If there are witnesses Obama & Biden will be Subpoenaed.

Obama testify ?

be sure and ask him what it was like when Republiwipes made him a one term president AND defunded Obamacare 60 times -

Obama testify ?

be sure and ask him what it was like when Republiwipes made him a one term president AND defunded Obamacare 60 times -

It's a delusion thread that fails to include a link. who knows what moderators do or don't . I ceased caring
Short and sweet.


Obama should be subpoenaed in The Impeachment if there are witnesses.

1.) He knew what was going on in The Ukraine with The Bidens

2.) He gave the order to take out Trump
with The Russian Propaganda he purchased.

Biden should be called as a witness.

1.) He extorted The Ukraine with a Quid Pro Quo to Fire The Ukraine Prosecutor investigating his son.

2.) His family received millions in benefits from China and Ukraine simply because Joe Biden was head of Ukraine and China initiatives for The Obama Administration.
Neither one of them has anything to do with the impeachment.

So what? Remember, this is an impeachment, so all typical legal rules for witnesses and evidence are not in effect. They could call your mother in law if they wanted to.

Personally I’d like to see them call any and all witnesses. All the Ukrainians involved, Joe and Hunter, the guy who hired Hunter, Bolton, BO, Hellary, anybody who has ever dialed a number in the Ukraine, anybody who has ever uttered the word Ukraine. Let this thing go and on.

It would be cleansing. If this trial ran for a year and there was political blood shed on both sides, it might make Congressmen think twice the next time they start talking about impeachment.
Did it after they impeached Clinton for getting a blowjob?
Clinton was not impeached for a Blow Job.

There was a lot of criminal Money Laundering going in The White Water case which was part of The Special Prosecutor's Investigation in to Clinton, The Rose Law Firm, White Water, and FBI File Gate, as well as Travel Gate. During that time, Bill Clinton was also sued by Paula Jones for Sexual Assault. Many other women had said he raped them. Bill could have went to jail for Rape, and Money Laundering and any number of the 13 crimes Special Counsel found he committed.

But back to the Investigation: So what was uncovered within all of that corruption was that Bill Clinton lied under oath about The Sexual Assault of Paula Jones, and also tampered with Evidence, tried to intimidate witnesses in to lying for him, and he lied himself, and also during that time, The Monica Lewinsky Affair came to light because a witness Clinton tried to intimidate decided to rat on him instead. Bill Clinton again tried to get Lewinsky to lie about it, and pressured all The Witnesses to lie about it.

The reason he pressured everyone to commit perjury, intimidated witnesses and committed perjury himself was because he did not want to lose The Jones Law Suit.
Bill should have just admitted what he did, handed Jones her victory in The Suit, paid up, and just moved on.

The Democrats many of them were disgusted not by Bill's sexual activities but by his dishonesty. People can forgive affairs and dalliances with young interns but when you lie, and try to subvert The Law, that's where people draw the line. So Democrats voted to impeach the head of their own party. It was Bipartisan.

By Contrast, Trump's Impeachment is about a phone call, in which nothing actually happened because of that phone call. And for 4 years, and $100 Million, Trump has been repeatedly proven to be innocent, transparent and telling the truth. He has not been accused of a single crime, and no crime is listed in The Articles.

That is why your attempts to impeach The President on false charges will fail.
For a blowjob

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