If this isn't collusion what would you call it?

If colluding with Russia causes an economic boon in the US, then collude on!
The ends justify the means Hillary and socialism lost.

At any cost liberalism must be stopped.
You people are fucking traitors to your country and you don't even try to hide it

The only people who conspired with Russia to to rig the 2016 election were you Stalinist vermin. You bought a dossier from the Kremlin, and used it to commit treason, dozens of times.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

Isn't that why you traitor fucks bought the dossier from the Kremlin? Because you thought it had dirt on Trump?

Hypocrite much, traitor?
Georgie P bragged about knowing that Russia had dirt on Clinton.

That happened. And that is cause to open an investigation

He supposedly got that information from Joesph Mifsud. There is no credible information that Mifsud was anything but a Kremlin asset and that's exactly what the Mueller investigation found.

Oh yea...and Putin is pushing this story in exactly the same way Trump and Trumpers are.

So there's that
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

Anyone dumb enough to think Russia influenced the election of 2016 is a goddamn idiot. Hillary and her ifiot manager Huma lost it. No common sense or sense for working class Americans.
Of course, the matter of the collusion over the release of the material illegally stolen by Russia and given to Wikileaks was not the only example.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.


The contested swing states that Trump narrowly—and surprisingly—won, such as Michigan and Wisconsin, were also places where both the Trump campaign and Russia’s Internet Research Agency focussed their efforts. Herein lies at least one answer to the question of why Russia would want the Trump campaign’s polling data: it potentially offered demographic targets for Russia’s bots and propaganda.
What better way for Russia to make the best use of their efforts in swing states than to have some proprietary internal polling data from Trump's campaign to use to target voters who were potentially able to be persuaded to vote for the Bigot-in-Chief?
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

A) wikileaks isn't a russian organization, that's all bullshit with no evidence to back it up

B) looks like free exchange of information in a free society to me, when are we going to start rounding up the Israeli colluders/
Of course, the matter of the collusion over the release of the material illegally stolen by Russia and given to Wikileaks was not the only example.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.


The contested swing states that Trump narrowly—and surprisingly—won, such as Michigan and Wisconsin, were also places where both the Trump campaign and Russia’s Internet Research Agency focussed their efforts. Herein lies at least one answer to the question of why Russia would want the Trump campaign’s polling data: it potentially offered demographic targets for Russia’s bots and propaganda.
What better way for Russia to make the best use of their efforts in swing states than to have some proprietary internal polling data from Trump's campaign to use to target voters who were potentially able to be persuaded to vote for the Bigot-in-Chief?

You say that like you think polling data is equivalent to state secrets?

What the fuck is wrong with you? lol
Anyone dumb enough to think Russia influenced the election of 2016 is a goddamn idiot.
Anyone naive enough to think the "sweeping and systematic" (Mueller's words) efforts by Russia to get Vlad's favorite candidate elected had no effect is likely to be a Trump cultist in denial.
A) wikileaks isn't a russian organization, that's all bullshit with no evidence to back it up
The intel agencies have indisputable forensic computer evidence that Russia transferred the material they stole to Wikileaks.
A) wikileaks isn't a russian organization, that's all bullshit with no evidence to back it up
The intel agencies have indisputable forensic computer evidence that Russia transferred the material they stole to Wikileaks.

A) there is no proof russians did anytihng, it's just simple IP tracing. I can make it look like my activity here is russian. means nothing. You have to trace IP's and kick down doors to know for sure who you're dealing with. And if peopel are clever it won't be possible.

B) even if russian agents did do all that, sending the info to wikileaks doens't mean anything. Americans have sent things to wikileaks, are they American backeD?

Makes no sense on teh face of it

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