If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

They should not be satisfied with government handouts

Which is the America that Democrats want to create for them
You mean government handouts like free primary education?

I think you mean primary miseducation. Private runs everything better and public serves left narrations instead of education.

Keep reciting those right wing talking points. You seem to have them all down pat.

American Health Care - most expensive in the world. Least effective.

American education system - most expensive in the world, with parents paying the most out of pocket. Not even in the top 10.

American utilities - WIFI, electrical grid - 60 years out of date, and failing.

All of the things you've privatized are more expensive and less effective.

Best places in the world to live - Not even in the top 10.
Yep, bet you hate it when foreigners opinions are given...dumbass.
There's nothing wrong with foreign opinions. But he was applying what happened in a foreign country, and claiming the same held here.

You do realize Dragon is Canadian and always interjecting what goes on in Canada should happen here.

Not the same thing at all. He was implying that what was happening in Greece is now happening in the USA, and if you change the failed Republican economic policies, you'll end up like Greece. This is a common lie that Republicans like to tell.

Why can't you learn from more successful countries rather than fear what happens in failed democracies?
They should not be satisfied with government handouts

Which is the America that Democrats want to create for them
You mean government handouts like free primary education?

I think you mean primary miseducation. Private runs everything better and public serves left narrations instead of education.

Keep reciting those right wing talking points. You seem to have them all down pat.

American Health Care - most expensive in the world. Least effective.

American education system - most expensive in the world, with parents paying the most out of pocket. Not even in the top 10.

American utilities - WIFI, electrical grid - 60 years out of date, and failing.

All of the things you've privatized are more expensive and less effective.

Best places in the world to live - Not even in the top 10.

Yet thousands of illegal migrants flock to the US border every day....go figure.
You do realize Dragon is Canadian and always interjecting what goes on in Canada should happen here.
But Dragonlady uses US data to support those interjections.
Not some Greek or other unrelated country claiming that those countries mirror what would happen here.
Yep, bet you hate it when foreigners opinions are given...dumbass.
There's nothing wrong with foreign opinions. But he was applying what happened in a foreign country, and claiming the same held here.

You do realize Dragon is Canadian and always interjecting what goes on in Canada should happen here.

Not the same thing at all. He was implying that what was happening in Greece is now happening in the USA, and if you change the failed Republican economic policies, you'll end up like Greece. This is a common lie that Republicans like to tell.

Why can't you learn from more successful countries rather than fear what happens in failed democracies?

Well, Canada certainly isn't one of those "successful" countries.
Tax the rich = Dem trickle down AFTER Dems take their skim off the top and piss away half the money on stupid shit.
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!

That is easy to explain.
When you give a little money to a lot of poor people like with the stimulus, then then they just buy more stuff with it, like food, consumer electronics, gas, etc.
But when you give a lot of money to a few wealthy people, they most likely do not spend it but instead invest it on a growth stock, which most likely is in China.
In our system some people have to be poor. So we help them. It's the biggest reason for our exceptionalism. We are founded on judeo Christian values and Christ was about helping the poor first and foremost.

Right, because Jesus wants poor people to starve...

Jesus commands all Christians to feed and clothe the poor yet says nothing about having the State being involved so they can pay off their cronies, unions, and bureaucrats and then feed and clothe the poor on what is left over.

Jesus is not in charge of the government of the United States of America.

Separation of church and state.

The Constitution says that the government should work for the “general welfare” of the nation. Even the Ancient Romans had the good sense to know that in order to rule, you need to keep the “headcount” fed and happy, or they will turn on you.

Republicans have been starving working people for generations and are now shocked that working people are sick of their lies.

The minimum wage did not go up under Obama eight years either. It went up in 2009 but that was passed under Bush.

Nine increases to the minimum wage in the past 40 years. In the meantime executive compensation has gone up by over 1000%.

Hourly workers in the United States have seen the value of their paycheques decline over the past 40 years. And Republicans are still refusing to give them a raise.

Companies have managed to absorb increases in the cost of materials, ranch and/or property purchase, transportation, insurance, office supplies, and technology. But each time they asked to increase wages that’s a bridge too far.

All of which happened under Obama also.

It happened under Clinton too. That's because both Presidents were working with the Republican tax structure, as set up under Reagan, which is the root of the wealth inequity. Unless and until the tax code is rewritten to balance the economic plate in a way which more equitably distributes income so that work is rewarded, not just wealth, conditions will continue to worse.

The Child Tax Benefit is a start, but wage have to rise. The status quo is unsustainable and will only lead to more economic instability.

Obama had the White House, Senate and House and extended the Bush tax cuts.
They should not be satisfied with government handouts

Which is the America that Democrats want to create for them
You mean government handouts like free primary education?

I think you mean primary miseducation. Private runs everything better and public serves left narrations instead of education.

Keep reciting those right wing talking points. You seem to have them all down pat.

American Health Care - most expensive in the world. Least effective.

American education system - most expensive in the world, with parents paying the most out of pocket. Not even in the top 10.

American utilities - WIFI, electrical grid - 60 years out of date, and failing.

All of the things you've privatized are more expensive and less effective.

Best places in the world to live - Not even in the top 10.

Yet thousands of illegal migrants flock to the US border every day....go figure.

The reason most illegal immigrants flock to the US is that we turned their countries into military dictatorships by training and arming right wing, fascist, tyrants. People are not coming here out of greed, but out of fear.
They should not be satisfied with government handouts

Which is the America that Democrats want to create for them
You mean government handouts like free primary education?

I think you mean primary miseducation. Private runs everything better and public serves left narrations instead of education.

Keep reciting those right wing talking points. You seem to have them all down pat.

American Health Care - most expensive in the world. Least effective.

American education system - most expensive in the world, with parents paying the most out of pocket. Not even in the top 10.

American utilities - WIFI, electrical grid - 60 years out of date, and failing.

All of the things you've privatized are more expensive and less effective.

Best places in the world to live - Not even in the top 10.
The government is involved in most of this also. In negative or positive ways. There are minor improvements in the electrical grid that would increase reliability. Many areas have done that out of necessity.
You mean government handouts like free primary education?
No I dont

I expect the usual liberal argument that all public works such as the police, FD, bridges, ect are socialism

Including public education but I dont agree

We build schools for the general welfare and do not target specific income groups

The wealthy and the poor have equal access to our schools or roads and bridges
You do realize Dragon is Canadian and always interjecting what goes on in Canada should happen here.
But Dragonlady uses US data to support those interjections.
Not some Greek or other unrelated country claiming that those countries mirror what would happen here.

And what US data suggests we ought to learn from "successful" foreign countries?

The profit motivated system here is good for somethings like innovation, but fails totally when it comes to things like education and health care.
Private health insurance is the dumbest thing anyone ever did.
It means you prepay, which prevents you from having any say over costs or quality.
So US health care costs twice as much as anyone, and is only half as good.
Only the top 2% get good health care in the US. The other 98% wait too long and get only the poor care of the ER.
They should not be satisfied with government handouts

Which is the America that Democrats want to create for them
You mean government handouts like free primary education?

I think you mean primary miseducation. Private runs everything better and public serves left narrations instead of education.

Keep reciting those right wing talking points. You seem to have them all down pat.

American Health Care - most expensive in the world. Least effective.

American education system - most expensive in the world, with parents paying the most out of pocket. Not even in the top 10.

American utilities - WIFI, electrical grid - 60 years out of date, and failing.

All of the things you've privatized are more expensive and less effective.

Best places in the world to live - Not even in the top 10.

Yet thousands of illegal migrants flock to the US border every day....go figure.

The reason most illegal immigrants flock to the US is that we turned their countries into military dictatorships by training and arming right wing, fascist, tyrants. People are not coming here out of greed, but out of fear.

And they still have that fear when they get to Mexico?
While the analogy doesn’t quite hold up, the notions behind soaking the rich and helicopter monies are both born of economic fallacy.

The government taking a portion of what they initially gave is in no way "soaking the rich".
The government cannot give anything that it has not already taken. The fallacies remain fallacies.

Wrong. The Trillions that has been pumped into the markets were not taken from anyone. It's just created.
Wrong, it is taken in every exchange in the form of devalued purchasing power.

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