If this isn't collusion what would you call it?

Hell no they dont. @Oddball , for example, doesnt have the depth or wit required to make any of this up. He simply looks for agreeable headlines and regurgitates them like a vegetable with echolalia.
Point taken. I was speaking generically about Trumpleton's. Their narrative is malleable, able to morph in to any form they need it to because there is no factual foundation.
I find it Hillaryous the idiot libtardos had Mueller and 13 Trump hating lawyers doing every damn thing they could to hang an out right lie around Trump's neck and what did they get.

Mueller stating right in front of Congress and the entire world, "We found no evidence supporting the accusation Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia."

If you still believe the narrative you're an out right idiot.

That's not what he said.
Report doesn't exonerate Trump, Mueller testifies, and he could be charged after leaving office

And this is why Trump will do anything he can to get re-elected. He knows he's going to be charged and indicted.
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

Comrade dumbfuck, you know Adam the lying little Schitt is a PROVEN liar and that that his memo is completely disproven - not discredited - disproven - he fabricated it.

Does it hurt to be that stupid?

More opinions and too lazy to prove it.
Hell no they dont. @Oddball , for example, doesnt have the depth or wit required to make any of this up. He simply looks for agreeable headlines and regurgitates them like a vegetable with echolalia.
Point taken. I was speaking generically about Trumpleton's. Their narrative is malleable, able to morph in to any form they need it to because there is no factual foundation.

That's why they are a cult and here to entertain us with their Trump babble.
I find it Hillaryous the idiot libtardos had Mueller and 13 Trump hating lawyers doing every damn thing they could to hang an out right lie around Trump's neck and what did they get.

Mueller stating right in front of Congress and the entire world, "We found no evidence supporting the accusation Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia."

If you still believe the narrative you're an out right idiot.

That's not what he said.
Report doesn't exonerate Trump, Mueller testifies, and he could be charged after leaving office

And this is why Trump will do anything he can to get re-elected. He knows he's going to be charged and indicted.
Hey Dummy, why fall for the ABC spin when you can read the report itself?

"[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. "l

The Special Counsel's investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.
Schiff is a known liar. To quote anything from his memo is ludicrous in the extreme.

Donald Trump is not only a known liar- he is the most prolific liar to ever be in the White House.

Yet you Trumpkins worship every word he says.
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

Comrade dumbfuck, you know Adam the lying little Schitt is a PROVEN liar and that that his memo is completely disproven - not discredited - disproven - he fabricated it.

Does it hurt to be that stupid?

More opinions and too lazy to prove it.
What have you ever proven in this forum?
Schiff is a known liar. To quote anything from his memo is ludicrous in the extreme.

Donald Trump is not only a known liar- he is the most prolific liar to ever be in the White House.

Yet you Trumpkins worship every word he says.
Horseshit, of course. Why do you TDS morons assume we're going to believe anything you post?
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

Comrade dumbfuck, you know Adam the lying little Schitt is a PROVEN liar and that that his memo is completely disproven - not discredited - disproven - he fabricated it.

Does it hurt to be that stupid?

More opinions and too lazy to prove it.
What have you ever proven in this forum?
He has proven beyond any doubt he is a blithering nincompoop.
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

Collusion = Really poor excuse for getting your ass kicked by a political noob.
On or about May 10, 2016, at London's Kensington Wine Rooms, Papadopoulos allegedly told the Australian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Alexander Downer, that Russia was in possession of emails relating to Hillary Clinton. In July, after the DNC hacking had become known, the Australians told U.S. authorities about Papadopoulos's comment, leading the Federal Bureau of Investigation to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Donald Trump presidential campaign on July 31, 2016.[39][51]

He didn't tell him that............we actually have that information released now and he didn't tell them that...but thanks for lying.
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

If colluding with Russia causes an economic boon in the US, then collude on!
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

The ends justify the means Hillary and socialism lost.

At any cost liberalism must be stopped.
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

Comrade dumbfuck, you know Adam the lying little Schitt is a PROVEN liar and that that his memo is completely disproven - not discredited - disproven - he fabricated it.

Does it hurt to be that stupid?

More opinions and too lazy to prove it.

Again, Comrade traitor? If you ignored it the last 40 times...

{Americans expect that politicians will lie, but sometimes the examples are so brazen that they deserve special notice. Newly released Congressional testimony shows that Adam Schiff spread falsehoods shamelessly about Russia and Donald Trump for three years even as his own committee gathered contrary evidence. }

"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

Comrade dumbfuck, you know Adam the lying little Schitt is a PROVEN liar and that that his memo is completely disproven - not discredited - disproven - he fabricated it.

Does it hurt to be that stupid?

More opinions and too lazy to prove it.
What have you ever proven in this forum?

That he has an IQ in single digits.

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