If Trump Paid Off Stormy, What Was the Crime?

I think the question is the source of the money. If he used campaign money there is a problem.

But, again, the indictments that will be coming out of Georgia will be what brings Trump down.
Is the state of Georgia charging him with Treason against the United States? 'Cause conviction for that crime is the ONLY thing that can disqualify him for POTUS. Oh, and BTW, Treason is the only crime that is defined specifically in our Constitution. It doesn't mean what snowflakes think of as "treason".
This ^^^^^ is JUST ONE thing. But let's just stick to this one.

Doesn't matter how much, $100 or $130,000.
The amount is irrelevant.
There are RULES on Campaign Spending.
Don't Break the Rules.

Is it a crime to spend campaign funds illegally?
Again, what is the crime here?
No matter how you spin it, the worst he did was pay off a bimbo with $ that was given to him by willing donors who wanted him to be president.
He broke some process rules that the rest of them break all the time?
Give me a break.
Even calling this a crime is just semantics over the location of the funds used.

Every time you think feel you got him, I see


How surprised are ya'll gonna be this time when you find out it makes more people turn to DT, not away?
Again, what is the crime here?
No matter how you spin it, the worst he did was pay off a bimbo with $ that was given to him by willing donors who wanted him to be president.
He broke some process rules that the rest of them break all the time?
Give me a break.
Even calling this a crime is just semantics over the location of the funds used.

Every time you think feel you got him, I see


How surprised are ya'll gonna be this time when you find out it makes more people turn to DT, not away?

Had he come forward from the gitgo and not tried to bury it over and over again I would agree with you. All he would have to do is to admit it was wrong and returned the funds from his own pocket. But no, he decided to fight it. And it IS a Felony at that point.
I think the question is the source of the money. If he used campaign money there is a problem.

But, again, the indictments that will be coming out of Georgia will be what brings Trump down.
Trump didn't do anything. His lawyer is the one that may have committed improper use of campaign funds.

Obama was accused of committing campaign fund violations in 2008 and he paid a $350,000 fine.
Alvin Bragg is just trying to get a photo-op of Trump in handcuffs....but I don't think the cops or the secret service is going to go along with it.
Paying the money to Stormy wasn't illegal. A lot of married men do that Immoral, yes, illegal, no. But funds were taken from campaign funds to pay it which IS illegal and criminal. Address that fact and not where the money was spent. And Rump is guilty as sin. Just, the Gavel hasn't fallen yet.
If the potential misuse of campaign funds is illegal, you should call for every GD worthless politician to be hauled in front of a judge. Start with that POS Biden, you know, Joe, the love of your life. He makes Trump look like an amateur.
Even the NY Times has proclaimed what 'Bragg the Democrat Hack' is attempting as a 'novel legal theory'.

Same Bragg who regularly knocks felonies down to misdemeanors for the criminal class in Manhattan.
If the potential misuse of campaign funds is illegal, you should call for every GD worthless politician to be hauled in front of a judge. Start with that POS Biden, you know, Joe, the love of your life. He makes Trump look like an amateur.

Øbama's 2008 campaign received the biggest fine in FEC history after Øbama was reelected in 2012. But it was, as are 99.999% of these, a civil matter. But the TDS fueled© hate continues to consume leftoids.
I think the question is the source of the money. If he used campaign money there is a problem.
I don’t believe that he used campaign money. I believe their stupid claim is that the payment for the NDA was a campaign contribution in kind of some such malarkey. 🙄
But, again, the indictments that will be coming out of Georgia will be what brings Trump down.
Nah. That’s a stupid attempt, too.
Okay, I'll play your silly assed game. Your question is if a group can be found criminal for accepting money. No, they can't. Not for just accepting donations. If they accept them, the IRS can bill them for taxes. Now, if they refuse to pay those taxes then it can be criminal but probably less than criminal. Now, if they use that money for personal reasons THEN they just crossed the line. Your complaint for Abrams is "Might" not "Did". Meaning it's made up.

Now, on to AOC. It was investigated by the FEC and here is the findings.
The FEC's findings come more than 30 days after the agency voted to dismiss the complaint against Ocasio-Cortez, according to the outlet.
Another made up political piece of work. This was levied by the NLPC right after an anonymous right wing donor made a sizeable donation.

The campaign of New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her former chief of staff were found to have failed to report roughly $1 million in expenses.

The Federal Election Commission released filings on Thursday from a two-year investigation surrounding allegations that Ocasio-Cortez's former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, funneled $1 million through two political action committees, Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats, according to the New York Post. Despite the findings, the FEC voted to dismiss a complaint lodged against Ocasio-Cortez by the National Legal and Policy Center in March 2019

"The FEC has gone after a whole host of people whose violations are dwarfed by the scale of this scheme," Paul Kamenar, the attorney for the NLPC, said in a statement to the outlet. "It appears to be not prosecutorial discretion, but prosecutorial favoritism."

The feds looked into this and saw no problem.

Meanwhile, a clown such as AOC and her pal failed to report a million dollars in expenses and the FEC did nothing.
Had he come forward from the gitgo and not tried to bury it over and over again I would agree with you. All he would have to do is to admit it was wrong and returned the funds from his own pocket. But no, he decided to fight it. And it IS a Felony at that point.

Even the NY Times says what Bragg is attempting is a 'novel legal theory'.

Combining the criminal charge with a violation of state election law would be a novel legal theory for any criminal case, let alone one against the former president, raising the possibility that a judge or appellate court could throw it out or reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor.

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The feds looked into this and saw no problem.

Meanwhile, a clown such as AOC and her pal failed to report a million dollars in expenses and the FEC did nothing.

FEC looked into the AOC thing and found nothing. And this was under Rump, not Biden. Here is the whole story. BTW, this was triggered by a huge donation from a right wing donor to the NLPC who made the claim. For the second time (for those of of the right wing reading comprehension problem)
AOC's campaign and ex-chief of staff failed to disclose $1 million in expenses
The NLPC's complaint claims that Chakrabarti funneled the money through two political action committees into two organizations, according to the outlet. The money transferred might have been in violation of the $5,000 limit for donations to federal candidates, according to the complaint.

The investigation from the FEC found that the two PACs "did not properly disclose the purpose of the disbursements" to the shell companies, according to the outlet.

In response to the findings, the NLPC filed a lawsuit against the federal election integrity organization for failing to provide a reason for dismissing its complaint, according to the outlet.

"It was highly irregular for the FEC to release its statement of reasons after the deadline for us to file suit," Tom Anderson, the director for the NLPC's Government Integrity Project, told the outlet.


The FEC's findings come more than 30 days after the agency voted to dismiss the complaint against Ocasio-Cortez, according to the outlet.

You will notice that MSN is repeating from an extreme right wing online news agency, the Washington Examiner that lies out it's ass normally when reporting on the left. But in this case, even they had to admit that AOC was not charged nor involved.
FEC looked into the AOC thing and found nothing. And this was under Rump, not Biden. Here is the whole story. BTW, this was triggered by a huge donation from a right wing donor to the NLPC who made the claim. For the second time (for those of of the right wing reading comprehension problem)
AOC's campaign and ex-chief of staff failed to disclose $1 million in expenses
The NLPC's complaint claims that Chakrabarti funneled the money through two political action committees into two organizations, according to the outlet. The money transferred might have been in violation of the $5,000 limit for donations to federal candidates, according to the complaint.

The investigation from the FEC found that the two PACs "did not properly disclose the purpose of the disbursements" to the shell companies, according to the outlet.

In response to the findings, the NLPC filed a lawsuit against the federal election integrity organization for failing to provide a reason for dismissing its complaint, according to the outlet.

"It was highly irregular for the FEC to release its statement of reasons after the deadline for us to file suit," Tom Anderson, the director for the NLPC's Government Integrity Project, told the outlet.


The FEC's findings come more than 30 days after the agency voted to dismiss the complaint against Ocasio-Cortez, according to the outlet.

You will notice that MSN is repeating from an extreme right wing online news agency, the Washington Examiner that lies out it's ass normally when reporting on the left. But in this case, even they had to admit that AOC was not charged nor involved.

They decided to issue AOC a pass.

Imagine, failing to disclose $1 million in expenses and the FEC did nothing.
I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly he did that was illegal?
Are you a third grader? Campaign finance violation. It's a real thing. It's illegal for a reason. How do I know? Because if Joe Biden committed campaign finance violations you would be screaming "LOCK HIM UP!!!".

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