If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

i've read through this and will look for the other thread, but it does seem funny she can't remember much of anything to help pinpoint this party - only 2 names.

again, timing his highly questionable.
And one of the names - her 'star witness' - says it never happened.
We calls 'em as we sees 'em. The despicable is on Kav.
1. Innocent until proven guilty. (You SURE you aren't a snowflake / democrat?)

2. The accuser's 'star witness' said it never happened.
i've read through this and will look for the other thread, but it does seem funny she can't remember much of anything to help pinpoint this party - only 2 names.

again, timing his highly questionable.
And one of the names - her 'star witness' - says it never happened.
DOUBLE STANDARD ALERT!!!!! So you guys don't need proof for your invisible superbeing god, but she needs more evidence of her rape?
Kavanaugh looks too unmanly and his wife is too ugly for him not to be a rapist..
WOW....thanks for that demonstration of how despicable democrats / snowflakes are / can be.
I'm a Libertarian, so not on either side, really.
That was still pretty heinous...so much so that I just naturally assumed you were a liberal / snowflake. My bad - sorry.
I bet that guy cheated on his wife, she's that ugly.

See post #41
Kavanaugh looks too unmanly and his wife is too ugly for him not to be a rapist..
WOW....thanks for that demonstration of how despicable democrats / snowflakes are / can be.
I'm a Libertarian, so not on either side, really.
That was still pretty heinous...so much so that I just naturally assumed you were a liberal / snowflake. My bad - sorry.
I bet that guy cheated on his wife, she's that ugly.

See post #41
Why? Does she give you a chubby?
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

We don't know they're baseless. The people who automatically think they are lies are the people who want Kavanaugh confirmed for political reasons. The people who automatically think she is telling the truth are the people who do not want him confirmed. But I have heard some thoughtful people on both sides raise good questions about this; I agree with our senator that an investigation into this is in order. Listening to her story and then listening to him say it didn't happen is NOT going to clear this up for anyone.
What about the witness that said it didnt happen?
The witness said it seemed "ridiculous" based on what he knew of BK but he also carefully said he did not RECOLLECT that incident. Judge has written an entire book about his alcoholism, blackouts, and lost memory during his heavy drinking days. So his "testimony" is not helpful.
Just saw a report that the accuser has many years of notes with a therapist, detailing the whole story and its effects.

If that's true...

I have many years of notes with a therapist detailing how the notes with her therapist are just made up nonsense, wanna buy some?

Anybody that waits 35 years to make accusations public just when it happens that doing so offers the opportunity for fame and fortune has no credibility, regardless of what his/her shrink says.

.. tough shit, next case. :cool:
If she has notes from many years, then she didn't make it up to get Trump.
Who said anything about "getting Trump"? I mentioned the opportunity for fame and fortune, as in "Hey I went to High School with that SCOTUS nominee! I betcha I can get on Oprah if I say he ….. " , goes to motive your honor.

That would be damning evidence.
No it wouldn't, in case you haven't heard, it's not exactly uncommon for people to tell THERAPISTS all sorts of crazy nonsense that isn't based on reality.

Telling your shrink a bunch of shit isn't evidence of anything other than the fact that you told your shrink a bunch of shit. "Damning evidence" would be some form of physical evidence or impartial eye witness testimony, given that this dingbat waited 35 years to put forward the accusations publicly it might be a bit difficult to find any of that.
You're really saying that if a Democrat were accused of this, and the accuser had years of therapist's notes on it, you'd brush it off and blame the accuser?

Yeah, doesn't matter to me if the accused is a douche bag-R or a douche bag-D, the circumstances don't warrant taking the accusation seriously.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

We don't know they're baseless. The people who automatically think they are lies are the people who want Kavanaugh confirmed for political reasons. The people who automatically think she is telling the truth are the people who do not want him confirmed. But I have heard some thoughtful people on both sides raise good questions about this; I agree with our senator that an investigation into this is in order. Listening to her story and then listening to him say it didn't happen is NOT going to clear this up for anyone.
Only a fool would believe that Loopy kunt... This is all about politics. That’s the way the game is played
I don't think it originated with Ford. Once Feinstein got her hands on it, SHE may have manipulated the hell out of the situation, hoping for a last minute reason to stall the nomination, but I think Ford was genuine.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again


You're disgusting. character assassination is bad enough, but to put partisanship before country is deplorable.

In context, McConnell's misfeasance in not bringing forward President Obama's nominee based on the excuse it was too close to a national election, is doubled down by you and the GOP who argue times are different and Trump's nominee must be vetted and approved before the next national election.

oh but her potential character assasination is cool with you.

No it's not "cool with" me. The allegation is not beyond the realm of reality, nor is the nominees denial.

The issue is not settled, the allegation must be taken seriously. As the lady said, each partisan side will argue differently, but there is no evidence yet in which I'm aware, presented, to tilt the issue to one side or the other.

As a former manager of Domestic Violence coalitions I've seen my share of :He said, She said: situations. Somewhere there will be evidence for the trier of facts - in this case the Senate - to make a judgment.

If the event occurred as stated by the alleged victim, what he did at 17 is not as relevant to the nomination as If he lied about it, if so, he should be denied the nomination.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again


You're disgusting. character assassination is bad enough, but to put partisanship before country is deplorable.

In context, McConnell's misfeasance in not bringing forward President Obama's nominee based on the excuse it was too close to a national election, is doubled down by you and the GOP who argue times are different and Trump's nominee must be vetted and approved before the next national election.

oh but her potential character assasination is cool with you.

No it's not "cool with" me. The allegation is not beyond the realm of reality, nor is the nominees denial.

The issue is not settled, the allegation must be taken seriously. As the lady said, each partisan side will argue differently, but there is no evidence yet in which I'm aware, presented, to tilt the issue to one side or the other.

As a former manager of Domestic Violence coalitions I've seen my share of :He said, She said: situations. Somewhere there will be evidence for the trier of facts - in this case the Senate - to make a judgment.

If the event occurred as stated by the alleged victim, what he did at 17 is not as relevant to the nomination as If he lied about it, if so, he should be denied the nomination.
What is this about "lying about it?" How could he have lied to the Senate about something he didn't know existed until this past week? Is this a projection, if he is later somehow found to have done this?
Just saw a report that the accuser has many years of notes with a therapist, detailing the whole story and its effects.

If that's true...

I have many years of notes with a therapist detailing how the notes with her therapist are just made up nonsense, wanna buy some?

Anybody that waits 35 years to make accusations public just when it happens that doing so offers the opportunity for fame and fortune has no credibility, regardless of what his/her shrink says.

.. tough shit, next case. :cool:
If she has notes from many years, then she didn't make it up to get Trump.
Who said anything about "getting Trump"? I mentioned the opportunity for fame and fortune, as in "Hey I went to High School with that SCOTUS nominee! I betcha I can get on Oprah if I say he ….. " , goes to motive your honor.

That would be damning evidence.
No it wouldn't, in case you haven't heard, it's not exactly uncommon for people to tell THERAPISTS all sorts of crazy nonsense that isn't based on reality.

Telling your shrink a bunch of shit isn't evidence of anything other than the fact that you told your shrink a bunch of shit. "Damning evidence" would be some form of physical evidence or impartial eye witness testimony, given that this dingbat waited 35 years to put forward the accusations publicly it might be a bit difficult to find any of that.
You're really saying that if a Democrat were accused of this, and the accuser had years of therapist's notes on it, you'd brush it off and blame the accuser?

Yeah, doesn't matter to me if the accused is a douche bag-R or a douche bag-D, the circumstances don't warrant taking the accusation seriously.

If it did, and Kananaugh has lied, would you still support his nomination?
I have many years of notes with a therapist detailing how the notes with her therapist are just made up nonsense, wanna buy some?

Anybody that waits 35 years to make accusations public just when it happens that doing so offers the opportunity for fame and fortune has no credibility, regardless of what his/her shrink says.

.. tough shit, next case. :cool:
If she has notes from many years, then she didn't make it up to get Trump.
Who said anything about "getting Trump"? I mentioned the opportunity for fame and fortune, as in "Hey I went to High School with that SCOTUS nominee! I betcha I can get on Oprah if I say he ….. " , goes to motive your honor.

That would be damning evidence.
No it wouldn't, in case you haven't heard, it's not exactly uncommon for people to tell THERAPISTS all sorts of crazy nonsense that isn't based on reality.

Telling your shrink a bunch of shit isn't evidence of anything other than the fact that you told your shrink a bunch of shit. "Damning evidence" would be some form of physical evidence or impartial eye witness testimony, given that this dingbat waited 35 years to put forward the accusations publicly it might be a bit difficult to find any of that.
You're really saying that if a Democrat were accused of this, and the accuser had years of therapist's notes on it, you'd brush it off and blame the accuser?

Yeah, doesn't matter to me if the accused is a douche bag-R or a douche bag-D, the circumstances don't warrant taking the accusation seriously.

If it did, and Kananaugh has lied, would you still support his nomination?
If and would are not part of this nomination process. Prove your charges or fuck off.
Only a fool would believe that Loopy kunt... This is all about politics. That’s the way the game is played
I don't think it originated with Ford. Once Feinstein got her hands on it, SHE may have manipulated the hell out of the situation, hoping for a last minute reason to stall the nomination, but I think Ford was genuine.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like to me that Ford told someone her story - for whatever reason - and made it clear she did not want it shared / released...possibly because it was not true. The person she shared it with writes a letter to Feinstein to give her 'last ditch effort' ammo against Kavanaugh.

In the 11th hour, desperate, Feinstein pulls it out and plays the 'card'.

Ford said she did not want this released or to come forward. She sad the only reason she came forward was because the media started showing up at her home and at her school / class...at this point there was no backing out. She had to commit and come out and run with it.

Who knows...what is known, though, is that her #1 eye witness has declared it never happened.
i've read through this and will look for the other thread, but it does seem funny she can't remember much of anything to help pinpoint this party - only 2 names.

again, timing his highly questionable.
And one of the names - her 'star witness' - says it never happened.
DOUBLE STANDARD ALERT!!!!! So you guys don't need proof for your invisible superbeing god, but she needs more evidence of her rape?
first - i'm not a believer in God myself so fuck yourself on that accusation. you may want to check yourself before speaking out on things you're not aware of.

second - this is the most asinine statement i've ever heard you make, and that's quite the feat.

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