If Trump was more presidential and polite, he would be treated so badly.

Obviously Trump is going to behave like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant 12-year old boy as long as he's in office, and obviously his fans are going to defend him, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating this gets for a majority of the country. Let's just proceed from that assumption and hope for the best..
Every time I read or hear about something Trump, I burst out in laughter. The man is a talented comedian. In fact when the left goes crazy about it, I can see Trump in front of his computer laughing his ass off.
Yeah, I agree with all that. Unfortunately, those are not qualities or behaviors we should have to put with, from the President of the United States and leader of the Free World. I can't believe how far the Right's standards have fallen.

Oh baloney, look at the left's "standards". The left just can't handle getting the same shit they dish out
Obviously Trump is going to behave like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant 12-year old boy as long as he's in office, and obviously his fans are going to defend him, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating this gets for a majority of the country. Let's just proceed from that assumption and hope for the best..
Every time I read or hear about something Trump, I burst out in laughter. The man is a talented comedian. In fact when the left goes crazy about it, I can see Trump in front of his computer laughing his ass off.
Yeah, I agree with all that. Unfortunately, those are not qualities or behaviors we should have to put with, from the President of the United States and leader of the Free World. I can't believe how far the Right's standards have fallen..
Oh baloney, look at the left's "standards". The left just can't handle getting the same shit they dish out
Dueling lowered standards? "They're even worse"? Great.

This is what I mean when I say the Left and the Right are on one side of the fence, and the majority of the country is on the other.
Seriously some of you people whining about mean and rude people in US politics should catch a session of the British Parliament. Very entertaining and I swear I've heard a few members blowing raspberries at the speaker.
Never in my life have I seen so much butthurt as I have since last Nov.

Just go back and read your own posts when Obama was President. So much butthurt there. The only butthurt I see in regards to Trump's win is from Trump voters who are disappointed that he's not following through with his promises.

Of course they blame Democrats, the press and the Resistance for their failure to pass anything even though they have majorities in both Houses and the SS.

It's always someone else's fault with Republicans. It's never their own ineptitude.

Wow, contradict yourself much?

First you say Republican voters are upset with Republican leaders because their agenda is not passing very quickly, and then state Republicans always blame somebody else. Which is it????
Obviously Trump is going to behave like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant 12-year old boy as long as he's in office, and obviously his fans are going to defend him, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating this gets for a majority of the country. Let's just proceed from that assumption and hope for the best..
Every time I read or hear about something Trump, I burst out in laughter. The man is a talented comedian. In fact when the left goes crazy about it, I can see Trump in front of his computer laughing his ass off.
Yeah, I agree with all that. Unfortunately, those are not qualities or behaviors we should have to put with, from the President of the United States and leader of the Free World. I can't believe how far the Right's standards have fallen..
Oh baloney, look at the left's "standards". The left just can't handle getting the same shit they dish out
Dueling lowered standards? "They're even worse"? Great.

This is what I mean when I say the Left and the Right are on one side of the fence, and the majority of the country is on the other.

It's all theatre. The left is busy creating narratives and tbe right should be seizing the moment.
Obviously Trump is going to behave like a spoiled, ignorant, petulant 12-year old boy as long as he's in office, and obviously his fans are going to defend him, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating this gets for a majority of the country. Let's just proceed from that assumption and hope for the best..
Every time I read or hear about something Trump, I burst out in laughter. The man is a talented comedian. In fact when the left goes crazy about it, I can see Trump in front of his computer laughing his ass off.
Yeah, I agree with all that. Unfortunately, those are not qualities or behaviors we should have to put with, from the President of the United States and leader of the Free World. I can't believe how far the Right's standards have fallen.

Words are cheap, actions speak louder than words.

I'm not worried about what Trump says, I am more concerned about what he does. He strongly supports our police in this country, same goes with gun rights. He put in a great Supreme Court justice, and he rescinded weirdos going into the girls school restroom simply because they have a dress on. He's shown Russia we don't fear them and put Syria on probation.

So if he F's off on Twitter, what do I care? He's doing things I like and supports other things I like. Kate's Law passed Congress this week and I can't wait for him to sign it.
Never in my life have I seen so much butthurt as I have since last Nov.

Just go back and read your own posts when Obama was President. So much butthurt there. The only butthurt I see in regards to Trump's win is from Trump voters who are disappointed that he's not following through with his promises.

Of course they blame Democrats, the press and the Resistance for their failure to pass anything even though they have majorities in both Houses and the SS.

It's always someone else's fault with Republicans. It's never their own ineptitude.

Wow, contradict yourself much?

First you say Republican voters are upset with Republican leaders because their agenda is not passing very quickly, and then state Republicans always blame somebody else. Which is it????

It's not the voters who are blaming Democrats. It's Trump and the Republicans. Ryan and Trump blamed Democrats for not supporting the House Bill. Republican Senators and Trump blamed Democrats for delays in getting cabinet approvals through when in reality Trump had only sent 29 names to the Senate for confirmation hearings by Inauguration Day and most of those people hadn't finished their conflict of interest and security clearance paper work.
Never in my life have I seen so much butthurt as I have since last Nov.

Just go back and read your own posts when Obama was President. So much butthurt there. The only butthurt I see in regards to Trump's win is from Trump voters who are disappointed that he's not following through with his promises.

Of course they blame Democrats, the press and the Resistance for their failure to pass anything even though they have majorities in both Houses and the SS.

It's always someone else's fault with Republicans. It's never their own ineptitude.

Wow, contradict yourself much?

First you say Republican voters are upset with Republican leaders because their agenda is not passing very quickly, and then state Republicans always blame somebody else. Which is it????

It's not the voters who are blaming Democrats. It's Trump and the Republicans. Ryan and Trump blamed Democrats for not supporting the House Bill. Republican Senators and Trump blamed Democrats for delays in getting cabinet approvals through when in reality Trump had only sent 29 names to the Senate for confirmation hearings by Inauguration Day and most of those people hadn't finished their conflict of interest and security clearance paper work.

Well there are a lot of obstacles. Whatever the Dems can't stop in Congress or the Senate, they rely on their activist judges to do it for them. So no matter what Trump tries to do, the left is going to do whatever they can to retard the process or even stop it if they can.

Ears the queer was lucky to have one wife and I'm not 100% sure Mooch is female
^^^ the extent of the intellect of your typical rightwingnut.

So is the intellect of your typical CommunistNut telling women to send their used tampons and period blood to people?

What about the below? Is this being polite or is it the typical vulgar behaviour of mentally ill Leftists?

Who said anything about politeness??

The great thing about Trump is that he is the first Republican President to break the old GOP mold of living apologetically tip-toeing around the liberals hoping they will somehow be kinder to him. They eviscerated Bush and still he kissed their ass.

The media calls that acting 'presidential.' That is psych-ops lip-speak for: "Sucking Liberal Ass."

Trump is a very smart man and knows that if he BENT OVER BACKWARDS for them the Left would still try to shove a 2X4 up his ass and nail him to a cross all the while accusing him of doing it to himself!

So he is breaking tradition much to the dismay of the timid and confused GOP and setting new precedent by TAKING THE FIGHT TO THEM.

Trump Rules:

1). When they are looking, punch them in the balls.
2). When they aren't looking, punch them TWICE in the balls!
3). When they fight back, kick them in the ass then punch them in the balls.
4). When they attack first, give them a kidney punch, a kick in the ass, a slap to the face, then two punches to the balls.

And a hair pull just for good measure.

In other words, Trump has turned the game around to where the Left must now learn that if they want to get along with him, they need to kiss HIS ass. ITMT, he is just going to keep chipping away at their institution, brick by brick. They just don't get it yet. Their egos simply will not allow them to believe this is happening to them! And from a GOP President??! By the time Trump is out off office, the Democratic Party is going to LOOK LIKE THIS:

And we can all see how much respect he has earned world wide and domestically. Trump is just a little less respected than a turd in hot tub.
----------------------------------------------------------------- so what , TRUMP is still BOSS of the world and your President Bulldog .

No. The president has always been the most powerful man in the world until that clown as elected. Now he is a laughing stock of the world, and Merkle has assumed that position.

Of course they would respect him if Trump was just more polite and presidential.

Like W.

Of course NOT is supposed to be in the title, but could not fit.
According to Breitbart, it is just strategy, to "strengthen the base".

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