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If Trump were a used car salesman, would you go near his lot?

And the demoncrats are much, much better eh ??? Choices brother, choices. Trump in all his imperfections, still beats the demoncrats big time in comparison.
Let's get specific. In doing so, try to avoid juvenile references to Dems as "demoncrats." It only serves to make you appear to be an immature dope.
Perhaps you'd like to begin by giving me an example of anything any Dem prez did in history that compares to Trump's declaration of blanket immunity for anyone he chooses to prevent from testifying before a House committee? A claim that has already been thrown out of court due to its lack of any legal standing or precedent.

"Judge Marrero's decision was not unexpected to anyone with even a passing knowledge of the law. In essence, Judge Marrero summarized Trump's argument as demanding "blanket presidential and derivative immunity (in) all stages of federal and state criminal law enforcement proceedings and judicial process: investigations, grand jury proceedings, indictments, arrest, prosecution, trial, conviction, and punishment."

You should read the ruling. You might learn something.
READ: Ruling in Trump tax return lawsuit - CNNPolitics
I look at results throughout this nation, and especially in demoncrat strongholds. Not concerned with any kangaroo court that serves to try and sooth the butthurt of the agenda minded cratzies who lost that agenda in 2016. Judges ? You mean those deep state compromised activist for whom legislate from the bench their leftist ideology upon their enemies/victim's whom can't escape the mis-use of their judicial charter's ??
Wow, so many talking points and platitudes, so little independent thought. I don't give a damn about your opinion of a lower court ruling.

I'll ask again. Perhaps you'd like to begin by giving me an example of anything any Dem prez did in history that compares to Trump's declaration of blanket immunity for anyone he chooses to prevent from testifying before a House committee? A claim that has already been thrown out of court due to its lack of any legal standing or precedent.

Either you are capable of backing up your assertion or you are not. I'm going with the latter.
Assertion of what ??? I already said that this is a kangaroo court situation in which can't be taken seriously. As far as comparing the demoncrats with republicans, I am talking about the last 50 years concerning the prosperity of American's, and the destruction of American's. Yes we have modern day conveniences now, and we have un-imaginable technological advances, but putting such stuff in the hands of a wrecklace party wanting to rule over it all for controlling purposes, is equal to suicide being comitted in it all.
As I thought, like all Trumpette's your replies amount to nothing but blah, blah, blah. You can't substantiate a thing you write.
To much for you to comprehend eh ? The truth when it's presented usually causes incomprehensive reactions such as yours. You'll be alright, we can only hope. LOL
Even if I didn't know anything about him the orange comb over and the spray-on tan would be a turn-off. He has the look of a fraud.

^^^ TDS victim has a meltdown. :auiqs.jpg: Care to discuss Trump's awesome performance as president? Care to discuss Trump's long list of wins for the American people? OH SNAP!
Yea, what "awesome Performance" the fuck you talking about, Trumptard? What legistlative accomplishments has he had other then the tax bill? Trump is without a doubt the biggest fuck up to ever sit in the oval orifice. The guy could fuck up a one car funeral. Pay attention.
No matter how bad you claim that he is, just remember one thing, and that is that he whopped the tar out of everyone, and therefore gained the presidency as a free agent not beholding to the deep state bullcrap. They hate anyone who isn't from the plantation, and who doesn't take his orders from the plantation owners/operators.

Go Trump 2020. Make America even greater.
Trump's not beholden to anybody? Lol! He was bought & paid for the day he announced with Murdoch's backing. And how bout all those Goldman Sachs execs he hired to run the economy, not to mention the millions in donations he got from wealthy oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson? Spare us the "Deep State" bullshit, you obviously DON'T know what you're talking about.
Spare us your bullcrap rants, because if all these things were true, you'd be looking to impeach, impeach, impeach on all alledged conflicts of interest, quid pro quo's, and every other thing you demos can come up with in order to protect the lost agenda or bring it back on line. Every American with an ounce of brains can see exactly what is going on in all of this.
Let's get specific. In doing so, try to avoid juvenile references to Dems as "demoncrats." It only serves to make you appear to be an immature dope.
Perhaps you'd like to begin by giving me an example of anything any Dem prez did in history that compares to Trump's declaration of blanket immunity for anyone he chooses to prevent from testifying before a House committee? A claim that has already been thrown out of court due to its lack of any legal standing or precedent.

"Judge Marrero's decision was not unexpected to anyone with even a passing knowledge of the law. In essence, Judge Marrero summarized Trump's argument as demanding "blanket presidential and derivative immunity (in) all stages of federal and state criminal law enforcement proceedings and judicial process: investigations, grand jury proceedings, indictments, arrest, prosecution, trial, conviction, and punishment."

You should read the ruling. You might learn something.
READ: Ruling in Trump tax return lawsuit - CNNPolitics
I look at results throughout this nation, and especially in demoncrat strongholds. Not concerned with any kangaroo court that serves to try and sooth the butthurt of the agenda minded cratzies who lost that agenda in 2016. Judges ? You mean those deep state compromised activist for whom legislate from the bench their leftist ideology upon their enemies/victim's whom can't escape the mis-use of their judicial charter's ??
Wow, so many talking points and platitudes, so little independent thought. I don't give a damn about your opinion of a lower court ruling.

I'll ask again. Perhaps you'd like to begin by giving me an example of anything any Dem prez did in history that compares to Trump's declaration of blanket immunity for anyone he chooses to prevent from testifying before a House committee? A claim that has already been thrown out of court due to its lack of any legal standing or precedent.

Either you are capable of backing up your assertion or you are not. I'm going with the latter.
Assertion of what ??? I already said that this is a kangaroo court situation in which can't be taken seriously. As far as comparing the demoncrats with republicans, I am talking about the last 50 years concerning the prosperity of American's, and the destruction of American's. Yes we have modern day conveniences now, and we have un-imaginable technological advances, but putting such stuff in the hands of a wrecklace party wanting to rule over it all for controlling purposes, is equal to suicide being comitted in it all.
As I thought, like all Trumpette's your replies amount to nothing but blah, blah, blah. You can't substantiate a thing you write.

I just heard you say, "I'm going to assume I'm right about everything, and the only reason to disagree with me is that you're a 'Trumpette', because that way I never have to think or consider that I'm not the center of the ujniverse."

Was that what you meant to say?
One correction - Trumpster, not Trumpette. Carry on. LOL.
To visit or not depends on a number of factors (location, inventory, promotions, etc.) but I wouldn't let politics be one of them. Bought many cars over the years, never once checked out the character of an individual salesman.
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Assertion of what ???
"Trump in all his imperfections, still beats the demoncrats big time in comparison."

I could list dozens of damaging things President Shithole has done that no prez of either party would ever consider doing. Partly out of ego, partly of out ignorance, and partly because he fully understands nothing he can do will alienate The Following. Like paying to hide adulterous affairs weeks before the election so as to defraud the voters. Or stealing from a charitable foundation. The reaction to those legal, moral, and ethical violations from The Following is to say, "we forgive you, Dear Leader, nothing you do will stop us from supporting you."

But I'm going to stick with what I asked you before. A question you have fastidiously avoided answering in a serious way. Putting aside your fatuous dismissal of the lower court decision on Trump's comical legal claim, what past prez........Dem or Repub.......has tried to assert he has the right to block any person he wishes from giving congressional testimony by inventing an absurd, non-existent pretext out of thin air? Or that he has the power to block the production of any document his wishes from being given to Congress, or that he is immune from both investigation and prosecution by virtue of the office he holds? What past prez, Dem or Repub, does Don compare favorably to in this regard?
Yeah, Trump has made some mistakes, and he says crazy stuff. But you guys sure don't have the credibility to criticizes him

American voters reserve the right to critique any public official , weather we are credible or not Andy

It's only the partisans that get upset about this

s*cks to be them!

Critique his job yes, but to personally attack the man and his family for nefarious reasons or some sort of vendetta because a republican won instead of a demoncrat, NO.
You simply must stop believing what Trump says if you hope to be taken seriously. The resistance to Trumpery, the Mueller probe, and the impeachment inquiry have nothing to do with a vendetta and everything to do with a reaction to epic corruption, unprecedented lawlessness, self-evident ineptitude, and daily attacks on the foundations of our democracy.

"You simply MUST start believing what we tell you to believe, if you want us to like you. And OBVIOUSLY, everyone wants us to like them!"

Get yourself a reality check regarding how important your opinion of people matters to them.
It's entirely up to you and other Trumpette's like you whether you continue to base your beliefs on the demonstrable lies and distortions of the truth spewed daily by your Orange Messiah. Righteously defend those lies to your heart's content. I'm just pointing out it isn't my opinion doing so exposes what you say to derision because the majority of people disagree with it. It's because it's factually inaccurate.

Clearly, you're one of those folks who have swallowed Don's wish that you not believe what you are seeing and hearing..........but rather believe him............a proven inveterate liar.
Assertion of what ???
"Trump in all his imperfections, still beats the demoncrats big time in comparison."

I could list dozens of damaging things President Shithole has done that no prez of either party would ever consider doing. Partly out of ego, partly of out ignorance, and partly because he fully understands nothing he can do will alienate The Following. Like paying to hide adulterous affairs weeks before the election so as to defraud the voters. Or stealing from a charitable foundation. The reaction to those legal, moral, and ethical violations from The Following is to say, "we forgive you, Dear Leader, nothing you do will stop us from supporting you."

But I'm going to stick with what I asked you before. A question you have fastidiously avoided answering in a serious way. Putting aside your fatuous dismissal of the lower court decision on Trump's comical legal claim, what past prez........Dem or Repub.......has tried to assert he has the right to block any person he wishes from giving congressional testimony by inventing an absurd, non-existent pretext out of thin air? Or that he has the power to block the production of any document his wishes from being given to Congress, or that he is immune from both investigation and prosecution by virtue of the office he holds? What past prez, Dem or Repub, does Don compare favorably to in this regard?
You couldn't fold Donald Trump's shirts if you wanted too, yet you sit here acting as if you are some kind of authority on Trump, and you act as if you can somehow intimidate Trump with your arrogant self made persona while sitting behind your key board yelling for another ham sandwich at your poor house slave's (enter any relatives name here). It's unbelievable how arrogant you people are, yet you couldn't tie Donald Trump's tie if you wanted too or even if he trusted you too. I laugh at the ridiculous bullcrap going on in all this to date.

Trump isn't a politician, and he was elected to shake up the establishment, and he's doing exactly what the people wanted (shake it like a 7.0 earthquake). Go Trump.
Assertion of what ???
"Trump in all his imperfections, still beats the demoncrats big time in comparison."

I could list dozens of damaging things President Shithole has done that no prez of either party would ever consider doing. Partly out of ego, partly of out ignorance, and partly because he fully understands nothing he can do will alienate The Following. Like paying to hide adulterous affairs weeks before the election so as to defraud the voters. Or stealing from a charitable foundation. The reaction to those legal, moral, and ethical violations from The Following is to say, "we forgive you, Dear Leader, nothing you do will stop us from supporting you."

But I'm going to stick with what I asked you before. A question you have fastidiously avoided answering in a serious way. Putting aside your fatuous dismissal of the lower court decision on Trump's comical legal claim, what past prez........Dem or Repub.......has tried to assert he has the right to block any person he wishes from giving congressional testimony by inventing an absurd, non-existent pretext out of thin air? Or that he has the power to block the production of any document his wishes from being given to Congress, or that he is immune from both investigation and prosecution by virtue of the office he holds? What past prez, Dem or Repub, does Don compare favorably to in this regard?
You couldn't fold Donald Trump's shirts if you wanted too, yet you sit here acting as if you are some kind of authority on Trump, and you act as if you can somehow intimidate Trump with your arrogant self made persona while sitting behind your key board yelling for another ham sandwich at your poor house slave's (enter any relatives name here). It's unbelievable how arrogant you people are, yet you couldn't tie Donald Trump's tie if you wanted too or even if he trusted you too. I laugh at the ridiculous bullcrap going on in all this to date.

Trump isn't a politician, and he was elected to shake up the establishment, and he's doing exactly what the people wanted (shake it like a 7.0 earthquake). Go Trump.
You think an awful lot of a guy who..........

For example, his company was sued for housing discrimination against black people. Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

He bankrupted his casino company while extracting millions of dollars before his investors lost all their money.

He routinely underpaid contractors who worked on his construction projects resulting in hundreds of lawsuits.
A brief history of Trump's small-time swindles

He settled a court case for which he was being sued for fraud in running his sham real estate "university."
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

His company employs undocumented workers.
Report: Trump Organization employed undocumented construction workers for nearly 2 decades

He admitted to misusing (stealing) funds given to his foundation to be used for charity.
Trump ordered to pay $2M in Trump Foundation settlement, admits misuse of funds

He is a serial sex abuser of women.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct

And............he is a documented, pathological liar.

Let's say his name was Bob Smith. Would you buy a used car from someone with that kind of background? A lying business cheat with a history of racism who gropes women and steals money given for charity.
Even if I didn't know anything about him the orange comb over and the spray-on tan would be a turn-off. He has the look of a fraud.
But we do know something about him. For example, his company was sued for housing discrimination against black people. Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

He bankrupted his casino company while extracting millions of dollars before his investors lost all their money.

He routinely underpaid contractors who worked on his construction projects resulting in hundreds of lawsuits.
A brief history of Trump's small-time swindles

He settled a court case for which he was being sued for fraud in running his sham real estate "university."
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

His company employs undocumented workers.
Report: Trump Organization employed undocumented construction workers for nearly 2 decades

He admitted to misusing (stealing) funds given to his foundation to be used for charity.
Trump ordered to pay $2M in Trump Foundation settlement, admits misuse of funds

He is a serial sex abuser of women.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct

And............he is a documented, pathological liar.

Let's say his name was Bob Smith. Would you buy a used car from someone with that kind of background? A lying business cheat with a history of racism who gropes women and steals money given for charity.

When did moral depravity become a virtue? Does this help you Trumpette's understand why people find Don repugnant? Does it help you appreciate why Dems are confused as to why you support him? And we haven't even touched on the incompetence, corruption, and illegal behavior he has engaged in since becoming prez.

If I was Chinese I would not.
Assertion of what ???
"Trump in all his imperfections, still beats the demoncrats big time in comparison."

I could list dozens of damaging things President Shithole has done that no prez of either party would ever consider doing. Partly out of ego, partly of out ignorance, and partly because he fully understands nothing he can do will alienate The Following. Like paying to hide adulterous affairs weeks before the election so as to defraud the voters. Or stealing from a charitable foundation. The reaction to those legal, moral, and ethical violations from The Following is to say, "we forgive you, Dear Leader, nothing you do will stop us from supporting you."

But I'm going to stick with what I asked you before. A question you have fastidiously avoided answering in a serious way. Putting aside your fatuous dismissal of the lower court decision on Trump's comical legal claim, what past prez........Dem or Repub.......has tried to assert he has the right to block any person he wishes from giving congressional testimony by inventing an absurd, non-existent pretext out of thin air? Or that he has the power to block the production of any document his wishes from being given to Congress, or that he is immune from both investigation and prosecution by virtue of the office he holds? What past prez, Dem or Repub, does Don compare favorably to in this regard?
You couldn't fold Donald Trump's shirts if you wanted too, yet you sit here acting as if you are some kind of authority on Trump, and you act as if you can somehow intimidate Trump with your arrogant self made persona while sitting behind your key board yelling for another ham sandwich at your poor house slave's (enter any relatives name here). It's unbelievable how arrogant you people are, yet you couldn't tie Donald Trump's tie if you wanted too or even if he trusted you too. I laugh at the ridiculous bullcrap going on in all this to date.

Trump isn't a politician, and he was elected to shake up the establishment, and he's doing exactly what the people wanted (shake it like a 7.0 earthquake). Go Trump.
You think an awful lot of a guy who..........

For example, his company was sued for housing discrimination against black people. Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

He bankrupted his casino company while extracting millions of dollars before his investors lost all their money.

He routinely underpaid contractors who worked on his construction projects resulting in hundreds of lawsuits.
A brief history of Trump's small-time swindles

He settled a court case for which he was being sued for fraud in running his sham real estate "university."
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

His company employs undocumented workers.
Report: Trump Organization employed undocumented construction workers for nearly 2 decades

He admitted to misusing (stealing) funds given to his foundation to be used for charity.
Trump ordered to pay $2M in Trump Foundation settlement, admits misuse of funds

He is a serial sex abuser of women.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct

And............he is a documented, pathological liar.

Let's say his name was Bob Smith. Would you buy a used car from someone with that kind of background? A lying business cheat with a history of racism who gropes women and steals money given for charity.
Buy a car from Bob Smith instead of buying one from a demoncrat ??? Bob Smith gets the sale every time. Writing all that other stuff just proves how bad the Democrats were in order to lose to Trump. The Democrat party isn't the party it was of old, but rather it is a party of crazies today. Defending the indefensible is a bad road to travel, and that is exactly what road the demoncrats have gotten themselves upon today. Their whole thing use to be champion for the poor, and now they are the champion for the liberal Elite's whom hate the poor other than when they can use them for votes, and this by lying to them or promising them the world, yet can't deliver or were lying the whole time. People are way to smart to fall for it anymore or hopefully they are.
Even if I didn't know anything about him the orange comb over and the spray-on tan would be a turn-off. He has the look of a fraud.
But we do know something about him. For example, his company was sued for housing discrimination against black people. Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

He bankrupted his casino company while extracting millions of dollars before his investors lost all their money.

He routinely underpaid contractors who worked on his construction projects resulting in hundreds of lawsuits.
A brief history of Trump's small-time swindles

He settled a court case for which he was being sued for fraud in running his sham real estate "university."
Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

His company employs undocumented workers.
Report: Trump Organization employed undocumented construction workers for nearly 2 decades

He admitted to misusing (stealing) funds given to his foundation to be used for charity.
Trump ordered to pay $2M in Trump Foundation settlement, admits misuse of funds

He is a serial sex abuser of women.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct

And............he is a documented, pathological liar.

Let's say his name was Bob Smith. Would you buy a used car from someone with that kind of background? A lying business cheat with a history of racism who gropes women and steals money given for charity.

When did moral depravity become a virtue? Does this help you Trumpette's understand why people find Don repugnant? Does it help you appreciate why Dems are confused as to why you support him? And we haven't even touched on the incompetence, corruption, and illegal behavior he has engaged in since becoming prez.
hahahhahahahahahah =TDS
.....your very first link /racism is bullshit ...Mr Trump is not racist....it has never been proven....he had nothing to do with the housing '''racism''' hahahahhahah...unless you can prove he was the one who gave the orders, your post is total bullshit ..now, are you going to prove it???

During a break in the courtroom, Rump (the current orange one, not Fred) actually said to one of the investigators,
"Come on Elise --- you don't want to live with them either".
Hell no...but this guy is even more of a snake oil salesman but few seemed to notice, since he had near total backing from the government bureaucracy, MSM, Deep State, and the billionaires.

Let the record show Pogo's Law took effect in post THREE.
Yeah, Trump has made some mistakes, and he says crazy stuff. But you guys sure don't have the credibility to criticizes him

American voters reserve the right to critique any public official , weather we are credible or not Andy

It's only the partisans that get upset about this

s*cks to be them!

Critique his job yes, but to personally attack the man and his family for nefarious reasons or some sort of vendetta because a republican won instead of a demoncrat, NO.
You simply must stop believing what Trump says if you hope to be taken seriously. The resistance to Trumpery, the Mueller probe, and the impeachment inquiry have nothing to do with a vendetta and everything to do with a reaction to epic corruption, unprecedented lawlessness, self-evident ineptitude, and daily attacks on the foundations of our democracy.

"You simply MUST start believing what we tell you to believe, if you want us to like you. And OBVIOUSLY, everyone wants us to like them!"

Get yourself a reality check regarding how important your opinion of people matters to them.
It's entirely up to you and other Trumpette's like you whether you continue to base your beliefs on the demonstrable lies and distortions of the truth spewed daily by your Orange Messiah. Righteously defend those lies to your heart's content. I'm just pointing out it isn't my opinion doing so exposes what you say to derision because the majority of people disagree with it. It's because it's factually inaccurate.

Clearly, you're one of those folks who have swallowed Don's wish that you not believe what you are seeing and hearing..........but rather believe him............a proven inveterate liar.

You're right. It is up to us whether we're going to base our beliefs on the demonstrable lies of the Democrats, the way you have, and we have chosen not to be gullible partisan simps like you. Don't hate us for being smarter than you; join us.

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