If Trump is a threat to democracy, why didn't he destroy democracy when he was President?

Actually he tried. But he ws stopped by members of his adminstration. He was impeached twice for a reason. Democrats didn't steal anything, but Trump tried to steal 2020 on 1-6-2021.

Trump failed at obstruction because his aides refused to carry out orders, Mueller finds​

Had President Donald Trump been left to his own devices, the findings in special counsel Robert Mueller's report released Thursday would have likely been far more damning for him.

Instead, the Mueller report makes clear, Trump's "efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful" — but only "largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."

Among the figures referred to by Mueller who refused Trump's wishes were then-White House counsel Don McGahn, former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations," Mueller's report said.

"The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels," the report continued. "These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General 's recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony."

Trump, the report outlined, directed McGahn to have Mueller removed as special counsel. McGahn refused, and even prepared to quit over the matter. The report explained that "McGahn ultimately did not quit and the President did not follow up with McGahn on his request to have the Special Counsel removed" — putting on hold an outcome that would likely have opened Trump up to a harsher assessment from Mueller.

No One Listens to the President​

Trump keeps issuing orders, and staffers keep ignoring them because they’re illegal or unwise. It’s an unsustainable situation—but it shows no sign of abating.

It’s been another dizzying few days in Washington, starting with yet another border controversy, as President Donald Trump threatened to bus unauthorized immigrants to sanctuary cities, and ending with the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, which turned out to be far more damning than advertised by Trump’s attorney general.

These two very different stories have more in common than meets the eye. In each case, there’s a central tension between the president and aides who refuse to execute orders from him that they believe are illegal or foolish. Mueller’s report is packed with incidents in which White House staff not only didn’t do things Trump said, but never had any intention of doing them. In the case of the border, Immigration and Customs Enforcement staff rebuffed Trump’s plan to bus migrants on legal grounds; meanwhile, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan refused to turn away migrants seeking asylum, concluding that it was illegal. (Nielsen was sacked soon after, while McAleenan is now her acting replacement.)

In essence, executive-branch employees are hearing orders from Trump and responding, I don’t have to listen to you—you’re just the president. On the one hand, the constitutional system depends on the president executing the law and executive-branch employees following his directives; after all, he is the elected representative of the American people, and they are civil servants. On the other hand, so many of Trump’s orders are in fact illegal or dangerous that it’s difficult to fault staffers who don’t want to endanger the country or legally expose themselves by executing them.

If he is elected this time, he wil fire people who refuse to do what he says and he will appoint only those who do everything he tellls them. This ain't the first time he was president, and the last time he was prresident we were spared by people who refused to do the crazy shit he wanted. Things you did not see, so you assume things you should not.
There's all your stupid stories, IM2, and then there's reality.

Reality: Trump was a good President.

During the Obama adminstration I couldn't find a full-time job.

The moment Trump was elected, jobs were everywhere.

We didn't have runaway inflation.

We didn't have a flood of illegal aliens coming through our borders.

We didn't have these dangerous wars that at any moment could cause World War III to start.
If Trump is a threat to democracy, why didn't he destroy democracy when he was President?

All the propaganda about Trump amount to so much bullshit.

He was President for four years. During this time, he never did anything to suggest he's a threat to democracy. All his actions as President were legal.

The Democrats, who stole the election of 2020, are the threats to democracy.
Trump was a threat to democracy.
That's why he got impeached TWICE.
There's all your stupid stories, IM2, and then there's reality.

Reality: Trump was a good President.

During the Obama adminstration I couldn't find a full-time job.

The moment Trump was elected, jobs were everywhere.

We didn't have runaway inflation.

We didn't have a flood of illegal aliens coming through our borders.

We didn't have these dangerous wars that at any moment could cause World War III to start.
Trump tried to steal the election in 2020. He failed, mostly because he needed cooperation from other people in government who upheld the law.

We may not be so lucky next time because a lot of those people who stood in his way were kicked out of the party because they failed to help Trump.

We see the Republican Party as a threat because they have never come to terms with what Trump is and what he tried to do.
There's all your stupid stories, IM2, and then there's reality.

Reality: Trump was a good President.

During the Obama adminstration I couldn't find a full-time job.

The moment Trump was elected, jobs were everywhere.

We didn't have runaway inflation.

We didn't have a flood of illegal aliens coming through our borders.

We didn't have these dangerous wars that at any moment could cause World War III to start.
Couldn't find a job under Obama.

After 75 months straight of uninterrupted job growth.
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Trump tried to steal the election in 2020. He failed, mostly because he needed cooperation from other people in government who upheld the law.

We may not be so lucky next time because a lot of those people who stood in his way were kicked out of the party because they failed to help Trump.

Trump hired the best people.
Those people obeyed the law,
Now Trump knows not to hire the best, but to hire the scum who will do whatever he says.
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Reactions: IM2
All the propaganda about Trump amount to so much bullshit.

He was President for four years. During this time, he never did anything to suggest he's a threat to democracy. All his actions as President were legal.

The Democrats, who stole the election of 2020, are the threats to democracy.

If Trump wins, Democrats will hate Democracy and call the People fools.
Actually he tried. But he ws stopped by members of his adminstration. He was impeached twice for a reason. Democrats didn't steal anything, but Trump tried to steal 2020 on 1-6-2021.

Trump failed at obstruction because his aides refused to carry out orders, Mueller finds​

Had President Donald Trump been left to his own devices, the findings in special counsel Robert Mueller's report released Thursday would have likely been far more damning for him.

Instead, the Mueller report makes clear, Trump's "efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful" — but only "largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."

Among the figures referred to by Mueller who refused Trump's wishes were then-White House counsel Don McGahn, former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

"Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations," Mueller's report said.

"The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels," the report continued. "These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General 's recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony."

Trump, the report outlined, directed McGahn to have Mueller removed as special counsel. McGahn refused, and even prepared to quit over the matter. The report explained that "McGahn ultimately did not quit and the President did not follow up with McGahn on his request to have the Special Counsel removed" — putting on hold an outcome that would likely have opened Trump up to a harsher assessment from Mueller.

No One Listens to the President​

Trump keeps issuing orders, and staffers keep ignoring them because they’re illegal or unwise. It’s an unsustainable situation—but it shows no sign of abating.

It’s been another dizzying few days in Washington, starting with yet another border controversy, as President Donald Trump threatened to bus unauthorized immigrants to sanctuary cities, and ending with the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, which turned out to be far more damning than advertised by Trump’s attorney general.

These two very different stories have more in common than meets the eye. In each case, there’s a central tension between the president and aides who refuse to execute orders from him that they believe are illegal or foolish. Mueller’s report is packed with incidents in which White House staff not only didn’t do things Trump said, but never had any intention of doing them. In the case of the border, Immigration and Customs Enforcement staff rebuffed Trump’s plan to bus migrants on legal grounds; meanwhile, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan refused to turn away migrants seeking asylum, concluding that it was illegal. (Nielsen was sacked soon after, while McAleenan is now her acting replacement.)

In essence, executive-branch employees are hearing orders from Trump and responding, I don’t have to listen to you—you’re just the president. On the one hand, the constitutional system depends on the president executing the law and executive-branch employees following his directives; after all, he is the elected representative of the American people, and they are civil servants. On the other hand, so many of Trump’s orders are in fact illegal or dangerous that it’s difficult to fault staffers who don’t want to endanger the country or legally expose themselves by executing them.

If he is elected this time, he wil fire people who refuse to do what he says and he will appoint only those who do everything he tellls them. This ain't the first time he was president, and the last time he was prresident we were spared by people who refused to do the crazy shit he wanted. Things you did not see, so you assume things you should not.
IM2 completely ignores all the coup attempts the Democrats had while Trump was president. That's the work of a closed-minded little racist.
All the propaganda about Trump amount to so much bullshit.

He was President for four years. During this time, he never did anything to suggest he's a threat to democracy. All his actions as President were legal.

The Democrats, who stole the election of 2020, are the threats to democracy.
It’s democrat frothing at the mouth stupidity. They actually have the nerve to say he’s a threat to democracy while he’s the only candidate in the race that was democratically elected. Their candidate receives a grand total of zero, none, nada votes to be the nominee.

Who’s the threat to democracy again?
There's all your stupid stories, IM2, and then there's reality.

Reality: Trump was a good President.

During the Obama adminstration I couldn't find a full-time job.

The moment Trump was elected, jobs were everywhere.

We didn't have runaway inflation.

We didn't have a flood of illegal aliens coming through our borders.

We didn't have these dangerous wars that at any moment could cause World War III to start.
What I posted was reality. And here is more reality

Trump inherited a strong economy from Obama. Obama had 77 months of job growth during his admInistrtion, so if you couldn't find a job its because you didn't want one.

Trump killed a border bill that would have addressed the problem so STFU about that.

The GLOBAL inflation was created by COVID, so if trump had stayed in office he would have faced the same global inflation Biden has faced. And inflation has now lowered to 2.4 percent.

There were wars during Trump and the wars we have now would not have been stopped because Trump was sitting in DC. In fact ttrumps impulsiveness probably increases the chances of war. And Trump will be certain to help Israel expand their war and even try starting one with Iran.
It’s democrat frothing at the mouth stupidity. They actually have the nerve to say he’s a threat to democracy while he’s the only candidate in the race that was democratically elected. Their candidate receives a grand total of zero, none, nada votes to be the nominee.

Who’s the threat to democracy again?

If Harris wins, she will have been democratically elected.

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