If There's No Proof Of Election Fraud....Why Do Democrats Keep Hiding It?

The audits will prove fraud.
Will it be proven in a court of law or in the right wing media alternative universe?
Right now the only proof there was no fraud is corrupt government agencies and a corrupt media saying there was not. That is not good enough. They have 0 credibility.
Nothing besides partisan magaturd sources will ever be good enough for halfwits like you. The misinformation and propaganda belched at you by your magaturd televangelists at Fox, Epoch, Gateway, etc. Has metastasized into that vacuous wasteland you call a brain. That was realized long, long ago. Your constant bitching means nothing because your fraud claims have been massively overblown to hide the fact Mr. Trump lost the election. Full stop.

Maricopa Audit Liaison Says They Need to Investigate Anomalies — Like 52 Ballots Submitted From a Two-Bedroom Home​

Aaaand, you just obediently proved my point with your source. :auiqs.jpg: Holy fuck you're just spare parts upstairs. Sad!
The audits will prove fraud.
Will it be proven in a court of law or in the right wing media alternative universe?
Right now the only proof there was no fraud is corrupt government agencies and a corrupt media saying there was not. That is not good enough. They have 0 credibility.
Nothing besides partisan magaturd sources will ever be good enough for halfwits like you. The misinformation and propaganda belched at you by your magaturd televangelists at Fox, Epoch, Gateway, etc. Has metastasized into that vacuous wasteland you call a brain. That was realized long, long ago. Your constant bitching means nothing because your fraud claims have been massively overblown to hide the fact Mr. Trump lost the election. Full stop.

Maricopa Audit Liaison Says They Need to Investigate Anomalies — Like 52 Ballots Submitted From a Two-Bedroom Home​

Aaaand, you just obediently proved my point with your source. :auiqs.jpg: Holy fuck you're just spare parts upstairs. Sad!
No, I don't think so. The AZ audit is going to expose fraud and audits in GA, PA., and other states will expose fraud too. Sit back and wait. By the end of this year there will be no doubt the election was stolen.
Sit back and wait.
Everyone has been doing that, idiot. I've kept an open mind about this shit, and thus far all magaturds have been able to do is promise, promise, promise the 'proof' is right around the corner.

I've seen this bullshit tactic used many times before in both parties. Deadlines will come and go. Stalling. Because they have sowed discord into the process, which was the initial goal. 'Proof' at that point is no longer important.

This is a purely emotional reaction from magaturds. It's alarmingly similar to the reactions of regressives on the far left.
Why do right wingers want to try to rig the audit by hiring a firm with no election auditing experience or certification?
Who gives certifications for election audits?
Is the firm certified to audit the election?
Of course. Why else would the state hire them.
Are you Dummycraps trying to invent another excuse to contest the results when they prove you cheated?
All they are going to prove is that right-wingers enjoy crying wolf.
Or what really scares the shit out of you is they have and will discover that Biden was being honest when he said they have created the biggest election fraud organization in US history.
It wasn't our guy who got himself impeached, twice.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahha.....impeached on what charges?

How do you "hide" something that doesn't exist? Man, you are stupid. oes that pass for logic in your world?
Your thought processes are pretty rudimentary.
The charges they brought against Trump were simply random claims by Democrats that they all agreed upon....but couldn't prove as fact. They voted to impeach him because they're Democrats. They got a couple of Republicans to agree with them just to be able to claim bi-partisanship....but it was simply smoke and mirrors. As a matter of fact....everything they accused Trump of....remarkably was a crime that Joe Biden was actually guilty of. This is Marxism 101.
Why do right wingers want to try to rig the audit by hiring a firm with no election auditing experience or certification?
Who gives certifications for election audits?
Is the firm certified to audit the election?
Of course. Why else would the state hire them.
Are you Dummycraps trying to invent another excuse to contest the results when they prove you cheated?
All they are going to prove is that right-wingers enjoy crying wolf.
Or what really scares the shit out of you is they have and will discover that Biden was being honest when he said they have created the biggest election fraud organization in US history.
It wasn't our guy who got himself impeached, twice.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahha.....impeached on what charges?

How do you "hide" something that doesn't exist? Man, you are stupid. oes that pass for logic in your world?
Your thought processes are pretty rudimentary.
The charges they brought against Trump were simply random claims by Democrats that they all agreed upon....but couldn't prove as fact. They voted to impeach him because they're Democrats. They got a couple of Republicans to agree with them just to be able to claim bi-partisanship....but it was simply smoke and mirrors. As a matter of fact....everything they accused Trump of....remarkably was a crime that Joe Biden was actually guilty of. This is Marxism 101.
Your right-wing thought process is even worse. Random claims of cheating by republicans but couldn't prove any of it as fact.

Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) do that.
Why do right wingers want to try to rig the audit by hiring a firm with no election auditing experience or certification?
Who gives certifications for election audits?
Is the firm certified to audit the election?
Of course. Why else would the state hire them.
Are you Dummycraps trying to invent another excuse to contest the results when they prove you cheated?
All they are going to prove is that right-wingers enjoy crying wolf.
Or what really scares the shit out of you is they have and will discover that Biden was being honest when he said they have created the biggest election fraud organization in US history.
It wasn't our guy who got himself impeached, twice.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahha.....impeached on what charges?

How do you "hide" something that doesn't exist? Man, you are stupid. oes that pass for logic in your world?
Your thought processes are pretty rudimentary.
The charges they brought against Trump were simply random claims by Democrats that they all agreed upon....but couldn't prove as fact. They voted to impeach him because they're Democrats. They got a couple of Republicans to agree with them just to be able to claim bi-partisanship....but it was simply smoke and mirrors. As a matter of fact....everything they accused Trump of....remarkably was a crime that Joe Biden was actually guilty of. This is Marxism 101.
Your right-wing thought process is even worse. Random claims of cheating by republicans but couldn't prove any of it as fact.

Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) do that.
If there was transparency Trump would still be president. The fraud was obvious and massive. The audits are going to prove it.
Why do right wingers want to try to rig the audit by hiring a firm with no election auditing experience or certification?
Who gives certifications for election audits?
Is the firm certified to audit the election?
Of course. Why else would the state hire them.
Are you Dummycraps trying to invent another excuse to contest the results when they prove you cheated?
All they are going to prove is that right-wingers enjoy crying wolf.
Or what really scares the shit out of you is they have and will discover that Biden was being honest when he said they have created the biggest election fraud organization in US history.
It wasn't our guy who got himself impeached, twice.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahha.....impeached on what charges?

How do you "hide" something that doesn't exist? Man, you are stupid. oes that pass for logic in your world?
Your thought processes are pretty rudimentary.
The charges they brought against Trump were simply random claims by Democrats that they all agreed upon....but couldn't prove as fact. They voted to impeach him because they're Democrats. They got a couple of Republicans to agree with them just to be able to claim bi-partisanship....but it was simply smoke and mirrors. As a matter of fact....everything they accused Trump of....remarkably was a crime that Joe Biden was actually guilty of. This is Marxism 101.
Your right-wing thought process is even worse. Random claims of cheating by republicans but couldn't prove any of it as fact.

Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) do that.
If there was transparency Trump would still be president. The fraud was obvious and massive. The audits are going to prove it.
There was transparency. It is the right-wing who are just plain political practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, or they would have had no problem investigating 1/6.
Why do right wingers want to try to rig the audit by hiring a firm with no election auditing experience or certification?
Who gives certifications for election audits?
Is the firm certified to audit the election?
Of course. Why else would the state hire them.
Are you Dummycraps trying to invent another excuse to contest the results when they prove you cheated?
All they are going to prove is that right-wingers enjoy crying wolf.
Or what really scares the shit out of you is they have and will discover that Biden was being honest when he said they have created the biggest election fraud organization in US history.
It wasn't our guy who got himself impeached, twice.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahha.....impeached on what charges?

How do you "hide" something that doesn't exist? Man, you are stupid. oes that pass for logic in your world?
Your thought processes are pretty rudimentary.
The charges they brought against Trump were simply random claims by Democrats that they all agreed upon....but couldn't prove as fact. They voted to impeach him because they're Democrats. They got a couple of Republicans to agree with them just to be able to claim bi-partisanship....but it was simply smoke and mirrors. As a matter of fact....everything they accused Trump of....remarkably was a crime that Joe Biden was actually guilty of. This is Marxism 101.
Your right-wing thought process is even worse. Random claims of cheating by republicans but couldn't prove any of it as fact.

Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) do that.
Well....there's the rub.
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that....you folks try to set up roadblocks to prevent discovery. Sounds to me that somebody guilty is trying to prevent the proof from being found.
The truth is....every lawsuit that was filed was supposed to open up avenues of discovery and to get the SCOTUS to do their jobs. Chief Justice Roberts shirked his responsibility by not issuing a stay or even refusing to hear arguments. Eventually this will end up biting the court in the ass....so it has now become a race by leftists to prevent audits from happening before it's too late.
I guess the humiliated Arizona Republicans who are against this circus are Radical Socialist Deep State Hitler RINO Swamp Commies who hate America too.

The orange cult is too emotionally invested in this travesty to turn back now.

Dominion refuses to turn over passwords to their tabulation machines in AZ....using the excuse that doing so would cause irreparable harm to the company.

Sounds like they're trying to plead the 5th without actually doing so.

Dominion Refuses to Hand Over Ballot Tabulator Passwords to Arizona Audit, Worries It Would Cause 'Irreparable Damage' to the Company​

Isa CoxMay 15, 2021 at 1:15pm
It’s rather odd that we are constantly reassured that every aspect of the 2020 election was entirely safe, secure and kosher and yet the ongoing election audit process in Arizona’s Maricopa County seems to have been marred with confounding setbacks at every turn.​
Are … are they trying to validate claims that the election was stolen? Because this is how you validate claims that the election was stolen.​
Sounds like Dominion doesn't want any more fraudulent audits like the one by the
ninja outfit. Did they find any bamboo ballots? Did they discover interference by Italy, for god sake?The assurances are given as an answer to your stupid requests.
Oh....so now the AUDITS are the fraud......not the election.
Yep.....that's the normal response you get from a convict.
I didn't do nuffin.
The American people who watch this farce develop are not convicts. The convicts are those who are perpetrating this insult to America.
You can't handle the truth about the election....so like a criminal you claim making sure that it was on the level is a farce.
Of course you want to cover up the crime.
If you had lost the election you would have been crying about how it was stolen as well.....just like you've been doing for the last 4+ years.
The problem with you is you've been lied to so much that you only believe what you want to believe.
Trump is a serial liar and lost an election and those votes were counted THREE times. Now you have a fufnick outfit looking for bamboo ballots from China! Are you really that stupid? This fraud means nothing. The election was certified. Trump supporting republicans did the count and are they also frauds because they didn't find results for Trump? Your people did this count and anything else is a fix and will not stand.
Why don't you just scream at the sky too.
The election was certified.
It was still stolen.
Democrats rigged the system and now comes the lawsuits.
The Democrats rigged nothing and the lawsuits have already been dismissed. Any bamboo ballots or Italian meddling found yet? This fraudit is like a looney tunes cartoon and is sure as hell fixed, and this is why the results have no standing. The con is on. Trump has said that he loves poorly educated people. Easy to control with bullshit.
Yep....so you think you guys can stop trying to prevent discovery now, or are you going to continue to act like you're guilty?
Yep...the guilty ones are you "poorly educated", as Trump put it. You are guilty of falling for Trump's con.
Why do right wingers want to try to rig the audit by hiring a firm with no election auditing experience or certification?
Who gives certifications for election audits?
Is the firm certified to audit the election?
Of course. Why else would the state hire them.
Are you Dummycraps trying to invent another excuse to contest the results when they prove you cheated?
All they are going to prove is that right-wingers enjoy crying wolf.
Or what really scares the shit out of you is they have and will discover that Biden was being honest when he said they have created the biggest election fraud organization in US history.
It wasn't our guy who got himself impeached, twice.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahha.....impeached on what charges?

How do you "hide" something that doesn't exist? Man, you are stupid. oes that pass for logic in your world?
Your thought processes are pretty rudimentary.
The charges they brought against Trump were simply random claims by Democrats that they all agreed upon....but couldn't prove as fact. They voted to impeach him because they're Democrats. They got a couple of Republicans to agree with them just to be able to claim bi-partisanship....but it was simply smoke and mirrors. As a matter of fact....everything they accused Trump of....remarkably was a crime that Joe Biden was actually guilty of. This is Marxism 101.
Your right-wing thought process is even worse. Random claims of cheating by republicans but couldn't prove any of it as fact.

Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) do that.
If there was transparency Trump would still be president. The fraud was obvious and massive. The audits are going to prove it.
The fraud was so obvious and massive that you can`t find any.
Dominion refuses to turn over passwords to their tabulation machines in AZ....using the excuse that doing so would cause irreparable harm to the company.

Sounds like they're trying to plead the 5th without actually doing so.

Dominion Refuses to Hand Over Ballot Tabulator Passwords to Arizona Audit, Worries It Would Cause 'Irreparable Damage' to the Company​

Isa CoxMay 15, 2021 at 1:15pm
It’s rather odd that we are constantly reassured that every aspect of the 2020 election was entirely safe, secure and kosher and yet the ongoing election audit process in Arizona’s Maricopa County seems to have been marred with confounding setbacks at every turn.​
Are … are they trying to validate claims that the election was stolen? Because this is how you validate claims that the election was stolen.​
Sounds like Dominion doesn't want any more fraudulent audits like the one by the
ninja outfit. Did they find any bamboo ballots? Did they discover interference by Italy, for god sake?The assurances are given as an answer to your stupid requests.
Oh....so now the AUDITS are the fraud......not the election.
Yep.....that's the normal response you get from a convict.
I didn't do nuffin.
The American people who watch this farce develop are not convicts. The convicts are those who are perpetrating this insult to America.
You can't handle the truth about the election....so like a criminal you claim making sure that it was on the level is a farce.
Of course you want to cover up the crime.
If you had lost the election you would have been crying about how it was stolen as well.....just like you've been doing for the last 4+ years.
The problem with you is you've been lied to so much that you only believe what you want to believe.
Trump is a serial liar and lost an election and those votes were counted THREE times. Now you have a fufnick outfit looking for bamboo ballots from China! Are you really that stupid? This fraud means nothing. The election was certified. Trump supporting republicans did the count and are they also frauds because they didn't find results for Trump? Your people did this count and anything else is a fix and will not stand.
Why don't you just scream at the sky too.
The election was certified.
It was still stolen.
Democrats rigged the system and now comes the lawsuits.
The Democrats rigged nothing and the lawsuits have already been dismissed. Any bamboo ballots or Italian meddling found yet? This fraudit is like a looney tunes cartoon and is sure as hell fixed, and this is why the results have no standing. The con is on. Trump has said that he loves poorly educated people. Easy to control with bullshit.
Yep....so you think you guys can stop trying to prevent discovery now, or are you going to continue to act like you're guilty?
Yep...the guilty ones are you "poorly educated", as Trump put it. You are guilty of falling for Trump's con.
No.....decent people can be easily fooled.....but once you have proven to be a fake.....you (decent folks) drop them like a bad habit.
Not so with folks like you. You depend on deception and fraud to get what you want. You admire folks that can pull it off.
This is called living in denial.
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
It's being proved in AZ and Georgia as we speak.
When are you gonna git off your butt and start paying attention?
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
It's being proved in AZ and Georgia as we speak.
When are you gonna git off your butt and start paying attention?
Nothing is being proved; the election was already certified.

If anything needs to proved, how about 11/16. Your guy lost the popular vote twice. He could have cheated the first time. We should look into it.
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
It's being proved in AZ and Georgia as we speak.
When are you gonna git off your butt and start paying attention?
Nothing is being proved; the election was already certified.

If anything needs to proved, how about 11/16. Your guy lost the popular vote twice. He could have cheated the first time. We should look into it.
Just because they were able to certify the election without a fight...doesn't mean that we cannot do anything to find out what happened.
Are you afraid we might show it to be a fraud? Of course you are.
Your biggest worry is that Biden and Harris will prove to be a complete frauds....and never should have been allowed in the WH.
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You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
It's being proved in AZ and Georgia as we speak.
When are you gonna git off your butt and start paying attention?
Nothing is being proved; the election was already certified.

If anything needs to proved, how about 11/16. Your guy lost the popular vote twice. He could have cheated the first time. We should look into it.
Just because they were able to certify the election without a fight...doesn't mean that we cannot do anything to find out what happened.
Are you afraid we might show it to be a fraud? Of course you are.
Your biggest worry is that Biden and Harris will prove to be a complete fraud....and never should have been allowed in the WH.
Your guy must have cheated since he lost the popular vote both times.
Last edited:
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
It's being proved in AZ and Georgia as we speak.
When are you gonna git off your butt and start paying attention?
Nothing is being proved; the election was already certified.

If anything needs to proved, how about 11/16. Your guy lost the popular vote twice. He could have cheated the first time. We should look into it.
Just because they were able to certify the election without a fight...doesn't mean that we cannot do anything to find out what happened.
Are you afraid we might show it to be a fraud? Of course you are.
Your biggest worry is that Biden and Harris will prove to be a complete fraud....and never should have been allowed in the WH.
Your must have cheated since he lost the popular vote both times.
I don't think he did. Hillary created over 3 million votes in CA in the weeks after election night to make it appear that he lost the popular vote. They knew what they needed to make it happen.....but so sad that it didn't change the results.
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
It's being proved in AZ and Georgia as we speak.
When are you gonna git off your butt and start paying attention?
Nothing is being proved; the election was already certified.

If anything needs to proved, how about 11/16. Your guy lost the popular vote twice. He could have cheated the first time. We should look into it.
Just because they were able to certify the election without a fight...doesn't mean that we cannot do anything to find out what happened.
Are you afraid we might show it to be a fraud? Of course you are.
Your biggest worry is that Biden and Harris will prove to be a complete fraud....and never should have been allowed in the WH.
Your must have cheated since he lost the popular vote both times.
I don't think he did. Hillary created over 3 million votes in CA in the weeks after election night to make it appear that he lost the popular vote. They knew what they needed to make it happen.....but so sad that it didn't change the results.
Right wingers make up stuff and still want to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth".

12 Days That Stunned a Nation: How Hillary Clinton Lost
Less than two weeks before Election Day, Hillary Clinton's campaign held a clear lead in the polls. Republican Donald Trump would ultimately win. How?
You lefties squawk about how we can't prove it......and all the while public officials in the states are doing just that..
Where is it being proved? And why any problem investigating 1/6 if right wingers are for soo much transparency.
It's being proved in AZ and Georgia as we speak.
When are you gonna git off your butt and start paying attention?
Nothing is being proved; the election was already certified.

If anything needs to proved, how about 11/16. Your guy lost the popular vote twice. He could have cheated the first time. We should look into it.
Just because they were able to certify the election without a fight...doesn't mean that we cannot do anything to find out what happened.
Are you afraid we might show it to be a fraud? Of course you are.
Your biggest worry is that Biden and Harris will prove to be a complete fraud....and never should have been allowed in the WH.
Your must have cheated since he lost the popular vote both times.
I don't think he did. Hillary created over 3 million votes in CA in the weeks after election night to make it appear that he lost the popular vote. They knew what they needed to make it happen.....but so sad that it didn't change the results.
Right wingers make up more stuff and still want to be taken as seriously as the "gospel Truth".

12 Days That Stunned a Nation: How Hillary Clinton Lost
Less than two weeks before Election Day, Hillary Clinton's campaign held a clear lead in the polls. Republican Donald Trump would ultimately win. How?
The polls were wrong, weren't they.
Trump won because he was more popular than Hillary. Simple as that.
Biden won not because he was more popular....but because he made sure that the right people counted the votes where it mattered the most.
Democrats cheat. They always have. The trick is preventing them from doing it.

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