If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

Facts 1st opinion later, she passed the FBI polygraph test.
has evidence from 2012
contacted media BEFORE Kavanaugh was nominated.
has seen what Hill was put through & still willing to speak out.
INTRESTING POINT people who support lifetime registration for sex offenders
yet think a attempted rape from years ago should have no bearing on how some one
can become a lifetime member of our supreme court.
OPINION have no way of knowing what happened 30 years ago,
Kavanaugh's behavior during the Clinton mess adds more fuel to the fire.

1. Polygraph test was not given by the FBI. So you are lying from the start. 1 (a). On youtube you will find polygraph experts (former FBI) that teach you how to pass any test. 1 (b) She has a PhD in Educational Psychology, she would understand how to beat a test without additional training. There is a reason these tests are not admissible in court.

2. Link to the media confirmation of this contact (although it doesn't help your case)

3. What evidence, admissible on court, does she have prior to 2012. And more to the point, even the 2012 evidence would likely be thrown out in either a criminal or civil case and does not name Kav.

4. INTERESTING POINT: Our Son's could lose jobs because of unsubstantiated claims. We should all demand solid evidence, admissible in a court of law, instead of lynch mobs.

Glad I could educate you
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again


You're disgusting. character assassination is bad enough, but to put partisanship before country is deplorable.

In context, McConnell's misfeasance in not bringing forward President Obama's nominee based on the excuse it was too close to a national election, is doubled down by you and the GOP who argue times are different and Trump's nominee must be vetted and approved before the next national election.

Sad Snowflake response.
. Remember what they tried to do to Clarence Thomas.

Justice Thomas ripped his lynchers a new one right there. And even better, he went on to become one of the the greatest Supreme justices of all time.

Kavanaugh needs to take off the gloves, and when he addresses the committee on Monday, make it as crystal clear as Thomas that he isn't going to take any shit and he has nothing but contempt for the Liberal Cockroaches who are trying to ruin his life and his family.
We calls 'em as we sees 'em. The despicable is on Kav.
1. Innocent until proven guilty. (You SURE you aren't a snowflake / democrat?)

2. The accuser's 'star witness' said it never happened.
Mary said she was a virgin also. Yet, she had a baby. C'mon, at least be consistent.
WTF? Just ignoring that...and you.
Your concession is duly noted.
There is no 'concession'. I didn't even understand the gibberish you posted. As usual, snowflakes are rambling and making no sense....THAT is why I am IGNORING you, not conceding anything. (Which is also proof that you either can't read, can't comprehend simple statements, or spin the hell out of everything, which is another great reason to ignore you.)
Ignoring me is a concession to the fact that you won't debate me. Thanks for clearing that up.
1. Innocent until proven guilty. (You SURE you aren't a snowflake / democrat?)

2. The accuser's 'star witness' said it never happened.
Mary said she was a virgin also. Yet, she had a baby. C'mon, at least be consistent.
WTF? Just ignoring that...and you.
Your concession is duly noted.
There is no 'concession'. I didn't even understand the gibberish you posted. As usual, snowflakes are rambling and making no sense....THAT is why I am IGNORING you, not conceding anything. (Which is also proof that you either can't read, can't comprehend simple statements, or spin the hell out of everything, which is another great reason to ignore you.)
Ignoring me is a concession to the fact that you won't debate me. Thanks for clearing that up.
fyi - i ignore snail turds also. doesn't mean it helps to debate them.
Mary said she was a virgin also. Yet, she had a baby. C'mon, at least be consistent.
WTF? Just ignoring that...and you.
Your concession is duly noted.
There is no 'concession'. I didn't even understand the gibberish you posted. As usual, snowflakes are rambling and making no sense....THAT is why I am IGNORING you, not conceding anything. (Which is also proof that you either can't read, can't comprehend simple statements, or spin the hell out of everything, which is another great reason to ignore you.)
Ignoring me is a concession to the fact that you won't debate me. Thanks for clearing that up.
fyi - i ignore snail turds also. doesn't mean it helps to debate them.
Because you can't handle the truth either. Now go get your bottle and blanky and go take a nap.
WTF? Just ignoring that...and you.
Your concession is duly noted.
There is no 'concession'. I didn't even understand the gibberish you posted. As usual, snowflakes are rambling and making no sense....THAT is why I am IGNORING you, not conceding anything. (Which is also proof that you either can't read, can't comprehend simple statements, or spin the hell out of everything, which is another great reason to ignore you.)
Ignoring me is a concession to the fact that you won't debate me. Thanks for clearing that up.
fyi - i ignore snail turds also. doesn't mean it helps to debate them.
Because you can't handle the truth either. Now go get your bottle and blanky and go take a nap.
heh, no issues with the truth. people saying 'THIS IS TRUE" as a guise to lying to me - yea i do ignore those snail turds.
Your concession is duly noted.
There is no 'concession'. I didn't even understand the gibberish you posted. As usual, snowflakes are rambling and making no sense....THAT is why I am IGNORING you, not conceding anything. (Which is also proof that you either can't read, can't comprehend simple statements, or spin the hell out of everything, which is another great reason to ignore you.)
Ignoring me is a concession to the fact that you won't debate me. Thanks for clearing that up.
fyi - i ignore snail turds also. doesn't mean it helps to debate them.
Because you can't handle the truth either. Now go get your bottle and blanky and go take a nap.
heh, no issues with the truth. people saying 'THIS IS TRUE" as a guise to lying to me - yea i do ignore those snail turds.
Except big fat orange snail turds. amirite or AMIRITE?? :biggrin:
There is no 'concession'. I didn't even understand the gibberish you posted. As usual, snowflakes are rambling and making no sense....THAT is why I am IGNORING you, not conceding anything. (Which is also proof that you either can't read, can't comprehend simple statements, or spin the hell out of everything, which is another great reason to ignore you.)
Ignoring me is a concession to the fact that you won't debate me. Thanks for clearing that up.
fyi - i ignore snail turds also. doesn't mean it helps to debate them.
Because you can't handle the truth either. Now go get your bottle and blanky and go take a nap.
heh, no issues with the truth. people saying 'THIS IS TRUE" as a guise to lying to me - yea i do ignore those snail turds.
Except big fat orange snail turds. amirite or AMIRITE?? :biggrin:
you're an ASSumption making fool.

IF more people don't want him than do want him, then is he the right person to serve the interests of all of us? even given the different party's political preference for wanting some one who closely share there view, would not we be better served by those not locked into political leaning decisions. but judge on the merits of the case?
Most are unable to think with a clear head, and certainly can't apply critical thought.

If this is successful it means anytime politics gets in the way of a pick for SCOTUS, which is every time, the opposing party only need find a drunk from decades past to declare they were sexually assaulted.

Witnesses are irrelevant, time is irrelevant and no reports or arrests required. The accused are guilty until proven otherwise. After all, it was they who said those accusing others are to be taken at face value.

The liberal elite has been building this up for a few years. Now we see the results of their efforts.

Ah shucks, me too.
The Left’s use of baseless lies against political foes is nothing new. They’ve been doing it for decades. The problem is the current collusion between the Left and the Leftist Media.

It’s imperative now that Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed, and not only because of the stakes for the Supreme Court.

Yes, we’re going to find ourselves in quite a pickle if President Trump has to choose another nominee so close to the mid-term elections, and we’re looking at the possibility of a Democrat Senate next year that won’t confirm anyone he nominates – unless it’s someone chosen from a pre-approved list Charles Schumer helpfully provides.

You can be sure there will be no crossover between that list and the one from the Federalist Society.

But there’s a more important reason than that. If the last-minute attacks on Kavanaugh are rewarded with the scuttling of his nomination, there will be no restraint left on anyone to lodge any smear – no matter how ancient, scurrilous or unsubstantiated it may be – against anyone, ever again.

Much more @ If this accusation takes Kavanaugh down, no one will be safe from baseless smears again

The problem isn't so much the left as it is the utterly ineffective and cowardly GOP.
Had this story not surfaced the left still would have opposed him. The facts are such the the ball is COMPLETELY CONTROLLED by the GOP.
As despicable as this nonsense is it is still up to the GOP to either seat him or fail to do their job.
Ignoring me is a concession to the fact that you won't debate me. Thanks for clearing that up.
fyi - i ignore snail turds also. doesn't mean it helps to debate them.
Because you can't handle the truth either. Now go get your bottle and blanky and go take a nap.
heh, no issues with the truth. people saying 'THIS IS TRUE" as a guise to lying to me - yea i do ignore those snail turds.
Except big fat orange snail turds. amirite or AMIRITE?? :biggrin:
you're an ASSumption making fool.

So you voted for the hag? Hmmm....

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