If this continues... Democrats, look out this fall 2022 elections!

Well I agree! Biden should have never said this as TRUMP never did!
How do you know some Bidenestas like you believing words like: I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

or these EXACT words... all linked:
Biden said "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay".

Did Trump ever say "drink bleach"???
FACTS again destroying your personal totally uninformed ignorance!
No, Trump didn’t tell Americans infected with the coronavirus to drink bleach

What fawking bullshit. From the article,

Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.

But later here is the direct quote of Biden

or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay,

Did Biden say Trump said Americans should drink bleach? No. Did he say Trump said drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus? No again. He said Trump claimed that if you drank bleach you might be OK. That is far more an accurate statement than the dumbass opening statement from your source. Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus.
What fawking bullshit. From the article,

Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.

But later here is the direct quote of Biden

or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay,

Did Biden say Trump said Americans should drink bleach? No. Did he say Trump said drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus? No again. He said Trump claimed that if you drank bleach you might be OK. That is far more an accurate statement than the dumbass opening statement from your source. Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus.
Dumbass? for quoting the exact words of Biden?
How many times have you and others said... "Trump There are good people on both sides.”
Biden did! Remember when you and others including Biden kept repeating ...
BIDEN said this..."And his response was — his response was — and this is — I’m not making this up. Remember it? He said,
“There are good people on both sides.”

BUT Biden and other Bidenestas including much of the MSM left out the rest of the comment by Trump and check the link!
There were very fine people on both sides, & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

So what is good for the goose, is good for the gander! (In case you don't know what that means.. check out this link:
Biden said the following statements:
Biden said "There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1,"

And then he encouraged illegals that also were smuggling drugs that added to the over dose deaths all because Biden said this:
“I would in fact make sure that there is, that we immediately surge to the border"

Think about what an illegal smugglers thoughts are... "no more walls...and we are "surge to the border"!!!!

Both of these statements are words people hear and WANT to believe!

Now BIDEN did say these words...."maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay"....
Of course there was more to it! But Biden said it regardless!

So Dumbass... Biden encouraged people to surge to the border because he won't build another foot of a wall (hmmm excluding I guess
Arizona completion of Biden administration to fill border wall gaps near Yuma, Arizona
https://www.nbcnews.com › politics › immigration › bi...)
So you are saying that GIVEN the major point that women should make the decision whether or not to kill a human being
not because the woman was rape, or incest...which how many abortions are done because of that:
FACT: Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute
So are you telling me that of the 63,459,781 lives aborted since 1973 1.5% or 951,897 were done for rape/incest, YOU are telling me that the remaining 62,507,884 killings are because the women and men who KNEW this was to happen, chose to kill these babies.
They didn't have enough sense of responsibility to either NOT have sex either because they didn't have protection or some other DECISION point,
but had a few moments of pleasure at the expense of a human's life.
Why do you people defend that irresponsibility?
Do you think the majority of Americans ONCE they understood THEIR responsibility for allowing 63 million lives lost like the attached picture
shows and that they encouraged this irresponsibility by saying "a woman has a right to choose" WHICH RIGHT! She has the right to have SEX
and have to pay the responsibility for a few minutes of pleasure BUT NOT the right to kill a future president, or inventor of time travel, or inventor
of a way to feed the entire world, or to develop world peace.... all of which it is possible that could have come from that 63,459,781 deaths!
So this garbage about rape or incest....make the person who did it be responsible for the birth and living expenses of the birth..not abort the human!

View attachment 694452

Stop killing human beings!
I'm not saying anything, except exactly what I said.

I happen to agree with you. But it doesn't change a word I said.

Abortion is not a winning issue. Shut up about it. Expressing your outrage will cost you votes.

Let the courts do their thing. That's where that issue is. The more the righties bleat about it, the more the leftards get to make it an issue. Just don't. Leave it alone.

Not trying to tell you what to do - just saying it's the smart thing to do, if you like winning elections.
What fawking bullshit. From the article,

Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.

But later here is the direct quote of Biden

or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay,

Did Biden say Trump said Americans should drink bleach? No. Did he say Trump said drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus? No again. He said Trump claimed that if you drank bleach you might be OK. That is far more an accurate statement than the dumbass opening statement from your source. Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus.
Guess you never heard of that "The average human has an attention span of just 8.25 seconds according to recent studies – 4.25 seconds less than in 2000.Aug 29, 2022"
Consequently that's why TV commercials went from 60 sec, to 30 sec... and today??? Today, 15 seconds is the standard length for a TV commercial. What Is the Most Effective Length for a TV Commercial? | Voices
So what worked for you i.e. you believed Trump said "both sides" WHICH he did was all he said... but it wasn't!

So you may think people remembered what the rest Biden said but remember they heard from the MSM countless times Trump both sides!
So hey again if it worked for them ....
Harmeet Dhillon verifies Bannon’s bomb that 50 Trump supporters have been raided across the U.S by the fascist vicious monsters just before the midterm elections. Steve Bannon Update… At least 50 Trump allies hit with subpoenas, raided by FBI yesterday…

The term "weaponization" of the FBI/DOJ is never more evident.
Senior officers of these organizations KNOW that if there is a vast change of congress they will be targets for their extremely biased efforts to
halt the make America great movement. There are more and more Voters that are very concerned that this administration is using these tools, FBI,DOJ,IRS etc. to stay in power.
But without this there are still some gigantic differences.

Dems favor the killing of 73 million people per year according to the World Health Organization, roughly 73 million induced abortions occur worldwide each year, with 61% of all unintended pregnancies and 29% of all pregnancies in general ending with an abortion.
Dems favor killing 73 million babies per year.
Dems favor giving back $10,000 or more to college students
BUT not technical students.

76% of Americans Oppose Student Debt Cancellation if It Drives up the Price of College, 64% Oppose if It Raises Taxes​

Dems favor destruction of an industry that provides:
1) Joe Biden wants to destroy 8% of our GDP, 10 million jobs, add immense expenses to 6,000 products and he guarantees it!
Including destruction of 300 million barrels of oil per used to make 2 billion tires per year!
2 billion tires using 7 gallons per tire equals 300 million barrels of fossil fuels ... a YEAR........ that Biden guarantees to get rid of.
Global tire market forecast to produce over 2.7 billion tires by 2026

I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

2) Dems want to hire 87,000 IRS agents to go after the majority of Americans...not just those making over $400,000!
And because the biased MSM doesn't report this
According to a YouGov survey from January 2022, U.S. Americans believe that ten percent of households in their country have an annual income of more than $1 million. As our chart shows, this couldn't be further from the truth.
In reality, less than 0.5 percent earn that much per year when taking into consideration data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
The difference between perception and facts is even more pronounced when looking at households with an annual income of more than $500,000.
While the median weighted responses from survey participants suggest that one-fifth of U.S. households belong to that bracket, it's actually the oft-cited top 1%. On the other hand, U.S. Americans are overestimating the share of people having to scrape by with less than $25,000 per year. Instead of the perceived 35 percent who earn less than $25,000, the share stood at 18 percent in 2020.
Dems favor electricity blackouts/ destruction of electricity generation.
Below is a table that shows that the Dems favor EVs that will cost $38 TRILLION in increasing electricity generation using solar panels.
View attachment 694388

Weaponizing technology is becoming a huge situation now. I knew it would happen, otherwise if we let these evil minded corporate bound so called science engineer's with their new modern day invented snooping devices finally have their way with us.

It's happening down at the lowest levels, so no one can tell me that it's not being used at the highest levels in this new weaponizing way, and in the same ways.

Example: I have heard stories that the certain industries by force of the "insurance industry" had decided to begin using camera's and tracking technology in order to monitor bad employee habits, speed in delivery driver's, hour's of duty status (punch in-punch out), and to protect itself from lawsuit's, fraud, and other such things in various industries.

Sounds great right ? Well yes you can't blame them for that ultimate transition to the technology at all, but when it is being used to rid itself of employee's that might question the business practices or ethic's of the company that they work for, then those worker's don't stand a chance against such a thing when it is monitoring them and their movement's daily, yet for weaponized unethical reason's.

Neutral mediators (not biased company official's), should be responsible for the monitoring of this type of technology if it is not regulated by law's of usage, and then stiff penalties for illegal usage. This is in order to keep the weaponization of the technology at rest or non-existent in the tempting situation's.

However who can be trusted anymore ?

Look at the alledged India call centers, and how they have alledgedly (according to whistle blower's), bilked million's out of unsuspecting American's and other's around the world by way of these telemarketer call's or etc.

Whistle blower's don't stand a chance anymore with this snooping type of biased unregulated technology being used out in the many fields or work places against the employee's of today, and especially when retaliation occurs.....

The excuses to transition to the snooping technology are many, but sadly many aren't ethically right in their intent nor in their usage of.

All technological advances should have came under a modernized technological bound constitution, otherwise that was first written for the administering and implementation of such technology into the public sphere, otherwise where freedom Loving American's were involved, and we're not to be abused by it but instead to be protected by it.

The internet is another such wildly unregulated technology that should have been held to standard's that applied to American industry and the American population for decade's going all the way back to our original constitutional ideals.

Wake up America, and begin a new look at what you've armed your enemies with now against you.

Trump has become the most abused victim of this new generational snooping technology, and the Democrat's have become the most rewarded in the weaponization of the Technology it appears. Courts are supposed to settle these things fairly, but with a court system being attacked constantly, well it's no wonder that the court's have failed us now.
Ok 1 for sure. Former USA employer who donated their salary to charity home was searched by FBI.
And what is this person's name?

What's that? You don't have one? It was just another story that your cult faked, to keep you hysterical and obedient? Imagine that.

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