If The US spends over $600 billion on their military...

The US has troops in Germany and Japan still, a total waste of resources. But the US couldn't beat Viet Nam where they were fighting in flip-flops!!! Nor Iraq or Afghanistan, and even got its ass kicked by Somalia. SOMALIA!!!!!!
That's a lie. Liberal politicians micro-managed Vietnam and did the troops an extreme disservice by putting them in harm's way and tying their hands. Trump is letting the military micro-manage his orders. Libs don't like military spending, we get it, starving babies, granny over the cliff and all that...
So we spend over $600 billion/year and can't get the job done in Afghanistan, who don't have any planes, tanks, or heavy artillery... How do you explain that?
I don't recall lefties wringing their hands over it the previous 8 years so I have to dismiss it for what it is.
Not talking partisan-ly, just in general, with a $600 billion+ budget, we can't take Afghanistan? Why?

What So Proudly We Halliburton

We should have nuked Tora Bora and left. But that would have made it seem like the War on Terror was over and done. The sissyboy HeirGuardsman and Darth Evader needed to drag out the war in order to fund the corporations engaging in ultraliberal "nation-building." Besides, why would you expect a quick victory from a Fortunate Son Chickenhawk-in-Chief whose military experience was "two weeks in the summer, one weekend a month"?

Populists must take away all power from the class that produces draftdodging pro-war sons of pro-war politicians. What is most sickening is hearing a combat veteran make excuses for that ilk. That shows how little respect Unfortunate Sons have for themselves, so we shouldn't respect their slavish opinions.

We do not use nuclear weapons numbskull!
That's a lie. Liberal politicians micro-managed Vietnam and did the troops an extreme disservice by putting them in harm's way and tying their hands. Trump is letting the military micro-manage his orders. Libs don't like military spending, we get it, starving babies, granny over the cliff and all that...
it is more about, cutting taxes for rich and cutting food stamps for the poor; so we can create more terrorists with our exorbitantly expensive, superpower.

Obozo spent 9 trillion dollars and couldn't get the job done.
Ok, but WHY can't the US army ever win?

Do you realize that in Vietnam, we never lost a battle? Yet, we lost the war because liberals here in the US did not have a stomach for what needed to be done.
So we lost in Nam. To people wearing flip-flops. Agreed.
Preppy Protester Snobs Got Away With Their Class-Warfare Insults

The ruling class's purpose in the Vietnam War was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest of those born in the working class. Mission accomplished.
We also couldn't beat North Korea, and they're starving!
The Birchers Were Right for the Wrong Reason

If Truman had listened to MacArthur, the Cold War would have been over. But then how could that small-town crook get away with funding the Military-Industrial Complex? Its greedy maw needed a viable threat from a Russian-Chinese monolith.
... and can't get the job done against countries that spend 100 times less that they need to inject another $50 billion, isn't there something fundamentally wrong with the military and the way it's set up and operates?
You have no idea how much is spent on anything. You're just another media fed parrot.
We also couldn't beat North Korea, and they're starving!
The Birchers Were Right for the Wrong Reason

If Truman had listened to MacArthur, the Cold War would have been over. But then how could that small-town crook get away with funding the Military-Industrial Complex? Its greedy maw needed a viable threat from a Russian-Chinese monolith.

If Patton was never assassinated.

We would of never had the cold war

Hands Tied Leads to Hands Up

Rules of Engagement. The Geneva Convention mandated defeat and surrender.
As if the US army goes by the Geneva Convention, lol.
You Dishonestly Exaggerate the Number of Infractions

They most certainly do, at least enough to get a lot of our own fighting men killed in order to appease cowards, traitors, and snobs and pander to their toxic influence on the ignorant media. By paying any attention at all to those spoiled decadent weaklings, the ruling class puts the fighting classes in their place. The only way we count in this lopsided society is as a body count.

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