If Trump was a real man who was innocent of any Mueller charges, why wouldn’t he just say...

Your ignorance is astounding.
No, the truth of the matter is that you are a cultist pawn who believes anything president dumbass says.

"If Trump was a real man he would sit down for Mueller's perjury trap whine whine whine"

That about sums it up. No lawyer with two brain cells to rub together would advise anyone to sit down for a perjury trap. Of course you folks revere Avanatti so there is that.....you can find lawyers who would advise that. Tragically
lol a perjury trap huh? How devious! Trump, according to you would be telling the truth the entire time and then BAM, Mueller charges with him perjury. That sneaky devil!
/——-/ Telling the truth is no guarantee of avoiding a purjury trap. All Mueller needs is testimony to the contrary, besides, samples of perjury traps have been posted before.
Lol right and the judge would somehow just be a clueless idiot and ignore any evidence to the contrary.
/——-/ What evidence?
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.
You go walk into a perjury trap. You're that stupid.

Trump seems to be smarter than you are.
Dershowitz said mueller’s report will be political. If accurate, Mueller will give red meat to the base, but nothing will come of it.

Duped again. When will they learn?

I believe Mueller, not lying Trump.
What did Mueller say that you believe?

Seems to me the GOP and Dems all backed him, save a few GOP's.

Also Trump is a compulsive liar.
WTF does that mean? Because the criminals in DC agree with Mueller he gets a pass on an illegal military action that caused the deaths of maybe a million people. Please stop with the silly partisan BS.

Next you are going to claim the Big Ears administration was without scandal, as Mrs Big Ears did the other day. LMFAO.
Last edited:
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

Because cooperating worked out so well for the women burned at the stake in Salem?
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.
Exactly. Only the guilty hide.
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

The goal of the Mueller Witch Hunt is to dispose of President Trump, not get to the truth of anything.

The Donald is doing the right thing here, calling them out.

You are assuming that Mueller is acting in good faith, Billy, that's where you are erring.
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.
2 words, moron:


ALL of Mueller's indictments / Convictions - except for Manafort's, one in which he had to abandon looking for anything to do with the Russians to go back decades...back before Obama was elected...to find a crime involving Manafort...and Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta who was Manafort's accomplice/partner but whom Mueller protected from the same crime - have been the results of Post-Investigation-Start PERJURY TRAPS.

If there was EVER any crime of illegal collusion on the President's part, if there was EVER any evidence of such a crime ever having been committed:

- The investigations would not have taken over 2 years...resulting in ZERO evidence

- Mueller would not have had to go back DECADES to dig up a crime that had nothing to do with the Russians and the President

- Mueller would not have had to invest so much time and effort to lay so many PERJURY TRAPS instead of following hard evidence (which there was / is none) of the crime he was supposed to be investigating

...but thank you again for repeating the 'LIBERAL KAVANAUGH RULE OF JUSTICE':


F* Mueller, and F* you snowflakes! :fu:

He already did.

Fucking dumbass.
Um no. Learn some goddamn facts for once.
Your ignorance is astounding.
No, the truth of the matter is that you are a cultist pawn who believes anything president dumbass says.

"If Trump was a real man he would sit down for Mueller's perjury trap whine whine whine"

That about sums it up. No lawyer with two brain cells to rub together would advise anyone to sit down for a perjury trap. Of course you folks revere Avanatti so there is that.....you can find lawyers who would advise that. Tragically
Only liars fear a "perjury trap" Sue. Are you pro-perjury? The man has passed the 6,000 lie mark and still you want to have his baby. Can you explain why this liar should get a free pass?
Trumps Lies List – An ongoing list of hypocrisy, lies, and immaturity
/-----/ "Only liars fear a "perjury trap"
Got any evidence to back that up? I suspect you don't, otherwise, you would have posted it.
Everybody knows what a perjury trap is. Interview somebody, you ask ’em a question that requires intimate detail as the answer. You go back to ’em for the next interview, you ask them the same question, and if they miss the timing by 10 minutes, you have lied to the FBI. You have just committed a felony. Not about anything substantive.

You might have said the meeting was at 6:15 the first interview, the next interview you say it’s 6:30, you have lied to the FBI. And they ask you all kinds of questions with such detailed answers. And that’s how they hope to entrap people.
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

Because Mueller's pathetic Witch Hunt has clearly devolved into nothing more than a Perjury Hunt.

It's just that sad

Like with Bill Clinton and a blow job? You mean like that?
Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Hillary ALLOWED Congress to ask her questions...?!



KNEW well in advance about the MIDDLE-EAST-WIDE planned terrorist attack on 9/11/12, the day Al Qaeda slaughtered 3,000 Americans in US soil.
-- Hillary and Obama also had dragged the United States into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized, Illegal war TO HELP AL QAEDA murder the President of an independent foreign nation - one that was helping the Coalition FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISTS in Northern Africa, and take over their own nation.

KNOWINGLY hired an Al Qaeda-associated militia to provide protection for the US personnel in Benghazi...and knew when that militia quit providing protection the Americans did not have the security they needed yet did nothing to provide more security

KNEW about the increasing presence of Al Qaeda and violence in Benghazi.

KNEW that EVERY other nation who had people in Benghazi pulled them out as the violence intensified, knowing of the still pending attack called for on 9/11/12, yet SHE REFUSED TO PULL AMERICANS OUT OF HARM'S WAY

KNEW there were 2 (TWO) terrorist attacks on the Benghazi compound prior to the final 9/11/12 attack, the 2nd one leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound fence, was too stupid to know this was a test of the compound's defenses and defense team's response to an attack.....NOT ONLY did Hillary & her DOJ DENY another request for additional security personnel, THEY REDUCED - TOOK AWAY - more security team members! (You can bet if Hillary's fat ass was in that compound she would have had several companies of Marines around her.)

KNEW the US Ambassador there had requested additional security more than 40 times and had rejected every one of them.
-- After the attack on 9/11/12, after Ambassador Stephens and 3 other Americans had been killed by Al Qaeda, when asked about those requests for additional security that was rejected, HILLARY LAUGHED AND SAID SHE THOUGHT THOSE REQUESTS WERE A JOKE, PART OF STEPHENS' SENSE OF HUMOR.


*** Hillary and Democrats tried to claim they left Americans in harm's way in an indefensible compound knowing a larger attack was coming and took away additional security from an already under-manned security team BECAUSE THE GOP CUT THEIR BUDGET.
--- Aside from piss-poor excuse making, Hillary was making the argument that she did not know how to manage money, that the safety of Americans was not a high priority, and that she was too stupid to consider pulling Americans out instead of keeping them in this position.

KNEW that an Al Qaeda leader had called for the assassination of Stephens in response to the death of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi being killed in a US drone strike a month earlier, confirmed buy the Mayor of Benghazi.

KNEW that not only did the US compound in Benghazi NOT have adequate security, but also that there was - according to her - no military response team prepared on 9/11/12 to respond quickly if the compound was attacked and they needed to be rescued (...which was her State Department's job to make sure that there was a team ready to respond).

KNEW it was a terrorist attack immediately after it began, as the US Ambassadors in Tripoli testified that as soon as it began they called the State Department - TALKING TO HILLARY HERSELF - and said, 'THIS IS A TERRORIST ATTACK'.

KNEW it was a terrorist attack based on the fact that the CIA testified that it had sent a report within the hour of the terrorist attack beginning to the WH WAR ROOM and to the STATE DEPARTMENT informing them this was a terrorist attack - that report was modified 13 (THIRTEEN) times by the State Department, EVERY REFERENCE TO TERRORISM STRIPPED OUT OF IT, before it was released to the public.

KNEW it was a terrorist attack based on released Hillary Text Messages from that day revealing Hillary texted both a foreign Ambassador and her daughter telling them both that SHE / THEY KNEW THIS WAS A TERRORIST ATTACK IMMEDIATELY, NOT SOME BS PROTEST OVER A VIDEO.

CONSIDERING ALL OF THIS, Hillary...and moronic snowflakes / Democrats...acted SHOCKED and OFFENDED that anyone wanted to investigate how all of this was allowed to happen, how 4 Americans were SACRIFICED needlessly on 9/11/12 when there were multiple points / opportunities that could have been taken that would have resulted in NO Americans lost on 9/11/12.

BTW...On 9/11/12 - JUST AS HAD BEEN WARNED / FORECAST - 22 US Embassies / compounds throughout the Middle East were attacked on 9/11/12...2 were over-run, and 4 Americans were needlessly killed in Benghazi. BENGHAZI WAS THE ONLY ONE OBAMA AND HILLARY DECLARED WAS 'A PROTEST OVER A VIDEO THAT GOT OUT OF CONTROL'.

And you have the insanity / nerve to write 'Hillary ALLOWED Republicans....'

Hillary Clinton was THE BIGGEST FAILURE as Secretary of State in US History:
- BILLIONs got 'lost' on her watch...

- The US was dragged into 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars to HELP TERRORISTS, to include the terrorists who had slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01

- The US committed an International WAR CRIME by invading the sovereign nation of Syria, engaged in a civil war, without being asked to do so by the President of that country...

- North Korea developed intercontinental ballistic missile technology that allows them to strike the United States with its Nuclear Arsenal...

- The US broke its promise to help defend the Ukraine's sovereign border and allowed Russia to begin militarily annexing some of its lost break-away nations

- Gave Russia Uranium One and 20% of the US supply of uranium

- Allowed 4 Americans to be NEEDLESSLY sacrificed to Al Qaeda - the murderers of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - simply because they refused to do anything to prevent their avoidable deaths.

....and she went on to break laws, compromise national security, rig primaries, cheat in debates, engage in election fraud, violate Election and Campaign Finance laws, take the unearned 2016 Presidential nomination, and illegally collude with AND PAYING foreign spies (working for Obama's FBI) and the Russians for their help in trying to win the Presidency in 2016.






...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

Because Mueller's pathetic Witch Hunt has clearly devolved into nothing more than a Perjury Hunt.

It's just that sad
Mueller`s pathetic witch hunt is finding a lot of witches including most of the Trump family. Guilty pleas and plea bargains abound.
A lot of plea bargains but still NOTHING About RUSSIAN COLLUSION. Isn’t that what the investigation is about?
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

Because Mueller's pathetic Witch Hunt has clearly devolved into nothing more than a Perjury Hunt.

It's just that sad

Like with Bill Clinton and a blow job? You mean like that?
/----/ with Clintoon, the BJ actually happened and he actually committed perjury.
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

Because Mueller's pathetic Witch Hunt has clearly devolved into nothing more than a Perjury Hunt.

It's just that sad

Like with Bill Clinton and a blow job? You mean like that?
/----/ with Clintoon, the BJ actually happened and he actually committed perjury.

And you KNOW tRump did nothing wrong, is that correct?
I read through this thread and don’t see any proof that Trump did anything wrong. All the bs in this thread proves how shallow the dimshit worshipers are. Why don’t shitbitch, and all of HER staff sit down and testify to mueller they oshitma and the dnc are the election conspirators.
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.
A vile lying disgusting pussy A republican ,,,,,but I repeat myself
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

Because Mueller's pathetic Witch Hunt has clearly devolved into nothing more than a Perjury Hunt.

It's just that sad

Like with Bill Clinton and a blow job? You mean like that?
/----/ with Clintoon, the BJ actually happened and he actually committed perjury.

And you KNOW tRump did nothing wrong, is that correct?
And he's made 100's of millions with the Saudis and he forgives their murder? How much is this POS enriching himself from our Presidency?
It’s Not Just Trump in House Democrats’ Cross Hairs. His Family Is, Too.

Ivanka Trump is under congressional scrutiny over her use of private email for government business. Her husband, Jared Kushner, is also a prime target for Democratic investigators.CreditDoug Mills/The New York Times


Ivanka Trump is under congressional scrutiny over her use of private email for government business. Her husband, Jared Kushner, is also a prime target for Democratic investigators.CreditCreditDoug Mills/The New York Times

By Maggie Haberman and Nicholas Fandos

  • Nov. 25, 2018
WASHINGTON — When two Republican members of Congress began formally questioning last week Ivanka Trump’s use of private email for government business, it was seen by people close to the White House as a sign of things to come for the president’s family.

One of the Republicans was Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has conducted little oversight of the Trump White House until now.

The other was Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who previously led a two-year investigation into events surrounding the attack on American diplomatic outposts in Benghazi, Libya, focusing relentlessly on the role of Hillary Clinton. His most prominent investigation as chairman has scrutinized alleged anti-Trump political bias within the F.B.I. during its inquiries related to the 2016 presidential campaign.

“That you now have Republicans investigating members of the first family is an indication of the perils ahead” for the Trumps, said Tom Davis, the former House Republican from Virginia who was the chairman of the Oversight Committee from 2003 through 2006.
Allow me to remind everyone of what the orginal stated purpose of this investigation was supposed to be it was a counter intelligence one to determine how Russia tried to interfer in the election and the extent of it. It was not about Trumps taxes or his finances it was not about obstruction of justice it was not about what Paul Manafort did over a decade ago it seems this investigation has been looking into everything except what it was orginally empowered to which is a good reason for Trump not to talk to Mueller.
...”It’s a witch hunt, but I am going to prove it by cooperating fully with the investigation. Let’s clear this up as fast as possible.”

Say whet you want about Hillary, but she allowed republicans to grill her for 12 hours over Benghazi.

Not only is Trump guilty, but he is a pussy.

Because Mueller's pathetic Witch Hunt has clearly devolved into nothing more than a Perjury Hunt.

It's just that sad

Like with Bill Clinton and a blow job? You mean like that?
/----/ with Clintoon, the BJ actually happened and he actually committed perjury.

And you KNOW tRump did nothing wrong, is that correct?
/----/ I have seen no evidence showing Trump did anything wrong.

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