If Trump lurches to the left.


Gold Member
Mar 29, 2009
Stuart Florida
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him? Lets face it they already ignore his plans for more government like family care and a trillion in infrastructure spending he has claimed he is pushing for.

So far no matter what lefty thing he does it is praised by those who say they are not leftists... Yet other then a nomination of a good Judge what has he done again that is not progressive?

I know the wall.... Yet he hasn't even tried to get funding to build a wall and no Mexico is not going to pay for it.

It seems to me other then attack the media for which they deserve he hasnt really done anything that makes me feel good for voting for him....What he has done was brag and push a bill that was nothing more then Obamacare in drag.

Now I believe soon we will see him lurch heavily to the left... Why? Because he is already blaming Conservatives for them doing what they promised and not supporting more Bad healthcare bills. Now the democrats are still going to hate him but he will give them more and more to appease them.

So I guess the question is will you have buyers remorse when/if this happens?

Oh and Hillary lost so she isnt a factor anymore.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.
I think you give to much credit to trump and the minority party.... The freedom caucus did what they promised those who put them in office they would do. I think that will go further then people think. It was conservatives that trump elected not Progressives.
Running short of outrages, democrats create endless imaginary what if scenarios to vent their diseased spleen.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.
I think you give to much credit to trump and the minority party.... The freedom caucus did what they promised those who put them in office they would do. I think that will go further then people think. It was conservatives that trump elected not Progressives.
I'm sure as hell no expert on this, but Trump may decide that the amount of "Freedom" Caucus types he loses by doing this would be more than made up for by moderates and left-leaning moderates.

The polls consistently show that the majority of people want the parties to work together - the partisans are the minority. Still. Thankfully.
Even with all their spin and posturing and hate speech the left knows they can't shake the Trump administration. Now the pathetic strategy by the left is to try to split the republican base with claims that the President will "lurch to the left".
If . . . Trump and advisers can read the numbers, they may well reach out to the Dems on health care and tax reform.

I do see a possibility on infrastructure but a real fight over defense and SSandmedicareandmedicaid bills.

Most sensible, mainstream GOP would be willing to see where such talks would go.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him? Lets face it they already ignore his plans for more government like family care and a trillion in infrastructure spending he has claimed he is pushing for.

So far no matter what lefty thing he does it is praised by those who say they are not leftists... Yet other then a nomination of a good Judge what has he done again that is not progressive?

I know the wall.... Yet he hasn't even tried to get funding to build a wall and no Mexico is not going to pay for it.

It seems to me other then attack the media for which they deserve he hasnt really done anything that makes me feel good for voting for him....What he has done was brag and push a bill that was nothing more then Obamacare in drag.

Now I believe soon we will see him lurch heavily to the left... Why? Because he is already blaming Conservatives for them doing what they promised and not supporting more Bad healthcare bills. Now the democrats are still going to hate him but he will give them more and more to appease them.

So I guess the question is will you have buyers remorse when/if this happens?

Oh and Hillary lost so she isnt a factor anymore.

In my opinion no.

Those that voted for him will go down swinging and if Trump return to his Progressive Liberal roots those that voted for him will just double down on their partisan nonsense.

I believe he is doing his best to get the Democratic Party back into power, so he could then switch quickly.

I expect if Democrats win the Senate and House in 2018 you will see Trump sign everything they pass to him.

So expect his supporters to turn up the partisan nonsense.
Even with all their spin and posturing and hate speech the left knows they can't shake the Trump administration. Now the pathetic strategy by the left is to try to split the republican base with claims that the President will "lurch to the left".
The Freedom Caucus chose to stick to their guns and they threw Trump and most of the GOP under the bus.

Okay, that's their call, that's their right. Maybe they did what their constituents want.

But it's also Trump's decision if he wants to be held hostage by them or move forward with other people.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.

Hate to tell you but the op'er is correct and the Freedom Caucus did what they were elected to do.

They would need to worry if they had gone along with Trump and Ryan, but seeing they did not they are the winners in that fight...
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.

Hate to tell you but the op'er is correct and the Freedom Caucus did what they were elected to do.

They would need to worry if they had gone along with Trump and Ryan, but seeing they did not they are the winners in that fight...
Sure. As I mention in post 9, that's their right. But Trump doesn't have to bow to them when there are other options.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him? Lets face it they already ignore his plans for more government like family care and a trillion in infrastructure spending he has claimed he is pushing for.

So far no matter what lefty thing he does it is praised by those who say they are not leftists... Yet other then a nomination of a good Judge what has he done again that is not progressive?

I know the wall.... Yet he hasn't even tried to get funding to build a wall and no Mexico is not going to pay for it.

It seems to me other then attack the media for which they deserve he hasnt really done anything that makes me feel good for voting for him....What he has done was brag and push a bill that was nothing more then Obamacare in drag.

Now I believe soon we will see him lurch heavily to the left... Why? Because he is already blaming Conservatives for them doing what they promised and not supporting more Bad healthcare bills. Now the democrats are still going to hate him but he will give them more and more to appease them.

So I guess the question is will you have buyers remorse when/if this happens?

Oh and Hillary lost so she isnt a factor anymore.
The Rinos lurched left and failed to repeal Obamacare. They will pay the penalty in the next election cycle.

For me, the overriding factor when voting in the last election was the Supreme Court. Everything else was minor by comparison.

W was a big government leftist, yet the left hated him. Strangely enough, when Obama super sized his failures, leftists cheered. Politics make no sense at all. It's all about team, and not what is best for the country.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.

Hate to tell you but the op'er is correct and the Freedom Caucus did what they were elected to do.

They would need to worry if they had gone along with Trump and Ryan, but seeing they did not they are the winners in that fight...
Sure. As I mention in post 9, that's their right. But Trump doesn't have to bow to them when there are other options.

You are correct and he should not if that is not the direction he want to Govern. My opinion is if the GOP can not function and get something done then I believe Trump will return to his Liberal Roots and work with Pelosi. It will hurt him with a percentage of his base but might move the needle with the moderate and independents if he does.

Again my opinion and I know you know that and this is for the wonderful posters that consider opinions as facts and again not you Mac!
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.

Hate to tell you but the op'er is correct and the Freedom Caucus did what they were elected to do.

They would need to worry if they had gone along with Trump and Ryan, but seeing they did not they are the winners in that fight...
Sure. As I mention in post 9, that's their right. But Trump doesn't have to bow to them when there are other options.

You are correct and he should not if that is not the direction he want to Govern. My opinion is if the GOP can not function and get something done then I believe Trump will return to his Liberal Roots and work with Pelosi. It will hurt him with a percentage of his base but might move the needle with the moderate and independents if he does.

Again my opinion and I know you know that and this is for the wonderful posters that consider opinions as facts and again not you Mac!
I think that's possible too, and it's a reasonable calculation for Trump to consider. Talk radio would crucify him, but who knows, that might attract others.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him?
I think this is a real possibility, and the Dems may know it. The "Freedom" Caucus may have shot itself and its party in the foot here.

Seems to me the only thing that would hold the Dems back could be that the vast middle of the country would like it and give Trump credit.

So they need to decide, pretty quickly here, if they're going to work with him or play to their base.
I think you give to much credit to trump and the minority party.... The freedom caucus did what they promised those who put them in office they would do. I think that will go further then people think. It was conservatives that trump elected not Progressives.
I'm sure as hell no expert on this, but Trump may decide that the amount of "Freedom" Caucus types he loses by doing this would be more than made up for by moderates and left-leaning moderates.

The polls consistently show that the majority of people want the parties to work together - the partisans are the minority. Still. Thankfully.
I am pretty sure Trump not doing what he promised and instead going back to his regressive leanings will make him a one term president because he CANT get elected without conservatives.
Even with all their spin and posturing and hate speech the left knows they can't shake the Trump administration. Now the pathetic strategy by the left is to try to split the republican base with claims that the President will "lurch to the left".
The Freedom Caucus chose to stick to their guns and they threw Trump and most of the GOP under the bus.

Okay, that's their call, that's their right. Maybe they did what their constituents want.

But it's also Trump's decision if he wants to be held hostage by them or move forward with other people.
it was what the American people wanted... 17% approved of trumpcare.
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him? Lets face it they already ignore his plans for more government like family care and a trillion in infrastructure spending he has claimed he is pushing for.

So far no matter what lefty thing he does it is praised by those who say they are not leftists... Yet other then a nomination of a good Judge what has he done again that is not progressive?

I know the wall.... Yet he hasn't even tried to get funding to build a wall and no Mexico is not going to pay for it.

It seems to me other then attack the media for which they deserve he hasnt really done anything that makes me feel good for voting for him....What he has done was brag and push a bill that was nothing more then Obamacare in drag.

Now I believe soon we will see him lurch heavily to the left... Why? Because he is already blaming Conservatives for them doing what they promised and not supporting more Bad healthcare bills. Now the democrats are still going to hate him but he will give them more and more to appease them.

So I guess the question is will you have buyers remorse when/if this happens?

Oh and Hillary lost so she isnt a factor anymore.
The Rinos lurched left and failed to repeal Obamacare. They will pay the penalty in the next election cycle.

For me, the overriding factor when voting in the last election was the Supreme Court. Everything else was minor by comparison.

W was a big government leftist, yet the left hated him. Strangely enough, when Obama super sized his failures, leftists cheered. Politics make no sense at all. It's all about team, and not what is best for the country.
And if Gorsuch doesn't get the nomination and Trump puts forward a liberal which I think he will?
I wonder about this. I believe now with the failure of the pathetic Trumpcare bill Trump will now lurch to the left. It is his comfortable spot. When and if this happen how many of you who were staunchly behind him will still forgive him? Lets face it they already ignore his plans for more government like family care and a trillion in infrastructure spending he has claimed he is pushing for.

So far no matter what lefty thing he does it is praised by those who say they are not leftists... Yet other then a nomination of a good Judge what has he done again that is not progressive?

I know the wall.... Yet he hasn't even tried to get funding to build a wall and no Mexico is not going to pay for it.

It seems to me other then attack the media for which they deserve he hasnt really done anything that makes me feel good for voting for him....What he has done was brag and push a bill that was nothing more then Obamacare in drag.

Now I believe soon we will see him lurch heavily to the left... Why? Because he is already blaming Conservatives for them doing what they promised and not supporting more Bad healthcare bills. Now the democrats are still going to hate him but he will give them more and more to appease them.

So I guess the question is will you have buyers remorse when/if this happens?

Oh and Hillary lost so she isnt a factor anymore.
The Rinos lurched left and failed to repeal Obamacare. They will pay the penalty in the next election cycle.

For me, the overriding factor when voting in the last election was the Supreme Court. Everything else was minor by comparison.

W was a big government leftist, yet the left hated him. Strangely enough, when Obama super sized his failures, leftists cheered. Politics make no sense at all. It's all about team, and not what is best for the country.
And if Gorsuch doesn't get the nomination and Trump puts forward a liberal which I think he will?
Nope. Not happening.

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