. Libs don't like military spending, we get it, starving babies, granny over the cliff and all that...
So we spend over $600 billion/year and can't get the job done in Afghanistan, who don't have any planes, tanks, or heavy artillery... How do you explain that?
I don't recall lefties wringing their hands over it the previous 8 years so I have to dismiss it for what it is.
Our previous president, was not cutting taxes for the rich and cutting food stamps for the poor; only the right wing, does that.
... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?

75% of the US military budget is a make-work program for people in red states. It is welfare for those people. It isn't needed. The US spend $650 billion/yr on defense, China spends $140 billion/yr. Yet cons scream daily how scared they are and how the US military is so bad and depleted.

It is pure welfare for defense contractors in red states. That's it. It is socialism for the wealthy companies in those states.
... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?

75% of the US military budget is a make-work program for people in red states. It is welfare for those people. It isn't needed. The US spend $650 billion/yr on defense, China spends $140 billion/yr. Yet cons scream daily how scared they are and how the US military is so bad and depleted.

It is pure welfare for defense contractors in red states. That's it. It is socialism for the wealthy companies in those states.
Funny most the defense jobs go to Washington state.
Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, criticized war profiteering of US companies during World War I in War Is a Racket.

War usually leads to a shortage in the supply of commodities, which results in higher prices and higher revenues. When it comes to supply and demand in terms of economics, profit is the most important end. During war time, "war-stuff"[10] is in high demand, and demands must be met. Prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, oil production was controlled by the Iraqi government, and was off limits to Western companies. As of 2014, foreign owned private firms dominate Iraqi oil production.

Source: War profiteering - Wikipedia
Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, criticized war profiteering of US companies during World War I in War Is a Racket.

War usually leads to a shortage in the supply of commodities, which results in higher prices and higher revenues. When it comes to supply and demand in terms of economics, profit is the most important end. During war time, "war-stuff"[10] is in high demand, and demands must be met. Prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, oil production was controlled by the Iraqi government, and was off limits to Western companies. As of 2014, foreign owned private firms dominate Iraqi oil production.

Source: War profiteering - Wikipedia

You just proved my point....

Funny how lefties never worried about the cost of National Defense during a democrat administration. Stuff wears out and 50 bill is small change to make it right. Didn't Barry Hussein give Iran about 50 billion in taxpayer cash during his extortion treaty?
Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, criticized war profiteering of US companies during World War I in War Is a Racket.

War usually leads to a shortage in the supply of commodities, which results in higher prices and higher revenues. When it comes to supply and demand in terms of economics, profit is the most important end. During war time, "war-stuff"[10] is in high demand, and demands must be met. Prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, oil production was controlled by the Iraqi government, and was off limits to Western companies. As of 2014, foreign owned private firms dominate Iraqi oil production.

Source: War profiteering - Wikipedia

You just proved my point....

Which point is that? That we need, real times of war Tax Rates.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
But tactically, we have $600 billion and the Taliban have no billions. So how can we be losing? It makes no sense.

No standing army to kill in Afghanistan.. Now is their?

So unless there is an identifiable opponent who is easy to spot and kill, we lose. Got it.

Got to hold the peace ..like Germany and Japan..
You have to reach back 75 years to the last time the US won a war. :lol:

Seriously? Reagan wom the cold war with out firing a shot.
Not a real war. Please try again.
Couldn't win in Iraq or Afghanistan under GW Bush.

The war was over in Iraq ..the idiot started it back up
The war we lost in Iraq was over. Agreed.

Obama tried to lose the war

He inherited an already lost war.

Your knowledge on this topic is underwhelming. Try again after you do some research.

My son's infantry unit was the last combat brigade out of Iraq. They had no difficulties.

Less than two years later they were in Afghanistan and battling the Taliban daily. Rocket attacks hit their main base almost daily.

See the difference?
We lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, now you know.
That's a lie. Liberal politicians micro-managed Vietnam and did the troops an extreme disservice by putting them in harm's way and tying their hands. Trump is letting the military micro-manage his orders. Libs don't like military spending, we get it, starving babies, granny over the cliff and all that...
So we spend over $600 billion/year and can't get the job done in Afghanistan, who don't have any planes, tanks, or heavy artillery... How do you explain that?
I don't recall lefties wringing their hands over it the previous 8 years so I have to dismiss it for what it is.
Not talking partisan-ly, just in general, with a $600 billion+ budget, we can't take Afghanistan? Why?

What So Proudly We Halliburton

We should have nuked Tora Bora and left. But that would have made it seem like the War on Terror was over and done. The sissyboy HeirGuardsman and Darth Evader needed to drag out the war in order to fund the corporations engaging in ultraliberal "nation-building." Besides, why would you expect a quick victory from a Fortunate Son Chickenhawk-in-Chief whose military experience was "two weeks in the summer, one weekend a month"?

Populists must take away all power from the class that produces draftdodging pro-war sons of pro-war politicians. What is most sickening is hearing a combat veteran make excuses for that ilk. That shows how little respect Unfortunate Sons have for themselves, so we shouldn't respect their slavish opinions.

We do not use nuclear weapons numbskull!
What about Japan? Remember that?
The war was over in Iraq ..the idiot started it back up
The war we lost in Iraq was over. Agreed.

Obama tried to lose the war

He inherited an already lost war.

Your knowledge on this topic is underwhelming. Try again after you do some research.

My son's infantry unit was the last combat brigade out of Iraq. They had no difficulties.

Less than two years later they were in Afghanistan and battling the Taliban daily. Rocket attacks hit their main base almost daily.

See the difference?
We lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, now you know.

So know you are posting false reality?

... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?
You have no idea how much is spent on anything. You're just another media fed parrot.
So you have no clue about the actual topic. Got it.
... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?

Part of the problem is, our military's rules for engagement are stricter than our own police forces rules of engagement. I'm not advocating for total war, but there definitely needs to be a better balance than what we have. And military isn't an area we should judge based on spending. It should be judged based on wether or not the weapon systems deliver on their promises.

It's funny to see the left always go after military spending...but remain silent in every other area of spending. This past year, the Fed govt spent 1 TRILLION erroneously. That doesn't mean spent it on useless stupid stuff, that means they made payments somewhere they weren't supposed to. 1 TRILLION...that's 1/3 of what the USG takes in annually for taxes! That's 5% of the nations entire GDP! And you want to complain about how much military spending we have? 71% percent of US spending is on entitlements alone, and that number has been increasing sharply in the past few years, before it has been increasing steadily. I think there are more pressing matters we need to address in spending other than military.
Not complaining about the money spent, just wondering why when spending all that cash, we can't beat a poor country on heroin, like Afghanistan, who have no planes, no tanks, no big cannons or bombs...

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