If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

Don't be ridiculous. No one was more conservative than Scalia. You got Gorsuch who is less conservative than Scalia and Kavanaugh, who is more conservative than Kennedy.

More conservative than what I would have gotten had Mrs. Bill Clinton been elected.
rs. Bill Clinton? Are you still living in 1950? Try Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton

How about stupid bitch.
She's done, you can get over her now.

She's the one who needs to hear that she's done.

Of course, I hope she runs again....makes things easier.
Are you saying you can't get over her? That's just sad.
More conservative than what I would have gotten had Mrs. Bill Clinton been elected.
rs. Bill Clinton? Are you still living in 1950? Try Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton

How about stupid bitch.
She's done, you can get over her now.

She's the one who needs to hear that she's done.

Of course, I hope she runs again....makes things easier.
Are you saying you can't get over her? That's just sad.

Are you drunk.....? Or stupid ?
rs. Bill Clinton? Are you still living in 1950? Try Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton

How about stupid bitch.
She's done, you can get over her now.

She's the one who needs to hear that she's done.

Of course, I hope she runs again....makes things easier.
Are you saying you can't get over her? That's just sad.

Are you drunk.....? Or stupid ?
Neither. Sadly, you can't evict Hillary from your head. That leaves you bitterly spitting at me for noticing.



^^^ that ^^^
How about stupid bitch.
She's done, you can get over her now.

She's the one who needs to hear that she's done.

Of course, I hope she runs again....makes things easier.
Are you saying you can't get over her? That's just sad.

Are you drunk.....? Or stupid ?
Neither. Sadly, you can't evict Hillary from your head. That leaves you bitterly spitting at me for noticing.
Coup plotters, throughout world history, ALWAYS claim that the leader being overthrown committed "crimes". Just people usually know truth from bullshit and what Pelosi is orchestrating is the fabrication of lies to UNJUSTLY remove our elected president. What they are doing is unprecedented. If Trump is removed because of this, we will need to clean the swamps ourselves.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Trump can’t be taken out of office by one party. It would need bipartisan support

Yea, about 20 Republican senators.

What "high crime" has Trump committed?
Throwing a monkey wrench in 'business as usual'

The Republicans don't back him like they should
and certainly have not done anything whatsoever
to address the nonsense since he was elected.

Why? Because they have as much shit to hide as the rest!
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

If he is found guilty of the charges that he is accused of then he can be justly removed from office. If he is found guilty of those charges and he is tried by the Senate and found Guilty then he WILL be justly removed from office. If it's found that there is not enough evidence for a conviction then the senate has two options. They can find him not guilty of all charges or they can censor him. (Yan, you rumpsters, I know I mispelled it so knock yourselves out).

The Senate HAS to follow the law. And since Impeachment is Political and not Lawful, chances are good that they won't remove him from office. But if things go south they just might. Depends just how much of a backbone the Republicans grow between now and then.

And no matter what happens, the United States will endure. The Old Girl has been through much worse.

Hey dumbass, the words are "censure" and "misspelled"!
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
You should anonymously write a sternly-worded rant on a message board!!!
With all these shoes dropping around DJT, sure looks like there are plenty of reasons to impeach DJT and then JUSTLY remove from office. Fear not bucky, the Constitution of the United States will win out.

Shoes dropping? You must be hearing those failed attempts by the libtards falling flat, time after time!

There are panties dropping, not shoes, on the libtard side and they are about to be schlonged!
It takes a 2/3 majority vote of Guilty to remove him. That would be 66 votes of guilty. There are currently 45 democrats in the Senate. If 21 republicans and all 45 democrats vote to remove him, he is gone. Otherwise, he stays.

That UA education, or should I say lack thereof, is showing again. 2/3 of 100 Senators is 67 votes.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Trump can’t be taken out of office by one party. It would need bipartisan support

Yea, about 20 Republican senators.

What "high crime" has Trump committed?

And Misdemeanors. You left those out and Rump seems to have a long list of those. And don't play stupid and ask for a list of those. There just isn't the time nor the room to list all of them.

You can't post a blank page?
It takes a 2/3 majority vote of Guilty to remove him. That would be 66 votes of guilty. There are currently 45 democrats in the Senate. If 21 republicans and all 45 democrats vote to remove him, he is gone. Otherwise, he stays.

And there are already 20 Reps ready and willing. That means that only one more Rep is required. Careful, it may not end up like you want it to by either side. The 20 that look like they may vote to impeach may change their mind as well. It's a crap shoot by anyone's imagination.

You do know that Rep is Representative and not a Senator, right dumbass?
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

1. Republic

2. Vote for Pence and get swing voters to vote for Pence and let the Democrats live with that nigtmare...

You already sent a nightmare to us in the form of Rump and you want to send even a bigger nightmare to replace him?

I did not vote for Trump... I voted for Gary Johnson in the State of Texas...

Why did I mention which State I voted in?

Because Hillary Clinton lost the State and would have not won it even if you had thrown in Johnson and Stein vote.

So do not blame me but blame Comey, Hillary and Wikileaks for giving you and I Trump.


A partisan hack like yourself will now dictate anyone voting third party is a vote for Trump and a wasted vote in your mental midget mind... Twanger...

I voted for Johnson too. Which is why I have lost al faith in the people to elect a good president.

When faced with a 3rd party candidate that was open, honest, and had an impeccable resume', the nation still followed the 2 main parties. I thought, given the choice of Hillary or Trump (and Trump did everything he could to lose the election), I thought it was finally time to elect a 3rd party. I was wrong.

Johnson is a drug-addled nobody who didn't even know what Aleppo was!
It takes a 2/3 majority vote of Guilty to remove him. That would be 66 votes of guilty. There are currently 45 democrats in the Senate. If 21 republicans and all 45 democrats vote to remove him, he is gone. Otherwise, he stays.

And there are already 20 Reps ready and willing. That means that only one more Rep is required. Careful, it may not end up like you want it to by either side. The 20 that look like they may vote to impeach may change their mind as well. It's a crap shoot by anyone's imagination.

Name the twenty Republicans that will vote to Convict and Remove Trump?

They only exist in his drug-induced haze.
Trump will not be “unjustly” removed from office. Congress has the responsibility of oversight and these allegations need to be examined. If POTUS used the power of his office to solicit interference from Ukraine, it has to be investigated.

The Democrats were the ones soliciting interference from Ukraine in 2016, dumbass! That's what Trump wanted them to investigate!
Best possible action is for the people to overwhelmingly vote trump out of office.

Best possible action is to end the fishing expeditions forever, let Trump finish his term, and have a fair election of Trump vs. the top Democratic candidate in 2020.

And do this for another 4 years.

The Dems will lose the House and there would be a supermajority in the Senate. Dems wouldn't even have to show up for work because they would be powerless.

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