If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

The poll seems to have anointed Harris as the winner of the Democrat primary. They also poll her include Michelle Obama and I wasn't even aware that she is interested in running. Then Cortez is mentioned. Looks like repubs are hoping for a woman to run as it worked out for them previously. They figure it will be Trumps best shot to win.

They don't even mention Bernie. Who in previous polls crushed Trump.

Hmm, interesting.
Bernie? Is he the one actually pulling Biden's strings? Apparently not since he did not support Israel in their recent defense from Hamas rockets.
Sure...run the guy whose NEVER gotten more votes than a democrat...

Biden got 8M more votes than your blob.

Sure bring it on.
Yes, it will be great if Trump runs. What is better than seeing him lose? It is seeing him lose a second time!

And the fact that his trumptard supporters will again have difficulty accepting his loss? Priceless.
Easy to win when you have hundreds of thousands of free votes
This might be a clue to you, about why you pretend to have a "bottom 5" franchise in Vegas.
You are not very good at math.

Even if it were true, which it isn't, your claim of "Easy to win when you have hundreds of thousands of free votes."
You fail to realize that 'hundreds of thousands' is like 800,000 or 700,000, but clearly under a million. Otherwise you would have said MILLIONS.

Trumpstain lost by Millions of votes, like 7 million, not hundreds of thousands.

Enjoy your day at FAKE work tomorrow in Vegas. Too Funny.
I hope he runs
Republicans deserve him

If Trump runs, count on Biden running again

He knows how to beat him
The elements of your steal won't be so easily accomplished after these audits not only confirm the theft but also out the strategies that were used. Try it again and expect the country to burn.
Perhaps the optimistic outcome of this recent poll would actually entice Donald Trump to join the presidential race in 2024.

The former president has repeatedly said that he is looking at the prospect “very seriously” but “it’s a bit too soon” to launch his bid.

According to a May 2021 poll, Donald Trump will be the clear winner if he ran in the 2024 presidential election against Vice President Kamala Harris.

(Excerpt) Read more at recentlyheard.com

That’s if there’s a recognizable country for him to be president of after Xiden and his gang are finished with it!!!

Let's hope that he does run, and I know that president Biden hopes so also. Having lost the popular vote by landslide amounts in 2016 and 2020, Trump has no chance in 2024. But, hopefully, since he is so beatable, his candidacy would prevent a stronger candidate from running against President Biden! Bigly!!!

Trump/Haley 2024!
I don’t think Biden want to run again in 2024
But if Trump is the GOP candidate.....I would count on it
That senile old bastard won't even be conscious enough to know where he IS by that time. His veep is a nasty HO that not even her party likes. Nah... Trump won't have trouble beating her except that your corrupt party is going to ditch the filibuster and codify the means they used to cheat in 2020. WHEN they do this, the only peaceful outcome will be secession.

If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.​

That’s if there’s a recognizable country for him to be president of after Xiden and his gang are finished with it!!!

The greater mess Xiden makes of the nation, the better Trump does at election time. He already has 100% of the GOP vote, not even a RINO could bring themselves to vote for more of what these Biden idiots are bringing us! Most independents are such because they already couldn't stomach either party and pro-America Trump is just the sort of fresh non-GOP/DNC person they are looking for to get government back on track working for the people, and I get a sense that many in the democrat party are themselves too looking for somewhere to jump ship from where the far left is taking them these days.

Add to that the liklihood of the GOP taking back both houses in Congress next year and things are actually looking pretty good.
Sure bring it on.
Mighty white of you to allow us to fight. P'raps you could get in touch with the party minions that are stonewalling and suing to stop the audits. THEY seem to be a bit worried.
Rump’s fat ass will get nowhere near the Oval Office ever again.
Likelihood of prison looms large :)
Yes, it will be great if Trump runs. What is better than seeing him lose? It is seeing him lose a second time!

And the fact that his trumptard supporters will again have difficulty accepting his loss? Priceless.
Easy to win when you have hundreds of thousands of free votes
You mean as opposed to bought and paid for votes?
LOL. Keep dreaming, chump. Remember...don't stop drinking the kool-aid. Reality is a bitch. :itsok:
Yeah, here's the thing...
I'm not imagining that Trump won last year
I'm not imagining that Trump WON'T be in a federal prison or hiding in Russia in 2024.

There's reality for you slapnuts.
On what charges ?? You fat dolt
Dolt? I think not.
maybe more, the REAL investigation has only begun and that's just federal.

Good chance Trump ends up in Ryker's or sing-sing on NY charges.
It’s all fake and politics , you bumbling buffoon and lardo
So then, my tiny brained "conservative," WHY WORRY?
Why be so angry?
I'd guess you're whistling thru that cheeto coated graveyard.
I don’t like my nation being the Soviet Union and you’re another fascist bastard
Rump’s fat ass will get nowhere near the Oval Office ever again.
Likelihood of prison looms large :)

Trump gets bored really quickly.. He sabotaged his reelection. He doesn't want it. Send money.. He's out for revenge.
Perhaps the optimistic outcome of this recent poll would actually entice Donald Trump to join the presidential race in 2024.

The former president has repeatedly said that he is looking at the prospect “very seriously” but “it’s a bit too soon” to launch his bid.

According to a May 2021 poll, Donald Trump will be the clear winner if he ran in the 2024 presidential election against Vice President Kamala Harris.

(Excerpt) Read more at recentlyheard.com

That’s if there’s a recognizable country for him to be president of after Xiden and his gang are finished with it!!!

polls may show it but the election will be rigged just like in 2020 republicans will have to replace ballots for bullets if they ever want to win another election.
81 million Americans said they didn’t want Trump

That was before his post election temper tantrum and assault on the Capitol

84 million voted against him, when you count the 3 million Independent vote!
Trump has to convince a lot of people to change their mind about him

More importantly, he needs to reverse the vote in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin

It will take more than rants about stolen elections to do that
Yes, it will be great if Trump runs. What is better than seeing him lose? It is seeing him lose a second time!

And the fact that his trumptard supporters will again have difficulty accepting his loss? Priceless.
Easy to win when you have hundreds of thousands of free votes
You mean as opposed to bought and paid for votes?
LOL. Keep dreaming, chump. Remember...don't stop drinking the kool-aid. Reality is a bitch. :itsok:
Yeah, here's the thing...
I'm not imagining that Trump won last year
I'm not imagining that Trump WON'T be in a federal prison or hiding in Russia in 2024.

There's reality for you slapnuts.
Interesting. I don't think anyone thinks Rump will go into hiding in Russia...but hey...from your lips...
Yes, it will be great if Trump runs. What is better than seeing him lose? It is seeing him lose a second time!

And the fact that his trumptard supporters will again have difficulty accepting his loss? Priceless.
Easy to win when you have hundreds of thousands of free votes
You mean as opposed to bought and paid for votes?
LOL. Keep dreaming, chump. Remember...don't stop drinking the kool-aid. Reality is a bitch. :itsok:
Yeah, here's the thing...
I'm not imagining that Trump won last year
I'm not imagining that Trump WON'T be in a federal prison or hiding in Russia in 2024.

There's reality for you slapnuts.
On what charges ?? You fat dolt
Dolt? I think not.
maybe more, the REAL investigation has only begun and that's just federal.

Good chance Trump ends up in Ryker's or sing-sing on NY charges.
It’s all fake and politics , you bumbling buffoon and lardo
So then, my tiny brained "conservative," WHY WORRY?
Why be so angry?
I'd guess you're whistling thru that cheeto coated graveyard.
I don’t like my nation being the Soviet Union and you’re another fascist bastard
I'm guessing that you shouldn't have voted for Cap'n Cheeto if those are your feelings.
Yes, it will be great if Trump runs. What is better than seeing him lose? It is seeing him lose a second time!

And the fact that his trumptard supporters will again have difficulty accepting his loss? Priceless.
Easy to win when you have hundreds of thousands of free votes
You mean as opposed to bought and paid for votes?
LOL. Keep dreaming, chump. Remember...don't stop drinking the kool-aid. Reality is a bitch. :itsok:
Yeah, here's the thing...
I'm not imagining that Trump won last year
I'm not imagining that Trump WON'T be in a federal prison or hiding in Russia in 2024.

There's reality for you slapnuts.
Interesting. I don't think anyone thinks Rump will go into hiding in Russia...but hey...from your lips...
To paraphrase Hulk

Only a few countries w/o extradition treaties. Fortunately for the Cheeto he's friendly with most of them. Russia, NK...

Watch him escape to Russia and get a show on RT.
I hope he runs
Republicans deserve him

If Trump runs, count on Biden running again

He knows how to beat him
You're right. You republicans deserve him. I hope he gives it to you good and hard.
Here's why he will not get elected and it's fact but you won't belief it.

The people who changed their votes to oust trump were without doubt republicans. They had to be republicans be abuse those 8 million above the distribution, could not have been greens etc. They were republicans. They were sick of the lying fool.
If he runs again, he will appeal for forgiveness and want their votes back.
They will not change again to re install him to do the same as before. Leopards don't change their spots.
They will shun the trump name forever.
I don't care if you won't accept it but those defectors will not go back to him.
The sea will part before that happens.

If the GOP put him up, it will be political suicide. If he runs as an independent, he won't have the numbers in all states some because the democrats and defectors will keep him out.

Think about all that , then reply telling me I'm an idiot etc. Trump pounced on anyone who gives him the truth.

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