If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

You're disgusting. character assassination is bad enough, but to put partisanship before country is deplorable.

In context, McConnell's misfeasance in not bringing forward President Obama's nominee based on the excuse it was too close to a national election, is doubled down by you and the GOP who argue times are different and Trump's nominee must be vetted and approved before the next national election.

oh but her potential character assasination is cool with you.

No it's not "cool with" me. The allegation is not beyond the realm of reality, nor is the nominees denial.

The issue is not settled, the allegation must be taken seriously. As the lady said, each partisan side will argue differently, but there is no evidence yet in which I'm aware, presented, to tilt the issue to one side or the other.

As a former manager of Domestic Violence coalitions I've seen my share of :He said, She said: situations. Somewhere there will be evidence for the trier of facts - in this case the Senate - to make a judgment.

If the event occurred as stated by the alleged victim, what he did at 17 is not as relevant to the nomination as If he lied about it, if so, he should be denied the nomination.

What is this about "lying about it?" How could he have lied to the Senate about something he didn't know existed until this past week? Is this a projection, if he is later somehow found to have done this?

A lie is an attempt to mislead someone, in this case the public. Keep in mind, the Clinton Impeachment was based on something Jones said, and later morphed into the Lewinsky matter. Clinton was impeached for his effort to mislead authority.

Being drunk and in a black out does not excuse any crime committed in the eyes of the law. Kavanaugh's response was "no way, no how" that any such event happened.

Time will tell what the Senate decides, but given McConnell's latest comments, parties come first (he will protect this wife's job, his leadership and his party as jobs # 1, 2 & 3). Country First has always been only a talking point for him.
Why aren't democrats believing Keith Ellison's accuser?

I'm a Democrat and I believe allegations of domestic abuse (DV is too common unfortunately). Thus your premise is wrong. This was not a case of DV; if as described by the victim's allegation, it was an attempted rape, a felony (most DV Cases are Misdemeanors, BTW).
Kavanaugh is not the 'pivotal moment', the 'benchmark event', for lack of a better term that escapes me this morning.

Herman Cain is not, either, but he is probably the most (recent) public figure - and good man - to be bullied and beaten down by the Democrats' despicable tactic of 'the politics of personal destruction'.

In 2014 the Russians reportedly perpetrated numerous crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One. What Democrats do - what Feinstein just did - is not much different than the bullying, blackmail, and extortion those Russian thugs engaged in. The Russians bullied people to get what they want - so did Feinstein.

The Democrats are doing more than just 'bullying', though. For political party gain they are demonstrating they are willing to destroy a very good man's reputation, his life's work, his marriage, his family....

That is beyond despicable.
The Democratic Party is Colluding with Russia, Radical Islam, Mexican Drug Cartels and China to subvert our Democracy.

Remember I said this. If daylight ever exposes what they have been doing people, even hard line Democrat Faithful will be shocked at the degree Russia and China and other interested parties are buying off Democrat Congressmen & Bureaucrats in The Deep State
I suspect it will come down to one is lying and my money is on Kavanaugh, look at his buddy, birds of a feather.…..

And if he and Judge do not remember, that means they both blacked out.
No one can remember something that didn't happen.

Apparently the woman can.
She's one person. Kavanaugh is innocent till proven guilty.
No one can remember something that didn't happen.

Apparently the woman can.

Yep, only a woman can remember shit that never happened.

It's one of the many things I love about them.

Misogyny on steroids.
I suspect it will come down to one is lying and my money is on Kavanaugh, look at his buddy, birds of a feather.…..

And if he and Judge do not remember, that means they both blacked out.
No one can remember something that didn't happen.

Apparently the woman can.
She's one person. Kavanaugh is innocent till proven guilty.

So HRC is innocent, since the many efforts to convict her all failed! And yet, some people*** still chant, "lock her up".

***aka, deplorable people.
oh but her potential character assasination is cool with you.

No it's not "cool with" me. The allegation is not beyond the realm of reality, nor is the nominees denial.

The issue is not settled, the allegation must be taken seriously. As the lady said, each partisan side will argue differently, but there is no evidence yet in which I'm aware, presented, to tilt the issue to one side or the other.

As a former manager of Domestic Violence coalitions I've seen my share of :He said, She said: situations. Somewhere there will be evidence for the trier of facts - in this case the Senate - to make a judgment.

If the event occurred as stated by the alleged victim, what he did at 17 is not as relevant to the nomination as If he lied about it, if so, he should be denied the nomination.

What is this about "lying about it?" How could he have lied to the Senate about something he didn't know existed until this past week? Is this a projection, if he is later somehow found to have done this?

A lie is an attempt to mislead someone, in this case the public. Keep in mind, the Clinton Impeachment was based on something Jones said, and later morphed into the Lewinsky matter. Clinton was impeached for his effort to mislead authority.

Being drunk and in a black out does not excuse any crime committed in the eyes of the law. Kavanaugh's response was "no way, no how" that any such event happened.

Time will tell what the Senate decides, but given McConnell's latest comments, parties come first (he will protect this wife's job, his leadership and his party as jobs # 1, 2 & 3). Country First has always been only a talking point for him.
Why aren't democrats believing Keith Ellison's accuser?

I'm a Democrat and I believe allegations of domestic abuse (DV is too common unfortunately). Thus your premise is wrong. This was not a case of DV; if as described by the victim's allegation, it was an attempted rape, a felony (most DV Cases are Misdemeanors, BTW).

All crimes of attempt are specific intent crimes. Rape is a specific intent crime. There is no negligent rape or accidental rape. If Kav was as drunk as Ford says he was too drunk to form the intent to rape so there was no crime.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

The bottom feeding demrats don't care. Besides these rules only apply to conservative Republicans, demrats can do pretty much anything they want and get away with it for the most part.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

The bottom feeding demrats don't care. Besides these rules only apply to conservative Republicans, demrats can do pretty much anything they want and get away with it for the most part.
I understand eagle completely,,you have a low life pos pervert in the WH why not have a drunken bankrupt attempted rapist in our SC ??
No one can remember something that didn't happen.

Apparently the woman can.

Yep, only a woman can remember shit that never happened.

It's one of the many things I love about them.

Misogyny on steroids.

And if he and Judge do not remember, that means they both blacked out.
No one can remember something that didn't happen.

Apparently the woman can.
She's one person. Kavanaugh is innocent till proven guilty.

So HRC is innocent, since the many efforts to convict her all failed! And yet, some people*** still chant, "lock her up".

***aka, deplorable people.
HRC was incompetent and a liar. Comey admitted that. He chose not to recommend charges and the Justice department chose not to prosecute.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

The problem isn't so much the left as it is the utterly ineffective and cowardly GOP.
Had this story not surfaced the left still would have opposed him. The facts are such the the ball is COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by the GOP.
As despicable as this nonsense is it is still up to the GOP to either seat him or fail to do their job.

well you know there are 4 females on the Democrat side among 10 and 11 white older white men on the GOP side, maybe that has something to do with it,

and by the way, we believe in the first amendment.
what are you doing in attacking Mrs Ford is exactly why folks are afraid to come forward and talk about sexual assault. women should be believed. anyone who accuses anyone must be believed!
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

The problem isn't so much the left as it is the utterly ineffective and cowardly GOP.
Had this story not surfaced the left still would have opposed him. The facts are such the the ball is COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by the GOP.
As despicable as this nonsense is it is still up to the GOP to either seat him or fail to do their job.

well you know there are 4 females on the Democrat side among 10 and 11 white older white men on the GOP side, maybe that has something to do with it,

and by the way, we believe in the first amendment.
Nothing like a good old fashioned sexist, ageist, racist post from a typical leftist activist to push a political agenda.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

The problem isn't so much the left as it is the utterly ineffective and cowardly GOP.
Had this story not surfaced the left still would have opposed him. The facts are such the the ball is COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by the GOP.
As despicable as this nonsense is it is still up to the GOP to either seat him or fail to do their job.

well you know there are 4 females on the Democrat side among 10 and 11 white older white men on the GOP side, maybe that has something to do with it,

and by the way, we believe in the first amendment.
Nothing like a good old fashioned sexist, ageist, racist post from a typical leftist activist to push a political agenda.

Nothing like the GOP judicial review with all white men on their side. You darn right its a sexist and racial little bigoted group. Not one female out of 6??
If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

Well, sure. That is exactly what the Left wants! The Left wallows in baseless smears, they live for it. The public expects them to be in the mud always and doesn't give it a second look. No one is surprised to see a pig in the mud! With the media in their pocket, it is just one more yawn to them. Meantime, they know that the slightest question on a squeaky clean republican they can open up into a huge investigation! A World Event! The Media will ride it like a horse. Look at how they downplayed all the crime and corruption of Hillary and Obama. If Hillary were in the Whitehouse now with the same Russia, election and Comey, the Mueller investigation would never have even happened.

So for the Left, it is all about baseless smears and anonymous attacks against opponents while they step over their own rotting dead bodies. They know they don't have to prove a thing---- with the media at their backs, it is enough to just MAKE the allegations.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

The problem isn't so much the left as it is the utterly ineffective and cowardly GOP.
Had this story not surfaced the left still would have opposed him. The facts are such the the ball is COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by the GOP.
As despicable as this nonsense is it is still up to the GOP to either seat him or fail to do their job.

well you know there are 4 females on the Democrat side among 10 and 11 white older white men on the GOP side, maybe that has something to do with it,

and by the way, we believe in the first amendment.
Nothing like a good old fashioned sexist, ageist, racist post from a typical leftist activist to push a political agenda.

Nothing like the GOP judicial review with all white men on their side. You darn right its a sexist and racial little bigoted group. Not one female out of 6??
Another racist sexist post from a typical leftist activist. The facts and the truth are not determined by the skin color or genitals of a person. You're assuming a different outcome based on skin color and genitals. That's racist and sexist. You better get rid of Bernie Sanders, huh.
Last edited:
If ignored, sexual assault become OK as long as there are no witnesses.

So if your daughter comes home & says Jimmy groped her whioe holding her down & tried to rape her, you would laugh it off.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

We don't know they're baseless. The people who automatically think they are lies are the people who want Kavanaugh confirmed for political reasons. The people who automatically think she is telling the truth are the people who do not want him confirmed. But I have heard some thoughtful people on both sides raise good questions about this; I agree with our senator that an investigation into this is in order. Listening to her story and then listening to him say it didn't happen is NOT going to clear this up for anyone.
What about the witness that said it didnt happen?
He never said it did not happen. He said he has no memory of it.
If ignored, sexual assault become OK as long as there are no witnesses.

So if your daughter comes home & says Jimmy groped her whioe holding her down & tried to rape her, you would laugh it off.
You believe one woman and ignore 200 that vouched for the character of Kavanaugh. Why do you ignore them?
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

We don't know they're baseless. The people who automatically think they are lies are the people who want Kavanaugh confirmed for political reasons. The people who automatically think she is telling the truth are the people who do not want him confirmed. But I have heard some thoughtful people on both sides raise good questions about this; I agree with our senator that an investigation into this is in order. Listening to her story and then listening to him say it didn't happen is NOT going to clear this up for anyone.
lol, the woman already admitted some of her "story" is not true, but you just keep on spinning.
If ignored, sexual assault become OK as long as there are no witnesses.

So if your daughter comes home & says Jimmy groped her whioe holding her down & tried to rape her, you would laugh it off.
You believe one woman and ignore 200 that vouched for the character of Kavanaugh. Why do you ignore them?

We see cases of perverts, serial killers getting caught & their friends & neighbors were surprised & had no clue.

Are you surprised that the Republicans came up with this so quick? How many really knew Kavanaugh?

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