If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war


Russian, you have absolutelly nothing to do with the free knights who always fought for Europe and the free western world.

Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam
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I see, so Putin attacked all these surrounding countries because his WEF masters told him so. - that makes sense. :uhoh3:
Uhm, no. Because he dared to challenge their 'rules based world order'. Isn't this way the story goes?
130,000 Russians VOLUNTEERED to join the Army, while Zelen$ky Secret Police have to conscript men AT GUNPOINT to throw them to the front. ...

What's unreal nonsense - and you know this, Russian. The problems of Russia are not able to be solved in the Ukraine or any other country of the world - they have to be solved in Moscow. And do me the favor this time not to murder millions of Russians, Russian, because this also never had helped Russia, Russian.

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Now you got it almost right - Putin didn't challenge them, NATO and the EU challenged Russia, and Putin decided to react accordingly.

What a bullshit. Germany was for sure absolutelly surprised from the absurde behavior of Russia and so we are still in a hard transition phase which we call "Zeitenwende" (="turn of an era") - what also means we don't know what will come. We are sure it will come something what's totally new. And this has not only to do with Russia and your deep failure.
Now you got it almost right - Putin didn't challenge them, NATO and the EU challenged Russia, and Putin decided to react accordingly.
Sure, mate. I get that you and your buddy Putin wanted to see Europe divided. Too bad that your desires haven't come true, eh?
I know it is scary, but that may be the only choice left. Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.

Let's not get hysterical here. The best Putin can hope for at this point is a changed border that let's him keep the 1/8th of Ukraine he currently occupies, and half of that he already had before this things started. (Crimea and the Donbass).
Let's not get hysterical here. The best Putin can hope for at this point is a changed border that let's him keep the 1/8th of Ukraine he currently occupies, and half of that he already had before this things started. (Crimea and the Donbass).
Plus Zaporozhye , Kherson , Kharkov and Odessa regions. DYOR.
What a bullshit. Germany was for sure absolutelly surprised from the absurde behavior of Russia and so we are still in a hard transition phase which we call "Zeitenwende" (="turn of an era") - what also means we don't know what will come. We are sure it will come something what's totally new. And this has not only to do with Russia and your deep failure.
Apart from the total nonsense -- your country is in a horrible economic mess and your banks are looking terminal . BTW, Your Zeitenwende is BS . Everybody, everywhere knows that we are at the"turn of an era" . We have all been talking about it for years and Germany is almost incidental within the total picture , apart from holding astronomic debts in terms of loans which will neve be repaid .
Apart from the total nonsense -- your country is in a horrible economic mess and your banks are looking terminal

If so no problem. Im this case we could fro example overtake your country and sell you to the devil. He will pay a lot for every lost soul.

. BTW, Your Zeitenwende is BS .

No, not really. All poblems which are able to be solved with machines we are able to solve. But what is with the difficulties which not end and which we are not able to transform into solveable problems?

Everybody, everywhere knows that we are at the"turn of an era" . We have all been talking about it for years and Germany is almost incidental within the total picture , apart from holding astronomic debts in terms of loans which will neve be repaid .

He? ... No idea what you try to speak about here. ¿Russian oligarchonomy? Criminal clan states with caste systems?

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Gonna be a complete NATO all out war with Russia if Ukraine falters.


What is our strategic interest in Ukraine?
The best way to stop this war is a 'draw'. After which the both sides would declare some sort of victory and the active fighting would stop for years. The sooner it happens, the better.
You know, it is not possible while Kievan Junta is discriminating, abusing and killing ethnic Russians, Russian-speaking Ukrainians and laymen of Ukrainian Orthodox Church on the Kievan controlled lands, and committing sabotage against Russian infrastructure and terror against civilians.
Let's not get hysterical here. The best Putin can hope for at this point is a changed border that let's him keep the 1/8th of Ukraine he currently occupies, and half of that he already had before this things started. (Crimea and the Donbass).
Let's not get hysterical. That's the mistake the West made in 2008, when Putin invaded Georgia, and made again in 2014 when Putin invaded Ukraine, and it is, of course the mistake the World made when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, and now you want to make that same mistake again, now?

What is our strategic interest in Ukraine?
Very little...but they aren't the object of the exercise....Russia is.
The EU and the Western World, for good reasons too numerous to list, want a substantially weaker Russia.

And if you understand that notion...then a LOT more makes sense.

Russia has been working diligently working on the destabilization of the entire Western World....all those who practice free market capitalism. They have been targeting our vices in order to divide us.

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