if Trump didn't want to win, why the hell did he collude with the Russians to win?!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the left's disgusting lies about the greatest president ever have got to stop.
if Trump didn't want to win, why the hell did he collude with the Russians to win?!

Once again you ass-ume a causation.

How do you know that the purpose of that collusion was "to win"?

At first read I thought the title was gonna say, "if Rump didn't want to win, it's the rare case that most Americans agreed with him".
If Trump didn't want to win, why the hell did he collude with the Russians to win?!
You are the third person to parrot this meme today.

So now I know that Rush Limbaugh is part of the Parroting Tard Newsfeed service.
the left's disgusting lies about the greatest president ever have got to stop.

Do a treasonous act when you want to lose, and look like you are going to lose.

What would have happened if Hillary would have gotten elected like she was supposed to?

He would be IN JAIL! And for what? A job he didn't want? Knowing he was suppose to lose?

Who would do that!

A billionaire goes to jail over a position he can't win, for a position he doesn't want. Yeah sure, we all believe it, at least the left does.
The Left's response to this preposterous book is the best and latest manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Much of what is claimed in the book is transparently ridiculous, but the Left's appetite for anti-Trump propaganda is insatiable: they will believe literally anything if it is anti-Trump.

The total lack of skepticism is striking.
the left's disgusting lies about the greatest president ever have got to stop.

it isn't the "left" saying these things, psycholoon.... it's the people who work with the orange sociopath.

easy.... he was supposed to do well enough to run his business enterprises after. comey wasn't supposed to make his little speech ten days before the election.

it isn't the "left" saying these things, psycholoon.... it's the people who work with the orange sociopath.

easy.... he was supposed to do well enough to run his business enterprises after. comey wasn't supposed to make his little speech ten days before the election.
Hillary was just that bad.
it isn't the "left" saying these things, psycholoon.... it's the people who work with the orange sociopath.

easy.... he was supposed to do well enough to run his business enterprises after. comey wasn't supposed to make his little speech ten days before the election.
Hillary was just that bad.

that's why she got 3 million more votes than the orange sociopath.

the real answer is trumptards are just that stupid.
How do you know that the purpose of that collusion was "to win"?
What would the purpose be?
Trump may have just wanted to taint the Clinton presidency out of spite.

After all, he spent a lot of time throwing birther mud at the sitting President.

Trump is a natural born asshole.

Matter of fact he spent the whole campaign trashing not just Clinton but Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Carson, Fiorina, Sanders, McCain, Graham, Megyn Kelly, Mexicans, Muslims, women, Serge Kovaleski, Mitt Romney, Khizr Khan, the media, the people of Iowa, the owners of the Chicago Cubs, a dozen or so women relating abuse stories, the United States Constitution and anyone who protests him, so why would such a shitflinger just say no to a fresh supply of shit?

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