If Trump Paid Off Stormy, What Was the Crime?

I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly he did that was illegal?
She was threatening to release info that, true or not, would have damaged him far more than the supposed payment.
He weighed his options & came to a rational conclusion that paying her off might be the smartest choice.

Unless he actually robbed anyone to obtain the money, where is the injury and/or public interest?

After an untold number of investigations, harassments, illegal surveillance, set ups & fake dossiers, this is the best the entire DC/NWO Deep State could find?

The UNiparty & MSM Mockingbird Pravda has given him the equivalent of a full body cavity probe going on 7+ years & the best you can do is try to indict him in a kangaroo court for possibly paying off ex-porn star turned attention whore Bimbo McFunbags to keep her mouth shut after he banged her.

That's pathetic.
I almost feel sorry for ya'll

I wonder what they might be trying to distract us from?

Improper use of campaign funds laundered through Michael Cohen. So easy even a MAGA Trumpster should be able to understand
Improper use of campaign funds laundered through Michael Cohen. So easy even a MAGA Trumpster should be able to understand

Combining the criminal charge with a violation of state election law would be a novel legal theory for any criminal case, let alone one against the former president, raising the possibility that a judge or appellate court could throw it out or reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor.​

This is truly pathetic.
Ya'll are reduced to going after Orange Man Bad because of semantics over a source of funds after claiming for years that DT was Hitler & the anti-Christs' love child.

What a joke you are
That's one. Another is insurance fraud. Another one is tax fraud. Another one is inciting an insurrection. Another one is the rape of Jean Carroll. Another one is abuse of power. Another one is accepting money from a foreign country. Another one is espionage. Another one is stealing classified documents. Another one is witness tampering. Another one is witness intimidation.
The simian is trying to prosecute an alleged federal violation, and yet it is a state level shit ape.

Not gunna work jack.... it will be sent back up into the trees and eating lice out of its asshole again in short order.

Oops.... statute of limitations expired 2 years ago too...

Dicks will cut off a faster rate after this disappointment.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
The grand jurors are saying something quite different.

Yeah, we saw the "foreman".... you know it works at Micheal's in the "frames" dept for $35K/year.... right? Or do you think it's a lawyer that's going to finally deliver that win after 12,934 losses? :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

grand jury psycho.jpg

I'm rating your ignorance with 3 horse faces....

aoc rating.jpg
I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly he did that was illegal?
She was threatening to release info that, true or not, would have damaged him far more than the supposed payment.
He weighed his options & came to a rational conclusion that paying her off might be the smartest choice.

Unless he actually robbed anyone to obtain the money, where is the injury and/or public interest?

After an untold number of investigations, harassments, illegal surveillance, set ups & fake dossiers, this is the best the entire DC/NWO Deep State could find?

The UNiparty & MSM Mockingbird Pravda has given him the equivalent of a full body cavity probe going on 7+ years & the best you can do is try to indict him in a kangaroo court for possibly paying off ex-porn star turned attention whore Bimbo McFunbags to keep her mouth shut after he banged her.

That's pathetic.
I almost feel sorry for ya'll

I wonder what they might be trying to distract us from?

Ever hear of prostitution Jimmy?
They decided to issue AOC a pass.

Imagine, failing to disclose $1 million in expenses and the FEC did nothing.

It was two PACS, not AOC. Plus, the way to stop it is to repay the funds. I imagine that is what the Pacs did. But AOC had nothing to do with any of it. Imagine being so stupid that you should be a Republican House of Representative right now?
Democrats should build their hopes up high.... so that we can laugh at them when they fail once again
The worst that might happen is a fine.
Democrats should build their hopes up high.... so that we can laugh at them when they fail once again
The worst that might happen is a fine.

Here we go again. Remember when I said that it wasn't a felony until you refused to pay the fine and kept toutinng your innocents? They can plead no contest and just pay the fine and it's a misdemeanor. Rump paid the money out of compaign funds and then refused to even plead no contest nor pay the fine. To this day, he refuses to say either that he's guilty nor that he's pleading no contest. Now, it's a Felony.

You are just repeating the same thing over and over just by rearranging the words. It points to the same thing and that has been resolved.

Your cut and paste hand must be tired. Once again, you are repeating the same crap over and over. The fines were paid and it was deemed a misdemeanor. Rump is being tried as a Felony because he won't either admit his guilt nor plead no contest and pay the frigging fine making it a Felony.

I cut the rest because it was just reworded over and over of the same damned thing.

One is a misdemeanor and paid with a fine. Rump's is a State Felony paid by Prison and no longer having the ability to run for any public office
Cohen admitted that the payments were intended to protect Trump's election chances, they are deemed to be in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign.

They exceed the donation limits, a violation, and neither was included in campaign finance reports, another violation.

the limit is $2,700.

but Cohen was also convicted of tax fraud and lying to bank. Trump was the un-indicted co conspirator.
You know dick about campaign limits.
They don't involve spending money on your own campaign.
That's only when it comes to donations.
And we all know the Chinese have donated to Biden much more than $2700.
Here we go again. Remember when I said that it wasn't a felony until you refused to pay the fine and kept toutinng your innocents? They can plead no contest and just pay the fine and it's a misdemeanor. Rump paid the money out of compaign funds and then refused to even plead no contest nor pay the fine. To this day, he refuses to say either that he's guilty nor that he's pleading no contest. Now, it's a Felony.

You are just repeating the same thing over and over just by rearranging the words. It points to the same thing and that has been resolved.

Your cut and paste hand must be tired. Once again, you are repeating the same crap over and over. The fines were paid and it was deemed a misdemeanor. Rump is being tried as a Felony because he won't either admit his guilt nor plead no contest and pay the frigging fine making it a Felony.

I cut the rest because it was just reworded over and over of the same damned thing.

One is a misdemeanor and paid with a fine. Rump's is a State Felony paid by Prison and no longer having the ability to run for any public office
You know dick about campaign limits.
They don't involve spending money on your own campaign.
That's only when it comes to donations.
And we all know the Chinese have donated to Biden much more than $2700.
if a candidate funds their own campaign, it must be reported as such.

if china was paying biden, theyre certainly not getting their money's worth considering the submarine Australia is getting and all our military activity in Taiwan.
I wonder what the saudi's got for their $2billion given to Jared.
if a candidate funds their own campaign, it must be reported as such.

if china was paying biden, theyre certainly not getting their money's worth considering the submarine Australia is getting and all our military activity in Taiwan.
I wonder what the saudi's got for their $2billion given to Jared.
Funny. But the funds weren't a donation to the campaign. They were buying silence from somebody in a legal way, meaning paying for her story, which was made up in the first place....along with all of the b*tches that falsely claimed that Judge Kavanaugh raped them.
There is no law that says you can't pay anyone to STFU.
And the campaign never got a penny of that money. The Hooker got the money.
Trump offered Ms big-titty $150K and the DNC turned around and offered her $750K to claim he had sex with her, so she renigged on the earlier agreement. She even tried suing Trump for defamation and lost in court because the only person that defamed her was herself. So if anything...the DNC is guilty of campaign finance violations to a larger extent.
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