If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

That's just loony.

"In July of 1945, the “Big Three” met again at the Potsdam Conference. At Yalta, the Allies had agreed to a broad framework that included the demilitarization, democratization and denazification of Germany. With the war officially over, it was time to initiate a “nuts and bolts” action plan for an Allied occupation of Germany."

"Instead of administering and policing Germany side by side, as the Allies did in postwar Austria, the decision was made at Potsdam to divide Germany into four distinct occupation zones, one for each Allied nation (including France). The British were assigned the northwest quadrant, the French the southwest, and the Americans the southeast. Since the Soviet army already occupied much of eastern Germany, the Soviet Union was put in charge of the northeast quadrant, which included the capital Berlin."

"Berlin itself was also subdivided into four quadrants, with the British, French, Soviets and Americans each policing a different zone of the capital, which was fully surrounded by Soviet-occupied territory."

To say I am very familiar with WW-II, especially the European theater is a bit of an understatement.

These are from my Ol' Man to my Mom, 1944

The Third Army, 90th Div. was General Paton's Army when they disengaged one battle and turned to help 101st Airborne surrounded in Bastogne by Nazis during the Battle of the Bulge.





So okay. This all you said to an US-American about the glorious honor of not any longer existing veterans of world war 2 where never an US-American raped French women to liberate them and reports proudly about. But I am a German. We conquered France - bad luck - but we did not rape French women. No! Don't try to tell me you rape only allies but not enemies.

So why do you really tell me all this bullshit from days before a yesterdays yesterday a long time before I was born?
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... Now since around 2010 a new party has come up the AfD - since last week the 2nd strongest party in Germany. Very similar to the US MAGA and Republican party - more or less the same slogans, paroles and mindset. They clearly reject US influence - and see more commonalities with Russia.

An the AfD is under control of Nazis so every AfD-member who is not a Nazi is nothing else than only an useful idiot of this extremists and fanatics. Putins dream team for Germany is: "Die Linke" + "AfD" govern Germany under his cobtrol.
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Defense Ministers of NATO countries

1. Austria, Claudia Tanner, lawyer. ...

Austria is no member of the NATO. Nevertheless Austria is a country Putins Russia likes to annex in one of their next step of war waves.
Austria is no member of the NATO. Nevertheless Austria is a country Putins Russia likes to annex in one of their next step of war waves.
I see you are inventing little stories again .You have zero insight into Dear Uncles long term geo - strategic aims, either for the Federation or in the context of BRICKS countries . Suffice to say Austria does not figure . Although matters could change once NATO contracts or simply becomes unaffordable to old members after the great depression just around the corner.

I know it is scary, but that may be the only choice left. Putin is not going to stop at Ukraine, if he occupies the country.
You people come up with the funniest shit.
I see you are inventing little stories again ....

I would not call "Austria is no member of the NATO" a story. This is a fact. And I am convinced you and your Russia will not only conquer Austria as soon as possible - I am convinced you and your Russia will try to conquer every country including and between Austria and Australia - also Brazil, India, China and South Africa - if the world will let this happen. By the way: What is the "K" in your BRICS-word "BRICKS"?

No - in this case not. Russia has become a new titanic problem. The motivation of Russia is unclear - because it makes not any sense what you are doing - for nobody in the whole world - but the color of your unreal way is clear: unlimited arrogance and brutality. And you have not any light solution for any of the real problems in the world - while you became a new real problem - for everyone who likes to live.
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I would not call "Austria is no member of the NATO" a story. This is a fact. And I am convinced you and your Russia will not only conquer Austria as soon as possible - I am convinced you and your Russia will try to conquer every country including and between Austria and Australia - also Brazil, India, China and South Africa - if the world will let this happen. By the way: What is the "K" in your BRICS-word "BRICKS"?
Not even worth putting in the humour section .Sensible Geo- political analysis and strategy is now mostly predicted by super computers . Not by amateurs like you making random and uninformed noises .BTW ,K is for Khazakstan which is an insider joke but earns you your first ever positive mark -- for spotting and asking .
Not even worth putting in the humour section .Sensible Geo- political analysis and strategy is now mostly predicted by super computers .

A machine is not able to predict anything because a machine knows nothing about nothing. What you say here means perhaps that human beings try to create a mathematics of war and try to translate human language into mathematics. The problem: If the language is the language of idiots - and in case of war everyone is an idiot - then you will get a perfect "mathematics" ("logic") about what an idiot could think about how a war will end. The only method to know how wars will really end is never to do wars.

Not by amateurs like you

The ark was made from a layman - the Titanic was made from professionals.

making random and uninformed noises .BTW ,K is for Khazakstan which is an insider joke

Aha. I remember very well a father and son who had been proud "Khazaks". I saw in the eyes of the father a murderous soul and I saw in the eyes of the son a criminal. The brawl between them and me ended because their wife and mother wan with loud angry words - which I did not understand - and dragged them back home. Otherwise I had lost and would perhaps be dead now. No joke. ... But independent whether I had lost or won - in all cases my daughter had won.

but earns you your first ever positive mark -- for spotting and asking .

Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday!
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Unlike the USA, France and Germany,rather than surrender their national identity Russia told the WEF to “go get fucked”
And here is the main reason why

More Weapons Go To Ukraine But What Will It Do With Those?​

Ukraine's counter-offensive has failed and it has no chance of a victory in the war.

Its best possibility to still sustain for a while is to now build several new defense lines and to pull back to those. Instead it is continuing to attack on too many fronts with little gains and large losses.

Yesterday the Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the situation with his Security Council.

Nikolai Patrushev, the Secretary of the Council, reported on Ukrainian losses:

As of today, we have the following statistics. From June 4 to 21, we destroyed 246 tanks, including 13 Western tanks, as well as 595 armoured combat vehicles and armoured cars. Of this number, we have destroyed 152 infantry fighting vehicles, including 59 Western models, as well as 443 other armoured combat vehicles. We have destroyed 279 field artillery systems and mortars, including 48 Western systems. We have also destroyed 42 multiple launch rocket systems, 2 surface-to-air missile systems, 10 tactical fighters, 4 helicopters, 264 drones and 424 motor vehicles.
Those numbers are a bit below the sums in my spreadsheet as given by the daily report of the Russian Ministry of Defense. I believe that Patrushev's sums are probably four or five days old. Patrushev gives the number of dead Ukrainians as 13,000 along all fronts. That is again a bit below my sums and likely behind in time.

Putin then asks his Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu:

Cont. reading: More Weapons Go To Ukraine But What Will It Do With Those?
And here is the main reason why

More Weapons Go To Ukraine But What Will It Do With Those?​

Ukraine's counter-offensive has failed and it has no chance of a victory in the war.

Its best possibility to still sustain for a while is to now build several new defense lines and to pull back to those. Instead it is continuing to attack on too many fronts with little gains and large losses.

Yesterday the Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the situation with his Security Council.

Nikolai Patrushev, the Secretary of the Council, reported on Ukrainian losses:

Those numbers are a bit below the sums in my spreadsheet as given by the daily report of the Russian Ministry of Defense. I believe that Patrushev's sums are probably four or five days old. Patrushev gives the number of dead Ukrainians as 13,000 along all fronts. That is again a bit below my sums and likely behind in time.

Putin then asks his Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu:

Cont. reading: More Weapons Go To Ukraine But What Will It Do With Those?
The remaining Ukrainian soldiers need to stop fighting the Russians and head back to Kiev and implement Regime Change at home
The remaining Ukrainian soldiers need to stop fighting the Russians and head back to Kiev and implement Regime Change at home

Putin governs in Moscow and not in Kiev. So the best idea is the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers march to Moscow, end the regime of Putin there and save the Russian democracy.

Putin governs in Moscow and not in Kiev. So the best idea is the Russians and Ukrainian soldiers march to Moscow, end the regime of Putin there and save the Russian democracy.
130,000 Russians VOLUNTEERED to join the Army, while Zelen$ky Secret Police have to conscript men AT GUNPOINT to throw them to the front. That calls for Regime Change in Ukraine
130,000 Russians VOLUNTEERED to join the Army, while Zelen$ky Secret Police have to conscript men AT GUNPOINT to throw them to the front. That calls for Regime Change in Ukraine
I advise you to take those numbers with a grain of salt. This number shows those who signed a contract with the Russian army. Rumours go that these people aren't new on the battlefield, and this figure is reached thanks to volunteers of private military units and servicemen of former LDNR armies.

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