If there is a God...

What is your point, then? It seemed to be that arguments would not happen about things that do not exist.

1. The reason that people argue about evolution/adaptation is because of the data that shows changes in populations over the course of thousands of years. People argue against the data that shows the evolution of a species. If the data showed no changes, then no one would be arguing evolution because there would be no evolution/adaptation to argue about.

2. No one has ever argued with someone over the contents of a book that did not exist.
No physical evidence that I know of. And yet there are billions of people who do believe in a God(s) through a large variety of religions. Maybe the better question is why do they believe in God when there's no hard evidence to base that belief on. Through out history ever since mankind has evolved enough to think of such things, people have believed in supernatural forces and created some some astounding places based on that strength. Egypt's pyramids for example, thousands of people helped build those things believing they would ascend to their version of an afterlife as a result of the work they did here on Earth. Or so some think anyway.
When you believe God shows you the evidence
Not true. I went from believer to not. That would make your comment wrong because I believed for 40 years. I saw no evidence. The evidence you see is isn’t evidence we would accept.

And omg think about what you’re saying. If you believe in ghosts they will reveal themselves. That’s horse shit! If ghosts want me to believe they need to show me first.

Do you see the insanity of what you’re saying? A skeptic can never believe first.

You guys questioned my motives the other day or suggested god wouldn’t be happy with me. Why? Does he hate smart people?

I’m certain this hypothesis makes us stupid. Or dubpmber than we would be without it. Happier too maybe.
Apparently you never surrendered your all to God

Let me ask you something. Do you agree with Trump's spiritual adviser?

Recently, a member of President Donald Trump's spiritual adviser team proclaimed that people don't need to get flu vaccinations if they have come to Christ.
Do you think Trump is a saint?
Not the point. Can’t you see the Christian in the story is a nut? And I don’t care if you agree with her or not. You’re a nut too. Maybe a less fruity nut but still a nut.

Muslims Jews and Mormons all different nuts. And you have different varieties of nuts within the Christian faith?

It’s because the entire faith is a lie. This is why so many different kinds of nuts.

Trump doesn’t believe in god. And I can’t imagine he qualifies for heaven
Have you seen evidence that there isn't?

No, hence I don't deny the possibility.
Do you believe you live in a deterministic universe?

I don't like the idea of an entirely deterministic universe, but it could be. I don't have a firm belief one way or another. I don't understand a lot of what would go into an answer, such as quantum mechanics.
Do you believe you live in a universe governed by rules and cause and effect?

Yes, there are rules to the universe. Cause and effect usually seems to hold sway, although again, when you get into things like quantum mechanics, they may not always hold true.
So then everything happens for a purpose, right?

purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists or happens.
What is your point, then? It seemed to be that arguments would not happen about things that do not exist.

1. The reason that people argue about evolution/adaptation is because of the data that shows changes in populations over the course of thousands of years. People argue against the data that shows the evolution of a species. If the data showed no changes, then no one would be arguing evolution because there would be no evolution/adaptation to argue about.

2. No one has ever argued with someone over the contents of a book that did not exist.

I would guess that someone has argued of the contents of a book that did not exist at some point. There has probably been an author who died, and there were rumors that an unpublished book existed; fans of the author may then have argued over what the book would be about, or what would occur in it, even though that book may not have actually been more than rumor. :p

I'm not sure how this relates to god. The concept of a god clearly exists, so some argue for it or against it; were you trying to say that if the idea of god didn't exist, no one would be arguing about it?
People discuss evolution because some people think that it doesn't exist. Same with god. I originally came here because I wanted to see if any believers had a solid foundation for believing in god, something that I could possibly agree with. I haven't found anything yet, just a bunch of people who seem really bitter when I ask the hard questions because their answers aren't logical and they seem to know it. Very bizarre.
We are responding to your sarcasm which allows us to know you didn’t start this thread to accept anything but what you want to hear.
Now, Mr. Science, why do so many refrigerators get such bad reviews after only 6 months of use in the real world?
Because god can’t make humans who can make a proper fridge? Amirite or AMIRITE?
Let’s reverse engineer history.
Tell me the first generation where Othodox Judaism as we know it started.
Was it also the first time someone pinched a penny? :lmao:
Are you game or are you a confired atheist rather than the agnostic you claim to be?
In other words, are you a liar?
If there is a god and it purposely made dingbat, well, then GOD HELPS US NOT!!!!! :biggrin:
Maybe my purpose is to help you. I sure hope not. :smile:
Your purpose is to show that no solid proof of your god exist. Job well done.
Why not list 20 of the Holy books you read in the last few years?
Because from prior religion discussions I've had with you I would sooner believe a frog is growing out of my anus.
Of course I didn’t read all 999 holy books. You missed the point. Why would I care what’s in your holy book?

Yes I read the Bible. Don’t remember job
I asked for 20 books to call you on your lie.
Sam I am
Green eggs n ham
Cat In the hat
White fang
Harry Potter 1-5
Lord of the rings 1-5
The hobbit
The Lord of the Rings was written by J.R.R Tolkien, a devout Catholic, and were written in the Christian tradition and full of Christian symbols. In the entire canon of Tolkien’s primary work, three characters emerge in the story as symbols of Christ: Gandalf, Aragorn, and Samwise Gamgee. Unlike Aslan, in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, no one character fully embodies the Christ figure of the story; rather, each of these three characters clearly symbolize a different aspect of Jesus Christ.
Remember that Indian movie where he’s stranded on a life raft with a tiger and three other animals? Great movie
Was that the atheist version of The Chronicles of Narnia?
We are responding to your sarcasm which allows us to know you didn’t start this thread to accept anything but what you want to hear.
Now, Mr. Science, why do so many refrigerators get such bad reviews after only 6 months of use in the real world?
Because god can’t make humans who can make a proper fridge? Amirite or AMIRITE?
Let’s reverse engineer history.
Tell me the first generation where Othodox Judaism as we know it started.
Was it also the first time someone pinched a penny? :lmao:
Are you game or are you a confired atheist rather than the agnostic you claim to be?
In other words, are you a liar?
If there is a god and it purposely made dingbat, well, then GOD HELPS US NOT!!!!! :biggrin:
Maybe my purpose is to help you. I sure hope not. :smile:
Your purpose is to show that no solid proof of your god exist. Job well done.
I leave that up to each person to decide for themselves.
No, hence I don't deny the possibility.
Do you believe you live in a deterministic universe?

I don't like the idea of an entirely deterministic universe, but it could be. I don't have a firm belief one way or another. I don't understand a lot of what would go into an answer, such as quantum mechanics.
Do you believe you live in a universe governed by rules and cause and effect?

Yes, there are rules to the universe. Cause and effect usually seems to hold sway, although again, when you get into things like quantum mechanics, they may not always hold true.
So then everything happens for a purpose, right?

purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists or happens.

No. Purpose implies thought. It implies intelligence. Cause/effect is not the same as purpose. There being rules to the universe is not the same as purpose.

Further, as I have stated, I do not know if the universe is entirely deterministic, or if everything in the universe is bound by the same rules. I gave quantum mechanics as an example of where things might not be deterministic. My understanding of the subject is limited.
What is your point, then? It seemed to be that arguments would not happen about things that do not exist.

1. The reason that people argue about evolution/adaptation is because of the data that shows changes in populations over the course of thousands of years. People argue against the data that shows the evolution of a species. If the data showed no changes, then no one would be arguing evolution because there would be no evolution/adaptation to argue about.

2. No one has ever argued with someone over the contents of a book that did not exist.

I would guess that someone has argued of the contents of a book that did not exist at some point. There has probably been an author who died, and there were rumors that an unpublished book existed; fans of the author may then have argued over what the book would be about, or what would occur in it, even though that book may not have actually been more than rumor. :p

I'm not sure how this relates to god. The concept of a god clearly exists, so some argue for it or against it; were you trying to say that if the idea of god didn't exist, no one would be arguing about it?
People argue over things that they feel strongly about. Do you know of any other concept that people don't believe exists that they feel strongly about?
Do you believe you live in a deterministic universe?

I don't like the idea of an entirely deterministic universe, but it could be. I don't have a firm belief one way or another. I don't understand a lot of what would go into an answer, such as quantum mechanics.
Do you believe you live in a universe governed by rules and cause and effect?

Yes, there are rules to the universe. Cause and effect usually seems to hold sway, although again, when you get into things like quantum mechanics, they may not always hold true.
So then everything happens for a purpose, right?

purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists or happens.

No. Purpose implies thought. It implies intelligence. Cause/effect is not the same as purpose. There being rules to the universe is not the same as purpose.

Further, as I have stated, I do not know if the universe is entirely deterministic, or if everything in the universe is bound by the same rules. I gave quantum mechanics as an example of where things might not be deterministic. My understanding of the subject is limited.
Don't rules imply thought?

Don't rules imply intelligence?
I don't like the idea of an entirely deterministic universe, but it could be. I don't have a firm belief one way or another. I don't understand a lot of what would go into an answer, such as quantum mechanics.
Do you believe you live in a universe governed by rules and cause and effect?

Yes, there are rules to the universe. Cause and effect usually seems to hold sway, although again, when you get into things like quantum mechanics, they may not always hold true.
So then everything happens for a purpose, right?

purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists or happens.

No. Purpose implies thought. It implies intelligence. Cause/effect is not the same as purpose. There being rules to the universe is not the same as purpose.

Further, as I have stated, I do not know if the universe is entirely deterministic, or if everything in the universe is bound by the same rules. I gave quantum mechanics as an example of where things might not be deterministic. My understanding of the subject is limited.
Don't rules imply thought?

Don't rules imply intelligence?

What is your point, then? It seemed to be that arguments would not happen about things that do not exist.

1. The reason that people argue about evolution/adaptation is because of the data that shows changes in populations over the course of thousands of years. People argue against the data that shows the evolution of a species. If the data showed no changes, then no one would be arguing evolution because there would be no evolution/adaptation to argue about.

2. No one has ever argued with someone over the contents of a book that did not exist.

I would guess that someone has argued of the contents of a book that did not exist at some point. There has probably been an author who died, and there were rumors that an unpublished book existed; fans of the author may then have argued over what the book would be about, or what would occur in it, even though that book may not have actually been more than rumor. :p

I'm not sure how this relates to god. The concept of a god clearly exists, so some argue for it or against it; were you trying to say that if the idea of god didn't exist, no one would be arguing about it?
People argue over things that they feel strongly about. Do you know of any other concept that people don't believe exists that they feel strongly about?

Ghosts. A soul. An afterlife. Reincarnation. Intelligent life other than humans. The Holocaust. A better mousetrap. ;)
Further, as I have stated, I do not know if the universe is entirely deterministic, or if everything in the universe is bound by the same rules. I gave quantum mechanics as an example of where things might not be deterministic. My understanding of the subject is limited.

Yes, your understanding of this is limited because quantum mechanics does not oppose the natural laws of physics or thermodynamics. QM applies to the subatomic. At the atomic level the product of QM is never in opposition to the natural laws.

Furthermore, everything that people think about QM may be changing and may ultimately prove that even at the sub atomic level it is deterministic.

Regardless of that, your premise that QM somehow undermines the deterministic nature of our universe is flawed. But where QM principles may apply - as we currently know them - is to consciousness and the moral laws of nature when it comes to outcomes. Outcomes of moral laws are more statistical in nature than deterministic.
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Do you believe you live in a universe governed by rules and cause and effect?

Yes, there are rules to the universe. Cause and effect usually seems to hold sway, although again, when you get into things like quantum mechanics, they may not always hold true.
So then everything happens for a purpose, right?

purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists or happens.

No. Purpose implies thought. It implies intelligence. Cause/effect is not the same as purpose. There being rules to the universe is not the same as purpose.

Further, as I have stated, I do not know if the universe is entirely deterministic, or if everything in the universe is bound by the same rules. I gave quantum mechanics as an example of where things might not be deterministic. My understanding of the subject is limited.
Don't rules imply thought?

Don't rules imply intelligence?

So you are saying that a rule that operates within a particular sphere, describing or prescribing what is possible or allowable is not a sign of intelligence or thought?

Have you ever made a rule?
If there is a god and it purposely made dingbat, well, then GOD HELPS US NOT!!!!! :biggrin:
Maybe my purpose is to help you. I sure hope not. :smile:
We are a way for the universe to know itself. To be aware. But what is the purpose? There is no purpose. Life once lived on mars. A great extinction occurred twice. So mars life never evolved like us. In fact earth life might have come from mars.

Anyways eventually life won’t exist on earth either. Planets and stars live and die. After we are gone what will you say was the purpose?
What is your point, then? It seemed to be that arguments would not happen about things that do not exist.

1. The reason that people argue about evolution/adaptation is because of the data that shows changes in populations over the course of thousands of years. People argue against the data that shows the evolution of a species. If the data showed no changes, then no one would be arguing evolution because there would be no evolution/adaptation to argue about.

2. No one has ever argued with someone over the contents of a book that did not exist.

I would guess that someone has argued of the contents of a book that did not exist at some point. There has probably been an author who died, and there were rumors that an unpublished book existed; fans of the author may then have argued over what the book would be about, or what would occur in it, even though that book may not have actually been more than rumor. :p

I'm not sure how this relates to god. The concept of a god clearly exists, so some argue for it or against it; were you trying to say that if the idea of god didn't exist, no one would be arguing about it?
People argue over things that they feel strongly about. Do you know of any other concept that people don't believe exists that they feel strongly about?
Can you think of a more over the top claim than to say god gave you ten commandments
What is your point, then? It seemed to be that arguments would not happen about things that do not exist.

1. The reason that people argue about evolution/adaptation is because of the data that shows changes in populations over the course of thousands of years. People argue against the data that shows the evolution of a species. If the data showed no changes, then no one would be arguing evolution because there would be no evolution/adaptation to argue about.

2. No one has ever argued with someone over the contents of a book that did not exist.

I would guess that someone has argued of the contents of a book that did not exist at some point. There has probably been an author who died, and there were rumors that an unpublished book existed; fans of the author may then have argued over what the book would be about, or what would occur in it, even though that book may not have actually been more than rumor. :p

I'm not sure how this relates to god. The concept of a god clearly exists, so some argue for it or against it; were you trying to say that if the idea of god didn't exist, no one would be arguing about it?
People argue over things that they feel strongly about. Do you know of any other concept that people don't believe exists that they feel strongly about?

Ghosts. A soul. An afterlife. Reincarnation. Intelligent life other than humans. The Holocaust. A better mousetrap. ;)
It seems you have switched from arguing about the concept of something to actually arguing about the something. Does that mean people argue against the existence of God instead of the concept of God?

Let's put that aside though, I have to disagree with you. Ghosts, A soul, An afterlife, Reincarnation, Intelligent life other than humans, The Holocaust or A better mousetrap do not come close to matching the magnitude and degree of opposition that belief in God evokes. It has no contemporary comparison. Just look at the disrespect.

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