If There's a Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
If There's a Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
A society cannot survive without accountability. There must be a reckoning for those who tried to delegitimize democratic mandates and fuel hysteria.​

If There's No Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
By Sumantra Maitra ~ March 27, 2019 ~ In early 2017, the entire Russia collusion narrative was at its peak, and there were arguments that Russia was undermining the United States and United Kingdom. Yet some of us on the right, who refused to completely lose our marbles or give up in the face of incessant irrationality, had to stand up and yell "Stop". I also wrote in December last year that the goalposts would be moved as the collusion theory deflated. For all those who remember the early days, immediately after Trump's election, there was no nuance in public discourse. It was a revolutionary act, to paraphrase Orwell, to think and question any narrative rationally and stoically, and view everything with skepticism.... Questioning conventional wisdom and narrative in times of mass meltdown is considered nothing short of heresy. Perhaps in 20 years time, we will look back to this mass hysteria and what caused it, but that is not the issue today. This is far from over, and there needs to be a reckoning.... Every time incessant attacks on conservatives are discovered to be unfounded, there are calls for national unity. As if it is a burden on the falsely accused to heal the wounds, not the false accusers... Vengeance is the purest form of emotion, according to the ancient Hindu epic of Mahabharata. Of course, it is a transliteration of the ancient Sanskrit word, which doesn't mean vengeance in the way we know it in modern times, but the philosophy behind it is clear.
What started this hysteria was a pre-election federal investigation based on a highly dubious dossier, funded by rival campaigns, with the implicit support of a section of the ideological bureaucracy, supported by legions of celebrities and public intellectuals worried about their declining influence on the broader American populace. There must be a reckoning for all of them.

The main reason we are dealing with this level of treachery today, is because the Obama/Clinton cabal crime dealings were allowed not to be addressed. What the American people and most voters have refused to recognize is that there was a failed attempt coup d'état in 2016. It began with the Obama/Clinton rigging of the DNC presidential primaries.
Why would the Russia's Putin want Trump to win? He had already bought and paid for Hillary through the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton and Obama just decided to get too cute by half and actually try to set up a sting on Trump based on the exact dirty deeds they were guilty of.
It appeared to be a great success for a while, but its a dangerous game. If you set out to kill the king, you MUST succeed. They failed, and now comes the reckoning.
As more evidence surfaces of the official malfeasance of the players in FBI, DOJ, and the heads of some of the intelligence agencies (who have shockingly outed themselves as extreme partisans) the threads will eventually reach all the way to Obama himself, who will someday be known as the dirty, bare-knuckled Chicago politician he always was beneath the glowing smile and tailored suits.
Those who got involved with the Russians should be held to account, as much as those who were then in charge to protect us. Obama, Biden, Kerry, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Comey, Rice should publicly testify about their failure to stop the Russians.
If there is no reckoning over Hoax Russia, then law is dead in DC. If DC is not lawful, then it must not rule over We-The-People, anymore.
We-The-People demand law according to U.S. Constitution, be restored. We-The-People demand Traitors and High Criminals against our government and our republican form of government, be crushed.
Great article.

If those responsible don’t pay for their crimes, it will happen again.

The goal was to remove Trump from office at all costs. Period.

Fucking disgusting.

McCabe, Comey, Brennan, Obama, Hillary, Strzok, Page.

They know it was a sham.
If There's a Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
A society cannot survive without accountability. There must be a reckoning for those who tried to delegitimize democratic mandates and fuel hysteria.

If There's No Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
By Sumantra Maitra ~ March 27, 2019 ~ In early 2017, the entire Russia collusion narrative was at its peak, and there were arguments that Russia was undermining the United States and United Kingdom. Yet some of us on the right, who refused to completely lose our marbles or give up in the face of incessant irrationality, had to stand up and yell "Stop". I also wrote in December last year that the goalposts would be moved as the collusion theory deflated. For all those who remember the early days, immediately after Trump's election, there was no nuance in public discourse. It was a revolutionary act, to paraphrase Orwell, to think and question any narrative rationally and stoically, and view everything with skepticism.... Questioning conventional wisdom and narrative in times of mass meltdown is considered nothing short of heresy. Perhaps in 20 years time, we will look back to this mass hysteria and what caused it, but that is not the issue today. This is far from over, and there needs to be a reckoning.... Every time incessant attacks on conservatives are discovered to be unfounded, there are calls for national unity. As if it is a burden on the falsely accused to heal the wounds, not the false accusers... Vengeance is the purest form of emotion, according to the ancient Hindu epic of Mahabharata. Of course, it is a transliteration of the ancient Sanskrit word, which doesn't mean vengeance in the way we know it in modern times, but the philosophy behind it is clear.
What started this hysteria was a pre-election federal investigation based on a highly dubious dossier, funded by rival campaigns, with the implicit support of a section of the ideological bureaucracy, supported by legions of celebrities and public intellectuals worried about their declining influence on the broader American populace. There must be a reckoning for all of them.

The main reason we are dealing with this level of treachery today, is because the Obama/Clinton cabal crime dealings were allowed not to be addressed. What the American people and most voters have refused to recognize is that there was a failed attempt coup d'état in 2016. It began with the Obama/Clinton rigging of the DNC presidential primaries.
Why would the Russia's Putin want Trump to win? He had already bought and paid for Hillary through the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton and Obama just decided to get too cute by half and actually try to set up a sting on Trump based on the exact dirty deeds they were guilty of.
It appeared to be a great success for a while, but its a dangerous game. If you set out to kill the king, you MUST succeed. They failed, and now comes the reckoning.
As more evidence surfaces of the official malfeasance of the players in FBI, DOJ, and the heads of some of the intelligence agencies (who have shockingly outed themselves as extreme partisans) the threads will eventually reach all the way to Obama himself, who will someday be known as the dirty, bare-knuckled Chicago politician he always was beneath the glowing smile and tailored suits.
Those who got involved with the Russians should be held to account, as much as those who were then in charge to protect us. Obama, Biden, Kerry, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Comey, Rice should publicly testify about their failure to stop the Russians.
If there is no reckoning over Hoax Russia, then law is dead in DC. If DC is not lawful, then it must not rule over We-The-People, anymore.
We-The-People demand law according to U.S. Constitution, be restored. We-The-People demand Traitors and High Criminals against our government and our republican form of government, be crushed.
That sounds like something a Russian bot would say........ :21:
Why are the media and libs so mad that POTUS isn’t a traitor?

It’s kinda fucked.
What’s that asshole Bernstein had to say about this?

That lying pile of shit has been claiming collusion since day 1.

He won’t shut up about Watergate......
If There's a Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
A society cannot survive without accountability. There must be a reckoning for those who tried to delegitimize democratic mandates and fuel hysteria.

If There's No Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
By Sumantra Maitra ~ March 27, 2019 ~ In early 2017, the entire Russia collusion narrative was at its peak, and there were arguments that Russia was undermining the United States and United Kingdom. Yet some of us on the right, who refused to completely lose our marbles or give up in the face of incessant irrationality, had to stand up and yell "Stop". I also wrote in December last year that the goalposts would be moved as the collusion theory deflated. For all those who remember the early days, immediately after Trump's election, there was no nuance in public discourse. It was a revolutionary act, to paraphrase Orwell, to think and question any narrative rationally and stoically, and view everything with skepticism.... Questioning conventional wisdom and narrative in times of mass meltdown is considered nothing short of heresy. Perhaps in 20 years time, we will look back to this mass hysteria and what caused it, but that is not the issue today. This is far from over, and there needs to be a reckoning.... Every time incessant attacks on conservatives are discovered to be unfounded, there are calls for national unity. As if it is a burden on the falsely accused to heal the wounds, not the false accusers... Vengeance is the purest form of emotion, according to the ancient Hindu epic of Mahabharata. Of course, it is a transliteration of the ancient Sanskrit word, which doesn't mean vengeance in the way we know it in modern times, but the philosophy behind it is clear.
What started this hysteria was a pre-election federal investigation based on a highly dubious dossier, funded by rival campaigns, with the implicit support of a section of the ideological bureaucracy, supported by legions of celebrities and public intellectuals worried about their declining influence on the broader American populace. There must be a reckoning for all of them.

The main reason we are dealing with this level of treachery today, is because the Obama/Clinton cabal crime dealings were allowed not to be addressed. What the American people and most voters have refused to recognize is that there was a failed attempt coup d'état in 2016. It began with the Obama/Clinton rigging of the DNC presidential primaries.
Why would the Russia's Putin want Trump to win? He had already bought and paid for Hillary through the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton and Obama just decided to get too cute by half and actually try to set up a sting on Trump based on the exact dirty deeds they were guilty of.
It appeared to be a great success for a while, but its a dangerous game. If you set out to kill the king, you MUST succeed. They failed, and now comes the reckoning.
As more evidence surfaces of the official malfeasance of the players in FBI, DOJ, and the heads of some of the intelligence agencies (who have shockingly outed themselves as extreme partisans) the threads will eventually reach all the way to Obama himself, who will someday be known as the dirty, bare-knuckled Chicago politician he always was beneath the glowing smile and tailored suits.
Those who got involved with the Russians should be held to account, as much as those who were then in charge to protect us. Obama, Biden, Kerry, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Comey, Rice should publicly testify about their failure to stop the Russians.
If there is no reckoning over Hoax Russia, then law is dead in DC. If DC is not lawful, then it must not rule over We-The-People, anymore.
We-The-People demand law according to U.S. Constitution, be restored. We-The-People demand Traitors and High Criminals against our government and our republican form of government, be crushed.
There are a number of hoaxes going on right now:

1. There's the "Get rid of the College of Electors" hoax. When and if that materializes, and because it is a coup by Democrat Socialist Republic people, we will no longer America. The middle class will be gone since the apparatchiks have to get rid of people who have privileges about where they decide to raise their families, what they decide they're going to eat, and who are free to meet with people they like.

2. The entire McMullen probe was a hoax that was supposed to convict President Trump of colluding with an enemy to nail Hillary Clinton, to create an image of her "victimy."
After all, it worked so well after Monica, her trip to the Middle East where she allegedly rode a camel every day for six weeks. Everyone felt so sorry for her. Wonder if this is the time she was given a "time out" for beating up on Bill? After all, some violence would make anyone else liable for spouse abuse in court.


Gary J. Byrne has devoted his life to serving his country, and risked it to do the same — as a member of the US Air Force, a uniformed White House Secret Service officer, and a federal air marshal.

And he believes it is his patriotic duty to do anything he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States.

As someone who guarded the Oval Office during the Clinton presidency, Byrne, in an exclusive interview with The Post, tells how he witnessed “the Clinton machine leaving a wake of destruction in just about everything they do.”

He says he has also seen Hillary’s “dangerous,” abusive, paranoid behavior.

Source: https://nypost.com/2016/06/25/clint...ine-and-mistresses-ex-secret-service-officer/

If There's a Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
A society cannot survive without accountability. There must be a reckoning for those who tried to delegitimize democratic mandates and fuel hysteria.

If There's No Reckoning Over The Russia Hoax, It Will Happen Again
By Sumantra Maitra ~ March 27, 2019 ~ In early 2017, the entire Russia collusion narrative was at its peak, and there were arguments that Russia was undermining the United States and United Kingdom. Yet some of us on the right, who refused to completely lose our marbles or give up in the face of incessant irrationality, had to stand up and yell "Stop". I also wrote in December last year that the goalposts would be moved as the collusion theory deflated. For all those who remember the early days, immediately after Trump's election, there was no nuance in public discourse. It was a revolutionary act, to paraphrase Orwell, to think and question any narrative rationally and stoically, and view everything with skepticism.... Questioning conventional wisdom and narrative in times of mass meltdown is considered nothing short of heresy. Perhaps in 20 years time, we will look back to this mass hysteria and what caused it, but that is not the issue today. This is far from over, and there needs to be a reckoning.... Every time incessant attacks on conservatives are discovered to be unfounded, there are calls for national unity. As if it is a burden on the falsely accused to heal the wounds, not the false accusers... Vengeance is the purest form of emotion, according to the ancient Hindu epic of Mahabharata. Of course, it is a transliteration of the ancient Sanskrit word, which doesn't mean vengeance in the way we know it in modern times, but the philosophy behind it is clear.
What started this hysteria was a pre-election federal investigation based on a highly dubious dossier, funded by rival campaigns, with the implicit support of a section of the ideological bureaucracy, supported by legions of celebrities and public intellectuals worried about their declining influence on the broader American populace. There must be a reckoning for all of them.

The main reason we are dealing with this level of treachery today, is because the Obama/Clinton cabal crime dealings were allowed not to be addressed. What the American people and most voters have refused to recognize is that there was a failed attempt coup d'état in 2016. It began with the Obama/Clinton rigging of the DNC presidential primaries.
Why would the Russia's Putin want Trump to win? He had already bought and paid for Hillary through the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton and Obama just decided to get too cute by half and actually try to set up a sting on Trump based on the exact dirty deeds they were guilty of.
It appeared to be a great success for a while, but its a dangerous game. If you set out to kill the king, you MUST succeed. They failed, and now comes the reckoning.
As more evidence surfaces of the official malfeasance of the players in FBI, DOJ, and the heads of some of the intelligence agencies (who have shockingly outed themselves as extreme partisans) the threads will eventually reach all the way to Obama himself, who will someday be known as the dirty, bare-knuckled Chicago politician he always was beneath the glowing smile and tailored suits.
Those who got involved with the Russians should be held to account, as much as those who were then in charge to protect us. Obama, Biden, Kerry, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Comey, Rice should publicly testify about their failure to stop the Russians.
If there is no reckoning over Hoax Russia, then law is dead in DC. If DC is not lawful, then it must not rule over We-The-People, anymore.
We-The-People demand law according to U.S. Constitution, be restored. We-The-People demand Traitors and High Criminals against our government and our republican form of government, be crushed.

That sounds like something a Russian bot would say........ :21:

I am certainly not a bot......

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